The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 185: Fall into the fire pit

   The investigation of Sheng Ge and the improvement of teaching methods for the 60th generation disciples requested by Zhou Xi were not a day’s work, so I will show it later and return to the central patio transition area.

   Hualanting seven people rise at dawn, stepping on the morning light, slowly walking toward the depths.

   The weather in the morning is still slightly cool, but everyone’s feet are getting hotter and hotter, and white gas has begun to leak out in some places.

   "Is there a volcano under the ground?" Yue Guanghan muttered: "There is also such a place in the dust-covered mountain. The masters say it is the remains of an ancient volcano. The volcanic ash landform there seems to be similar to here."

  Yuqi asked everyone: "Then do we want to move forward? I heard that the volcano erupts, and non-human resources can resist it."

   Yue Guanghan smiled and said: "It's okay. The interval between the two eruptions of the volcano is hundreds of thousands of years. It may also be an extinct volcano. How can we hit it by such a coincidence."

   Lin Xian was surprised: "It is normal, but it’s hard to say here. You forgot, the previous few times when we went out on expeditions, the astronomical phenomenon changed when we said it changed."

   "I think there are tens of thousands of roads, and safety is the first thing. Be careful to sail for thousands of years."

  Hua Lanting looked towards the front, the heat was evaporating in the distance ahead, and the specific scene was no longer clear. Then he said:

   "Or we searched for places that are too hot to stand the heat, and what we find is nothing. If we don't get anything, we will withdraw."

   Everyone has no objections, and after another three or four miles, the heat is getting stronger and stronger, and it is almost impossible to see the figures of the surrounding companions.

   Upon reaching a small mountain bag, everyone was hesitant to go back. The spiritually sensitive Hua Lanting felt that there seemed to be vibrations beneath his feet, and he was about to give a warning, but it was too late.

   Suddenly, a big crack broke under their feet, like a big mouth, swallowing all the seven people who couldn't respond.

   Amidst the screams, everyone fell on an unstable footing.

   Fortunately, it is not a straight up and down section within the crack, but a steep slope.

   Some of them tried to pierce the rock wall with a weapon to stabilize their figure, but the rock wall was so loose that it collapsed when it was inserted and couldn't focus on it.

   In this way, after sliding down for a full sixty breaths, finally there was a gentle undulating ground, which blocked a few people and stopped the decline.

   Everyone was in shock, all scorched and dusty, they got up and took a breath for a while before they had enough energy to look around.

It's very dark and hot here. I don't know if the crack above is closed or too far away. There is no light coming through, but they can vaguely see the environment. It turns out that the rock wall next to it faintly glows with a dark red color and emits heat. It seemed to be full of hot red unquenched coke.

   Breathing was still smooth, and the heat was barely able to withstand it. It was impossible to climb along the **** as long as possible to return to the ground. The seven had to continue walking forward to find a way out.

   didn't go far, the trouble came, and they walked into a maze of caves.

   and others realized that they were lost, but they could no longer find the way they came. There were fork roads all around, and the red rock walls made no difference. Even if they were marked, they would return to the original place soon.

That’s not to say, the temperature in the cave is getting higher and higher, and the feet are already burning when they fall. The people are dry, and after a few more laps like ants on a hot pot, they try to hit the rock. I found that the rock wall here is very hard, and even the gold wire and iron wire of Hualan Ting can only go deep and cannot be destroyed.

   Huo Huixiao was sweaty and her mind was a little dizzy. She reached out and took out a compass, looked at the aimlessly rotating pointer on it, and said: "This should not be an artificial formation. The magnetic field is chaotic, and the compass is useless."

   Hua Lan Ting reminded her: "Try your Huangdi Si CSR."

   Huo Huixiao patted his forehead: "I'm dizzy, I have forgotten this."

   The small Sinan car landed. After Huo Huixiao pressed a mechanism above, the arms of the standing villain in the car rotated a few times, and finally stopped in the eyes of everyone, pointing in one direction.

   Everyone cheered and followed Sinan car around seven times. After a sharp bend, a heat wave suddenly rushed toward their faces, and the eyes suddenly opened up.

   Before they were happy to get out of their troubles, seeing the scene ahead, everyone's hearts suddenly sank again.

A few feet in front, a wide crack appeared. No, it should be said that it was a deep ditch with a width of fifty or sixty feet. You can't see the end to both sides, and you can't look down at the bottom. It just feels red, it seems to be exuding. With the squirming magma of high heat, flames of varying sizes will float up from time to time, and will evaporate and dissipate until high.

   "Look back." Lin Xianjing said immediately.

   But when they turned around, they all screamed bitterly. The intersection they had just turned out disappeared, and the entire face of the rock was turned into a solid rock wall behind them, and there was no way out on both sides.

   They were sealed on this small piece of high platform.

   "What the **** is this!" Yue Guanghan shouted.

   The seven went around in a circle, and then tested the hardness of the rock wall, confirming that they had reached the absolute path.

   The temperature has not risen any more. Even so, if they can’t get out of here as soon as possible, they will sooner or later be dried by high-temperature steaming adults.

   Everyone turned their gazes to the opposite side of the deep ditch. There was dark and gloomy over there. Although it was not clear, it felt that the temperature was at least not as high as here.

   How did the problem go? At such a long distance, there is still interference from high temperature and flames.

   They still have space to transfer secrets to use.

   But soon, their mood sank to the bottom again, and the teleportation turned out to be invalid!

   "Why? I'm really a crow's mouth, this is a ghost place!" Yue Guanghan squatted down and said bitterly.

   Lin Xian sighed in surprise, and said in a deep voice: "Don’t panic, everyone, there is no way to the world, and think of a way together. First of all, who of you can fly across the past?"

   "My Yuheng Fengyangguan triple-folding body method should be fine, but it is definitely not possible with people." Zhang Hanyun said first.

   No one else said anything, obviously they couldn't do it. This is beyond their current ability.

   Hua Lanting said: "Xiao Xiao's flying futon core array is damaged, and it can't be repaired for a while. My Yu Shang should be able to pass. Wait, Xian Jing, you want to..."

   Lin Xian stared at him with shocking eyes: "Yes, yes. How many cups do you have for repositioning? Can the distance of fifty or sixty feet still be effective?"

   Hua Lanting pondered for a while, and replied: "Well, the cup is enough. I tested this distance in the door, no problem. Now there is no other way, just set it up. I will try and it doesn't work."

   Under the test, the space replacement of the foot cup and the horseshoe cup did not fail here!

   Everyone likes to move the color, the space transmission secret method is not good and the reason why the two kinds of cups can work has no time to explore, just use it.

   The careful Lin Xianjing found that the ground under their feet showed signs of softening, and shouted: "Hurry up, this place is almost toasted by the high temperature."

   Under everyone's gaze, Zhang Hanyun took a few cups, selected a space where the underground flames rose, and performed the Yangguan triple-folding method. After three aerial rises, he reached the opposite side smoothly.

   After placing the cups, Zhang Hanyun shouted: "Hurry up and come here, the temperature here is not high."

   Hua Lan Ting handed a horseshoe cup to Song Feifei's hand, and immediately urged the cultivation base Nian-Dong Fa Jue.

   In the blink of an eye, Song Feifei was replaced on the other side, and the lying cup on the opposite side broke into several pieces immediately after returning to Hualanting.

   It seems that fifty or sixty feet has reached the limit of transposition, and the cup body can't bear it anymore. But at this time, everyone didn't care about the damage of this treasure.

   Next, Huo Huixiao, Yue Guanghan, Yu Qian, and Lin Xianjing were teleported over one after another.

   When only Hualanting was left alone, the ground here was about to soften and sink.

   Under the continuous urging of everyone, Hua Lan Ting did not act immediately. The light here is dim, and no one else has noticed that Hua Lanting's face is gloomy at the moment, and his body is trembling slightly and is about to fall.

   When Lin Xianjing asked him just now, Hua Lanting thought for a while, but he actually didn't say anything.

   He did experiment with the maximum distance between the recumbent cup and the horseshoe cup in conjunction with the transposition. Fifty to sixty feet can be done, but at such a distance, it will consume a lot of his spiritual power every time.

   He estimated that his cultivation level could still persist five or six times. For everyone's safety, the situation did not allow him to hesitate.

The problem is that Hualanting’s cultivation base has been suppressed in the central patio, and it has fallen a lot, and they have been consumed before that. Coupled with the influence of the high temperature here, his spiritual power level is actually only in its heyday. About 60% of it.

   After continuously teleporting five people, the spiritual power in Hualanting's dantian at this time was empty and empty. It would be okay if he could meditate to recover some, but the ground under his feet was about to collapse, and there was no more time for him.

   Hua Lan Ting paused for a moment, the work circulated for a small week, then secretly gritted his teeth, stroked the empty sky blue smoke jade on his chest with his left hand, and resolutely initiated a shift in position.

After    two breaths, Lin Xianjing and others on the other side suddenly noticed that the only cup left on the ground cracked in place, and Hua Lanting's figure suddenly appeared in the air.

   But that's only in the middle of the deep groove!

   Hualanting was unable to send it in place.

   Then, amidst the unanimous exclamations of everyone, Hua Lanting's figure fell straight down.

  A gold and silver brilliance flew up in time, and it was Hualanting who threw out the gold wire and iron The gold wire and iron wire quickly became longer and came straight to everyone.

   Lin Xian threw out in shock, and hurriedly reached for it.

   The fall was too fast, and the end of the gold wire and iron wire stopped extending before Lin Xian was surprised...

   The six people shouted hoarsely, Hualanting fell to the ground.

   Hua Lan Ting also felt despair all over his body, and a hot and unpredictable heat wave immediately wrapped up, a red color in front of him.

   Whether it's in danger or not chaos, or dying to struggle, Hua Lanting took advantage of his consciousness to be awake, slapped his chest, and forced out a six-party cup and a grand cup with his remaining skill.

   The two cups quickly zoomed in and buckled together, protecting Hualan Ting.

Fortunately, the heat that is constantly rushing up underground is getting more and more abundant. After falling another hundred feet, the intensity of the hot air has been holding up the two cups that have become as big as a bell, and the downward trend has become slow. stand up.

   The thermal spray is very uneven. One person and two cups are blown up and down when they are swung from left to right, which can also avoid the mortal situation of direct free fall.

   The crisis has not been resolved yet.

   Fortunately, Hua Lan Ting, the next moment, did not call for help when it fell, and suddenly screamed out loudly...


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