The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 178: Flying attitude

   This is the first time everyone has experienced this kind of long-distance teleportation within Xianzhou. Everyone feels novel and a little excited.

Just as the teleportation circle was warming up and was about to begin, the young Yue Guanghan was still a young man with full-heartedness after all, and even proposed to accelerate the teleportation with the teleportation method they had learned in the Ziyue Immortal Sect in order to compete with the other two. The bold idea of ​​reaching the destination before the group.

   Surprisingly, Lin Xianjing, who has always been prudent, and Huo Huixiao, who is quite a general, did not object, but was eager to try it.

For a long time, Lin Xianjing and Huo Huixiao have been secretly dissatisfied with the other's heavenly secret magic skills. In fact, the two of them are fighting in the door on weekdays, but they do not clearly show it on the face. Of course, this is also the case. A healthy competition.

After Yue Guanghan entered Yaoguang Peak, Huo Huixiao had an attitude of disdain and wariness towards him at the beginning, but Yue Guanghan’s big prophecy was indeed magical, and Yue Guanghan himself worked very hard, learning the speed of progress of heaven’s secret art. Extremely fast, so Huo Huixiao had to look at it with admiration.

Secondly, Lin Xianjing is not a small-handed person. He and Yue Guanghan took the initiative to share with Huo Huixiao their insights on the new method of spatial transmission. The three of them got closer, and the relationship became fierce. In the past six months We often discuss and experiment together over time, and have made a lot of new progress. This space acceleration method is one of the results.

   Therefore, under Yue Guanghan's suggestion, the three of them hit it off instantly, and they were all irritated immediately. They were very eager to have the opportunity to verify the research results in practice.

   It is rare that the three genius disciples of Heaven's Jishu happened to gather together, and the other four had no say, so when the teleportation was started, the three of them jointly performed the secret acceleration method.

   These three people love and invade this way too much. They are too enthusiastic about any exploration and innovative ideas and actions, and they are too confident. They underestimate the risk of experimenting under the traditional mature transmission method.

   This acceleration is not critical, and the space around them quickly becomes chaotic.

Hua Lanting only felt that the feeling of weightlessness suddenly increased. While his body was being squeezed and squeezed by space gravity, the force of space tearing seemed to force his limbs and internal organs to stretch out. He had lost his sense of the six friends next to him. , The body and consciousness seem to be being broken down into thousands of parts by internal pressure and external force.

   Not good, Hua Lan Ting panicked for a while.

  Yun Yiqi once talked to him about the problems that may be encountered in space transmission in his spare time, and said that this feeling of incarnation is one of the signs of the dying soul!

How to do? Master said at the time, was there a way to save it?

   seems to be saying that it is almost incomprehensible. You can only try a dead horse as a living horse doctor. What is it? By the way, it seems to be a calm, two relaxation and three conjectures.

   Calm and easy to handle, Hua Lan Ting quickly settled down. Master said that there is no concept of time when the soul flies away. Maybe it feels like a moment of dispersal or endless length. The first thing is to calm down and stay in this state as much as possible to try to save yourself.

   Calm down is followed by relaxation, to be completely put under the emptiness and death state where the body consciousness does not belong to oneself.

   is easy to say and hard to do. Hualan Ting fully realizes how hard it is to calm down and relax.

   It’s not difficult to enter concentration during cultivation. That’s because in a safe environment, he is now in danger of being torn apart by the turbulence of space at any time. He can calm down, but he can’t really relax while his nerves are tense.

   He tried several times in a row, but he couldn't relax to the emptiness, and the more he tried to do it, the colder and quieter he felt, the tighter he became.

   There is a way to do it if you want to do it in a hurry.

   Relax, why not think of something easy and funny to distract?

  What do you think? My most bizarre experience during this period of time is not the period when I traveled to New York.

   Is there anything ridiculous then?

   Most of the information about the earth world that I felt during that experience disappeared and scattered in my mind, leaving only fragmented fragments, and even if there was no external object stimulation, I could not actively remember it.

What can    remember? Yes, the most profound and complete memory is the short time when I was sitting in a coffee shop reading a book, I read books on Buddhism and Taoism, read the so-called English science magazines, and saw the entanglement of the sons.

Well, before that, I also saw an article written by a person named Longya. It was very interesting. It was about the flying posture of the gods. It can be used to distract attention and see if you can enter a relaxed state. .

  The general idea of ​​the article is:

The gods of the East, whether they are in the legends of Fengshen Yanyi, Journey to the West, etc., or depicted in the Dunhuang and Yungang grottoes murals, most of them are standing on the auspicious clouds and flying, only Western supernatural beings. Something like Superman flies sideways and diagonally with his arms raised.

   According to research, this is because they occupy different empty layers.

Flying sideways is like a normal airplane. If you fly in the troposphere, there will be greater turbulence. The general airflow fluctuations are nothing more. If you encounter clear sky turbulence, it will cause a sharp change in altitude, which will bring great changes to the fairy flying sideways. Serious discomfort, even destroying the aerodynamic configuration and causing a crash.

   If special weather conditions such as wind shear and downburst are encountered during take-off and landing and are not corrected in time, it will often cause horrible crashes.

   Therefore, foreign gods, including those from the East who have not yet been ranked in the immortal class, must have been flying in the stratosphere. Because of the lack of kung fu, the flight in the stratosphere is more stable and not prone to violent turbulence, so they have developed the habit of flying sideways.

   It is said that the immortals in the Xianban have lived in the high-altitude troposphere with obvious vertical convection for a long time, so they are accustomed to adopting aerodynamic configurations that adapt to this space.

Fairy flight does not rely on lift and buoyancy, but the mysterious "divine power". As long as the thrust is large, the slab can fly into the sky, but the air resistance is still inevitable. In the middle of the troposphere with frequent upper and lower convection, standing upright means flying upright. The resistance is smaller, and it is less affected by the airflow.

   There is also a "high-altitude troposphere" in the sky, which is the middle layer. The temperature here decreases rapidly with the increase in altitude, so there will be vertical convective movement.

If you need to go down to deal with affairs, it will cause greater resistance in the stratosphere, but at most it is just a yaw. The time to pass through the stratosphere is often shorter, because this time has not started to slow down, and the swish will pass. It will not cause much impact, and in the lower troposphere, a good aerodynamic configuration can be restored, which is convenient for handling mortal business.

The article also believes that Lord Yan lives on the Moho discontinuity below the surface. The reason is that the attributes of each layer of the 18th floor of the Jifu are inconsistent, indicating that they are located in a place where the stratigraphic structure changes drastically. Only this kind of place will lead to seismic wave transmission. The discontinuity.

  The only two places in the earth structure that fit this situation are the Moho discontinuity surface and the Gutenberg interface. The Gutenberg interface is obviously too deep to be inconvenient for a trip to capture criminals.

   Hua Lanting fills in the scenes of east and west gods swaying in the wind and shuttles underground. As expected, his mind quickly relaxes and enters an ethereal state.

   The next move to get rid of the missing space is conjecture, and Yun Yiqi is also vague about this, only saying that he needs to locate through visualization to return to the real place.

   Hua Lanting couldn't help but recall the analysis of quantum science and the human soul in the article on quantum entanglement.

The characteristics of quantum are weird. Not only are there "wave-particle duality", "quantum entanglement", "quantum superposition", "quantum attraction", "quantum interference" and other characteristics, the granular quantum does not follow Newtonian mechanics, and the wavy quantum does not follow the Newtonian mechanics. Follow the wave function. This makes physicists who study quantum science confused, because quantum science has already touched the soul world!

  The soul is the ideology. The human beings on earth have done thorough scientific research on the material world, but the soul world has just begun. The soul is the indivisible quantum in the legend.

   Quantum is not the smallest unit in traditional physics, but an objectively indivisible and independent individual unit with no size, because size is a subjective concept created by human discrimination.

   The objective soul world has only energy without quality, only quantity without size, only space without time, only distance and no distance, only form without shape.

   Experiments in which Einstein’s small windows illuminate the entire room confirmed that the particles of light quanta do not travel in straight lines, but in waves.

In the soul world, when my soul appears as "me", the consciousness of me and the people around me focus on me. When I appear not to be me, my consciousness focuses on the people around me. My consciousness "clone" into the consciousness of the people around me, and I behave as not me, but a kind of "wave" without.

In real life, the value of my existence is the attention of people around me. When this attention is stronger, my existence is more valuable and my energy is stronger; when no one pays attention to me, I am not Me, my existence is meaningless, which is why people are afraid of loneliness.

  Because the soul is quantum, the soul possesses the entanglement properties of quantum. Quantum entanglement is between two related quanta. The change of one quantum will inevitably cause the change of the other quantum, and the changes of both occur at the same time.

   For example, a mother and a daughter. When a daughter gives birth to a child, the daughter becomes a mother, and the mother becomes a grandma. The mother passively changes the state of existence at the same time and by the same amount.

   In the soul world, the soul and the soul are entangled with each other. For example, when I have an idea, the souls around me can sense it and react accordingly. When I make an action, it may not be my conscious behavior alone, but the result of being entangled by the consciousness of the surrounding souls. My conscious behavior may be passive.

  The same is true in real life. This is why many people talk about a person together, and when everyone misses him, he will suddenly appear and say that Cao Cao has arrived. It turns out that this is the result of quantum entanglement.

   This also tells us that in life, we must be more grateful and less resentful.

   You are grateful to others, the souls of others can feel it and will make a grateful dedication at the same time. On the contrary, if you resent others, they will also resent others.

When the people around you are grateful to you, your life energy will be greatly improved, your body will be healthy, and everything will go smoothly; when your resentment will be more, your life energy will be greatly reduced, and your body will become sick. Everything goes wrong.

  Quantum entanglement also explains the fate between people very well. If the predestined people eventually become family members, the destined people will eventually meet, the destined people will eventually gather together, and the people will be divided into groups.

   Then there is the "quantum superposition" of the soul. In real life, when we are emotional, our soul is actually in a superposition state. At this time, we often lose our minds and do things that go against our own intentions, because at that moment I am not me anymore, and I am affected. It is superimposed and controlled by the consciousness of others and the consciousness of the heart Therefore, people can have no faith, but they must have positive energy.

   Kindness and compassion can bring us full of positive energy, so that our soul can be blessed with positive energy, and avoid the superposition of negative energy magic soul.

   The superposition of the soul also confirms the saying that everything is one, you are in me, and me in you.

   When we understand this truth, we will lose our sense of discrimination and treat the people and things around us more "self-love". Those who love others will always love it! I also understand that the shortcomings of others are just the reflection of the shortcomings of my own soul, so I won't be picky and criticize others.

   Again, there is a "quantum attraction" between souls, and there is gravitation between quanta. Universal gravitation is the attraction between two non-contacting objects, which is produced by the quantum attraction inside the object.

   Quantum attraction varies with quantum energy, and quantum energy depends on quantum consciousness.

Men and women in love are most likely to feel the "quantum attraction" of the soul. When a boy misses a girl in particular, a huge "quantum attraction" occurs, and the other soul will be attracted by the "quantum entanglement" and have the same feeling. .

good! It is quantum attraction.

  Hua Lanting tried to visualize the position of the central patio in Xianzhou in his heart, and strongly aroused the idea of ​​going there.

   Numerous roars sounded in his mind, and the blue smoke and jade in the sky of his chest suddenly burst into blue light. Hua Lanting only felt that he did not have any accurate posture of standing up and down and flying horizontally, and fell like clouds and mist.

   Butt on the ground, flat sand and falling wild goose pose!

   Hua Lanting hit the ground, falling into a stunned state, falling apart, and unable to get up for a long time.

   After feeling vaguely that several figures landed like him at the same time, Hua Lanting fainted.

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