The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 188: Rune Tian Dun

   Where there is fire, there must be smoke.

The upper half of the   huo cave was okay. As the burning of charcoal intensified, dense smoke filled the lower half and penetrated in along the cracks in the cup.

   Hua Lan Ting is inevitable in a small space. Although he can stay closed for a long time, there is always a limit. If he finally suffocates and died, it would be better to burn directly.

cigarette! cigarette! Is there any magic weapon to control smoking?

   Hua Lan Ting’s thoughts are chaotic, and time passes by little by little, and the breath will be exhausted, making it more and more difficult to meditate and think deeply.

   Close your eyes, in the darkness, blessing to the soul, like lightning across the night sky.

   can't remember who told him, it seems to be Mu Huan, the shortest straight line between two points!

cigarette! cigarette! There is no time to think deeply, what is the most direct, simplest, and most straightforward thing related to smoke?

   For a long time, the most mysterious object on my body is the sky blue smoke jade, can the word smoke in my name save my life?

how to use?

   I have always absorbed the aura from the sky and blue smoke jade, which is the result of this jade automatically absorbing and storing the aura from the outside world. This is a two-way process.

  There are clouds at the door, and you will become commonplace, and you will become immortal!

   Since it can extract power, it should be able to stimulate its absorption, try?

   With a thought, my chest is empty and the sky is blue with smoke and jade is hot, I really swallow the smoke and fire like a cocoon!

   Although it is not as obvious as a long whale absorbing water, it is indeed useful.

   Hua Lanting calmed his mind after the surprise, and directed the sky blue smoke to slowly absorb the smoke from the air, and his breathing gradually became smoother.

   However, the surrounding temperature is getting higher and higher, and I feel like a piece of dry wood baked in a fire, which will be ignited into ashes at any time.

   Hua Lan Ting also tried to drive Kongtian Qingyan Jade to absorb the flames, but after finding that it was invalid, he had to give up. He called out all the magic weapons that could delay the intrusion of flames, and protected his body, only keeping the thought of exploding when the next trace of the mountain was exhausted.

   In a muddle-headed ambiguity, in my mind, the voices and smiles of those familiar with him flashed by like a horse lantern, and finally fixed the picture when he first entered the mountain gate, before the beginning of the Taoist Poetry Society, Feng Qingjun came in white clothes curling up.

   Hua Lanting burst into tears for a while, and his heart was ashamed of death... He looked like a dead tree, and the movement of blood and blood seemed to be gradually stagnating...

   Even if a fragile scolding sounded, he didn't react immediately.

   "Damn, what the **** is this place, play with me! Cough, choke to death... Oh, lack of spiritual power. Fire avoidance charm, give me...cough cough..."

   A violent coughing sound finally awakened Hua Lanting.

   He opened his eyes and looked up through the transparent body of the six-party cup in the confusion caused by the flames.

   A few feet away, in a ball of flames, a figure is dancing around in a hurry, every time it is waved, there will be a crackling sound, and then the flame will be forced a few feet away.

   "Huh? What's the situation?" Hua Lanting opened his eyes wide.

   This time, after the flame was continuously forced away, he saw clearly that there was a person inside!

   A man in black, a woman in black, her face is still very pale against the flames, her eyebrows are finely curved, and if her mouth is a little bigger, she can be called a beautiful woman, but she is one round older than him.

   At this moment, the black-clothed woman kept taking out a piece of talisman paper in a desperate manner, shooting up, down, front and back, left and right, while choking and coughing.

   How can someone appear here inexplicably? Is this yourself in the underworld? Hua Lanting's mind hasn't turned around yet.

   But his subordinates are not slow. Seeing that this woman is almost unable to support her being choked by the fireworks, Hua Lanting subconsciously shakes her hand and throws out the gold wire.

  The gold wire flew out from a gap in the six-party cup, reaching the woman, and at the same time Hua Lanting shouted: "Catch it, come here!"

   The woman heard the sound, and then turned her head and saw Hualanting.

   In surprise, she reached out and grabbed one end of the gold wire, and she was pulled over by Hua Lanting.

   quickly opened the six-party cup and closed it again, Hua Lanting pulled the black-clothed woman in.

   There is not much space inside, and the two are almost standing close to each other.

   The woman rushed to ask: "Who are you? What are you doing here? Do you practice exercises? Huh? It's not choking here, a good place."

Before Hua Lanting could answer, the black-clothed woman looked around, took dozens of talisman papers, and filled up all the holes in the cup, coughed a few times, and took a few breaths on her chest. In a tone, he said again:

"The air leaks from all sides, you are not good, you can't last long with my fire-saving charm. Brother, your heart is big enough, and your cultivation is not as good as mine, but you are calm enough, then you must have a back hand. I can go out. How about taking me for a ride? If you don't help me in vain, thank you very much."

   Hua Lan Ting just left the place of death and resurrected. It was a little bit mad. At this moment, he hasn't fully recovered, and he replied smoothly: "I haven't left behind, and I can't get out. Do you have a way?"

   The woman in black said: "Of course there is, a trivial matter, but this lady consumes a lot and lacks spiritual power. Do you have a way?"

   Hua Lan Ting: "Of course there is, how difficult is this, I will give you the spirit to help you recover." He stretched out his hand.

   The black-clothed woman stepped back half a step: "Wait, I don't care about whether men and women give or receive a kiss. I don't worry, you hold this." She flipped her hand to reveal a soft cord, which was densely covered with various talismans.

   Hua Lan Ting held one end, injected the aura from the sky and blue smoke and passed it over.

   The woman in black tried it, and the two sat down cross-legged.

After a while, the black-clothed woman said, "It's done, it's enough." After speaking, she got up, narrowed her slender eyes, looked at Hua Lanting, and saw that he did not move, she stretched out her right middle finger. Out, pinch the forefinger and thumb, muttering words in your mouth.

After reciting, the black-clothed woman uncovered a piece of talisman paper next to her, grabbed a ball of flame in her hand from the outside, and quickly scribbled a word on the fire with the other hand, and then threw the ball of flame under her left foot to step on. Staying, chanting a spell again, and looking at Hua Lanting, who is still standing still, with a weird expression. She pressed her feet and said, "Escape!"

As soon as the word    escape appeared, the figure of the woman in black suddenly disappeared.

   Hua Lanting was taken aback for a moment, and finally fully awake, couldn't help but sit down, shaking his head and giving a wry smile.

   He just thought he would die, he had already closed his mind, waiting for the last moment to come.

   The black-clothed woman appeared. On the one hand, his subsequent series of performances were half-hearted, and all reactions were half a beat slower than usual. On the other hand, he acted out of subconscious instinct without much consideration.

   is now placed together, this woman escaped with her own help, but she didn't take him with her.

   The technique used by women is known to him as the escape technique in the Daoist Qimen Dunjia technique.

The Qimen Dunjia technique he also dabbles in the Vientiane Gate of Freedom. The door does not teach ordinary blindness techniques. He has not been taught the high-level Qimen Dunjia technique. Feng Huolun, the teacher of Dongming Peak, is especially good at this, but he also said that he must Wait until he enters the four-xiang yin and yang realm in the Dengfeng period before starting to teach.

With a light sigh, these have nothing to do with him now. Hua Lanting’s mentality has calmed down, and he can save a life when he leaves. He doesn’t feel any regrets anymore, because of good luck, time and fate. Things didn’t turn around for the better, but they didn’t get worse either, nothing more than...

   He remembered the words that he had come back to when he was in the Dust Dynasty of Another World: There is a place to be born, and there is a way back to death, it is better to go back.

Slowly closed his eyes. Just now, he was sending aura to others, and he didn't supplement himself. At this moment, he had gradually felt that he could not bear the burning of the fire, so he smiled and quietly completed the reversal profound art and exploded the inner alchemy. Preparation.

   At this moment, there was a sudden rush of wind in front of him, the hand was already held by someone, and I opened my eyes to watch, but it was the woman in black who reappeared, laughing and saying:

"The little brother regards death as home, sacrifices himself and saves others, and has no complaints. This state of mind is really rare, it can be achieved, and it is rare. Thinking of my **** Fu Tian escapes the door, how can I be an ungrateful, cold and selfish person, follow me? Let's go."

Without waiting for Hua Lan Ting to speak, the woman did it again. Pinching took a bunch of flame handwriting. This time Hua Lan Ting saw the word "road" clearly, and then quickly chanted the mantra: Please be here, the **** of fire, carefully Guard the fireworks gate, follow me on the road, and don’t let me reveal my whereabouts. Worship the Supreme Laojun, as anxious as a law. escape! "

   where the light started, the two disappeared from the fire cave.

   The wind was swift and weird, Hualanting's consciousness was stunned, and he opened his eyes and landed, and the woman in black heard a distant and dull exclamation: "Oh, luck is so bad, how is this good? Where are you?"

It turned out that the woman in black grabbed his hand in order to save Hua Lanting, but then she was ashamed to hold her hand with a strange man, and released her hand at the moment when the light was about to disappear. Coincidentally, they were not far apart, but after landing, they were separated by a stone barrier.

  Hua Lanting looked around and found that he was on a high platform again, and when he looked at it, there was no flame under the high platform, but it turned into flowing magma.

   The thick magma glowed crimson in the darkness, creeping slowly, and the heat was coming, and it was rising at a speed that the naked eye could reach.

   After confirmation, Hua Lan Ting shouted: "I am here, what's the situation with you?"

   The stone gate is extremely thick, and the voice is not easy to penetrate, Hua Lan Ting has to speak with sufficient skill.

   The woman in black replied: "I'm fine here, there is no fire. I scared people to death, but fortunately, I didn't lose you. Are you hot there?"

   "How do you know that there is a fire? The fire is not big, and it is full of magma underneath, which is rising."

"Nonsense, as long as the fire escape technique touches the fire, you can escape, and then it will appear in any nearby fire place. If you can't escape within an hour, you will return to the place and be burned by the fire. I am safe, the fire is natural. It's with you."

   "Ah! This stone gate is combined with the mountain. It is flat and smooth. I can't open it. Is it the same on your side?"

   "No, there is a stone turntable, like a switch. I will turn it and open the door to save you. Wait, no, it won't work, it won't move."

   "Then look at the side to see if there are other organs or special places."

   "Let me see, um, there are a few signs on the door, one is raised, there is a circle, there are recesses, and..."

   Although Hua Lan Ting has not systematically studied organ art, but after spending a long time with Lin Xian, he naturally has a superficial understanding. He thought for a while and said:

   "It is estimated that the age is too long and the energy is exhausted. Try putting your hand in the depression to charge your spiritual power."

   "So bad, alas, I was also unlucky. I encountered a big fire in another place, but I used the fire escape technique but escaped to your fire cave. On the contrary, the fire was stronger and there was thick smoke."

   "Yes, yes, you are great, come in the fire, go in the fire. Can you charge the mechanism first?"

   "Yes, you saved me. Of course I won't die. I am not good. I don't practice hard. Now I can only escape randomly. I can't control and choose the distance and location."

   "It's okay, you think I don't even know how to escape. Then you can charge and open the door first, okay?"

   "Okay. It would be great if my master was there. Her old man would definitely choose a place with a small fire, so that neither you nor I would be so troublesome."

   "You are right, now, eldest sister, you can recharge it first!"

   "No problem, but what do you call me? Big sister? Do I have a spicy youngest? I can call you little brother, but you can't call me that? Time is to blunt Sister Pig Sword."

   "Well, fellow Taoist, please open the door first."

   "What? I can't hear you clearly."

   "Can you hear me clearly now? Miss sister, can you hurry up?"

   "Of course, which mechanism did you just say to press?"

   "Sink that one, inject spiritual power."


   "Because the turntable does not move, it may be insufficiently powered and needs to be recharged."

   "Are you sure? I understand Fuluunshu. I don't know anything about the organs. Can I hold onto the Buddha's feet temporarily?"


   "Hey, are you talking?"

   "I just want you to try. If it doesn't work, we will think of another way."

   "That's it, I understand, then you say there is any other way, as long as I can do it, sister has nothing to say."


   "Are you angry?"

   "No no, why am I angry, you have been helping me."

   "You are obviously angry, did I say something wrong and did something wrong? Tell me, don't you tell me how I know, humility makes people progress, I will apologize and correct."

   "I'm really not angry, really."

   "Then why do you always emphasize this point."

   "No, let's talk about charging first, okay?"

   "Okay, haven't we been talking about charging to open the door?"

   "Yes, I am not angry, I only care about charging."

   "Look, you guys are too rational and me, they are very concerned about the feelings of others."

   "Okay, I'm sorry, I'm not good, then you can start to infuse spiritual power now."

   "Look, you are still angry, and your tone has changed."

   "I... I'm not angry, I'm really not angry, you have to believe me."

   "Why do you lie to me? Being angry is angry. I am particularly anxious to get angry. I tell you that if you can't leave the fire point of the exit within an hour, you will be very dangerous."

   "No, I didn't... I just want to ask if you can try charging, help me open the stone gate, and let me pass."

   "Don't talk about Shimen, I am not talking about this now, it is you, you and I have never lived before, but I admire you very much, it is good if you are kind, but you..."

   "Stop, I'm not angry, I'm not angry, I'm about to burn my ass, you..."

"I am not called Tingting. I am very open and never concealed. I come from the Shenfu Tiandun Sect. List."


"...I want to call you straight, this is really a straight girl, she's a fight with Zhuge Yun." Hua Lanting glanced at the red lava that rose only ten feet away from him, and secretly thought. Belly defamation.



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