The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 144: 200 more

  Hua Lanting knew that Shang Chenxi was joking, and didn't care.

  Shang Chenxi saw that they didn’t care, and said with a distressed look: “You guys, from a big family, I don’t know how hard it is for ordinary people to make a living and raise a family, and I don’t know what Chaimi is expensive if I’m not in a position.”

"Especially in business, you have to pay more attention to it. The so-called snatching the mouth of the mud bird, cutting the iron needle, scraping the golden Buddha face and searching for it, where to find. A stingy person, but you can't get rich if you don't."

   Yi Liunian said disapprovingly: "Second Lord, others can say that. You, the son of the richest man who was born with a golden key, are suspected of having a backache while standing."

Shang Chenxi shook his head slightly: "That's not what I said. Small businesses must plan carefully, but the gains and losses are just the livelihood of each family. Large businesses seem to be beautiful, and they make money every day, but in fact, they are in the wind, and the heights are very cold. It is always necessary to walk on thin ice. A careless person will be plunged into the abyss and fall into the dust. The net worth and even the lives of thousands of people are involved."

   "A few spiritual stones do not care, but shopping malls are like battlefields, and no trivial matters or details can be neglected. It is not as good as the daily income of the family.

"My father always likes calligraphy and painting, but do you know what is written in the only word in his study? That sentence is: make a wish for the first, form a middle-level bond, and enjoy the inferior blessing; choose a high place and seek Live on a flat place and walk towards a wide place."

   "Come on, Lan Ting Chord, explain the meaning of it."

  Hua Lanting said: "With lofty ambitions in mind, but only seeking moderate blessings and living the lives of ordinary people."

   Lin Xian said in surprise: "You must be far-sighted when you are in the game, you should behave in a low-key manner, and you must leave room for things."

  Shang Chenxi nodded: "Looking at the top, middle and bottom, looking across the height, flat and wide. When you are on top, you will think about the bottom, and when you are standing tall, you will find the width. When the atmosphere is high, you would rather suffer than be angry.

   Yi Fou Nian was still not convinced, and said, "Your driving space is several times larger than that of our lavatory. How can there be any ordinary people's life."

Shang Chenxi was amused by him: "That's the necessary ostentation and display of momentum and strength. What do your little ones know? Besides, the second master hasn't cultivated to the point of my grandfather. Isn't it okay to enjoy it? Are you dissatisfied or jealous? Life and death are indifferent, just do it if you dissatisfied."

   Hearing these words, Yi Liunian reflexively remembered Wang Jinlian's slogan when he practiced him and the tragic situation of him being bedridden the other day, and immediately came down.

   But he was still not reconciled. He said that Shang Chenxi was not enough, so he turned his attention to Niu Kelian and asked: "Brother Niu, when your merchant sells cheap things to others at high prices, don't you feel guilty in your heart?"

Niu Kelian smiled and said: "What is wrong with one willing to fight and one willing to endure? Besides, brother, I also watch people serve the dishes. Those young men and women will not care. Moreover, I have seen it, shawl and The handmade stitches of the scarf are good and the quality is first-rate. The girl used to dare not bid for the price, because it sold less."

"I tell you, cheap things, only you are happy the moment you buy them, and you will soon be annoyed when you use them. For good quality things, the moment you give money is distressed, and you use it every day. It’s happy, and the sweetheart’s satisfaction makes it even more worthwhile."

   At this time, Wen Yin interrupted and said: "Anyway, I don't think it's worth it. I feel like being cheated, so how can you beware of this situation?"

  Shang Chenxi said: "It's easy to handle, immediately refuse to leave. He said that you just don't let go. Don't be embarrassed. Those who are embarrassed and embarrassed to cheat you are not good people anyway."

   Yi Liunian sighed: "Forget it when doing business. I can do my exercises after hard work. It makes me tempted and tired."

Shang Chenxi: "Otherwise. I told you that business is nothing more than humanity, you can't figure out humanity, and you can't do much better. The reason why those who have the Tao and the business giants can succeed, except for a few geniuses, most of them are Recognizing human nature is different from ordinary people's thinking. As for skills, natural experience will be enriched if you suffer a lot from it."

  Hua Lanting asked humbly: "Is there any way to improve the grasp of human nature?"

Shang Chenxi said: "There are many ways. For example, if you have the opportunity to have more contact with children, children's hearts have not been contaminated by the world environment. Their thinking is simple and straight, and they can often hit the most primitive. His humanity is very enlightening and helpful for understanding the nature of things."

"I teased a kid the other day. I asked him how many sides a box has? He still doesn't fully understand the concept of up, down, left, and right. The little guy told me simply that there are two sides, the inside and the outside. It makes sense to say so much, I was speechless."

"Then he went back to test me and asked me what was smaller than an ant. I said it was dust and sand, but people said it was wrong. The correct answer is-smaller than an ant is the ant's son. How simple it is to penetrate directly. Essentially, I was speechless again."

Everyone recalled what Shang Chenxi said, and Yi Liunian said to Niu Kelian again: "I can't go back to the mother's womb. I will give up on the path of innocence. I agree with the fact that I have suffered a lot from the long-term knowledge. However, if you are such a treacherous person, Brother Niu Will you suffer?"

Niu Kelian laughed and said: "Why not? I often walk by the river, where there are no wet shoes. Don't be afraid of your jokes, little brother. Before coming out, my brother had just eaten a freshly baked loss. My wife gave it to me. I did it, and now I think of it, I still feel warm-I have to vomit blood."

"Our family's money is in the care of your sister-in-law. Recently, I managed to secretly save 800 high-grade spirit stones and put them in a storage bag, but historical experience has proved that it is not safe to put them anywhere. So I came up with a wonderful I put the bag in the pile of old clothes in the closet, and she didn’t find it. I was afraid that if she turned it over, I couldn’t explain it, so I added a piece of paper in case of accidents and wrote it on it. : Save up to one thousand and give it to my wife."

   "As a result, guess what? When I took it out before I went out, I found out that there was an extra two hundred yuan, which became a special one thousand..."

"Where do you let me go to reason? It's really a good trick. If you want to get it, you must give it first. You deserve to be your Niu brother and my daughter-in-law. Otherwise, how can I use my second master to help me calculate your food? Money? Hahaha..."

   The group of people finished their meal and went out to continue walking along the street. They saw a tea shop decorated more uniquely. The name of the shop was Yongyue and the business was good. The moon was almost full of customers as soon as it climbed up the corner of the house. They went in to the second floor and sat down to drink tea in a private room, which happened to overlook the small courtyard and street below.

   Ten people ordered the best Pu'er, Tieguanyin and Jasmine tea according to their own preferences, and waited for the tea.

   This is a private room, and the partitions are relatively dense bamboo curtains. Although there were people in the room on their left, they were silent, and there were two people talking in the first room on the right. They didn't deliberately suppress their voices with spiritual power. The tea shop was quieter again, and their voices drifted in with the breeze.

   said one person: "Fifth brother, I didn't expect you to run here to live in seclusion, but I called my brother easy to find."

   Another person coughed several times and replied: "There is a distant relative here, and the place is quiet. While healing his wounds, he also hides from the troubles in the sect. I think it's good. Why are you looking for me?"

   "There is nothing urgent, let's talk about it, drink tea first, I can't even find the time to taste tea for a long time. Well, how about your injury, Brother Five?"

"It's still like that. There is a saying that the three best lives in life are money in your bag, books in your hands, and tea in your cup. The three best states of life are met by chance, and it goes without saying. , Heal without medicine."

"In recent days, we are not short of money for a book and a pot of tea every day. You have come across by accident. I can guess how much you came from, but this will heal without medicine. It's really not easy, but six out of five, I'm content with the fifth brother."

   "Fifth brother, you guessed it wrong, brother is not doing anything else here, just for this medicine..."

   When the two of them said this, their voices went low and they could not be heard anymore.

  Hua Lanting and these people were chatting, and two people came in at the door, attracting everyone's attention.

   One is a middle-aged man with a singular name, with scars and deep wrinkles on his face, he is quite old, one eye is piercing, and he is followed by a lame boy with clean brows. The clothes of the two of them were neat and tidy, and they were only obviously in the manner of being a servant on the road.

   After the two came in, they looked for a big table in the yard that was left and sat down and ordered some fruit tea.

  Hua Lanting and others had come to see it before, but Niu Kelian stared at the squinting middle-aged man for a long while, with a look of surprise in his eyes, and finally bowed his head and whispered a few words with Shang Chenxi.

  Shang Chenxi nodded: "Oh, old friend? All right, you go to recount the old."

   Niu Kelian just stood up, and the sword-holding uncle standing behind Shang Chenxi suddenly opened his half-closed eyes and said: "Wait a minute, this person is easy to get over, and he has a tail behind him."

Sure enough, seven or eight men came in outside, and one of them was fierce and stern. After entering, they looked around, UU read, and then took people Da Ma Jindao to sit around until the middle-aged and young man sat down. At the table.

After staring for a moment, the leader laughed, and said to the squinting middle-aged man: "Hu Ruyuan, don't run anymore. I'm tired of waiting for my brother to follow me for a long time. You can't hide from others, but you can't fool me with eyes wide open. Follow us. Go back."

   "In your matter, your own creditor settles accounts with you. It has nothing to do with me. I am only entrusted to chase you back and advise you not to make it difficult for our brothers."

   After hearing this, the middle-aged Singmu sighed and said to the delicate young man: "The night walker can do nothing, but he can't make the dog bark."

   Pang Wei asked: "What did you say?"

   Qingxiu said to him: "This uncle, my father meant that people who walk at night, although they can abide by self-discipline and do not commit crimes, they still have no way to prevent the dogs in the alley from barking at themselves."

   Pang Su was furious: "You still have a hard-headed mouth when you die. Hu Ruyuan still dare to say that you didn't commit a crime? Dare to call me Pang Su as a running dog, well."

"Originally, the gold master said that it will cost three times the price of a corpse to find you alive. Your uncle, let's not be greedy for this money. The Suiqi gang has always done things authentically. Today, your family Pang is responsible for killing and burying it! The third child, do it! Kill him."

The middle-aged    squinted eyes suddenly opened his eyes wide, staring at the man called the third child.

   He really wasn't blind, he just changed his face, and at the same time he didn't forget to say to the boy:

   "Remember, son, not every sentence of sorry will be exchanged for it's okay, but every sentence of your uncle will be exchanged for your uncle."

   As soon as the voice fell, the youngest man stiffened, his face straightened, his eyes were confused, the corners of his mouth drooled, and he slashed his hand back and forth, not at the opposite Hu Ruyuan, but at his elder brother Pang Lu.


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