The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 143: Live demonstration

   The next day, Hualanting got up to wash, cleaned up and stopped, and went to the Tiangang Temple on time to receive special training.

   After waiting for the staff to arrive, he found that it was not the eight of them mentioned before. He and Lin Xianjing, Yi Liunian, Zhuge Yun, and Wen Yin were all there. The other three women did not appear. They were replaced by the tall female disciple Dao Jones and the short, thin and weak opponents in the finals that day. Freshman.

   These two people are not unfamiliar. Upon asking, they also received a temporary notice last night and didn't know the inside story.

At this time, the gate of Tiangang Temple opened, and one person walked out, an old woman with a bare face, tall and burly stature than Knife Jones, full of silver threads, she looked quite old, and her appearance was very ordinary, even slightly slightly. Ugly, but there are no wrinkles on the face, especially a pair of eyes, bright and clear like a girl, with a soft smile in his eyes, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

   Hua Lanting sighed inwardly, and there is a good saying: When a person is old, the best state is that his eyes are full of stories, but there is no wind and frost on his face. It couldn't be more appropriate to describe this woman.

  The old woman looked around the seven people and said, "Good morning, mother-in-law, I am the chief guest teacher of the Tiangangdian teaching group, Wang Jinlian, and I will be responsible for your training this time."

Yi Liunian had not fully sobered up after the hangover last night. At this time, his son was a little dizzy. In addition, he was very happy to see that he and Wen Yin were the only couple among the seven. After listening to Wang Jinlian's words on Yin, the ghost happily agreed:

   "Oh, hello Pan Jiaoxi, I am Yi Flownian."

   The other six people immediately swallowed the greeting that came to their lips, staring at Yi Liunian together, Wen Yin simply kicked him, and the scene was a bit embarrassing for a while.

Wang Jinlian also froze for a while, but didn't see her angry. She just smiled and said to Yi Liunian: "Is it Xiao Yi, it's easy to say, your self-introduction is very unique and impressive. That, Aunt Pan, I , Um, remember you."

   Yi Foonian also reacted and shrank his neck.

   It’s not cold in the morning sun. Under Wang Jinlian’s gentle gaze, he inexplicably felt a bit cold on the back of his spine and his neck.

  Wang Jinlian ignored him and said: “Due to some reasons, the staffing has been temporarily adjusted in the door. The others will form a reserve team to go alone. The seven of you will be the main players in this competition.”

Glancing around, she said: "I don't need to introduce the name, I know. All of them are handsome men and beauties, but Jones was born as tall as I am. In my experience, do you often have male disciples? Are you embarrassed in front of you?"

Dao Jones learned the lesson of Yi Fou-nian, and honestly replied: "You always say yes, there are often short male disciples who take the initiative to talk to me, but most of them ask me if I am so tall and strong, do I eat a lot? ."

   Wang Jinlian smiled again: "Teach you an experience first, and then someone will ask him later, and tell him: You are so short and so small, why don't you sell cooking cakes."

   Seven people smiled.

Wang Jinlian continued to speak softly and softly: "The special training lasts for three days. The task I accept is to squeeze your potential, polish your cooperation, and improve the singles, doubles and mixed teamfighting abilities. By the way, I almost forgot. If you have the ability to beat and resist, you will be upgraded to a higher level. Don't keep your hands in the next training, be sure to go all out."

"I heard that some of you have met Honey Badger Flathead Brother, then the slogan of our special training this time is-life and death are indifferent, just do it! Old lady, Aunt Pan, I just want to kill you all, or kill you all ."

   This is when everyone feels the immersive chill.

   Three days later, everyone understood why the departure date was arranged after seven days, because one of them couldn't get off the ground, all of them were in bed, and it didn't matter if they took the pill.

   During the training, they were patted countless times by Wang Jinlian, either with the palm of his flesh or with his spiritual power from the inside to the outside. The characteristics of Wang Jinlian's cultivation are no other, that is, fast, accurate and ruthless, as quick as a ghost, as accurate as a ruler, and as ruthless as a hammer and chisel.

In the end, everyone was aroused to share the same hatred of the enemy. Only by relying on the cooperation and complement of each other's martial arts and spells can the number of beatings be reduced. This basically met the requirements of the special training and was carried back to their respective residences. .

Seven days later, in the early morning, Hua Lan Ting packed up the various spirits and equipment that he received from the door and specially given to him by other teachers. Then everyone gathered again and waited for Shang Chenxi to meet and set off. .

  Before the trip, the person in charge of the team came to meet them briefly. This person is the first deputy head of the Tiangang Temple. The old man's name is Lu Duanshao, with red hair, red face, full of energy, and the volume of speech is so loud that everyone has to take up spiritual power to protect their ears. What Hua Lanting didn't expect was that the fourth senior brother Shu Luntai was also present.

   Lu Duan Shao didn't have too many words. He only said that this trip was not as simple as imagined, and there may be unexpected difficulties, but I also relieved everyone that they don't have to think too much, as long as all actions are obeyed. The other thing is that before arriving at the game site, he and Shu Luntai would only follow in secret but would not show up easily, so that they all obey Shang Chenxi's arrangements.

After Lu Duan burned away, Shu Luntai stayed and relayed a message from Yun Yiqi to Hualanting, which meant that the power of Xianzhou's richest businessmen was intertwined, so that they should try to get close to Shang Chenxi during their itinerary. By the way, I also learn more about business things.

   It didn't take long for them to wait for the merchant's convoy outside the mountain gate.

   Shang Chenxi was as bold as ever, and as soon as they met, he gave each of the seven people three improved flashing Lei Yan beads as a meeting ceremony.

   The Hualanting people and Shang Chenxi are old acquaintances. They also met another acquaintance in the caravan. It was Niu Kelian, the leader of the Zhulian Gang and Bikezhai who had encountered them in the Wulan Mountains. Because of his business talent, this person was later taken into account by Shang Chenxi. This time he helped Zhang Luo by Shang Chenxi's side, and it seemed that he had become a confidant.

   There is also an old man who is worth noting. Shang Chenxi calls him Uncle Huojian. It seems that he should be a master who is responsible for personally protecting the second son of the merchant. This Weng accompanied the attendant Chenxi to his side, his eyes half-opened and half-closed, seemingly closed but not open, ignoring others.

   The fleet of merchants is very impressive, with more than 20 carts and ten people. After the journey, except for Hua Lanting, Lin Xianjing, Yi Liunian and Zhuge Yun who were invited to ride in a luxury carriage with Shang Chenxi, Niu Kelian and Bao Jianbo, the other three were all arranged to drive separately.

   The caravan rushed forward. After the dream pen was born, the speed was increased. The carts were all selected spirit beasts, and there was no bumps in the car. The car had everything you need for wine and fruit.

On the way to   , Shang Chenxi and Niu Kelian are both very healthy, chatting with the four of them. According to him, the itinerary is not tight, there will be several deals to negotiate before reaching the destination, and you can enjoy the scenery at other times.

   When the sky was getting dark, the convoy entered a town called Xiaoqingyang. After the convoy settled in the shop, Shang Chenxi took seven people to the street.

   The town is not too big or small, and it is still prosperous. Everyone found a small restaurant facing the street to eat in.

During the banquet, Hua Lan Ting remembered Yun Yiqi’s instructions, searched for a conversation, and asked: "Second Lord Shang, I think this restaurant is facing the street and has a good location. Ordinarily, the business should not be bad. Why did you come here? Not many customers?"

  Shang Chenxi said: "Good question. Last time I was in Wulan Mountain, I seemed to have enlightened you. This time I will let the old man answer this question, and I will teach you a few kids."

Niu Kelian wiped his mouth, twisted his fat body, looked around, laughed before saying anything, a standard businessman: "The location is really good, the business is not good, except for the external factors of the size of the town, most of them are Management is bad."

The owner of the hotel just came over to continue the tea at this time. He looked like an honest person. He was not angry when he heard this. Instead, he asked with a smile: "The guest officer is right. Originally, the business of our shop was very prosperous. But since my father passed away, when he was handed it to me, the villain was clumsy and worsened. I wonder if you have the experience to teach me?"

   Niu Kelian smiled and said: "Look at you honestly, I'll just mention you a few words. Let me ask you, what is in your corner basket?"

The boss turned his head to look, and replied: "Hey, isn't it a bad business? I bought a lot of fruit sales from relatives in the country, thinking about making money, but the sales are average, and a few baskets are filled The remaining fruit that began to rotten, had to be thrown away after tonight."

   Niu Kelian asked Hua Lanting: "According to you, how should I deal with these rotten fruits so that they are not wasted?"

  Hua Lanting walked through and checked, and replied: "Almost all of them are moldy and rotten. It must be sold out. At most, the price is reduced at a discount. Maybe someone will buy it back into a basket to feed the livestock or something."

Niu Kelian shook his head, asked Hua Lanting to take some, and asked the boss to bring a knife. His fingers, which were as fat as drumsticks, were extremely flexible, and he peeled a bunch of rotten fruits into pieces with two strokes. Then he fiddled with a shape and made a beautiful fruit platter, and said to the boss:

"If you want to attract customers, you use waste and use the fruit plate as an after-dinner gift to please the customers. If you want to realize it, you can increase the cost by five times ten times, like us, in front of customers or friends. Businessmen or rich people who want face will not care about the small money, don't you think?"

   The boss likes to change the color, and even claims it is good.

   Niu Kelian pointed to a stall outside the store and asked: "That girl sells things at your door, does it have something to do with you?"

   The boss replied: "In reply to you, it is a little girl. My son and I are in charge of the restaurant. Zhuo Jing does some sewing and sewing work in the backyard, and my daughter sells them at the stall. Anyway, I'm idle and I'm free to make up for the family."

   Niu Kelian then asked: "How do you sell your scarf and shawl?"

   Boss: "The value is too low, and it's not worth the price of the upper and lower grade spirit stones. The price of one piece is only three pieces of broken and inferior spirit stones for our ordinary people."

   Niu Kelian showed off intentionally, he let everyone watch, he and the boss went downstairs and stood in front of the stall.

After a while, Lao Niu passed some pedestrians and stopped a group of young men and women who were relatively well-dressed, and asked the head of the leader: "Young man, seeing the weather getting colder, do you want to add a hand-made finest to the beautiful female companion in advance? Plush shawl? Warming up is secondary, but the key is to warm your heart."

   The young man hadn't spoken yet, her female companion had already pressed her lips and looked at him with a sweet smile.

   The young man blushed and asked, "How do you sell it? Uncle."

   "Not expensive, not expensive, one piece of 30 low-grade spirit stones, and a pure silk scarf included."

   "I'm going, why don't you always grab it? This is too ridiculous!"

   Niu Kelian: "Oh, boy, you are asking for prices and paying back on the ground. You are so handsome, don't you know how to bargain? Come on, you can't ask me if the three spirit stones are for sale?"

   ", can you sell a low-grade spirit stone?"

   "Anyway, I'm going to close the stall and go home and sell it! Boy, how many pieces do you want to get together with your friends? I'll give you a 20% discount for more than ten pieces."

   Back upstairs, the boss smiled from ear to ear. But isn't it, this sale is the same as his daughter's usual three or two months of income ~ ~ Shang Chenxi said to Hua Lanting and others: "How?"

   Yi Liunian said: "It's an eye-opener, Brother Niu is too good, this brain is so smart, I am a straight man, I really don't have these sweethearts."

  Shang Chenxi turned to sternly said: "Lao Niu has the talents, but these skills are also learned through hard work. Lao Niu, you can tell the boys about your experience and suffering in your youth."

Niu Kelian nodded and said, "The owner is right. I did a lot of business in order to survive when I was young. For a few years, I specialized in Feng Shui Reiki cemetery. For this reason, I went to almost every family in the surrounding Shili 8 Villages. I have also been to a lot of cultivation schools to sell."

"I summed it up after doing it for a year: I asked a total of 2,358 people, of whom 1,105 were willing to listen to me, and 310 expressed interest in further understanding. Among them, 120 people will go to the scene with me, 82 people will seriously consider, 59 will be tempted, and will come to me to discuss specific issues, 38 will decide to buy, and finally 24 will be sold. Business."

"I got a commission of four thousand one hundred spiritual stones, after deducting various costs, I actually earned three thousand spiritual stones. So at that time I came to the conclusion: every time I see a potential target customer, I can earn one more spiritual stones. ."

  Shang Chenxi said: "Have you heard? Businessmen are interested in their interests. They come to make money and live for profit, but they are willing to work hard to make money and pay for profit. In this world, there has never been a free dinner."

   "Boss, check out."

   "Nineteen spirit stones, accounting for the seven of you. Lao Niu, look back to Wanxiangmen Mu Huan to ask, and calculate your appearance fee and class time fee."

   "Remember, you have to divide me in half."

   "Also, at least 30% of the shawl income must be paid."

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