The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 140: 1 salted fish

   Chen Luan's eyes flashed, and he asked with interest: "How do you tell?"

Hua Lanting said with lingering fear: "It's not clear. In short, it is the feeling of dizziness, weakness in hands and feet, and weakness that I have experienced many times. It is terrible. It is clear that the spiritual power has not been lost, but the person is suddenly drawn. Do the same..."

Chen Luan said: "That's right. From a microscopic point of view, the human body itself is a small universe. The organs, muscles and blood vessels in the body are approximately equal to the nebula constellation. It is Qi, and the day after tomorrow is Qi."

   "The so-called people fight for a breath, Buddha fights for a stick of incense. What is life and death? Qi gathers for life, qi dissipates for death, the world is in one qi, and when people put it plainly, it is a cluster of qi."

   "Then what is supporting the qi? Those who gain the gods live, those who lose the gods die. How is this god, it is still too far away for you, but you must understand the anger."

"There are not only the five element qi between heaven and earth, but also many kinds of qi. The more you control the evolution, you can have a deeper understanding of yourself and the universe, and you can gradually understand what divine consciousness is, and you can do it—the spirit is alive. ."

"Qi is composed of various complex elements, but the most important basic is the common five-element qi, and there are others. At this stage, you still can’t get rid of your dependence on food. So, what we eat is essentially what we eat. The gas of food. One of them is the gas of salt."

   "This salt gas is no good if you have less, no more, no more bad. The reason why you get dizzy is that the salt gas is stripped off by magic. The reason is very simple, and it is not easy to do it."

   "The human body quickly loses salt in a short period of time, it will cause brain edema, confusion, respiratory failure, dizziness and coma, and nonsense."

   Hua Lan Ting nodded repeatedly: "It's really terrible. It is enough to use it suddenly when facing an enemy. However, the opponent's spiritual power is not lost, and it is easy to replenish and recover, and it has defects."

Chen Lv'an smiled and said, "That's because you can't get enough power. You can use it as an old man, and when you can take a breath and raise your hand, your kid will die instantly, and everything will be normal in a short period of time, and the cause of death will be different. It's easy to find out. This method kills people invisibly and destroys people without knowing it. Isn't it not enough to be vicious enough?"

   Hua Lanting's eyes lit up when he heard it: "Will the elders pass me this hand?"

   Chen Lv'an said: "You are only in the ascension period of the Three Mountains with the Moon Realm, and you have damaged your foundation. Now independence cannot be achieved. You must use external forces with magic techniques. This will be given to you."

   Chen Luan moved his hand, and saw the light flowing from the bottom of the green mountain bottle with clouds and water. In the Promise Pisces formation, the golden light and dark gray colors flashed, and then a golden light, shaking its head and tail, and a very agile koi flew out of thin air.

   Hualanting stretched out his hand to take it.

   Unexpectedly, Chen Lv'an coughed awkwardly: "I'm sorry, it's wrong, mistakes, mistakes, not this one, this one, that koi was not prepared for you."

   Koi returns. This time it was a slapped slapped hairtail fish that was thrown out. The dead fish eyes were bulging. The whole body was lifeless and the color was dim. Occasionally the fins waved weakly, sprinkling something on their own.

   is obviously a salted fish.

   Chen Lv'an said: "That's it. This method is called the Salted Fish with Salt Dafa. The heart method will teach you how to figure it out by yourself."

   Hua Lanting took the salted fish and put it in his hand to smell it, weighed it, and manually turned it over, reluctantly looked at the bright live koi, and sighed silently.

Chen Lv'an added: "If you will practice salted octopus in the future, the top priority is to heal your injury and restore your vitality. There are elixir to cure the injury. You need to learn from the heavens and the earth to replenish your vitality, and I can only do my best. How much can you make up."

After that, the elder fish once again singled his finger to the sky, and there seemed to be water gurgling around, the mountains became empty, the sky was pulled down by a strong force, and the oblique moon in the sky quickly rounded and drooped and enlarged. .

   At his gesture, Hua Lanting sat cross-legged, using free and infinite power to absorb Yue Hua with all his strength.

   After carrying it thirty-six times a week, Hua Lanting felt that his body was full and his absorption rate dropped sharply, and Chen Lv'an also began to slowly reduce his strength to prepare for retraction.

   Hua Lan Ting is clear and clear at this moment, knowing that there is a rare opportunity, and my heart is moved, and I intend to continue trying.

His eyes seemed to be closed, and he entered a false sleep state, secretly using the stinging dragon sleeping pill to inspire the Ziwei Xingdou Guantianjue, but seeing the light of the sky and the shadow of the sky suddenly darkened, he replied, and the starlight flickered. stand up.

   Chen Lv'an was also surprised by the snack, and returned to the moon, but took the initiative to continue to pull down the starry sky.

   Hua Lan Ting seemed to have returned to the time when it was soaking in a hot spring, and the skin was gently rhythmic with the slow breathing, and countless invisible stars were attracted to the body.

After a little half an hour, Hualanting felt that the whole body was soothing and fluttering. In the midst of it, I felt a barrier close in front of my eyes. It seemed that he had made a breakthrough in the phase of creating the extremes of the three mountains and the moon, leading directly to the yin and yang of the four elephants. Opportunity for the mirror to rise.

   Unknowingly, he stood up, closed his eyes and walked into the mountain path. At this time, the sky turned dim and the surroundings were dark. Although nothing was visible, he could feel that there was no need to cover his eyes and his heart was extremely pure.

   Chen Luan’s long chant came from her ear:

   trained like a crane,

   Thousands of Panasonic Two Letters.

   I came to ask Wu Yuyue,

   cloud, zai, blue, sky, water, zai, bottle!

   Cloud is in the blue sky and the water is in the bottle. Chen Lv'an used the Supreme Zhenzhen, which made the floating cloud water and green mountain bottle hum.

   After the last word in the bottle exploded, I saw the clouds cleared and the mist cleared, and the bright moon that had already receded appeared brightly and brightly.

   Hua Lan Ting only felt three hundred and sixty joints and eighty-four thousand all over his body.

   For a time, the inner light in his heart and the outer light around him suddenly merged. Unconsciously, he opened his eyes and shouted several times, and the valley of howling echoed.

   But Chen Lv'an suddenly pressed a finger and pointed it on top of his head.

Hua Lanting was dizzy, his chest was extremely sad, and his eyes turned black. His breakthrough was forcibly blocked, and his body swayed three times to stabilize. After adjusting his breath for a long while, he asked with a turbid breath, "Elder, you, What does this mean?"

Chen Lv'an said: "If you are recovering from a serious injury, it is not advisable to continuously and quickly break through. In addition, Yuehua's yin essence after reflecting the sun can replenish your vitality, but you still need to reconcile the positive masculinity in your body, otherwise you will have to work hard in the future. Refining."

   "I didn't expect you to be able to absorb the stars. It's good to be here today. Don't get too dry. It's better to stay on standby and improve."

   Chen Lv'an looked at Hua Lan Ting for a moment: "The old man's mission has been completed. The Chinese boy is not bad, with good aptitude, comprehension and physical patience, and a stable mentality, but the old man is dissatisfied with something."

   Hualanting: "What's the matter?"

Chen Lv'an replied: "Although you are not a direct heir of my branch, you have finally received the favor of the old man. The old man is arrogant, and your temperament is more than calm, but you are less arrogant in the world, Bai Yuwei What a flaw."

Hua Lanting smiled bitterly: "Senior, I have a natural personality. Don't force it. In addition, although I am calm, I should be somewhat domineering. Besides, my current skill is low. At this stage, I am just a frog at the bottom of the well. When I grow up, I should know it. Grow your domineering spirit."

Chen Lv'an squinted at Hua Lan Ting: "Well, it’s hard for the old man to do it once. I don’t like to have regrets. I have always allowed text and martial arts. If you can write a poem within seven steps, and the old man is satisfied, I There are so many free fishes in the big array in this bottle. You can send a koi to your little girlfriend on your own terms, with a magic trick. What do you think? Your female ticket seems to be called Feng Qingjun, right?"

   Hua Lanting heard this, naturally overjoyed, and immediately hit a snake with a stick. Naturally, his cultivation base is nothing compared to Chen Lv'an, but his literary talent is not necessarily worse than that.

   immediately nodded and agreed.

  Walking around and looking around, the mountain is the quiet scenery of the bright moon and the pine trees and the upper stream of the clear spring stone, with the sound of frogs from time to time.

   Walk slowly for seven steps, Hualan Court stopped, brewing for a few breaths, the cultivation base of the three mountains with the moon in the ultimate stage was swayed, and the chest was full of pride, and the mouth sang:

   Sit alone on the pond like a tiger,

   The spirit is raised under the green poplar tree.

   I won’t speak first when spring comes,

   Which bug,

   Dare to make a sound!

   Chen Lv'an exclaimed: "Okay!"

   "Fortunately, the toad roars out of the bastard. But it's just that you don't speak first when spring comes, call, call spring..."

   Hualanting almost spewed a mouthful of old blood three feet away. UU reading www.

   Chen Luan stepped forward and slapped Hualanting's back with a palm, and Hualanting really spewed a mouthful of black and purple blood.

   Chen Lv'an smiled: "This is down, and it will prevent you from breaking through and make you angry all over your body. With this black blood, the hidden injury of your body's injury is considered to be better."

"Nevertheless, old man, I will not let you suffer in vain. In addition, this poem is very powerful, and I am very satisfied. I will give you an extra Buddhist skill. This trick is called the King Kong Lion Head, which is a great handprint skill of Tantric Buddhism. Rigid and fierce, it works best to lower demons and eliminate demons."

   Hua Lanting hadn't eaten for a long time, and he was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back. Hearing this, he couldn't help swallowing.

   I saw Chen Lu'an making seals on both hands, with his **** erected side by side, and the other eight fingers in a complicated posture in collusion with Qiu, like a lion holding his head up, and an obscure law came into Hua Lanting's mind.

   The handprint was completed and was not activated. The surrounding space was already faintly trembling, and there was a crackling sound of wind, thunder, sound and explosion.

   "Xiao Tingzi, you have a profound kind of Taoism, and you have a destiny with my Buddha."

   "The best realm of life-Tao is the heart, Buddha is the bone, and Confucianism is the surface. By means of thunderbolt, the bodhisattva's heart is invincible and the benevolent is invincible."

"But don’t forget that the human body is a system. In addition to Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, there are many tactics such as Mofa soldiers. There are many schools in each doctrine, and there are fusions and references between each other, and all inheritance and expressions have official definitions. And the folk version."

   "The lonely yin does not grow, and the lonely yang does not grow. Sea salt, well salt, and bamboo salt are all salt. If you eat too much salt, you will die."

   "If you want to substitute salt for yourself, then boil it into a pot of soup, simmer it slowly, and have an eclectic experience."

   "Say it all here. You, do it for yourself. Old man, go!"

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