The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 128: Go back and kill

   When the strength of Hualanting was about to come out, I felt a red light flashing as thick as an arm around me, and I heard a rumbling sound in my ears.

   He reacted immediately, the blind woman saved her life!

   Had it not been pulled to the ground just now, this red light would have pierced his stomach.

   This woman is obviously a bit short of being able to get through the second channel after being re-elected. How can she perceive so sharply? Even with his own cultivation base, he was completely unaware of the danger coming.

   This must-kill red light came from the strange master.

   Xu Hengchuan was seriously injured, and his skill was not as good as this person, and it was dangerous to resist his scarlet spear.

   This person has more than a chance to win. He knows that no one can escape the report today, otherwise they will be defeated in the Jiang family.

   Seeing the two of Cao Hua fleeing, he calmly released an aura, intending to penetrate Hualanting and Cao Jiashu with one stone and kill them on the spot.

Hua Lanting was rescued by the woman and escaped a catastrophe. The red light hit the corner and crashed the wing room with great strength. At that time, Cao Jiashu had already threw out through the window and dodged dangerously, but was thrown away by the aftermath. Did not suffer much damage.

   Xu Hengchuan's eyes were about to split, his momentum rose continuously, and he flew up, the Yin and Yang imperial fire technique burst out one after another, entangled the person, so that he could no longer be distracted to attack the two disciples.

   Xu Hengchuan swallowed a pill just now. This pill is only one, but he can raise the cultivation base to the peak in a short time and reach a small state. At this time, the medicine power is dissipated and the medicine power is very violent. After the medicine effect disappears, the cultivation base will fall by a level.

   Xu Hengchuan has already put his life and death out of the picture, no matter how much he cares about this, even the golden core in his abdomen that he has cultivated well began to fluctuate, this time he is really brewing to explode.

  Hua Lanting understood the situation and sighed secretly. Taking advantage of the gap between the several Jiang family disciples who were overtaken by bricks and dust, he took the woman back with his hands and ran after Cao Jiashu.

   The two galloped into the forest outside the house one after another.

   The two rushed for more than a mile. Cao Jiashu was slowing down and observing the direction. Suddenly, he heard a dull blast behind him. He stopped to look back, and said sadly to Hua Lanting, "Uncle Xu exploded and fell."

   Hualanting was startled.

   I heard Cao Jiashu sternly said: "We can't let the uncle die in vain, we must pass the news back to the door. You, why are you still taking someone with you? Put her down and let's go!"

   Hua Lanting said: "No, she saved my life just now. It seems that she was also arrested by the Jiang family. I can't leave her alone."

Cao's anger became uncomfortable, and he wanted to scold again. Hearing the sound of Jiang's disciple chasing behind him, he had to hold Hualanting and continue to escape, while saying to him: "You are confused! When is it all? It's a matter of importance. Let us escape and even lose our lives. If you delay the sect event for personal grievances, I will kill you!"

   As he ran, he said what Xu Hengchuan had said to Hua Lanting.

   Hua Lan Ting also knew that life and death mattered, but let him leave the woman to escape, but it was cruel. He didn't argue at the moment, just followed Cao Jiashu closely.

   ran for a while, and Cao Jiashu was surprised when he saw that Hua Lanting was carrying him on his back, and his cultivation base was not as good as himself, so that he could keep pace with him in speed.

   had already entered the mountain at this time, the sky was dark, and there was no road under his feet, and he could only rely on the faint starlight to cross the **** through the forest.

After turning around a mountain col, Cao Jiashu stopped and said to Hua Lanting, "Stop, our road is not as familiar with them. The chasing soldiers are getting closer and closer. If this continues, the three of you will not be able to escape. You continue to run, I want to Turn around and kill for a while."

He said that the frontier gave Hualanting a box and said: "This is an emergency sound transmission note for the disciple of Tiangang Temple to go out. I have already recorded the situation and the appearance of the strange master. You will try to post it every now and then. After going out, the closest affiliated family here will send a message back to the door after receiving it."

"I've been trying on the road, but it should be the Jiang family master who placed the formation imprisonment, and has not been able to pass it, otherwise Xu Shishu ordered us to escape and send the letter. But this formation must have a range, the farther from the center, the worse the effect, as long as You can succeed if you escape to the edge or the periphery."

   "You hold the talisman first and then flee. When I block the chasing soldiers for a while or draw them away, based on the talisman's induction, I will chase you again."

  Hua Lanting hesitated: "Brother Cao, why don't we fight back the chasers together and run."

Cao Jiashu's eyes widened: "Hua Lanting, don't leave mother-in-law, it's important to inform the door. The five people who catch up are not under you and me. Rather than two of them risking complete annihilation, it is better to act separately, or else you There is only the Three Mountains and Moon Realm cultivation base, but the speed is not weak. I have already asked you to be a cannon fodder to block the pursuit. Remember, you have to send the letter when you die. You and me, there will be a period later."

   Without waiting for Hua Lan Ting, Cao Jiashu has already sprinted towards the direction of chasing soldiers.

Hua Lanting's eyes were a little moist. The senior Cao said fiercely with a stern face. In fact, he left the hope of life to himself and used his own power to kill five monks of the same rank to cover him, Tian Gang. No matter how strong the disciple of the temple is, I am afraid it will be more ill-fortuned.

   didn't stay anymore, Hua Lanting turned back and ran out. He made up his mind to complete the task of transmission anyway.

   But it didn't take long before Hua Lanting screamed bitterly in his heart.

   It turned out that they were unfamiliar with the terrain, and they panicked on a cliff in the dark. Now there is a thousand-meter abyss in front of him. The nearest mountain is also hundreds of meters away, and it would be impossible to fly over without a storming boat.

  Hua Lan Ting has sufficient vision, and can only see the mountains on the far left, but he has to return to the mountainside to make a detour.

   He tried to send out the sound transmission note, but the box still fell down, and it was still within the control of the formation.

After a moment of hesitation, Hua Lanting leaned down and put down the woman, and said to her: "Girl, you will settle down here for the time being. The people of Jiangjiapu should not be able to search here. You can leave by yourself at Tianming. If you can escape On the day of birth, you and I don’t owe each other. We are destined to see you bye."

  The woman said for the first time at this time: "Your name is Hualanting, the little girl Xue Jiayi. Are you going back to make a detour to escape, or are you going to help that brother Cao?"

   Hua Lanting thought for a while, and honestly replied: "Brother Cao may not be able to stop the opponent for long, and I am not sure to get rid of other people's pursuit and killing. It is better to join forces with him to fight against the enemy, maybe you can get a chance."

   Xue Jiayi nodded: "In that case, you should take me. They have seen me escape. It is a dead end for you to leave me here, and my eyes are inconvenient, and it is difficult for me to go down the mountain alone."

   Seeing Hua Lan Ting hesitated, Xue Jiayi smiled. Hua Lan Ting noticed that although her eyes were closed and blind, her appearance was charming, with dimples looming at the corners of her mouth, showing a variety of amorous feelings.

Xue Jiayi continued: "Don't worry, I won't hinder you, maybe I can help. Although my cultivation is low, but my spiritual consciousness is sensitive, you know this. I can feel the mountains on the left. There are mineral veins and interference with the formation method. As long as we can repel the chasers and pass through that area after getting out of the trap, you will most likely be able to send out the sound transmission to ask for help."

   "It's just that I can't keep up with you, so I have to trouble you to carry me."

   The time is urgent. If there is a delay, Cao Jiashu will be more dangerous. Hua Lanting listened to her and was determined and no longer thinking about it. He bent down and rushed towards the mountainside again.

There is no feeling that Shicai has escaped all the way. This time, when she carried her back, Hua Lanting only felt that Xue Jiayi's legs were full of elasticity at the touch of her hand, and her back was soft and firm. His face was flushed, and he hurriedly took his mind and rushed. .

   When they were young, they were already close to the battle group of Cao Jiashu and Jiang's disciples.

   At a glance, one of the Jiang family has fallen to the ground in a different place, and the other four are besieging Cao Jiashu frantically.

At this moment, Cao Jiashu was embarrassed with disheveled hair and bloodstained body. His left arm was hanging on his side. It was obvious that he was too badly injured. The weapon called "February Spring Breeze" was blocked with his right hand only by dancing golden scissors. One side of the knife is missing, and the remaining half of the knife is dim, and the situation is precarious.

  The five Jiang family members were attacked by Cao Jiashu hiding in the dark and killed one person directly. Now three Jiang family disciples are fighting Cao Jiashu in close quarters, and the other one is attacking him with magic spells nearby.

  Because they knew that Hualanting escaped from a cliff, they didn't divide their troops to chase them, thinking about killing Cao Jiashu first and then outflanking them.

   Although Cao Jiashu succeeded in the sneak attack, it was judged that there were two opponents who had the same skill as Hualanting, one was not weaker than him, and the other had a cultivation level above him. They could be regarded as elite members of the Jiang family.

   Under the siege of the four people, he couldn't do it if he wanted to escape to the other direction to distract the chasing soldiers.

   When Hua Lan Ting arrived, he saw that the three close persons were working together to strangle Cao Jiashu's February spring wind shears, while one person in the outer circle was about to attack the key point of the exposed empty door with a spell.

   He slammed into the blood and roared wildly: "Hold me tight!" As he said, he jumped up, and the dragon's head shook straight and stabbed out.

   The peripheral disciple also found Hua Lan Ting, and when he saw that the distance was still more than ten feet away, he ignored it, thinking about killing Cao Jiashu first, and then dodge it.

He didn't know that Hualanting was attracted to Huo Huixiao’s flying futon when he was in Mount Fakese. Feng Huolun also helped him refine and upgrade the whirlpool flying saucer before he left.

   stepped out into the air with one step, and the disc-shaped flying saucer under his feet appeared and spun rapidly, humming and flying towards the disciple with Hualanting at high speed.

   The man's magic technique had just taken shape, before it was stimulated, Hua Lan Ting approached.

   At the moment he opened his eyes in horror and turned his head, a circle of sharp blades popped up around the flying saucer, which opened his neck, splashed with blood, and his headless body fell to the ground.

   And Hualanting’s leading cable actually points to the three weapons that were hung on the spring wind shears in February. The aura is everywhere, the timing and force are clever, and the three weapons and the scissors land in response.

   Hua Lanting's body sank and lifted again, the whirlpool flying saucer carried him around and flew to the center of the battle group hurriedly.

   The three disciples were astonished, and saw another one dead on their side.

   This time, it was Hua Lan Ting's luck.

The vortex flying saucer carrying Hualanting and Xue Jiayi was a bit reluctant to fly, and was urged by Hualanting's afterburner to move forward. After killing one person, he stopped and turned suddenly. In addition, Hualanting used the enemy for the first time. It was not skilled enough, so the flying saucer suddenly fell when approaching the three of them, and fell down, just to avoid the combined attack of the three weapons.

  Hua Lanting has eyes and hands quickly, and after getting off the ground, the dragon head rope loops around the ankles of two of them and pulls them, and the two of them can't strain to fall to the ground.

   drew his head out like a snake and plunged into a person's throat. The person's throat uttered a sound and died of breathlessness.

   Scorpion tail also flew silently, and slid across the side of another person's neck. The aorta was cut open, blood spurted out of Lao Gao, and his eyes opened wide and died.

In the end, the Jiang family disciple with the highest cultivation level was vigilant and sophisticated. Not only did he shook his body and let the lead cable hit his calf, he also had free time to punch Cao Jiashu who wanted to come over to and then , He was not affected by the tragic deaths of the two companions. Taking advantage of Hualanting's unsuccessful killing of the two, he flashed in front of his body, palms the inner spiritual power, and slammed Hualanting's chest.

Hua Lanting sees the situation and knows that he can't avoid it. The sky and blue smoke jade on the front of the chest can only protect the small middle part of the chest. After turning around, the armor on his back is relieved to resist, but he thinks that he is still carrying Xue. Jiayi hurriedly retreated in desperation, and had to take two palms with one palm.

The opponent's palm strength is strong, and one palm can't resist the enemy. Although he has recently improved his cultivation base and has skin tightening skills, his breastbone has not been shattered by the palm wind spiritual power, but the corners of his mouth he was beaten to have bleeding, and his chest is extremely tight. , I can't lift up in front of my eyes.

Hua Lan Ting reluctantly pulled the dragon head cable back, coiled it into a ball to protect his chest, planned to block another blow, waited for the blood to dissipate, relieved the breath, and then used the five-element clearing thunder method to force a counterattack, and then gathered the power of Cao Jiashu Fight this person.

   Just thinking of this, the Jiang family disciple suddenly covered his throat with his hand and fell on his back.

   Hua Lan Ting only had time to feel the gleam of alternating thin gold and silver protruding from his right shoulder, and then quickly took it back, and this person fell to the ground.

   Turned his head fiercely, and saw Xue Jiayi's small face turned pale, the corners of his mouth moved, but he was unable to laugh, his cherry lips opened slightly, and he couldn't make a sound, but he understood: Yes, I did it.

   Cao Jiashu’s injuries were not minor, Hualanting was also stunned, Xue Jiayi also obviously lost his strength, but all the five Jiang’s disciples who caught up were killed.

   Under the back mountain of Jiangjiabao, the **** atmosphere is permeated. Almost all the Jiang family members are here, and they are gathering the power of the whole family to run a formation.

   Suddenly, Jiang Ning, the ancestor of the Jiang family sitting in the highest position, stood up suddenly, staring at the changes in the formation, his face was gloomy and cloudy.

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