The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 199: Fireworks on earth

In the central patio, Yu Hualong, who was still casting spells, opened his eyes while reconciling impermanence, with a look of confusion and anxiety on his face.

Yu Hualong asked, "Old Jie, people haven't sent it out yet, but I can't feel it anymore, what's the matter?"

Xie Wuchang said puzzledly, "I don't know, I have done everything I can, and I can't find it. I only feel that there is a strange power appearing, and its momentum is magnificent. It is not something we can deal with."

Yu Hualong pondered for a moment, "It's impossible to be entrusted and loyal to others. It's fine if you don't get a reward. These children have transmitted problems, and neither of you nor I can bear the anger of that person. Report it quickly."

Not long after, the lazy voice of the ghost clone that Hualanting encountered in Taoist temple came from the space, "What's the panic? The old man didn't get the energy supplement as he wished, and he is sleeping and practicing, why wake me up?"

"Master Lu, the big event is not good." Yu Hualong told the story again.

Qi Ling clone was taken aback, fully awake, was silent for a while, and said, "I checked, you are not to blame for this matter, someone robbed you halfway."

"Who is such a bold man who dares to ruin the major events of your old man?" Xie Wuchang asked.

After a long while, Qi Ling replied without annoyance, "You ask me, who am I asking? This is troublesome. I only wanted them to travel to that continent for some experience and accumulate more. I didn't expect the old man to do this. Fan made a proposition and forced the show. It just happened to be self-defeating. Someone actually robbed the show forcibly. If the master knew it, he would blame it. How could this be good?"

Yu Hualong said cautiously, "Master Lu, we are helping him wear it. I feel that mysterious power intervenes halfway through, not to take the lives of these children, but to use a more sophisticated method of soul penetration, but in case If the body and soul cannot be united in the future..."

The Qi Ling clone voice solemnly "It's up to you. If the old man joins hands with my brothers, it won't be difficult to summon the soul from the lower planes."

"The problem is that although this person's cultivation is stronger than me, he has not been transcended into the sacred after all. What this person does not know is that this time the central patio was activated early and was affected by the power of the immortal family. Affected by this, Hua The spirits of the eight Lanting souls are bound to be damaged after they are worn, and it is not the time to recall them now."

"To what extent will it be damaged?" Yu Hualong asked.

"If you say it badly, the most serious thing is amnesia, even if you become a fool, the light one will also lose part of the memory. You can only wait for the eight people to fully rely on their own abilities to recover on their own in that plane before they can be recalled. It's out of spectrum."

Yu Hualong reconciles impermanence and dare not answer, but feels that Qi Ling's avatar's gaze is turning back and forth on the two of them unkindly.

Xie Wuchang hurriedly said, "Master Lu, we both tried our best. You said you didn't blame us."

The avatar of Qi Ling said, "Don't blame it, don't blame it, the old man doesn't blame it, but also has what he wants."

"As the saying goes, good people do it to the end and send the Buddha to the west. It's not annoying for the two masters. What the old man means is, I beg you two to go there too, look for, protect and help the eight people recover. Are you optimistic?"

Xie Wuchang "No, I don't want any rewards, just let us go."

The avatar of Qi Ling "No, the old man will spit a nail when he says something out. The reward must be given, and it will be doubled after it is done. The old man is not discussing with you, but asking!"

"Then please, I will take care of your caviar and grandchildren. However, if you fail to complete the task and the ugly words are at the forefront, you two will be promoted to the emperors of the two races."

"Good to go or not to send!"

The bodies of the mermaid and the spider crab are still there, but their eyes are dull. The soul has been photographed by the magical avatar of Qi Ling, following the residual mana fluctuations of the mysterious person, chasing Hualanting and the others.


When Hua Lanting woke up, he felt like he was sleeping on a bed with his back on his back, and the surroundings were as dark as ink.

He turned his eyes to the side, and there was no light in the window beside him. It should be a moonless night.

With the thoughts, he suddenly felt abnormally numb and weak, and his whole body was like a huge boulder. He tried to get up, but his head was dizzy, his temples on both sides jumped suddenly, his headache was splitting, his eyes were staring, and cold sweat came out.

what's the situation? Where is this yourself?

Frowning to endure the pain, he took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, Hua Lanting wanted to calm himself down first.

This action didn't matter, he immediately discovered that this body was not his own!

Here again?

With the experience of traveling to Yue Jing, the Hou Mansion in Qingyuan last time, Hua Lanting didn't make a fuss or panicked. This should be a reaction caused by not adapting to his new body. He closed his eyes and calmed his breath, feeling carefully.

Yes, my body is not my own, my physique is fairly strong, he has the foundation of internal strength, he is a martial artist, dantian...there is no inner alchemy in the dantian, I can only vaguely feel that a seed as small as a grain of rice is dim and dull. Now and then.

This is not the body of a cultivator. It is roughly the same as the time when the teacher Dai Anlan practiced martial arts with the teacher in the Sun-Moon Dynasty. It was far inferior to the realm of breaking through the One Yuan Resurrection Realm in the Chen Dynasty.

Here, it should be the era of warriors similar to the secular world.

It doesn't hurt that he still has the exercises and martial arts close to him, so he can practice again.

Huh, isn't it?

Thinking of this, Hua Lan Ting was terrified and horrified this time, and his mind was empty, and there was no shadow of the martial arts and martial arts that he had learned in Vientiane Freedom!

Wait, don't worry.

At this time he began to adjust slightly to his new physical condition and was able to twist slightly. Lie on his back and move the joints of the whole body, intending to guard his dantian, lighten his body, and relax his mind. Hua Lanting slowly tried to recall everything before.

There is a problem, a big problem.

He can think of everything about the Sun-Moon Dynasty, and he can think of later entering the Freedom Vientiane Gate practice, Wulan Mountain, Dust Dynasty, Dust Sealed Mountain, Central Patio...

By the way, the closest memory was being teleported by a fish and a crab in the central patio, saying that he was going to the other world to find his own way back.

However, from the beginning of the visit to the Vientiane Gate of Freedom, all the people encountered in the long process can't remember it!

There are always masters, fellow students, friends, and opponents. There are always various events that happen, all in a flash, and the details are not clear.

Wait a minute, there are some martial arts and martial arts, but they are all before entering the One Yuan Recovery Realm, that is to say, they can still be remembered gradually?

Hua Lan Ting continued to relax and search hard, but in any case, it was as fruitless as catching water from a bamboo basket and pointing to quicksand.

Is this the setting for this trip? What is the purpose of coming here?

After digging three feet abruptly, Hualanting reluctantly gave birth to the two ideas of finding a companion and promoting and returning. As for who to find, what characteristics, and how to return, there is still no eyebrow. It seems that the companion is a female, and the return still needs to be cultivated to one yuan. The point of returning to the beginning.

After lying withered for half an hour, Hua Lanting temporarily gave up the idea of ​​continuing to think deeply.

At this time, he had basically fit with the body of the original owner, and was able to sit up and act.

As soon as he tried to get to the ground, the host memory fusion began after the body fit, Hua Lanting shouted, raised his head and fell down. The influx of thousands of scenes over the past two decades has directly blown his mind.

Dizzy and waking up, waking up and fainting again. When he woke up again, Hua Lanting meditated on the main body and the main body...At the same time, he walked around the sky with the inner strength of the original main practice, so that he could receive information in a clear state.

After spending a full half an hour, Hua Lan Ting slowly sorted out some general context, and other details he planned to open a little bit after contact with foreign objects, otherwise it would become as weak as the host’s spiritual sense. The child accepts all content.

The owner of the body is called Wei Zhanmei.

The place where he lives is called Qin Lu. There are several large and small countries on the Qin land. The two largest ones are Qingchuan in the north and Chaohua in the south. Wei Zhanmei was originally a Chinese.

The dynasty before Zhaohua was Hongxing. In the last years of Hongxing, the central officials worshiped the commander of the holy capital and led the inspectorate in front of the temple. Zhou Pu, who was in charge of the forbidden army in front of the temple, launched a mutiny and became the emperor.

Zhou Puli tried his best to rule and perished the surrounding small countries, and almost completed the unification of the Qin and Lu southern regions. However, after several generations of prosperity, the later generations of Emperors of Chaohua arrogantly prided themselves, indulged in enjoyment, and did not think about making progress. As a result, the country turned from prosperity to decline. .

At this time, Qingchuan, a corner in the north, suddenly emerged and swallowed several countries one after another. The founding monarch of Qingchuan was very kind and tolerant, pretending to be a minister, and served as the sovereign state of the dynasty.

Finally, three years ago, the second generation of Qingchuan Lords felt that the time was right and they sent troops southward. Several troops smashed the army and swiftly took over most of Chaohua, and joined forces in Yingdu, the capital of Chaohua, and Chaohua was destroyed.

Qingchuan has strong horses and strong military strength, but its population is only one-tenth that of Chaohua. After the country was destroyed and occupied, because the front line was too long and the power to control the entire territory was incapable, it had to choose to support a small puppet court and maintain its rule by garrisoning troops in major cities and incorporating the original military and horses of North Korea.

Afterwards, the situation fell into chaos, and the disintegrated old army of Chaohua, and various local separatist forces, including all kinds of strangers and strangers who were unwilling to be slaves to the country, rose up in rebellion.

All of a sudden, the rebels conspiring to restore the country and resisting Qingchuan rose like a beacon. Among them, there were 36 large-scale rebels in various regions, and they were called 36 road beacon smokes in history.

After Qingchuan State implemented a round of **** suppression, both sides suffered heavy losses, and thus entered a long-term stalemate. Qingchuan and the puppet court were unable to completely strangle all the rebels, but the rebels were also unable to capture the big city. Mainly can be harassment inside the city and guerrilla war outside the city.

It was at this time that Hualan Court arrived. It was a time when the situation was intricate and intricate, the North and South dynasties were surging, the heroes of the world were born, and the grassy heroes gathered together.

Wei Zhanmei was originally a hunter in a county near the capital of China. His ancestors seem to have a lot of background, but Hua Lan Ting has not received more information.

Wei Zhanmei is generous and bold, with a family heritage of martial arts, and is well-known in the county town.

After the destruction of the Kingdom of Korea, the puppet court supported by Qingchuan established an organization specifically responsible for collecting information on the rebels and recruiting masters to deal with the rebels who harassed the rebels in major cities and places. The father who passed away with stretched eyebrows was old, so he took him in as a confidant.

In order to facilitate control, Qingchuan moved north to Chaohua Capital City, and the small puppet imperial court appointed Yingdu, a large city in the north, but the old capital Yingdu in the south was still the focus of competition among all forces. Therefore, the headquarters of the counterinsurgency intelligence agency is still located in Yingdu, and Wei Zhanmei always reports to Dianmao early in the morning.

After sorting out this, after Hua Lan Ting accepted some of the information under the current situation, he became very interested in this new identity. There are many secrets in Wei Zhanmei, and more will be needed over time. As it goes on, it will be unearthed after the body and the soul are gradually and completely merged.

The current situation is already like this, Hua Lanting once again became familiar with and filtered his own body and the information he had mastered, excluding distracting thoughts and not thinking about him.

He decided to integrate into this world and age as soon as possible, with the two basic points of finding companions and improving his skills, and taking the early return as the center, and taking advantage of the trend.

The morning light in early summer was faint at this moment, Hua Lan Ting raised his feet out of the room door, stretched out in the fresh air.

This small courtyard is handed down by the ancestors of the Wei family. Now he is single, so a few rooms are rented out.

It’s too early, and other people’s homes haven’t gotten up yet. Hualanting went back to the room to wash, drank warm water, swallowed it in batches with body fluids, did Baduanjin Jinggong for a while, went back to the yard, and beat quietly. After using a set of fists, the whole body was slightly warmed, his qi was calm, and he breathed out a long white qi, and then his gong was regained.

Wei Zhanmei's internal skills are not bad, and his martial skills are lackluster, but Hua Lanting can already remember some routines, and it is estimated that he can still handle it in this world.

The official Xuanyi fish clothes were only changed in the yamen, and Hua Lanting put on a shirt at will and went out.

Without going too far, I turned a corner out of the alley, and suddenly it became lively, as if there were two worlds.

The location of Wei Zhanmei’s yard is really good. It’s quiet, and there is a long street outside. This is the time of the morning market. Some nearby people and small merchants and vendors lined up on both sides, asking for morning and shouting. One after another.

Court Hualan lived and practiced in the mountains. He hadn't had the smell of fireworks in the mortal world for a long time. When he rushed to his face, his heart suddenly calmed down, and, then, just like that, he fell in love with it.

Feeling sighed, settled, Hualanting, no, Wei Zhanmei, wandered out, sank into the bustling street.

Along the way, from time to time, two aunts and three aunts greeted him cordially. Wei Zhanmei lived here as a child. Many people knew him. They still used to call him Song Catcher, although he changed his family after the country was destroyed. , The title has changed.

Hua Lanting smiled, and nodded one by one. As expected, there was external stimulation, and he could recall a lot of personnel related to Wei Zhanmei.

Walking to the middle of the Long Street, Wei Zhanmei bought an early breakfast, which is the authentic specialty snack Roujiamo, a veritable Roujiamo—a piece of bread sandwiched between two palm-sized pieces of meat...

Song Zhanmei was unhappy at He wanted to enjoy this rare earthly morning and the noisy but sweet local dialect slang.

Is it that important and necessary that I want to practice in my heart? It's not an option to spend a life in this ordinary life.

Just thinking about it, someone over there is arguing.

A thin and withered man with a fat lady was picking watermelons, and the stubborn old man selling watermelons refused to lower the price.

The man said, "Can't it be cheaper? You see people sell it for a penny and a catty, so why do you want to sell it for a penny and a half?"

The old man also said that he was a little anxious and pale, and replied, "Yes, you are reasonable, then I will ask you, the same is my own daughter-in-law, others' aunts and aunts are all 100 kilograms, why is your one hundred and five?"

The man touched his head, "Master, you, let me calm down for a while..."

Hua Lanting laughed at hearing, and walked quickly to the official office.

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