The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 131: Jedi Strikes Back

   Hua Lan Ting judged the situation when he was healing, and knew that the situation was extremely dangerous.

   In order to prevent the rebellion from leaking out in advance, the Jiang family is bound to win for both of them. Under the chasing and killing of the other's four intact strong hands, the hope of surviving him and Cao Jiashu, who are not lightly injured, is extremely slim.

They met Xue Jiayi by the water. Although they are in the same boat now, there is no need to go to the danger together, and it is not conducive to break through with her. It is better to knock her unconscious and stay here, so Xue Jiayi is still likely to be alone after waking up. Escaped.

   After making up his mind, Hua Lanting made a false shot, distracting the two of them, and attacked.

   As soon as he raised his hand, Xue Jiayi was like an unexplored prophet, and he ducked behind Cao Jiashu.

   Hua Lanting was stunned, and the palm of his hand had to stop in front of him.

   Xue Jiayi said: "What's wrong? I want to yin me, there is no door." Seeing Hua Lanting's embarrassment, she continued to chuckle and said:

   "Well, I know you are kind, but this lady is not a burden. Don't want to get rid of me. Think about it, if you didn't rely on my help before, could you escape here?"

Hua Lanting said helplessly: "Miss Xue, you have seen the situation. Their goal is the two of us. We are the mud bodhisattvas and we cannot protect ourselves. I really can't take care of you, and you can't make it to this muddy water. Life is important."

Xue Jiayi said: "Because of this, we have to work together. First, if you save me, then you must save people to the end and send the Buddha to the west. Second, although my cultivation level is poor, my spiritual consciousness Sensitive and won’t help. Third, I’ve been abandoned since I was a child, my heart has been hurt, and I suffer from claustrophobia. I’m most afraid of being alone in a dark enclosed space. . I came here alone to join me, I was lonely and helpless."

   Hua Lanting thought that a woman is indeed an unreasonable creature. What's the reason for this.

   He didn't give up yet, and continued to persuade: "Now life and death are at stake, no more than usual. If you are so sensitive to danger, can you still let the Jiang family be arrested?"

   While talking, Hua Lanting secretly gave Cao Jiashu a wink, meaning that he let him stun Xue Jiayi.

   Cao Jiashu understood, but as soon as he was able to move, he felt a spike on the acupuncture path behind his neck. He heard Xue Jiayi drink: "Don't move! Move you to death."

"Don't bother your thoughts. Girl, I have a great talent. The closer I get, the stronger the perception of danger and vitality, the more accurate. As for me being caught by the Jiang family, it is because my cultivation level is too low to be able to I noticed the danger signals of large-scale emergencies from a long distance in advance, and hum.”

   Hua Lanting smiled bitterly and said: "Well, you win, we will escape together, I hope everyone has a future. However, the goal of the three is too big, I still recommend breaking through separately."

Seeing that he had conceded and gave up, Xue Jiayi walked out from behind Cao Jiashu and stood beside Hua Lanting and said, "I agree with the enemy. There are so many people on the enemy. We should really be divided into two groups, so as not to be killed by a single net. "

   Hua Lanting said: "Brother Cao is injured, but his cultivation base is higher than mine, and the chance of survival is higher. You should go with him."

   Xue Jiayi blinked blindly and said: "I don't, I want to follow you."

   "Why?" Hualan Ting asked.

Xue Jiayi said shyly, "I, that, I think you are more handsome and look pleasing to the eye, can't you? And, you have carried me back several times, and she is still a big girl who has not been out of the pavilion, I I don't want to climb into the body of two big men on the same day. It goes against my bottom line of life."

   Hearing this, Hua Lanting and Cao Jiashu's foreheads hung three black lines.

Hua Lanting knew that it should not be too late, and there was no time to entangle him. He had already made up his mind to save Xue Jiayi with his left hand and threw something to the ground with his right hand. A vortex flying saucer appeared under his feet, and he suddenly started his body. He took Xue Jiayi and flew out of the mine, and said to Cao Jiashu:

   "Brother Cao, you are offended. The responsibility of sending the police to the police is left to you. If you and my brothers are destined, we will meet you again in the future!"

Cao Jiashu didn't expect Hualanting to leave before he finished speaking, and to catch up again. The vortex flying saucer was already carrying the two of them far away, and Hualanting made a long roar at the moment, shaking the night sky. It was clear that he would tell The enemy's position.

   picked up the things left by Hualanting on the ground, he recognized the red tail of the invisible spirit fox.

   Cao Jiashu was stunned, with tears in his eyes. Hua Lanting was afraid that he would not agree, so he left first. Now that the sound transmission device and the invisible spirit treasure are in his hands, he couldn't help but not accept this arrangement.

   Cao Jiashu secretly said in his heart, Junior Brother Hua, take care, Senior Brother is dead, no, he must not die, he must send the message back to the door, even if there is only hope, he must lead people back to rescue Hua Lan Ting.

   Cao Jiashu rushed out toward the mountain pass in the other direction with a cat waist.

   The torrential rain came quickly and went fast. At this time, the heavy rain had ceased, and a bright moon was hanging over the sky, and the dark mountain-shaped tree shadows were faintly visible. Only the wind did not decrease but increased instead, and there was a whistling sound in the empty valley.

   Hua Lan Ting wanted to save spiritual energy. After rushing out for a while, he landed on the flying saucer and wandered through the woods and shrubs with Xue Jiayi on his back.

   Although he planned to die on the brink of desperation, Hualanting's desire for survival rose strongly in his heart.

Stimulated by this belief, he felt hot all over his body, as if the power hidden in the veins and muscles of the body was being squeezed out a little bit. It was unprecedented in his ears and eyes. In addition to a few places where he was injured, his whole body was aching. Spiritual power was surging, and there was a slight aura overflowing from the sky in the sky of the blue smoke jade in the chest, and the cultivation base began to slowly rise.

   was rejoicing, and Xue Jiayi behind him said in his ear: "They found out that two people are coming from different directions. I can't feel the other two."

Hua Lan Ting was also served. Affected by the mountains, he hadn't noticed the aura in the distance at this moment, and Xue Jiayi's realm was even more impossible. It can only be said that this girl is not relying on her cultivation level, she is really doing it. In this regard, he is very talented.

   After a while, Hua Lanting also noticed the two breaths that were getting closer and closer, and Xue Jiayi pointed his hand to the side: "Go to the right, the terrain over there is favorable."

   Hua Lan Ting changed direction and galloped, and the two Jiang family members who were attracted by the howling of Hua Lan Ting also forced them one after another.

   Take a long breath, Hua Lan Ting is ready to fight to the death, even if he loses, he still has to kill enough to make a profit, and get more time to escape for Cao Jiashu.

   was thinking, his spiritual sense caught a scream coming out of the air.

The two middle-aged men who caught up were named Jiang Tui and Jiang Jian. They were outstanding among the branches of the Jiang family. Jiang Jian was even a long-range attacking archer. In the back of Ting's heart, after an arrow passed, he shot at Hualanting.

Hua Lanting dodged high and low. Unknowingly, he was deflected by the arrow rain belt and ran into a rocky depression. As he jumped and dodged, Xue Jiayi behind him suddenly had a warning sign. Dasheng, his hairs erected, and immediately shouted: "There is an ambush! Stop!"

   Hua Lan Court did not run with all its strength to attract the chasing soldiers, and was able to stop the forward momentum by hearing the sound, and suddenly three black smoke rose up in front of him, turning into a maned lion, and biting him.

   Hua Lanting waved his left hand, and the five elements cleared the thunder, and the lion shook his head and tail with the thunderbolt. The color was quite dim. The whole body was dazzled by electric light, but it was not shaken away. After a pause, he rushed up again.

   This is of course the lack of spiritual power after Hua Lanting was injured, and it also shows that the person in ambush is a master, not only can transform a whole lion, but the cultivation base is not weaker than him.

Hualan Ting’s right hand dragon head was wrapped around the lion’s hair, so that he was not bitten by the lion’s mouth. Unclear face.

This person was named Jiang Piaopiao. He was the master of chasing after Jiang Gongzi among the seven people. At the same time, he was good at hiding his tracks. It was she who hid here. Jiang Jian used a spiritual arrow to force Hualanting here to carry out a sneak attack. Fortunately, he was killed by Xue. Jiayi sees through her whereabouts, otherwise Hualan Court will inevitably be hit again.

The two sides exerted their own strength, and the dragon head rope and the black mane lion formed a stalemate, but Jiang Piao Piao was not fighting alone. At this time, Jiang Tui had already rushed to the left, pinching the tactics to cast a spell, and a great axe of spiritual power whizzed straight into Hua Lanting's back. Xue Jiayi on the top.

   Encountered by the enemy, Hua Lanting exhaled and raised his voice, shook his head and shattered half of the lion's head.

   got rid of the entanglement of the black lion, Hua Lanting dashed to the right and rushed out of his feet, avoiding the attack of the great axe of spiritual power.

Just stepping on a rock, after catching up with Jiang Tui, a small stainless steel hatchet flew out of his left hand, spinning and screaming towards Xue Jiayi, while Jiang Piaopiao's lion head reunited, roaring towards Hua In Lanting, Jiang Jian in the distance fired four aura arrows in a row, covering both sides of Hua Lanting, limiting his dodge space.

The three attacked together, and Hua Lanting saw that it was inevitable to avoid, especially Jiang Piao Piao’s black lion made him extremely jealous. Just now he burst out after smashing the lion’s head. At this moment, he has not adjusted his breath and is thinking about countermeasures. Jiang Jian’s The spirit energy arrows came first, and they collided with each other, turning into a spirit power rope on each side of him, and hurriedly closed to him and tied it!

   was in trouble, Hua Lanting was ruthless in his chest, turned and dived, and faced Jiang Tui's hatchet with his left shoulder.

Although the short axe is small, it sinks vigorously, directly embedded in his shoulders into the bones, bringing out a puff of blood, and Hua Lanting was also knocked into the air by this force, and will avoid the entanglement of the spiritual power rope, Jiang Piao Piao The Black Lion also passed him by.

   smashed out of the encirclement, Hua Lanting couldn't take care of pulling out the hatchet on his shoulder, and hurriedly used the short time in exchange for the wound to release the vortex flying saucer, thinking about turning around in the air, and using the speed of the flying saucer to continue to escape.

   The idea was good, but the reality did not make him happy.

   Jiang Tui’s left weapon was actually a chain axe. With Jiang Tui’s pull, Hua Lanting’s body was pulled back to the battle group before he turned around!

   Jiang Tui laughed proudly. With Jiang Jian and Jiang Piao Piao's restraint, he once again transformed into a great spiritual power axe without any hesitation, rushed towards him, and slammed his right hand toward Hualanting.

   Jiang Piaopiao was the most vicious. Seeing the opportunity, her body half-hidden in the black mist suddenly became illusory. When she reappeared, she had already reached behind Hua Lanting and pressed against Xue Jiayi with one palm.

   The cautious Jiang Jian also saw the bargain at this time. It was time to grab the power. He flew up. His melee weapon was a solid dark cyan long arrow, which was brandished by him to stab Hualanting's Dantian!

   Hua Lanting had a sharp pain in his shoulder at the moment, which on the contrary made his mind extremely calm, but his behavior was crazy.

I saw that he did not dodge or avoid, flipped his left hand, and pulled out the short axe on his backhand. He roared forbearing the pain and used the axe against the axe to split Jiang Tui's great axe, even though his right leg was affected by spiritual power. In the aftermath, Short Ax continued to slash towards Jiang Tui's front door.

Jiang Tui's smile froze on his face suddenly, and in a hurry, his whole body's spiritual energy was used in his palms, and Hua Lanting's short axe was clamped with a single shot of his hands. Before he was happy, suddenly His eyes opened wide and his face was horrified.

   It turned out that the vortex flying saucer under Hualanting's feet popped out of the surrounding sharp blade silently, and half of the surface of the disk was cut into his lower abdomen.

   Jiang Tui's dantian was destroyed, blood was flowing like a pour, and he fell to the ground and died.

   At the same moment, Hua Lanting's right hand has transferred Xue Jiayi to the right side of the body to embrace him, and UU Reading is ready to use the back armor to harden Jiang Piaopiao's palm.

   He had already spent most of his spiritual power to kill Jiang Tui, and was no longer able to avoid Jiang Jian's dark green arrow. He had only time to avoid the heart attack, and the long arrow pierced the right rib of Hualan Court, and the arrow clusters came out from the back.

   Jiang Jian was overjoyed, but he finally got his first effort.

However, this was his last thought in his life. He shouldn't be greedy and bully to approach Hua Lanting. This time it was Xue Jiayi's timely shot. The gold and silver flashed, and Jiang Jian simply put a head on it. Out of his body.

   Then, Jiang Piaopiao's palm fell firmly on the armor, and blood spurted from Hua Lanting's mouth, and he hugged Xue Jiayi and flew forward like a broken kite.

   Jiang Piaopiao's palm strength is heavy, and his armor has consumed a lot of aura when he fights against Jingcone. Now he only relies on the characteristics of the broken silk and stone to unload half of his strength, barely allowing Hua Lan Ting to save his life.

At this moment, Hualanting’s cultivation base is less than twelve, the old chest injury has not recovered, the left shoulder is torn, the right leg is injured, and the right rib is stuck with a sharp arrow. Xue Jiayi is also in the same position after killing Jiang Jian. Weak state.

After Hua Lanting landed on the ground, the pain from various wounds and the exhaustion of the whole body struck together. The vision in front of him was blurred. Knowing that life and death were hanging by a thread, he bit the tip of his tongue. He immediately got up as soon as he was awake, staggering and carrying Xue on his back. Jiayi ran forward.

Jiang Piaopiao didn't catch up immediately. First, she knew that Hua Lan Ting was close to running out of oil, and she would definitely not be able to escape her palm. Second, she was still shocked by Hua Lan Ting's determination and cruelty, and she was able to stand in front of her. Killing two clan masters in a row, the third is that her breath fluctuates slightly after continuous moves, and she needs to adjust her breath for a while.

   After a few breaths, just as Jiang Piaopiao was about to pursue his pursuit, a voice came from mid-air: "Hold on!"

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