The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 139: The benevolent is invincible

   Hua Lan Ting nodded thoughtfully: "Then I would like to ask Elder Yu, the so-called Taoism is difficult. In your opinion, what is Tao? What is mind?"

   Chen Lv'an gave a dry cough, and said leisurely: "Well, when you reach the void, you will be enlightened."

   Hua Lan Ting is inexplicable, so he chased after him and asked: "Dare to ask when the void can land?"

   Chen Lv'an cleared his throat again, and replied pretentiously: "until you become enlightened."

  Hua Lanting is silent: "This is too mysterious."

   Chen Lv'an hummed twice: "This is a Zen machine, it has a lot of meaning, it depends on your understanding."

   "Why does Zen often ask the chicken and answer the dog, and refer to the east? The so-called question is indefinite, and the answer is indefinite. The questioners have different roots and different ways of answering. This is called teaching students in accordance with their aptitude."

   "Whether or not you will be enlightened, and when you will be enlightened is fundamentally unpredictable. To an unknowable question, it is the best way to answer an unknowable question with the head and the tail, and the end is the best way to answer it.

"Even like me, I don’t dare to speak falsely. Taoist ancestors said: Tao is Tao, very Tao. It means that the Tao that can be said is not the Tao in the true sense. The Tao that everyone usually thinks and understands is only Tao. a small part."

"It is also said that those who know do not speak, but those who speak do not know. The strong name is Tao, but it is just for expression, and I have to use a name to communicate. Say, you have to just listen."

  Hua Lanting seemed to have a feeling, but that feeling was as unsatisfactory as snow mud claws, drizzle plum blossoms, so I let it go for the time being, and then asked: "Then what is the heart?"

Chen Luan raised his finger to the sky, and a skylight suddenly opened in the dark space, revealing a vast sky, with clear moonlight and starlight, and white clouds floating, mountains, forests, streams and ponds, and animals are clearly visible. There was the sound of frogs from time to time.

   "You look at the cloud, like my heart. This heart does not move, but moves randomly."

"The cloud does not seem to move, but in fact, as long as you wait for a while, it will be quite different. People cannot tell whether the cloud at this moment is good or bad, and they shouldn’t expect what it will become. So , And generally don’t feel dissatisfied with it."

   "You think that the cloud is at ease, and your heart is at ease. But the clouds are like the ups and downs of life. Clouds are actually at ease. But people are not at ease."

Hua Lanting closed his eyes, pondered for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes, and continued to ask: "The predecessor mentioned Zen earlier, and he must have knowledge of Buddhism. What I want to ask is, what are the similarities and differences between Taoism and Buddhism? Higher and lower?"

Chen Lv'an laughed and said, "The kid is really smart. Yes, the old man was a Confucian student, and later studied Buddhism, and then was fortunate enough to worship Taoism. He is one of the few people who have participated in the same school. ."

"From our Taoist standpoint, the Dao in a broad sense can be said to include everything. Dao includes tangible and intangible, including time, space, low-dimensional, high-dimensional, and also includes underworld, white, Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism. The magic way and so on, including all ideologies."

"However, as I said earlier, Tao is just a name. At higher levels and realms, the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism are the same, just as for people who are close to the ideal state, they are called the real person, the most human, the saint, Sages, Buddhas, and Bodhisattvas are just called differently."

   "People in different fields, when they have advanced to a certain level, they are actually almost the same."

"The so-called great masters, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and ancient sages are all people who can directly connect with the universe and the truth in the clouds. I dare not pretend to guess what is going on, but from the known classics, they represent a The ultimate state that individual life can pursue——

   Total, omniscient, omnipotent, and forgetful of form and emotion, yet warm, serene, cheerful, and at ease, giving people a touch of joy, but not a strong sense of oppression. "

"One of the core views of Zhouyi is: staying in the business and keeping the power to change. They know what kind of state they are in, and they can hold onto it, but at the same time they are very sensitive to changes in the outside world and can actively go about it. Embrace change."

   "This state may not be reached in our entire life, but this does not prevent you from knowing that there is such a state, and that someone has been there before."

   "When we have doubts, indignation, fear, and greed, this is a coordinate for us to modify our words and deeds."

   "If I have to cite an example, I would like to use the word Confucian supreme benevolence."

   "People often say that benevolence is invincible. Benevolence can be, but it does not only refer to the character of benevolence, kindness, kindness, loyalty, filial piety, and compassion."

   "Actually, in my opinion, what Ren should be talking about is not a kind of character, but a kind of ability! A kind of ability that can communicate and conform to all things without being influenced by the outside world."

"In this way, you can be called invincible. Otherwise, you have to know that throughout the ages, there have been people who have a benevolent heart that cannot do things or become enlightened. Where can the benevolent be invincible? !"

"Master Kong Sheng is actually a very good person who integrates idealism and realism. He is full of yearning and pursuit of the gentleman's way. At the same time, he always maintains the dangers brought about by the cruelty of reality and the shortcomings of human nature. Watch out."

   "If you only pursue ideals, it is easy to put yourself in a dangerous situation; if you stay in your comfort zone and you don't have the ideals of a gentleman in your heart, then morality and justice will easily fall."

   "As for the difference, there are naturally-the path and the method to the top are different."

   "So Taoists believe that many things are just different, and there is no right or wrong, right or wrong, superior or inferior."

"For example, my Taoist school, although it also emphasizes education, but will select disciples from virtue and aptitude. We believe that many people have destiny and talent. Cultivation is an extremely difficult thing. Daoists are not willing to support anyone to try something that is a matter of life and death."

   "Look at the creeper in the mountains, even if it faces a rock face, it can grow on its own. You can change the vines, don't you try it?"

   "Look at this cactus, no one can care about it, and you can still live well. You can try to grow a Phalaenopsis? If there is too much water, it will die, if there is less water, it will die if it is hot, or it will die if it is cold."

"Therefore, each plant has its own advantages, and each plant has its own correct way to open it. Each person has his own way and explores a path that suits him. Others can refer to but not follow blindly. "

"Simply speaking, what is the Tao? Is it true that a person can gain the Tao? In the affirmative method, the Tao is the road, and everyone can walk, otherwise it is not the Tao. In the negative method, not everyone Enlightenment, because people have a demon."

"People have the possibility of enlightenment, but it does not mean yes, does not mean ability, does not mean action. Everyone can walk, but there are very few who can go to the end, go to the extreme, and go on forever-this is Indisputable facts and reality."

   "Taoists took one angle, and Buddhism took another angle."

"Buddhism wants to pick up everyone, let everyone go, and one cannot be less. Buddhism believes that everyone has Buddha nature, and everything has Buddha nature. This is a kind of great compassion, great aspiration, and great compassion. Knowledge, great deeds-this is an ideal and vision that must be contested."

   "The old man, Buddhism and Taoism, in my eyes-Dao is like showing his hands, Buddha is like making a fist. A fist is also a hand, and a hand is also a fist. The hand is the body of the fist, and the fist is the use of the hand."

"I said that the place where the emptiness falls into enlightenment is so difficult. Because emptiness is right in front of you, Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism are in it, but emptiness is untouchable. All things, how can we let it fall to the ground?"

   Hua Lanting was completely immersed in Chen Lv'an's words, and at this moment, he asked himself unconsciously: "So difficult, isn't it? Difficulties are used to overcome. Since someone has reached it, there is still a way to go."

  Chen Lv'an laughed and said: "Nice kid, I know what the old man means. Very good, not only there are roads, but there are also many ways. Buddhas have methods, and Taos have spells. Even if there is no road, I have to create a road to the sky!"

   "There is no increase or decrease in the void as a whole, but it is not impossible to do it locally, and the accumulation of less can make more. When you are integrated with it, regardless of each other, you can do whatever you want!"

   "Dreams are always necessary. What if they can't be realized? What do you think?"

When Hua Lanting saw Chen Lv'an squinting at him, he suddenly blessed his soul and smiled: "You are right, in case it can't be achieved, it means-in case it can't be achieved, and ninety-nine-nine out of ten thousand can be achieved. ."

   Chen Lv'an laughed loudly: "Please come out from the door. Of course, the old man can't be stingy, and he will give you a magical power. Come and see!"

   Chen Luan raised his hand, and a thing flew out, transforming into a narrow and slender bottle in the air.

Hualan Ting looked closely, and there was nothing strange in the bottle, but it only felt that the universe was hidden inside, and there seemed to be peaks and ridges looming in the clouds and fog, especially the bottom of the bottle. Clues.

   What’s even more amazing is that the crescent moon is reflected in the sky, and a moon also appears in the bottle, but it is constantly cyclically evolving from the hook to the full moon.

   Chen Lv'an asked: "What can you see from it?"

   Hua Lan Ting was a little confused: "I can't see clearly in the bottle, but the reflected moon is sharp and round at times. Does this represent the yin and yang of Tai Chi?"

   Chen Lv'an asked again: "Where did the roundness go when the moon was at its tip? Where did the sharpness go when it was round?"

  Hua Lanting: "When the sharp is round, the circle is hidden, and when the round is round, the sharp is present. The sharp is just a manifestation of the whole of the round, and the sharp is contained in it when it becomes round."

Chen Lv'an went on to say: "No, there is a round aspect when it is sharp, but there is no sharp aspect when it is round. The reason why the moon is considered to be sharp is because there is a round aspect in people's minds, and the reason why the moon is called round is Because it has no sharp aspect. Come again."

   Hua Lan Ting thought for a while: "A sharp point is neither sharp nor round when it is round. A sharp point is not a tip of the moon, and a circle is not a full moon. Everything is an illusion created by the mind."

  Chen Lv'an nodded with satisfaction: "The comprehension is not bad, and you have not been taken in. Just like what you experienced in the illusion before, seeing is not necessarily It depends on the induction of the heart."

   "In this world, there are black and white, but more of it is the gray area in the middle, there are polar cathode yang, and the chaotic state of mutual mixing is more common, and the same is true for good and bad."

   "What's more magical is that you can also reverse black and white and switch between yin and yang. In many cases, the expressions of opposite and contradictory things are the same. For example, you are very good at Hualanting, and you are very good."

   Hua Lan Ting: "Yes. Your object is useful for eggs? Your object is useless for eggs."

  Chen Lv'an: "You should care about what is useful or not. Don't care about what is useful or not."

   Hua Lan Ting: "I want to kill you. You want to kill me."

   Chen Luan: "You can lie to me? You can't lie to me."

   Hua Lan Ting: "Are you afraid of being a fool? You are afraid of not being a fool."

  Chen Lv'an: "I think you understand. If these words are multiple without words, the meaning is still the same. If these words are multiple without words, the meaning is not the same? There is the principle of yin and yang in the pros and cons."

   "My baby is called the Yunshui Green Mountain Bottle, with the Promise Pisces Array embedded in it. However, Dao Sect talks about fate, before you teach this style of magic, I will ask you again, how did you feel in the coma in the previous stage?"

   Hua Lan Ting thought for a while: "A lot, hot and cold, dark, sober, confused, fearful, painful, itchy, sleepy..."

Chen Lv'an said maliciously: "This is not enough, there are still a lot waiting for you. What do you look like when you are born sweet, rebellious, cherishing acid, feelings and suffering, and physically and mentally numb... Well, I won't spoil you. NS."

   "Ask you one last question, be sure to think it over before answering it. It has something to do with whether you have a relationship with this spell. Tell me, what is the feeling that impresses you the most?"

   Hua Lan Ting carefully aftertaste, and answered two words: "Hao Cai."

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