The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 176: Forbidden place

Dongfang Shuxuanxianzhou has a vast area with many cultivation sects, of which there are thousands of scales. If you count the larger number of cultivation families and numerous small sects and casual cultivation gangs, although there is no exact statistics. , There are always tens of thousands.

   These large and small forces each occupy a place. Generally speaking, people are accustomed to roughly divide and distinguish the areas where they are located in four parts: southeast, northwest and northwest. For example, Zizai Vientiane Gate is located in the east of Xianzhou.

   In the middle of the Xianzhou continent, there is actually a small area with a radius of only a few hundred miles. However, for a long time, although it cannot be said that it is secretive, few people mention that this place is the size of a palm relative to the mainland, let alone the title of Central Xianzhou.

   Because this place is a taboo area in Xianzhou, even a taboo topic.

  Because, here is an extremely mysterious death area with almost no entrance.

   Despite this, there is still an official name here, which is called "Central Patio". I don't know who came up with this name first.

   No one knows when and why the central patio appeared. According to legend, the central patio has existed since the formation of the continent.

For tens of thousands of years, no matter how the landforms of the mainland have changed, how the territory of the various forces has changed, the central patio has always been the same, no force dared to get involved in this place, and few people even approached here. People seem to selectively forget about it. There is still such a place in Xuanxianzhou.

The main reason is that it is too dangerous here. It is so dangerous that almost no one has ever survived, or occasionally someone has survived, but the people who have come out are either crazy or have forgotten the experience. Of course, it is not ruled out that some people are not. Dare not to leak.

In short, according to the old word of mouth, it is said that at the very beginning, there were rumors that a monk received a great fortune and a magical treasure after entering the adventure, and soon he was able to ascend to a fairy, so it was a long time For a period of time, cultivators in the mainland flocked to flock, but without exception, they never returned. Many sects lost a large number of high-level cultivators for this, so that even the inheritance was affected.

   After a long period of silence, some people still don't believe in this evil. From time to time, top masters of the big martial arts family or powerful casual cultivators venture into it, but in the end they all verify the statement of the land of death and the restricted area of ​​monks with their lives.

After countless expeditions and many years, even though there is no shortage of cultivators who are struggling with their lives in order to ascend and live forever, this result of ten deaths and no rewards has finally dispelled people’s greed. When such a place did not exist in Xianzhou, I lost my interest in exploring.

Since then, the realm of comprehension has consciously or unconsciously stopped mentioning this place, and always detours far away when it has to pass. It is not ruled out that there will still be some monks who have reached the end of their lives and soared hopelessly, or were chased by enemies. The desperate people who killed the heavens and have no way to the earth will try to enter with the mentality of death, but no one cares about their tracks anymore.

   However, this tragic history composed by thousands of monks with their lives is not nothing. People have found at least one rule from it:

   means that every once in a while, the pressure around the central patio area will be greatly reduced, and it will often take several months to recover.

   These months have been called the period of weakness of the central patio.

   The weakened pressure is not something that the monks in Xianzhou can easily bear and break through, so it is of little significance. People still know almost nothing about the environment and secrets inside the central patio core area.

   But there is one thing that has gradually been noticed by people.

   People have discovered that when the central patio is in a period of weakness, a transitional zone up to a hundred miles wide will appear around its core area.

The environment in the transition zone is ever-changing and unpredictable. There is no law to speak of. It is also dangerous, but it is an area that monks in this world can barely enter, and there will be many leftovers from the monks who disappeared and died in previous expeditions. Items were scattered among them. In each period of decline, some people have obtained treasures from masters of cultivation a hundred thousand years or even ten thousand years ago, and some are even enough to become treasures of the town.

   Driven by such attractive interests, every time a period of weakness, a large number of monks will venture into the transition zone regardless of the high mortality rate. For a long time, this kind of behavior has become a practice of the practitioners in Xianzhou, and it is called "death letting go" by everyone, which means risking one's death in a rare treasure hunting activity in the central patio.

   The time interval between the appearance of the weakening period of the central patio is very long. It was as long as a thousand years at first, and although it decreased every time, it was only a few decades later. In the present era, it has probably been shortened to about 600 years.

   In the long history of Xianzhou, it is certain that monks who live to be six hundred years old are very rare. In a school, six hundred years means the interval between generations of disciples, and the last period of decline in the central courtyard occurred three hundred years ago.

Therefore, if you take the Vientiane Gate of Freedom as an example, from the leader of the Shou Heng real person, including his old elders of one or two generations, to the disciples of the Hualanting generation and the next two or three generations, it should be the death of the central courtyard. The wind activity is missed.

   Therefore, no one in Xianzhouli usually cares about and talks about this matter.

   However, by coincidence, just half a month ago, the astronomical phenomenon of the central patio suddenly changed. Numerous strands of strong spiritual energy with different colors and attributes rushed into the sky, hundreds of miles away.

   This is an important sign that the central patio is approaching a period of weakness.

  Is this period of weakness advanced?

   This is a big deal.

This is like stabbing a hornet's nest. The various forces on Dongfang Shuxuanxianzhou heard the wind. All the powers proficient in similar heavenly magic arts are fully deployed to make predictions, and many people personally rush to the edge of the central patio to get close. Of observations.

   The final conclusion confirmed the advance of the debilitating period.

   So, within Xianzhou, there was a boil immediately. Not many people care about why the period of weakness will be advanced, only knowing that they happen to be there. There is no owner of the treasure, and the winner is destined. No matter the risk, it is worth fighting.

Ever since, in just over a dozen days, there have been many small and medium-sized people who have hurriedly rushed from all directions to the edges of the already formed central patio transition area by various means. The early birds have insects. To eat, they have to grab a bite of the soup and burn the incense.

   Regrettably, the early insects were eaten by the birds. After paying the **** price for these eager middle and small schools, the advantage is that they have found out the characteristics and requirements of entering the transition zone this time.

   The first point is that the pressure on the edge and inside of the transition zone has an obvious suppressing effect on any monk's cultivation base. Specifically, the higher the cultivation base, the greater the degree of suppression.

  For example, the masters of the born-born and warm-nourished state must lower at least two realms, and the spiritual power to resist coercion is very large, and it is difficult to stay in it for a long time.

   The repression of those who are in the foundation building and the medicine period is much lighter, but there are advantages and disadvantages. People at a low level face the complex and dangerous environment in the transition zone.

The final conclusion is that the most suitable for entering are the monks in the pill formation and self-refining state, and those who are reluctant to return to the pill state are also okay. The suppression and consumption of these people in the transition zone are relatively limited, so they can survive for a long time inside. Conducive to treasure hunting.

The second characteristic discovered by    is that the difficulty of entering around the transition zone is different. Several places have been proved to be weaker than the Rei, which is more suitable as a breakthrough.

   The third discovery is that the environment inside the transition zone is extremely unstable and will change drastically at any time. It is not suitable for the survival of the cultivator with single or poor adaptability.

   After receiving these news, various medium and large forces have become a lot more cautious.

On the one hand, the weakening period of the central patio lasts for several months. The difference between entering early and late is not much different, but you should not hesitate too much. If the places that are easy to break into are seized by other forces, it is tantamount to increasing entry. The difficulty.

   On the other hand, the pill formation and self-refining disciples who are suitable for adventure are the living reserve forces of each family, and they cannot tolerate or commit a lot of damage. In this way, the choice of personnel and quantity is very particular.

Of course, there is no reason to let go of the Vientiane Gate of Zizai, which can train disciples and have the opportunity to obtain treasures. It is just that while the senior management is still considering the question of candidates and action plans, the 60 generations of disciples whose cultivation bases are generally in the pill formation realm are still there. After getting the information, I became restless.

   With the passage of time, this restless situation has become more and more The actual situation is that there are different versions of rumors, even rumors, beginning to appear and spread among the disciples.

For example, there is a saying that Hualanting and others have been appointed to travel on behalf of the Zongmen in the gate, but some voices expressed dissatisfaction with this. They believed that the high level was too partial and accused that good opportunities were always occupied by a few people for a long time, causing other disciples. Can't get enough places to go out for experience.

   Some of the disciples expressed dissatisfaction with this. They felt that their qualifications were not bad and they worked hard enough, but they could not get the tilt of resources. If things go on like this, the strong will remain strong, and they will gradually lose interest and confidence in cultivation.

   Some people also admit that Hualanting and others have a very strong cultivation base, and there is no problem in giving support, but it should not form a monopoly on opportunities, and every disciple should be treated fairly. Only in this way can the overall level of the younger disciples be improved.

   These are relatively fair and polite statements, and there are even some radical remarks made out of nothing, pointing at someone at the top who is nepotism, nepotism, corrupting the ethos in the sect, and so on.

When there are too many people, there will be mixed mouths. For a time, rumors have spread in the Vientiane Gate. The relevant people who have not been shut down, the disciples of all generations and some teachers have participated, and the help of people with ulterior motives has made everyone in the gate agitated. When he got up, he was almost at the point of affecting normal cultivation.

   For this reason, Zhou Yi issued an order in time to let each Fengtou organization start internal discussions, collect opinions and suggestions from all parties, and hope to take this incident to rectify the atmosphere in the door and to have a unified understanding.

That evening, after six months of continuous hard practice and no gatherings, and being on the cusp of speech, I also invited Mu Huan, who hadn’t seen him for a long time after the formal apprenticeship, and Hua Lan Ting and others discussed it and got together to have a chat. , In order to express your views in the subsequent discussion of the peaks.

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