The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 136: Step by step to win

  'S words fall with the sound, and Long Yan Jiao turns into its body, which is a small dragon, which quickly grows from the size of a human to several feet in length, but the whole body is covered by clouds and fog, making it difficult to see the specific shape and color.

  蛟's body began to whirl and dance, wrapping Lin Xianjing and others in it. As the speed got faster and faster, the eight people were dazzled and lost consciousness in a short time.

   In an unknown space, water is permeated, and the upper and lower sides seem to be airtight like a tank, opaque to light and wind, but from time to time, colorful lights flash alternately, appearing mysterious and abnormal.

   Xiao Jiaolong showed up with these disciples, yawned and closed his eyes after falling.

   After a while, the voice of Kaiyang Fengsu Old Palace Ancient Books suddenly sounded: "Thank you for your perfection this time, I am very grateful."

Another older but clearer voice replied: "You don't need to be polite, it's just the right time. For this, the old man has been waiting for a long time, and this is also the opportunity that my family has been looking forward to for generations. Although the hope is still slim, it always opens the opportunity. I really want to talk about it, my clan has gotten more exposure, and the old man has a lot of thanks after the incident."

   Miyako Shu continued: "Your old lady is polite. The specific gain depends on the good fortune of the juniors. Senior Youlao opened the door and let the juniors enter and **** them."

   There was a moment of silence, and there was a loud sound of water, and everyone disappeared again.

   When Lin Xianjing and others wake up, there is a message in their minds, to the effect that the task of the first level is polar exploration. They will be divided into two groups to compete. The team that reaches the extreme first wins, and then there are more specific but not very detailed related requirements and itinerary information.

Finally, it was the voice of Miyako Shu: "Boys, let’s start, group first, and then make pre-departure planning and material preparation. Besides, Xiao Jiao can only appear in human form and cannot be transformed into a body. In the end, the winning team is There are treasure rewards."

  Long Yanjiao couldn't help but first said: "Interesting and interesting, the first request is to group, how do you say?"

Without waiting for everyone to answer, she rushed and said excitedly: "Why not, I have seen one of your human children's methods before, but my family is the only one between us and Grandpa, and Ma Rulong and I are inseparable. It is really impossible to play. , Now it's okay, let's take the palm of the hand and the back of the hand."

   "Hahaha, I can't play if I don't have enough count." Yi Liunian smiled and bent over: "Take me, I think it's OK, we can make you perfect, but it's fair to have at least four people in a group."

   A few rounds of palms down, the result is a group of Lin Xianjing, Zhuge Yun and Feng Qingjun, Wen Yin, and Zhang Hanyun, and a group of Yi Liunian, Song Feifei, Chao Tianque and Ma Rulong and Long Yanjiao brothers and sisters.

Seeing that Yi Liunian’s face was a bit unpleasant, Long Yanjiao patted him on the shoulder and said, “Young Xia Xiu must be alarmed, don’t be afraid. If I have an old lady, isn’t it faster than the speed? Our second group will definitely have an advantage. Pressure."

   a full month later.

   In a house at the extreme point of the destination, a group of five people, including Lin Xianjing, after recuperating, they all looked ruddy and full of spirits. In front of them, there were four ice sculptures, and inside them were the members of the second group, each of which was frozen in with different gestures.

Miyakoshu still did not show up, only the voice came out: "Now I announce the result of the polar ice expedition. One group arrived safely and won. The second group was wiped out on the way. No one reached the extreme, and I have to spend all my energy on you. Move over. Get it on me!"

After    opened, the ice sculpture shattered, and all five of them fell out, all wet and chirping.

   Yi Yi's lips were blue and purple with cold, and looked at Long Yanjiao with a little bit of resentment, and said with a trembling voice: "Long, Miss Long Er, if you say yes, don't you be afraid and crushed by your advantage?"

   Long Yan Jiao shook the water marks on her body, and she slumped without saying a word.

   Miyakoshu: "You have experienced extreme cold, hurricanes, avalanches, ice ditch, iceberg, glacier, etc. on the ice expedition. Now let’s summarize it together, let me talk about it first."

   "First of all, this is the difference between success and failure."

"The Lin Xianjing team will be honored and rewarded as the winner, and although the Xiaojiao team has experienced the same difficulties and obstacles, no one will pay attention to the second place, and you will be frozen one after another. If this is in a real adventure It will be frozen to death, it is not just victory and defeat, but the difference between life and death."

"There are many reasons why this is so. For example, expedition requires not only people, but also material protection. Lin Xianjing's team selected a lot of materials in advance, which is a thousand catties. They fully foresee the difficulties of the environment, and make adequate preparations. The preparations left a lot of room to make mistakes and a lot of surplus, so that we can keep the best condition at all times."

"On the other hand, the Xiaojiao team, you only brought two hundred catties of food and supplies to move forward lightly. Is it enough? If you don't make any mistakes in the process, it is just enough, but it is theoretically feasible, but it is actually very scary. To the unknown environment and difficulties, if you don’t leave enough hands, once you make a mistake, you will be in a dangerous situation. So you will find that there is no way forward, no way back.

   "Only consumption, no reserves, it is destined to lack stamina, and it is difficult to withstand the time and setbacks. In fact, the dangers encountered by everyone are the same, but the results are completely different. It is worthy of your reflection."

"The second point is that Lin Xianjing's team walks slowly but steadily. They insist on making sure to travel about 50 miles every day regardless of the weather. In such an extreme environment, it is good to be fast and good, but it is more important. Yes, how to be sustainable fast and good."

   "On the contrary, the second group is too arbitrary. When the weather is good, you can rush for hundreds of miles. When the weather is bad? You stay in your tent and wait for the weather to improve.

   "You know, in many cases, it may be very slow to take one step at a time, but in the end you will always arrive. The quickest shortcut may not be the best way. Take it slowly, and it will be the fastest."

At this time, Yi Liunian asked unconvincedly: "But this time it is faster than the speed to see who is faster! As long as we are better luck and travel hundreds of miles a day for a few days, the uniform speed of a group will still fail to catch up with us. "

Lin Xian smiled and said: "The master's strategy needs to be judged by the time and situation. We will adjust our strategy to speed up when we change other opponents. But how many of you, whether it's fleeting, Fei Fei, or Sister Xiaojiao, are all impatient. Impulsive people, so I judge that you will definitely be anxious for success, so the plan I made is steady and steady."

   "We walk slowly, but we never stop and retreat. The final result shows that although the route we choose is all detours, it is actually the best straight way if it stretches for a month."

Miyako Shu went on to say: "Well said. Just like this ice sheet, three feet of freezing is not a day's cold. The so-called hug wood is born at the end of the mill, the nine-story platform rises from the soil, and the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. This sentence , Never out of date at all times."

"I like to play chess. There is a term in Go-good players have no masters. That is to say, people who are good at chess, often you can't see the magic trick in a whole game, or turn the tide. It’s a single move, but only pursues more than half of the winning rate in each move, commonly known as half-eye wins."

   "Usually a game of chess is made, and there are only two or three hundred hands in total. Even if each game is only a little more than half of the winning rate, at most more than one hundred hands, you can hold the winning ticket. This is enough to make the opponent headache."

   "Although the so-called master hand, although it looks cool and wins very beautifully, it often exposes its own flaws while hitting the opponent. The master hand is unstable and unsustainable."

   "While the overall lack of clever hands seems to be unremarkable, but it can accumulate the momentum and turn the crisis into the invisible. Relying on clever hands to win is actually very risky. Not only is the error rate high, but the consequences of a mistake can be very serious."

"There is a saying in the art of war. First be invincible and wait for the enemy to win. The method of Lin Xianjing's team seems very stupid and tricky, but the fruit of victory is never forced, but it is ripe and fell by itself. . Competition is not entirely composed of hard work and sacrifice, but also needs to endure and torment."

"In many cases, you only need to do what you should do step by step. When the time comes, everything will change. No matter the external environment is good or bad, no matter how lucky you are, you don’t blame others. UU read Your own plan, work steadily, step by step, and make a little progress every day. When you look back, you will find that you have come a long way."

   "Lin Xianjing, what else can you add?"

Lin Xian said in surprise: "There is another tactical skill. They use pony horses to pull the sled, and we chose hundreds of small snow dogs. The snow dogs walk slowly, but they can walk in the cold. Survive for a long time under the conditions of the high speed, thus ensuring the speed of travel. It is the best partner in the ice and snow. The pony is strong and walks fast at the beginning, but it is not cold-resistant enough. I guess it freezes to death halfway through the road. Relying on manpower to pull the sled is incredibly slow."

Miyako Shu: "Fast is efficiency, slow is wisdom, both are needed. The years are long and busy people urge themselves, the world is wide and humble people hang on themselves. We cultivators should not rush for quick success and quick gains, let ourselves fall into anxiety, don't be afraid because of fear. To be surpassed by others, abandoned by the times and driven desperately, to learn from camels, it never rushes, walks slowly, chews slowly, it will always arrive, and it will always be full."

"Okay, that's it for today. The reward for Lin Xianjing's team is an elementary ice-cold frozen human bead. The basic usage method is for you. After the bead matures, it can theoretically reach the absolute freezing point, and even thinking can be stagnant. , But you can’t use it at your current level. There are more and greater efficacy mysteries that you still need to comprehend and develop on your own. Let’s play."

   Everyone dazzled, the beads were not very white, the halo flowed and moved, and the temperature in the room did not drop, but there was a feeling of coldness that made people dare not look directly at it for too long.

   Miyako Shu finally said: "The first level is the easiest. Use the extreme cold environment to hone your Taoism and patience. This seat only knows that the levels are different and need to be flexible. You rest for the night, and you will continue to the second level tomorrow."

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