The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 142: Gold wire and iron wire

   Lin Xianjing and other eight people were all injured. After Mu Weizheng came forward and briefly informed the actual situation of the trip, they went back to each peak for a day of rest.

  Hua Lanting was seriously injured and his skill increased, so he didn't need to take a rest. After only meditating in the room for a whole morning, he came to Tianji Peak to see the master of the peak, Yun Yiqi, and saw the fourth brother Shu Luntai also.

   He already knew at this time that Yun Yiqi personally took him back to the door, bowed and thanked him first.

Yun Yiqi glanced across Hualan Court, smiled calmly and said, "You don’t need to be polite, you have been a blessing in disguise. In order not to stay for a long time, all of them have benefited a lot and each has improved. It is worthwhile for you to die once in a lifetime."

   Hua Lanting asked: "Master, how do I practice in the next step, please give me some advice."

Yun Yiqi thought for a while and said, “It’s good to teach you those who continue to practice before becoming a teacher. Naturally, I hope that my abilities and experience can be passed on to my disciples. .Luntai, you tell Junior Brother Hua your goal."

   Shu Luntai replied: "It's hard to say that it's far away. As a disciple, I think at least I can surpass Master you in the foreseeable future."

Yun Yiqi nodded: "Lanting, if you hear it, you have to have this kind of ambition. Respecting the teacher and respecting the Tao will spread my line. Otherwise, if one generation is inferior to one generation, how can you call it a teacher? Your other three senior brothers are limited by their qualifications. Their future achievements may not be higher than mine. It is more than enough to keep them. However, the glory of Tianji Peak depends on the two of you to continue and develop."

   "The purpose of learning from previous experiences is to finally discard these experiences. A good master not only teaches you how to succeed, but also tells you his limitations and regrets, and gives you confidence to surpass."

"The experience of being a teacher can save you from making detours, but blindly following will only limit and constrain your imagination. You have to break the fascination with the existing experience and rules, learn from the source, and dare to explore the most essential and unchanging s things."

   "What is the most primitive and unchanging? In my view, Taoism is natural, nothing more than everything in the universe, the environment of heaven and earth, nothing more than human nature, time and space and eternal life."

"For example, in the world of Guwu in the secular world, the first things were not taught by a master, but people learned from animals. It was the ancients who observed tigers, leopards, monkeys and snakes for a long time to attack and protect themselves in nature. The means evolved."

   "For another example, when children learn languages, they don’t understand rhetorical grammar and logical rules. As long as they speak to the environment every day, they will naturally come without thinking."

  "To keep my Tianji Peak standing still, it is enough to have those other brothers and sisters. My expectation of you two is innovation and creation, and achieve higher achievement and realm."

   "That's all for today, you can go to Dongming Peak later. By the way, there are good news and bad news to let you know, which one should you listen to first?"

Hualan Tingxin said that Yun Yiqi and Yun Xiuchun are father and daughter in the end, and they both told the news in the same way. He replied: "When I was traveling with my teacher in the secular world, the teacher once told me that I was happy and painful. Four principles."

"Which is better to pick up fifteen taels at a time or pick ten taels first and then pick five taels? Which is more acceptable to lose fifteen taels at a time or lose ten taels first and then five taels? Experience shows that most people will choose. Pick up fifteen taels separately, and drop fifteen taels at a time. The meaning of this phenomenon is:

   Several good news should be released separately, and several bad news should be released together. A big bad news and a small good news should be announced separately, and a big good news and a small bad news should be announced together. "

   Yun Yiqi smiled and said: "Very well, you have learned to be a teacher, but I like it, we can be mentors to each other in life and things. In fact, it's not that complicated, it's just one thing."

"You have already known that there will be a contest for elite disciples sent by the Eastern Division of Xianzhou in a few days. There is still something to say about it. Let the team leader tell you specifically. The door has already decided that the eight of you will add A few disciples teamed up to go on the expedition."

   "In addition, it's still early to start the race. I didn't have to rush to go, but it happened that the merchant Chen Xi had a group of people to go to the competition site for business, so I arranged for you to start with him in advance, so that you can increase your experience along the way."

   "Again, although it will be done in a few days, I will organize you to participate in a targeted hell-style assault training camp recently. The intensity will be a bit high, so you must be psychologically prepared."

Seeing Hualanting’s face turned bitter, Yun Yiqi said again: “The good news is that, given your outstanding performance in the Jiang’s rebellion, you should also be rewarded and rewarded for Lingbao Pills. You want to mention it yourself. come out."

   Coming out of Tianji Peak, Hualanting thought about the competition and rewards, and came to Dongming Peak along the way to see Feng Huolun and Chao Tianque.

Feng Huolun was very happy to see Hua Lan Ting, and patted his shoulder and said, "I know everything about you. Hua Tsai did a good job, and he was very arrogant to the teacher. Don’t worry about anything else, I heard that this time In the incident, all your hand-held weapons and equipment were destroyed. You have to participate in the competition. The teacher can't do anything else. It's okay to buy a few good equipment. Let's say, what are your needs and ideas?"

  Hua Lanting heard the spirit: "On the whole, I need to consider what disciples are needed. Speaking of weapons, I happen to have something to ask." He said as he took out a mass of things.

   "I found this thing on my body when I was tidying up in the morning. It was definitely not mine. I guess it was most likely left to me by a woman I met in the Jiang family **** battle. The situation is like this..."

   Feng Huo Lun snatched it over and took a closer look, then interrupted him and said, "I am not interested in your affair. This is a good thing and rare thing. Do you have any instructions on how to use it?"

Hua Lanting said: "There are yes, but I dissipated by myself after confessing the lord by dripping blood according to the method. This thing is a ball of silk thread, the material is unknown, and it is somewhat similar to my ruined dragon head and scorpion tail Ruyisuo, but Long or short, hard or soft, I tried it and it was enough to cut gold and jade. Why do you say it is a good thing?"

   Feng Huo Lun: "Nonsense, teacher, I have never seen anything that I don't recognize, it's naturally a good thing."

Feng Huolun next to    interjected: "I'll go, you don't know after talking for a long time. Then say that, I just don't know you."

   "What do you mean?" Feng Huo Lun was studying the silk thread, and asked in passing.

   "I must not know and never met you, so you are a good thing." Chao Tianque replied with a grin.

Feng Huolun laughed and cursed, and said to Hua Lanting, "Although the teacher has never seen it before, I remember that I heard my master mention it once by chance. It is a bit similar to yours. It is a rare ore from other continents. The essence extracted from the product is called gold wire and iron wire, which is of extremely high level and is unparalleled in the world."

   "You kid is clever, and you have to recognize the Lord first. These treasures are spiritual, so I can't use them, otherwise it would be great to give them to the teacher."

   "If your wishful thinking is gone, it will be gone, and there is no need to fight again. You know, people are not afraid of losing, but afraid that there will be no good replacement after loss. This treasure is hundreds of times stronger than it."

   "Come on, let's study its efficacy with the three of us. It is said that there is more than one characteristic of sharpness, but I guess that your cultivation level can't handle more usages."

   The three masters and apprentices tried to ponder for an afternoon.

   In the evening, Hualanting went down to Dongming Peak contentedly, and went to find Lin Xianjing and others.

   It turned out that they had already agreed that they would gather together for a drink in the evening while there was a holiday, and celebrate the rest of the life after the disaster of Hua Lan Ting and reunion with everyone after their farewell.

  In the room, Hua Lanting, Lin Xianjing, Yi Liunian, and Zhuge Yun were chatting about the competition, waiting for Feng Qingjun and the four girls.

But when Lin Xian was shocked, he turned around and said to Yi Liunian: "Fleeing, you see how good Zhuge and I are. It’s not like you and Lan Ting have someone you like, and it’s too much trouble to go out to participate in a competition. On weekdays, No freedom, don’t you think?"

   Yi Flownian sighed: "Who said no, someone cares that I am really not as comfortable as I used to be."

   Hua Lanting smiled secretly. With his current cultivation base of the peak of the Three Mountains and Moon Stage, he had already noticed that the four girls were approaching the door. Lin Xian was surprised that this was digging a hole for Yi Liunian.

Yi Liunian shook his head and continued: "After that, is your brother such a vulgar person? You said that you will not be free after you have a daughter-in-law? That's you. If I'm with Wenyin, I can do whatever I want--I wash the dishes if I want to wash the dishes, wash the clothes if I want to wash the clothes, and mop the floor if I want to. I'll tell you that she can't stop me if she wants to stop!"

  Hua Lanting laughed. It seems that after the Vientiane Xintianquan and his party, everyone's skills have improved. Yi Liunian also sensed the arrival of the four girls, and did not fall into the pit that Lin Xian had dug.

   Lin Xianjing also smiled: "Naive."

   At this time, Feng Qingjun's four daughters had opened the door and entered the house.

Yi Liunian snorted and said flatly to Wen Yin: "Mature is for strangers, idiot is for friends, and naive is for people you like, I'm right. Brother. What a rebellious person, but he is willing to turn people back and forth for you."

   Wenyin took a sip: "The little mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter. You are right, don't be surprised, he just **** you off deliberately, so I won't be fooled, besides, I've never been an unreasonable person."

Yi Liunian hits the snake with the stick: "Don't tell me, I like you to make troubles unreasonably. If you find a wife who can't make troubles unreasonably, and behave rationally, what's the difference with marrying a buddy? I'm not angry with Xiao Linzi long ago. Being angry is like drinking poison and expecting others to suffer. I understand."

   After a while, Hua Lanting called Chao Tianque again, and the nine people found a place outside to drink.

Soon, after everyone deliberately persuaded me to drink, Yi Liunian couldn't stand it at first, refused to drink any more, and said with a big tongue: "Stop, I said I can't do it, don't say I do it, don't encourage me, I don't accept it. Let, I just really can't do it anymore."

   Seeing a few people still want to pour him out, Yi Liunian yelled: "I am happy today, and the wine is just right. So far, let me play a set of Drunken Eight Immortals to cheer you up!"

   was about to jump out, I saw Yi Liunian posing in a pose, falling forward and backward, shaking left and right, not drunk, step drunk, not drunk, he was really drunk with the three flavors of his fist, his mouth yelled:

"Lu Dongbin is drunk and lifts the pot with great power, Tieguai Li Xuanknees, fists and elbows are really drunk, Han Zhongli walks and embraces the altar to heart the Zhang Guo is drunk, throws a cup and kicks a chain, Lan Cai and a single toast Stopped in the middle, Han Xiangzi was emotionally excited with her chest and drunk blowjob, Uncle Cao’s immortal toasted and locked her throat, He Xiangu flicked her waist and offered a drunk swing..."

   Everyone also drank so badly, they picked up their chopsticks and knocked on the dishes.

   Hua Lan Ting sang through Jiu Jin:

   I'm upside down and upside down, like a wave.

   There are tens of thousands of grievances, laugh and laugh.

   I am low, I am high, shaking and unwilling to fall,

   I know everything in wine.

   Lin Xian Jing connected:

   To make a name in the rivers and lakes, I never use a knife, I don't use a knife.

   A heavy burden, I carry it on one shoulder, and I carry it on the other.

   do not call for injustice nor beg for mercy,

   I am willing to bend down for friendship,

   Drunk Zhongxian, a hero.

   Zhuge Yun continued:

   Don't talk mad, mad people are kind.

  Don't laugh foolishly, it's hard to find because of infatuation.

   Don’t be afraid of getting drunk.

   and mad and obsessed and drunk, while young, in the present.

   Song Feifei jumped in front of Yi Liunian:

   Let's do it!

   Stand firm and relax,

   Three rounds of wine, don’t sneak,

   Bang hit tiger chicken and eat insects,

   The chicken eats the worm and it turns into a dragon!

   Seeing my blushing and rough neck, I understand that I am a hero!

   Chao Tianque and Song Feifei fist each other: "Samsung photos, Sixicai, five chiefs, six six six..."

   Finally, the crowd sang: The Eight Immortals are wonderful in drunk, and the Eight Immortals shake in drinking.

Road to Road, very Avenue.

Road to Road, very Avenue.

   There is no way, only God knows.

   Comfortable and uncomfortable, I only know after repairing.

   Dao Men Zheng Da Dao, the only way is Chengxian Dao!

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