The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 132: Death and life 1 line

The speaker was Jiang Gongzi, the young master of the Jiang family.

He naturally heard the howling of Hua Lan Ting, Jiang Gongzi was arrogant, but not brainless, and he saw Hua Lan Ting's obvious intention to move the tiger away from the mountain at a glance.

Regarding the survival of the Jiang family, Jiang Gongzi’s order was to kill the two people at Vientiane Gate, so he transmitted other people to intercept and kill Hualanting, while he took off the boat and rushed to the mountain pass to chase and kill Cao Jiashu, no matter what How can not let the signal for help be sent out, this is the key.

Jiang Gongzi only found the corpses of the three Jingzhu on the road, and he became more affirmed that the Vientiane Sect disciples had split up and fled.

At this time, Hualanting's thoughtfulness was revealed.

With Feizhou's speed and Jiang Gongzi's cultivation base, it is almost impossible for Cao Jiashu in the current state to escape Jiang Gongzi's pursuit without Xue Jiayi's warning.

But with the concealed spirit and body shape, the red tail of the fox is different. Without the round-up of other Jiang family members on the ground, the alert Cao Jiashu has successfully avoided Jiang Gongzi's aerial search several times.

Jiang Gongzi drove the flying boat back and forth several times to change the route carefully, but failed to find the trace of Cao Jiashu, and he was anxious at the same time he began to doubt his own judgment.

After searching for no results again, Jiang Gongzi gave up reluctantly and rushed to Hualanting's direction.

But he was still uneasy, so he stopped Jiang Piao Piao with a loud shout. It was not that he wanted to grab power, but Jiang Piao Piao was longer than him to hide and track. He asked Jiang Piao Piao to continue to look for and block Vientiane along the mountain pass. The other person at the door, if he finds it, kill him if he can, otherwise he will have to delay until after he kills Hua Lan Ting.

Jiang Piaopiao did not dare to disobey his orders, got up and flew towards the mountain pass.

Jiang Gongzi didn't worry about Hua Lan Ting at all. He saw that Hua Lan Ting was at the end of the battle, and he was not afraid of it. On the contrary, some cats and mice were born in his heart.

He still admired this disciple of the Vientiane Sect. He could use his own power to persevere under the chase and interception of three masters with similar cultivation bases, and also forcibly kill two people. The people cultivated by the big sect really weren't in vain.

The more so, he was not eager to kill Hua Lan Ting with a single blow. He wanted to kill Hua Lan Ting and let Hua Lan Ting die slowly in despair and fear. He even hoped that Hua Lan Ting's skill would be stronger and struggle. It's longer, so as to satisfy his vanity.

For a long time, he believed that if he had better exercise methods and resources, Jiang Gongzi would definitely do better than those who were lucky enough to worship the martial arts, instead of nestling in the family and looking up to these arrogances.

For this reason, even though he is a grandson of the Jiang family, he has devoted more sweat and effort than ordinary people since he was a child. This is how he has today's strength and status, but he also knows that he is still not as good as his age. A disciple of Zongmen background.

So he has to vent his anger, and it would be better if he could force a complete high-level exercise secret technique.

Thinking about this, Jiang Gongzi got off the flying boat, and Shi Shiran took care of keeping up with Hua Lan Ting.

Hua Lanting didn't pay special attention to the changes behind him. There was only one thought in his heart, which was to escape.

The farther and longer he escaped, the more he could attract and restrain the Jiang family from chasing soldiers, and the more likely it was that Cao Jiashu would run out of the formation and send a letter back.

Kongtian Qingyan Jade’s spiritual energy delivery is still there, but it seems that it lacks some conditions, and the release speed and intensity are not fast. The previous large-scale feedbacks have always been caused by this jade's sudden excitation on its own, and he can't control it as he wants.

In order to recover more spiritual energy as soon as possible, Hua Lan Ting used the Ziwei Star Dou Guantian Jue with all his strength. Sisi Xingli Guanghua continued to infuse his body, and at the same time he was repairing his injuries. Although it was slow, it also gave him energy and energy. The speed has been improved, and at least it is no longer staggering.

Jiang Gongzi didn't notice the injection of star power, but seeing Hua Lanting's pace quickened, he secretly surprised the consul who was so badly injured that he could take action.

Of course, Hua Lan Ting knew that someone was chasing him, but he didn't know that it had changed.

After running over a huge rock, he suddenly put down Xue Jiayi, waved his palm and cut firmly to his neck.

Hua Lanting still didn't want to drag Xue Jiayi to die together, thinking about taking advantage of his weakness and hiding under the rock to save his life.

Xue Jiayi was indeed weak. This time I felt it. But the reaction was slow for a while, and was stunned by Hua Lanting's palm, but she squeezed a jade slip and a jade slip into Hua Lanting's arms in time when she went to Hua Lanting in a coma A bunch of things.

Hua Lanting didn't have time to take a closer look, as he was about to hide Xue Jiayi, a male voice came not far from his side:


"Good boy, when you die, you don't forget to flee with the woman that your son is fond of. Even your son admires your courage and courage."

"However, the game is over, and today will be your death day next year."

Hua Lanting raised his head, his heart was as cold as water.

Strong, this person has a very strong cultivation base, and it turns out that he will die by this person's hands.

Shen Sheng said, "Yeah, Jiang Gongzi, come on, you and I will fight, there is no disciple sitting in the Vientiane Gate of Freedom!"

"Very good." Jiang Gongzi said with a smile: "This is only interesting, show your skills. Don't worry, this young man will first learn the kung fu of Vientiane Freedom, and he is reluctant to kill you. Let's compare martial arts first."

Hua Lanting straightened up: "As you wish."

After speaking, he shakes his clothes and makes a move.

The leader Helicopter Ruyisuo flung out and went straight to Jiang Gongzi.

Jiang Gongzi snapped, patted it with his hand, and the dragon's head was broken.

And Hua Lanting slid back under his feet, turned back and ran.

Jiang Gongzi was still waiting for Hua Lanting to make a move, and when he saw him running away, he cursed the coward and hurriedly pursued him.

At this moment, Hua Lanting suddenly turned around, opened bows with both hands left and right, picked up the distraction of splashing ink, freehand brushwork, and left blank poems, divided into Da Zizai sword and Xiao Zizai fist, attacked Jiang Gongzi, and shouted. : "Take me a free martial arts trick, Vientiane coup!"

Jiang Gongzi was a believer and didn't use his spiritual power. He took out a short pointed braze with one hand, and used martial arts to fight martial arts.

This is a big support. After Yun Yiqi's training during this period, Hua Lan Ting's mental skills have gone up to the next level, and halfway through the moves, the moves are switched to left-hand fist and right-hand swordsmanship. The momentum is erratic and unpredictable.

What he just threw out was the high imitation dragon head rope that was made for him by Yen Myao Dao, and now the root of the Suo Dai sword is the original.

The two of them intersected, and Xiao Ziyi slammed the short braze with fists and fists, and the lead cord was wrapped around Jiang Gongzi's braze and arm. Jiang Gongzi's forearm shirt shattered, leaving a few blood stains on his skin.

The verdict was high, and in only one round, Jiang Gongzi was inferior in skill, and lost a move in martial skill.

Jiang Gongzi didn't feel annoyed, his luck flicked, and Duanya got out of the control of the lead cable, and shouted: "Good kung fu, I lost in martial arts, let's fight spelling again!"

He stepped back and pinched, a black skull the size of a millstone turned into shape, with blood shining in his eyes, and he rushed towards Hualanting.

Hualan Ting also took a few steps, destroying the newly formed thunder pill in his abdomen, using the nine-turn great pill-returning exercise secretly taught by Yun Yiqi, and with the help of the magnifying effect of the leading cable, he used the five-element clearing thunder method.

When the two were compared, the thunder light loomed five-color brilliance, and even shook the skull and crossbones with one blow, and scattered and dissipated itself.

With Hualanting's remaining skill, it can only be said that its spell rank clearly overwhelms Jiang Gongzi, and it has such an effect.

Jiang Gongzi's face was a little dim, and he said sourly: "Your life is good, there is a good sect and a good master to pass on, but it is a pity that the time is bad, and the stars of the future are withered here."

"Acknowledge your fate, the warm-up is over, I only used three success strengths just now. Now, this son is deceiving you young and your cultivation is not as good as me!"

"Take it! Take it to death."

Following the voice, Jiang Gongzi abandoned the martial arts method and simply used the 40% cultivation base to launch a palm.

Hua Lanting fired back with the dragon head cord, vomiting blood and retreated, the dragon head cord twisted, and several of the joints were cracked, which was obviously scrapped.

Jiang Gongzi took a step forward and sent another palm with his five successful powers. The spiritual power covered Hualanting's surroundings, so that he could not escape, so he could only take it hard.

Hua Lanting's body hurts everywhere, and several wounds were touched by the opponent's spiritual force like random needles, making it difficult for him to gather his strength, hissing loudly, and the back armor instantly moved to his chest. This is after Feng Huolun's transformation. The displacement function.

Blocked a palm again, the strength exceeded the stretchable limit of the broken lotus root and the broken silk stone itself, the armor was shattered, Hualanting threw back several feet, the eyes, ears and noses were bleeding, the five internal organs shifted, and the wounded bones penetrated into it. internal organs.

Hua Lanting was almost in a coma, and his body was on the verge of collapse. It was completely dependent on the will to survive to stay awake.

Jiang Gongzi stopped and said faintly: "Tell me a few exercise formulas and cultivation methods, this son will give you a good time."

Hua Lanting could not sit down, panting for a while, and revealed an ugly smile: "You, really, really, don't understand."

Jiang Gongzi smiled in anger: "Okay, then there is no need. After you die, I will take good care of the things in the storage bag. It's easy to go, don't give it away."

Liucheng's cultivation base pressed down with a palm.

Suddenly, there was an abnormal spiritual power fluctuation around Hua Lanting's body.

After Jiang Gongzi’s palm power hit the sky and sky blue smoke jade through the armor, he finally had a pure and majestic aura quickly injected, and the scattered aura that dissipated in various meridian branches and vines echoed away. Qi Qi awakened loosely, and turned into a torrent of water to swim through his body, rushing through a lot of clogged veins and acupuncture points, making a muffled noise.

Hualan Ting's spirit was lifted, and the Three Mountains with the Moon Realm made a breakthrough in their peak period!

He subconsciously struck out both palms, facing Jiang Gongzi's palm strength.

There was a huge spiritual shock between the two, Jiang Gongzi's face turned white, he refused to retreat and was slightly injured by the shock, but it was only limited to this.

Nodded, Jiang Gongzi said with emotion: "You are not a tianjiao, you are a genius. Breaking through the battle, really surprises this young man."

"It's more enjoyable to kill like this. It's a pity. It's hard to guarantee that you won't be overturned in the gutter after changing someone, but you shouldn't touch me."

"There is a big difference between you and me, and you are seriously injured again, even if you break through, you can't make up the gap!"

"It's still not enough to see. The next palm, eight success, I'll ask you how to pick it up!"

With a palm press, Hua Lanting flew out more than ten feet away this time, blood spurting wildly on the way, but after shaking it a few times, he stood up again with difficulty.

Jiang Gongzi let out a cry, really surprised. This kid is like Xiaoqiang who can't kill him. He puts on force several times, but the opponent hasn't died yet?

Although Hua Lan Ting stood up, people had run out of oil and light. If it hadn’t been for the breakthrough of the cultivation base just now, the skin-tightening skills had achieved great success, and the upper level of the technique of stretching the muscles and bones had also begun to achieve physical defense. Dazeng, he was already dead under the hands of Jiang Gongzi.

Even so, the fire of his life was about to extinguish, and his whole body's consciousness at the moment was almost completely lost, only relying on the faint starlight to flow into the sea of ​​Qi, and he sighed.

The blood blurred his vision, and his spirit began to trance. The faces of Feng Qingjun, Lin Xianjing, Yi Liunian and his companions and teachers such as Dai Anlan, Mu Xuyan, and Yun Yiqi flashed before his eyes. Are you really going to say goodbye to this world? ?

He was unwilling, and for some reason he thought of the folks in Yunlongfushan Village in the Western Yunnan Province of the Sun and Moon Dynasty of the secular world. They took care of him orphans, and their ancestors lived as humble but strong in a corner like weeds for generations.

These ordinary people have a weak but **** indomitable bloodline power lurking in their hearts, which comes from the legacy of the ancestors who first went to the border to open up a world of mountains and rivers.

He thought of the terrain called Taiji Locking Water, and at this time, the Dantian Nei Lei Dan, which had been stalled, trembled slightly, and had the potential to resume its rotation.

Thoughts come to an abrupt end here!

Interrupted by the severe pain from the thigh.

It turned out that Jiang Gongzi had already walked in front of him and pierced his thigh with a short brace.

Hua Lanting almost fell to his knees, holding on to his feet.

Jiang Gongzi sighed, stretched out his hand to cover the blood stains in Hualanting's eyes, and said: "Very well, you are fine, Jiang Mou sincerely admires him. The little brother is truly extraordinary. Flowers that must not be wind and rain."

"But, it's all going on. Jiang's position today is also obtained by the **** killing of opponents and shocking enemies inside and outside. It can't be compared with you. I have to grab everything by myself."

"So, I have a habit, you will find out later. So, it is destined that you will be my newest and highest stepping stone to date. So, I have almost enough."

"My habit is to watch my opponent die slowly and painfully. I don't need to listen to howling, such a person is not worthy of being my opponent."

"What I like to see is the despair before you go. Your despair will testify and show my strong hope."

Hua Lanting's whole body was trembling, not afraid, but his muscles and veins were damaged everywhere, and he was about to lose control of his nerves and muscles. The eyes looking at Jiang Gongzi also tended to be distracted and out of focus.

Life and death are hanging by a thread.

Jiang Gongzi lifted the short drill, grinning and said: "Come on, I, help you."

The short drill point faces Hualanting's chest.

Hua Lanting closed his eyes and waited to die, shaking, his body moved half an inch to the left imperceptibly.

Jiang Gongzi didn't want to pierce his heart and kill his life, and he didn't pay attention to the small movements of Hua Lanting, who was concerned about the neurotic twitch.

Hua Lanting regained consciousness again, his face wriggling like earthworms, his face deformed.

Because, Jiang Gongzi began to twist the short drill, the drill body was made in a thread shape, and it was stirred and pushed forward in Hualanting's right chest.

Seeing Hualan Ting’s vitality, Jiang Gongzi approached and said softly:

"I can't stand this? This son has not activated his spiritual power. The primitive stimulation of the weapon and the primitive pain of the flesh are only true and tasteful. You said, right?"

"It's over, right away, when I input spiritual power, your internal organs will be shaken into powder, and your physical body will be intact, becoming the thirty-fourth human skin trophy on the wall of this young man."


However, Jiang Gongzi never had the opportunity to say the word "see" again.

From the left side of his neck, a dark blue arrow protruded.

Jiang Gongzi raised his eyes, unbelievable, he wanted to lower his head to find out how Hualan Ting did and also wanted to turn his head to see what weapon hit him.

When he hesitated, his breath was cut off, his vitality was gone, his body would not fall, he would die, Mingmu.

After Hua Lanting killed Jiang Gongzi, his vitality would be extinguished, no matter how hard he persisted, he held the tail of the arrow in his hand, bowed his head, and closed his eyes.

A few breaths ago, Jiang Gongzi's short drill trembled at Hua Lan Ting, and plunged into his right chest, as Hua Lan Ting wanted it to hit the dark blue broken arrow Jiang Jian left in his body.

And, as the short drill advanced, little by little, the drill bit slowly pushed out the half sharp arrow from Hualanting's back.

What Hua Lanting did was to concentrate the little strength that Jiang Gongzi gathered from his dantian when Jiang Gongzi made his final statement. He stretched out his left hand, grabbed the arrow with his backhand, and then tried his best to swing an arc and arrow. The cluster drilled in from the side of the right neck of Jiang Gongzi, who was negligent, and went out from the left.

At this moment, the wind stopped raining, the bright moon was in the sky, and the cold moonlight shone, falling on the two people who stood face to face without aura.

In the weird picture, there is a sense of killing depression, revealing deathly silence.

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