The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 187: Stand by

From the perspective of spiritual practice, most people in the world are in a sick state. The only difference lies in the severity of the illness. Some people’s illnesses have been manifested externally, while others are still in a latent state, and some are physical illnesses, and some are mental illnesses. More are both.

  Cultivation is to change this state, so that severe lesions are lighter, and minor lesions are absent, so that wisdom and wisdom can be developed. One of the important means to achieve this transformation is self-cultivation.

   Generally speaking, self-cultivation and self-cultivation are two aspects of practice. The Tao Te Ching compares them to the two wheels of a car. Only if the two wheels are the same size, the car can move forward smoothly.

   In the actual practice process, the two wheels of mind and body are always in a state of change. As long as they can be adjusted, the car can always move forward, but the trajectory of the journey will be bumpy to the left or right.

   Therefore, if you want to reach your destination quickly, you can only minimize the frequency and amplitude of this swing.

   Self-cultivation and self-cultivation can be regarded as one body, self-cultivation is just a specific method of self-cultivation. However, only after the cultivation of the original mind manifests and the transition to a state of cultivation of one body and mind, the two are completely the same. At this time, there is no difference between the cultivation of the body and the cultivation of the mind, but before that, it is still necessary to practice separately. of.

   The Vientiane Gate of Freedom has divided the major stages of practice based on the Taoist concept and many years of experience:

   First of all, it is to achieve the initial stage of building a foundation to recover from illness and strengthen the body.

   After that, it is the stage of refining and refining qi, also known as the stage of refining and refining qi, which achieves the transformation of muscles and blood, exercises internal organs, and turns essence into qi.

   Then there is the stage of qi fullness and transformation, that is, the stage of refining qi and transformation. At this time, qi turns into god, and the brain gradually changes from wood to clear from the outside to the inside, and the mind is strengthened.

   Then is the stage of divine feet entering the emptiness, that is, the stage of refining the divine and returning the emptiness. At this time, it can be said that the physical body is connected to the universe and the world.

As for the last two steps, for the natural phases of cultivating the emptiness and combining the Dao and the Dao Fa, it is not something that a single cultivation method can accomplish. Those who are strong in a single cultivating body can only stop here at most. These two steps are combined with cultivation. The relationship between the mind is extremely close, and only the practice of both body and mind can be realized.

   These two stages are similar to what Buddhism said about the initial blooming and blooming phases, where the stuff in the heart is slowly peeled off in pieces, gradually revealing the original heart, pointing straight to the ascension to the immortal Buddha.

In order to express and embody the step-by-step progress, the Vientiane Gate of Freedom refers to the ten realms of foundation building, medicine, alchemy, self-refining, alchemy, warming, birthlessness, Xuanzhu, Yaochi, and Promise, which are widely used in Xianzhou. , According to the characteristics of freedom as the infinite power, the above stages are further subdivided into one yuan return, two dragons out of water, three mountains with moon, four images of yin and yang, five qi Chaoyuan, six Ding Liujia, seven-star Beidou, eight golden locks, Jiuqu Lianhuan and Shifang Wuji.

   For example, Hualanting’s current four-image yin and yang state still belongs to the stage of refining qi, and the five-qi dynasty yuan stage is considered to have initially entered the stage of refining qi and transforming gods. After the seven-star Beidou stage, it reaches the stage of refining the gods and returning to the emptiness.

The Shifang Promise Realm can be said to be the pinnacle of the stage of refining the void and combining the Tao. Only after breaking through and entering the natural stage of Taoism can you have the qualifications to ascend and the possibility of impacting the immortal Dao. And the top-notch magnificent idea of ​​immortality manages to pursue assiduously.

After recalling these basic knowledge of cultivation, Hua Lanting couldn't help sighing that he was still in the lower end of the cultivation stage. He confided in his heart, whether it was a blessing or a curse, but a curse that could not be avoided. Xifu leans on, **** her mother! Huo Lian's true body!

   He meditated several times on the steps, methods, and heart tactics of the new physical exercises, and began to slightly let go of his defense tension.

Just slackened, the heat and impulse coming in through the cup immediately arrived in all directions with several times the strength, Hua Lanting licked his palate, clenched his teeth, and squeezed the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth. Zhongneidan shines brightly.

Unlike the teacher who would control the intensity and rhythm when he helped him refine his body, at this time, the size of the ground fire covered with charcoal stone varies, and the intensity of each impact varies from light to heavy, and the interval varies, making him unpredictable. So I didn't dare to slack off a little bit, and could only go all out, for fear of being knocked out by the extremely heavy force under the negligence, and fainted to death.

This process is difficult and long. It can only rely on boiling. It is like washing a sponge full of impurities in seawater. When you squeeze hard, the impurities in the sponge are discharged. When you relax, the seawater is sucked into the sponge. After countless cyclic exchanges, the impurities in the sponge will eventually be completely replaced by sea water, reaching a state where the body is full of innocence and reborn.

This process first requires meditation and concentration to gather complex thoughts. Hualan Ting could have done this easily, but because of the crisis, it took a lot of time to achieve it. In the end, the thoughts can be arbitrarily fixed. Any part of the body for a certain amount of time.

   Next, you have to endure the discomfort caused by various physical barriers under external stimulation, starting with the skin and bones, then the meridians, internal organs, and heart channels. The deeper the pain, the greater the pain.

   From the point of view of qi, one of the physical impassability and discomfort is caused by the obstruction of turbid qi, and the other is caused by the narrow and unsmooth air passage.

   Its function is equivalent to building a dam to store water. Once the water level is reached, the potential energy of the water can be used to break the dam and evaporate, and the turbid gas can be brought into the river along with the sludge deposited on the channel, thereby making the navigation channel unobstructed.

   At this time, I feel unusually comfortable.

   Of course, this phenomenon is only temporary, and soon the next stage or the next level will be blocked, and the Qi machine will stop somewhere, causing new discomfort, and another battle will start.

   At the same time, it is necessary to transform the essence of energy at the same time, transforming the essence of low energy into the energy of higher energy level.

   The qi in the body will sink somewhere, and people's thoughts will naturally follow. You can choose to move your mind away from this place, you can also place your mind there to strengthen the qi sensation there, or you can use your mind to loosen your qi sensation and help the qi machine to get through it.

How to decide exactly how to decide on the occasion? Hua Lan Ting’s practice uses the alternating pros and cons. It first strengthens the sense of qi, and withstands the qi from the front. After holding it to a certain level, it withdraws suddenly, as if pressing a ball underwater. , When you press it deep enough, let it go, the ball will bounce up, allowing the Qi machine to pass through the circulation channel in the body point by point, completing a cycle transformation, and strengthening the physical body and the true body at the same time.

After repeated repetitions, a little bit of greasy and black unclean matter was discharged from Hua Lanting's body. The muscles became softer and more elastic, and the direction of muscle fibers tended to be straight. The pain of the muscles began to weaken and the joints Constantly being propped up and developing, crackling.

   It is simple and easy to say. In this process for an unknown period of time, Hua Lan Ting tried its best and used several methods to survive until now.

   The first is to endure, relying on a strong will to endure the pain and ubiquitous pain caused by internal and external affairs.

Hua Lanting remembered that he was in a small village in the secular world. He had seen a doctor of Chinese medicine treat uncles and aunts who had frozen shoulders. No matter the strong stretching, the room was full of patients' crying fathers and mothers. , Gui crying wolf howling, crying crying and grabbing the ground.

   The heat and impulse outside are more random and violent than the doctor of Chinese medicine. Hua Lanting's performance at the moment is even worse, shouting hoarsely and hysterically, anyway, no one here laughs at him.

When    really couldn't bear it, in order to prevent the brain's self-protection mechanism from fainting, Hua Lan Ting aroused the empty sky and blue smoke in his chest.

   He can already command Kongtian Qingyanyu to release the stored pure aura, but he can only release it a little bit, and cannot control the amount at will.

   Relying on weak but continuous aura replenishment, he can continue to support.

After a few rounds, as he circled in the air and slowly dropped, the temperature became higher and higher. As time passed, first the grand cup and then the goblet, both of them couldn't stand the high temperature and burned for a long time, and began to soften. A chapped situation.

   Hua Lan Ting had to summon a six-square cup and a bamboo silk cup to stick to the inside for reinforcement. Fortunately, the physical body has been strengthened, and it is estimated that it can last for a while.

When the willpower tolerate and the air and sky blue smoke and jade spiritual energy assistance were a bit unable to keep up with the pain caused by the fire-refining physical body, Hua Lanting had to use the "spiritual victory method of letting me imagine, which was taught by Yun Yiqi." "

   The supernatural power of the cultivator who can see the situation in his body is called "insight". To extend it, examining oneself can be called "insight", and studying others is called "observation."

People eat every day. We eat animals and plants, we drink, we drink milk and water, we breathe the air, and we are basking in the sun. These form part of our body, but these are nothing but materials, energy, and information. The aggregation is nothing more than.

   In this sense, the human body is nothing more than a combination of various things under the guise of the so-called body.

When there is something wrong with the body "this lump of things", when such helpless things as death occur, when a person feels extremely desperate, at least one way is to try to pull the "I" out and take a A kind of onlooker attitude, try to observe it and feel it-a person has the opportunity to use oneself as an object of observation, to taste and play, maybe nothing can be changed, but this in itself is an environmentally friendly and advanced way of happiness .

   The above viewpoints are used in cultivation, in Yun Yiqi's words, they are infinitely useful, and at least they can reduce pain.

Hua Lan Ting has not been able to separate the soul from the body, but when he tried to "see" his body from the outside of his body, he didn't realize the advanced magical effect mentioned by Yun Yiqi, but he stood by and "gloated" that. "Others" are suffering At least I feel less painful.

In this way, Hua Lan Ting alternately used various methods, and finally felt that the cultivation of the body-refining method had reached a certain level, and the strength of the physical body had increased very greatly. If he can help to improve, he must have a higher level of external force to allow him to enter a deeper body training practice.

   At this time, the six-square cup and the bamboo silk cup are about to melt.

   According to Hua Lan Ting's estimation, he was exposed to the ground fire at this time, and his body could support him for some time.

   But then, then there is no more then? Where is the queen of death?

   He has been hoping that the ground fire that constantly hits him can push him to the edge of the fire cave so that he can go up, or hook it with a gold wire and get out of the trap to the ground.

   But I don't know if it was bad luck. This situation didn't happen. He always floated up and down in the middle position.

   He is deeply ingrained in the concept of burial, and he really does not want to be cremated to death.

   Before long, when the cup body melts, he can only fall into the fire and return to the ruins.

   My thoughts became slow, and the real body of Huo Lian was completed, Hua Lan Ting was really at a loss.

   At this moment, a new realistic issue involving life and death appeared again!


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