The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 177: The Golden Mean

   As the main character pointed at by Hua Lan Ting, he looked a little dull and sluggish at this time.

He understands the truth that Mu Xiuyu Lin Feng must destroy it, and he doesn't care much about being discussed by others. He is influenced by Yun Yiqi and Feng Huolun's words, and now he prefers to practice in the door steadily rather than frequently. Going out for adventure, but the rumors involving other teachers made him very uncomfortable.

  The other partners' faces were more or less emotional, especially Yi Liunian was the most excited. Before his **** settled, he said loudly:

   "It's too annoying, you guys are relatively closed. I don't know how bad things are. In nature, the weak and the strong eat the strong. The strong in the cultivation world are respected. There are many opportunities for strong people. Is there anything to criticize?"

Lin Xian Jing said: "Calm down, even so, but if a monopoly of opportunity is formed, others should be allowed to have opinions. In my opinion, there is no absolute fairness, but the scope should be appropriately expanded to provide more levels of support. It’s not wrong for the former disciples to take the opportunity to exercise."

Yi Liunian hummed, "They have to do it too. In any experience, we are not born with scars. Honor and opportunity are exchanged for life. Strength, courage, and wisdom are indispensable. It's okay, let them do well this time. Yes, I heard that the death rate in the previous death releases has not been lower than 50%."

   Mu Suuyan scolded aloud: "The fleeting years, they are all brothers in the same discipline, don't say such angry words."

  Yi Liunian is still a little afraid of being sorrowful, and he replied: "I'll just say that. In their rumors, even your old man refers to Sang and Huai as innuendo."

Mu Weihuan was very happy today. He was very lonely after the Hua Lanting four left the construction office. Today everyone invited him over. Obviously these disciples always have him in their hearts, so he didn't care about Yi Liunian, but Consoling everyone:

   "In this world, with a high probability, there are always about one-fifth of the people, no matter what you do, they will hate you."

   "There will be more than half of the people who will decide their attitude towards you based on your behavior. Sometimes they change from passers-by to your supporter, and sometimes they change from supporter to black you."

   "The rest of you, no matter how stupid you are, how stupid you are, how big mistakes you make, you will always like you as always. So, don't take it too seriously."

   "Ten percent of your situation is made up of what happened to you, and the remaining 90% is determined by your reaction to what happened."

"This person, you must have the wisdom not to care about-always compete with others, don't talk about shortcomings with fools, and it's not worth wasting time on **** people and **** speech. Don't deny yourself because of a small amount of negative comments. 100% hard work."

Yi Liunian didn't know if he heard it, nodded and turned to Lin Xianjing and asked, "Xianjing, or you can test it and see if we can make it, and the risk of this trip will be great. ?"

   Lin Xian shook his head in shock: "The change of the central patio is a big event. It is not something I can predict with my current ability. Da Neng in the door will naturally react and judge."

   "In addition, on the first day of teaching apprentices, a good celestial magician would warn his disciples not to use predictive spells at will. For the reason, being backlashed and condemned is only one aspect."

"The teacher in my secular world said when I got started: The fortune of the sky revolves around and starts again and again. If you do good in one day, the good will never come, but the disaster will come. If you do evil in one day, the evil will never come, but the good will come from afar. A person who does good is like the grass in a spring garden. It does not see its growth and grows day by day. The person who does evil is like a sharpening stone. It does not see its damage and loses in the day. Misfortune, forgiveness is a blessing, and the skynet is restored, and retribution will be quick."

   "What the master in the door told me is that the celestial magician should reduce the frequency and frequency of predictions as much as possible, and ordinary people should not divination and fortune telling without major events, because the fate of people will be influenced and affected by the results of the divination."

   "It's hard to say whether this kind of influence is good or bad. But if it is often exerted, it must be a bad thing."

"What the predictor sees must be only a fragment of future destiny. The so-called misfortune and blessing depend on each other. Perhaps the blessing you ask for is the beginning of the catastrophe. Maybe the current misfortune you have avoided is the blessing of your future. indefinite."

"You count once, that is, you add another cause and condition. Every time you count, your fate becomes more concrete and materialized. In other words, the possibility is compressed more and more narrowly, the more the possibility The younger you come. The most extreme case is to count your destiny dead. This is a big taboo."

   Yi Foonian curled his lips: "Well, I can't tell you, then what do you say now? How to deal with these rumors and rumors?"

Lin Xian shrugged: "Elder Zhou Ji's public discussion is very good, the truth becomes clearer the more debated. When there is insufficient information or information asymmetry, people often use imagination to make up for it. At this time, rumors are most likely to appear. "

   "Whether it is an unpredictable rumor or a rational questioning is to be distinguished by providing sufficient information and sufficient discussion."

   "Rumours are terrible, but more terrible than rumors, is to treat reasonable doubts as rumors. In that case, people will raise the rumors to the truth in the panic about the information, thus making the truth annihilate."

   After listening to this, Yi Liunian said: "Xian Jing, I admit that you always speak with a sense of reason, but you have said nothing, I am asking for a specific solution."

   Mu Xiuyan took over and said: "Years are fleeting, don't always demand surprises. There are wise men in the world, but they are not perfect."

"Some things, if the boundaries are clear and the conditions are sufficient, you can give you a definite one-or-other answer. The problem is that most things are often ambiguous. People can give you a direction, but how to do it? On the matter."

   "Take this matter as an example, whether to let you go or let other fellows go, I think no matter whether it is the Presbyterian Church or me, or your chord surprise, none of the proposals put forward will satisfy everyone."

"Many things do not have standard answers. There are three or more solutions to everything. How to choose depends on your wisdom and the demands at the time. It is best to satisfy most people through compromise. Otherwise, try to create one. Kind of compatible."

"For an old example, if your mother and your wife fell into the river at the same time, who would you save first? Should you go to your mother's house or her mother's house during the festival? None of these problems are everywhere. The answer is accurate."

   "You can also go to your mother's house. For you, this is loyalty and filial piety; you can also go to her mother's house. What you do is forgiveness and forbearance, and it is also filial piety."

"In addition, there are many other solutions: for example, the traditional custom is to go to your home on the first day of the middle school and return to her home on the second day; for example, go to your home three days before and go to his home three days later; Find each mother; for example, we can meet both parents and spend time together, or we can go to the third place to spend the festival together; we can also decide by lottery, we can also spend this year and next year."

   "There are many ways, but as long as you choose one, there will still be unsatisfactory things, which also means giving up the benefits of the other."

"Therefore, in addition to methods to solve things, you must also have mental methods to complement each other-you must choose a method, but at the same time you must have a good attitude to face the drawbacks and consequences at the time and cope with the subsequent disadvantages. For example, you can go to your home this year. , But can you be grateful, thankful, and grateful for the other party’s understanding and support in your mind? And return with the same understanding and support in other things?"

"The real way of the mean is not a simple compromise. It is not to find an exit in the middle. The middle of the mean is not to go to the middle, but to go up. It is to try to find a solution that both sides can accept and not contradict each other. The way is to turn the seemingly antagonistic and contradictory duality of right and wrong into a mutually compatible situation."

   "If you have enough mind, wisdom and imagination, you should be able to extract the core of the two opposing things and integrate them into one thing, although this is not easy."

"Our words actually contain such secrets and metaphors: like the word yearning, always is the future, always the past, and the two words longing together express a kind of understanding of all the good things in the past and the future. Compatible. It's like sleeping again. It is not only sleep, but also sleep, which represents the awakening."

   All the disciples listened to it, and their hearts were enlightened.

   Within a few days, after listening to the opinions and suggestions summarized by the various peaks, the senior management in the door introduced the personnel selection method for the "Central Patio Death Release" exercise.

   One is to expand the number to 21 people.

The second is to select and recommend disciples by the peaks. The principle of UU reading is that they must be in at least one of the fields of profound arts cultivation, magic martial arts, alchemy, celestial formation, forging refining devices, and beasts. Expertise, so that they can work in groups, and then a large list will be determined after a comprehensive review by the senior management.

   Three is that after the big list is initially determined, the disciples who are not recommended and unsuccessful can challenge the selected disciples in the big list, and the winner eliminates the loser, but the content of the competition between the two sides must be the strength of the challenged party.

  Fourth is the group of disciples who started earlier, are older, and were born in Xianzhou among the sixty-generation disciples will form a separate team.

The final result was that five disciples in the big list were defeated by the challenger, and Hua Lan Ting and other seven people were all on the list. Several challengers who were not convinced by Hua Lan Ting were all in the five thunderous palms of his initial cultivation. Down quickly defeated.

   In addition, Huo Huixiao, Yue Guanghan, Chao Tianque, Qu Zhengze, Wang Genji, Yu Qian and other people familiar with Hua Lanting also entered the list. The others were disciples whom Hua Lanting knew but were not familiar with.

After the list was confirmed, in order not to fall behind and seize the opportunity, 21 of them gathered together in the morning of the next day and prepared to airborne to the destination of the central patio through the teleportation array. This is the main gate that has resources and Ability to do it.

  Several strongmen have already been dispatched to lead a group of people in a separate team among the sixty-generation disciples to teleport in advance, in order to occupy a favorable position to enter the transition zone.

Since Mengbisheng Huashan is thousands of miles away from the central patio, and the distance is quite far, for the sake of safety, 21 people will be divided into three groups and sent in batches. Among them, Hualanting, Lin Xianjing, and Huo Seven of Huixiao, Yue Guanghan, Zhang Hanyun, Song Feifei and Yu Qian were randomly assigned to a group.

   The transmission of the first two groups went smoothly, but the last group of Hualanting went wrong during the transmission.

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