The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 141: Both rigid and uncompromising

   Chen Lu'an, Meng Haopu and the third figure stood in the air, looking at the floating and sinking space in front of them.

Inside   , Lin Xianjing and the others who passed out into a coma and Hua Lanting who regained consciousness continued to experience the follow-up test in the virtual micro-world.

   Meng Haopu said in a loud voice: "This disciple is very good, this has entered the stage of six steaming and six brewing, which is much better than us at the beginning."

  Chen Lv'an nodded and agreed: "It's a good point, it seems they can't help them, but six steaming and six brewing are the limit they can do at present."

The third figure pondered for a moment and said: "If this is the case, you can't follow the set drama, you have to make them a little more difficult. This place is mainly for the training of will and mental power, and does not involve too much physical martial arts assessment. , Then let's put a little **** on this last level. Ping Ping, come out!"

   Following the voice, the third figure gave a whistle to her lips and pointed with her hand. A passageway was opened in the void, and a small figure rushed through the air quickly.

   Chen Lv'an and Meng Haopu looked at each other and laughed together: "There is a good show to watch."

   At the foot of a small hill, everyone who had spent several trials in a comatose dream came to their senses one after another.

Long Yanjiao said in a deep voice, "Everyone, the next step is the last pass. The top cave of the hill in front of me has the remains of a yin and yang worm, which is of great benefit to the evolution of our race. I don’t know what obstacles are on the road. But if you get it, it will be a success."

   Everyone looked up the mountain, the mountain was not high, and the top of the mountain was vividly visible. There were cliffs on three sides, and only one mountain road led to the top of the mountain. The field of vision was full of weeds, and several flat slopes obstructed the line of sight.

The incarnate Ma Rulong bowed and said: "This thing is very important to our practice, and we have to do our best. After the event is completed, there will be dispatches in the future, and we will all follow our lives. But we are limited and cannot participate in the mountain attack, so we retire first. ,please."

   Feng Qingjun said: "You are welcome, you two, this trip is related to the recovery of Lanting, and we will go all out."

Lin Xian was surprised to see everyone looking at him, squinted for a while, and said, "Since I don’t know what the obstacles are, it’s better to be safe. Why not, and Liu Nian and I are the pioneers to explore the way, Zhuge and Tianque as the first The second echelon responded later, with four female disciples opposing the battle, and we took care of it before and after we acted on the occasion."

   Seeing that everyone had no objection, Lin Xianjing and Yi Liunian rushed to the mountain first.

   There was nothing unusual at the foot of the mountain. The two ran up the first **** in parallel and disappeared from the sight of the people behind.

   While traveling, Yi Liunian gave a strange cry and jumped up high. Lin Xian looked sideways in surprise, and found out that it was Yi Liunian accidentally stepping on something that caused him to jump up.

   The two looked closely, and a strange little beast rolled out of the grass.

The little beast is less than two feet long and looks like a weasel at first glance. Its main color is black, but its flat and cute head is almost all white, and its round eyes are watery and not exposed. Fierce, staring at them with his short tail wagging.

  Neither Lin Xianjing nor Yi Liunian had seen this beast. Seeing nothing unusual, they turned around and continued to move up.

At this time, the little beast did not make a sound, but a thought came into their minds: "Two people, I stepped on my waist and interrupted my rest. I would leave without an apology? The young man now Are people so rude?"

   Yi Liunian was taken aback. The beast could transmit sound through thoughts, so he stopped and looked at the little beast curiously. Lin Xianjing next to him was very cautious and walked over immediately.

   The little beast's thought came out again: "What are you looking at?"

   Yi Liunian replied amusedly: "I'm really sorry that I accidentally stepped on you, but I look at you, isn't it for others to show you? Can you turn your face with me?"

The little beast reacted very quickly. Hearing the sound, he first wiped his face with his small front legs, and then seemed to feel that it was wrong, and immediately turned upside down with his belly facing up and face down, and said, "Is that right? This is the case. It's called turning a face faster than a book? Okay, say turning a face...just turning a face!"

   Yi Liuian laughed at the sight, but Lin Xian near nearby shouted in surprise: "Be careful, go back!"

   As soon as the little beast had finished speaking, the arrow hit Yi Liunian like an arrow.

   Yi Yi was caught off guard, was hit by one head, and failed to get up for the first time, which shows that his strength is great.

   Lin Xian Jing readily took out the kite-shaped dovetail shield and pressed it against the little beast. The little beast did not dodge, but stood firm and flat.

   Head and shield intersected, Lin Xian was surprised to feel a huge force coming from him, and he could not help but flew out, turning around, his chest was stuffy, and fell on the grass with a thump, just like Yi Liunian could not immediately turn up.

   The little beast followed Lin Xianjing again.

   Seeing that the situation is not good, Yi Liunian grinned and reluctantly stood up, took out the Huxiao Qiufeng Cudgel and rushed over.

   The little beast stretched out his stubby forelegs and slapped it on the smashed stick. Rao Yi Liunian had also reached the three-mountain-moon-boundary entering period, but failed to withstand the force and was knocked into the air again.

   He tried his best to resist the rebound of the stick body and avoid hitting him back. He couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood and threw it out in the air.

   Lin Xian Jing's face changed drastically, and he didn't dare to try again.

   The little beast did not immediately follow, but waited for them to run for a while, and then quickly smashed four short legs to catch up.

Lin Yi and the other two were only hit hard and were not seriously injured. Both of them were outstanding in their light cultivation in Tongji, but no matter whether they were in a straight line or fleeing, they could not get rid of the chase of the little beast and were driven away. People are utterly embarrassed.

The two manpowers were inferior, so they tried to fight back with spells, but the little beast did not dodge at all. It relied on its thick skin and extremely high resistance. All spells were blocked by the body, although it would also be knocked down. , But as soon as you turn over, you can get up and continue to catch up.

   At this time, Zhuge Yun and Chao Tianque of the rear team had heard the sound and caught up. Unidentified, the two attacked the little beast together. As a result, even Zhuge Yun, who usually only attacked and could not defend, had to spread out to avoid the sharp edge, and the body of his Lingyun gun was slightly bent by the shock.

   Four big men rushed from left to right on the slope, and were driven by a two-foot beast.

   Fortunately, although Lin Xian was shocked, he found that little beasts often just guarded the **** to prevent them from escaping down the mountain, and didn't mean to kill them ruthlessly in the chase.

After thinking about this festival, Lin Xian screamed and rushed side by side. The four gathered together, and the light of spells flew together. After fighting each other a few more times, he managed to escape, the little beast. Did not continue to chase down the mountain.

   The four of them fled back in a hurry and inspected them. All of them suffered serious injuries. Although the main injuries were skin and flesh injuries, they were bruised and painful to the bones. Several of them had not suffered such a loss in a long time.

Feng Qingjun's four girls as the rear team, they saw them fleeing after a short period of time. They gathered around and asked. After Yi Liunian described the appearance of the little beast, Zhang Hanyun, who was familiar with the secrets of the spirit beast, took it from the storage space. He took out a sheepskin scroll, turned to a page, pointed and asked: "Is it like this?"

  Yi fleetingly watched and said yes, Zhang Hanyun took a breath and looked ugly.

   Yi Liunian asked, "What is this? It's amazing."

   Zhang Hanyun said: "Thank you, please see for yourself."

   Everyone leaned over to read carefully, and saw that it was written on the sheepskin:

   Alien spirit beast, scientific name honey badger, flat-headed black hair and white-haired silver back, commonly known as "Flat-headed brother".

This animal world is also found in the savannah. It was cute when I was a child, and very fierce when he grew up. It is not a problem to single out a lion, a tiger, and a leopard. It can attack wild wolves, turn porcupines, strangle giant tortoises, and antelope. Honey, and use poisonous snakes as snacks. As a child, he practiced predation with poisonous scorpions. It has a fast speed, great impact and claw power. The armor is thick and tough. It is immune to venom and has good endurance.

   According to legend, the dragon gave birth to nine children.

This beast is rare in Xianzhou and is not known to the world. It has a cultivation base beyond the foundation building period at birth. It can transmit sound through thoughts, grows quickly, and can speak in adulthood. It is called the uncrowned among spirit beasts. The king and the natural fighting beasts are rigid in nature, extremely difficult to provoke, few weaknesses, and extremely strong combat power. Once provoked, no matter who the opponent is, they will fight directly without dying.

   There are many rumors about this beast in the industry, for example: the beast world is chaotic, and the head has the final say; the society is my badger brother, but there are not many people who are ruthless.

  The badger creed and motto of this beast are as follows:

   One said: I'm either fighting or on the way to fighting. So don't tell me how many people are in the fight, I just need time and place.

   Second said: Don’t get me wrong, I am not targeting anyone, life is just one battle after another. I just want to kill everyone, or be killed by everyone.

   said three times: I despise the gentleman's revenge, it is never too late for ten years, and I never hold revenge, because if there is a grudge, it is reported on the spot. The so-called people do not offend me, I do not offend others; if people offend me, weeds and roots.

  Summary: The spirit of badger is simple, simple and fearless. In a nutshell-life and death are indifferent, just do it if you don't accept it.

   Everyone looked at each other after reading.

   Yi Liu asked: "Everything always has weaknesses, and there is always a way to deal with it, right?"

   Zhang Hanyun turned the page and pointed to the back. Everyone took a look: This beast is extremely fierce and difficult to raise. Unless the cultivation base is several levels higher and break it with strength, you will see it and run away!

Lin Xian thought for a while and said, "This guy is still in his infancy, and he hasn't killed us all. It should be raised by an expert, so it's easy to handle. We just need to entangle it together, and then separate people from the mountain. Go to the yin and yang two air bugs and then remove it."

   "I weighed the combat power of this one. The eight of us can stumble upon it in a short time, but no one can avoid the pain of skin and flesh. Qingjun is the fastest, and you are responsible for picking up the worms."

  Feng Qingjun nodded, everyone is friends, and there is no need to say any kind words for the sake of Hua Lan Ting.

   Feng Qingjun took out the pill and gave it to the four injured, and set off as soon as the injuries recovered.

   Everyone came up to the mountain for the second time, and the two sides started fighting immediately. As Lin Xian expected, the team of eight people can indeed draw a tie with the deadly brother.

However, to Lin Xian’s surprise, the flat-headed brother not only has long endurance, but also can not be taken by all eight people with injuries. What's worse, as long as someone wants to get out of the mountain to get treasure, the flat-headed brother will spit out a high speed and Thick and sweet juice, this juice can stick people back to the battle group.

   tried several times, the injuries of eight people got worse and they were not allowed to come down the mountain.

  Several times, they couldn't break through Brother Flathead's defense at all, and everyone was already suffering from injuries and injuries.

   Just when everyone was at a loss, Hua Lan Ting suddenly walked up from the back.

   Feng Qingjun was the first to find out and jumped up and shouted in surprise: "Lanting? Why are you here? Are you okay?"

It turned out that Hua Lan Ting also went through several different tests afterwards. In the last formation, he figured out a way to erode the space through the practice of salted fish and salt, but it took a lot of time to practice this method. Only succeeded, and then came here.

Everyone was delighted to meet. Everyone did not spend too much time discussing the ins and outs of this trip. Instead, eight people besieged Brother Pingtou again, and finally relied on Hualanting’s salted fish and salt Dafa to make a surprise attack, which fainted the goods in one fell swoop. Finally able to complete the task, was teleported back to the door.

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