The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 200: Confusing

Wei Zhanmei’s intelligence and surveillance agency is called Nanzhen Fusi, which is half a level lower in rank than Beizhen Fusi, located in the Xindu Yingdu, but because it is located in the center of warfare, the number of people is comparable to normal. The standard configuration is more than doubled, which can be said to be a big weight.

When Wei Zhanmei walked into the door of the government office, the old man in the concierge stopped him: "General Wei, good morning, Da Ge invites you to see him in the inner hall in half an hour."

The head of the North Town Fusi is the town emissary. In order to make a difference, the chief official of the Nanzhen Fusi is called the Grand Pavilion leader. Today’s Grand Pavilion leader is the puppet of the small imperial court who recommended Wei Zhanmei to serve here. Hu Shiwei, one of the characters.

Wei Zhanmei smiled and nodded. He raised his hand and handed the wrong uncle a meat dumpling he bought on the road: "Okay, this is for your old one. Eat it while it's hot."

Uncle Wrong has been at the concierge since Nanzhen Fusi opened the Office and Construction Office. No one knows his real name, nor is he interested in knowing it. The wrong uncle’s legs were bad, and one leg was lame. It is said that when he was young, he was a fierce general in the Chinese army of the old dynasty. Take a spare time to provide for the elderly.

When Uncle Wrong saw Roujiamo, his wrinkled old face smiled more like a chrysanthemum. He staggered over with a hardwood cane and took it: "Brother Wei is bothering, I will take a look at this full yamen. You are pleasing to your eyes. The young and lighter is the chief banner officer. If you don't put on airs, other people, which one is not with nostrils in the sky."

After speaking, he looked at no one, lowered his voice and said, "Da Ge Ling brought the carts and horses to him early in the morning, and his expression was not good. You should be careful later."

Wei Zhan helped the wrong uncle with his eyebrows, patted the crutches, and replied, "Thank you, wrong uncle, I know."

Wei Zhan eyebrows walked around the shadow wall and walked toward his room. On the way, he saw a person walking towards him with his head down. He avoided him and said hello: "Morning, Mr. Yuan."

The man hummed, and walked over without lifting his head.

This person is called Yuan Henpu, who is the accountant and the master of Shuqi in Nanzhen Fusi. He is a few years older than Wei Zhanmei. He is white and pure, and looks like a weak scholar. He is always sour in his speech. He is self-pity and doesn't care about people. He is not very popular in the office.

Wei Zhanmei didn’t care, he went straight to his room, changed into his official clothes, and made a pot of tea for himself. He cut the double knives and the hidden weapon capsule, and quietly reviewed all the information he had received from the morning till now in his mind.

After sitting quietly for a short time, Wei Zhanmei got up and went out to the inner hall. When he reached the door, he signed up and entered.

There are already some people sitting or standing in the inner hall.

There are two high-backed grandmaster chairs next to one and several cases. One person sits on the upper left side. His face is flushed and he has white hair. He looks like the father-in-law of the inner court. He is holding a tea bowl with one hand and his eyelids are drooping. , Seems to be closing his eyes and resting.

There were two people standing behind him, one of whom was not tall, dressed up, his face seemed to be smiling, his eyes flashing. The other was a woman with a long stature, dressed in black, covered with a piece of black gauze, only showing two autumn water-like eyes, she was also looking around curiously.

Sitting on the right side of the head is Wei Zhanmei's top boss, Shihu Wei.

Hu Shiwei is of medium height, slightly fat, with big bags under his eyes. He is struggling with his two temples.

Hu Shiwei always laughed first when everyone talked, and he looked like a rich man. People who saw him for the first time would never confuse him with the murderous, blood-stained Nanzhen Fusi big pavilion. In connection with this, Hu Shiwei has a nickname in Jianghu, which is called "Laughing Faced Man Tu".

But today, Hu Shiwei, as the wrong uncle said, his face was dark and gloomy, and his usual appearance was quite different.

Wei Zhanmei and Hu Shiwei glanced at each other, and lightly stood on their positions.

After waiting for a while, when everyone arrived on time, Hu Shi gave a phlegm and said, "Everyone, this official will give you a grand introduction. This is a special envoy from the inner court who came down to inspect on behalf of Beizhen Fusi. , Father Tu Haitu, you have seen it before."

Everyone crossed their hands and bowed together, Tu Hai put down the tea cup and nodded slightly.

Hu Shiwei went on to emphasize the tone and said, "Calling Qi all to come here today is a big event that really made the official heartbroken."

Having said this, Hu Shiwei turned to Tu Hai: "The Nanzhen Fusi is outside the official. There are currently two thousand households, five hundred households, eight general banner officers, and thirty-six small banner officers. One hundred and twenty-eight people, Wei Ti in embroidery clothes, and the rest are ordinary sergeant captains."

Having said that, he turned his head and looked at everyone: "The generals who are here today are the generals above the general banner. Except for one thousand households, two hundred households and three general banners who may be permanent residents, or have not returned from business trips, they should To seven people, there are actually seven people."

After a pause, ignoring everyone's surprised gaze, Hu Shiwei continued in a deep voice, "Why Father Tu came here? You seven know well."

"The thirty-six road beacon that rebelled against the imperial court, after several years of fighting against the rebellion and the bandit, either disappeared or dispersed, and now there are still 18 roads that are still lingering."

"Recently, our Nanzhen Fusi succeeded in instigating the deputy chief of the rebel Kuaixue Shiqingtang, one of the main rebels, Bai Xiaosheng, one of the bandit leaders who was arrested by the court, promised to abandon the secret and surrender."

"Bai Xiaosheng fled and was secretly escorted to Yingdu, but he was only willing to confess the location of the Kuixueshi Qingtang main hall and the military deployment and other secret information in front of the court officials. Therefore, Father Tu and his party rushed non-stop. "

"Before the meeting, Bai Xiaosheng's detention location was only known to the officer and the seven of you, and no one else knew the details."

Speaking of this, Hu Shiwei became stern: "However, just this morning, the official went to meet the envoy outside the city, and received information on the way. Someone intended to assassinate Father Tu, the official immediately rushed to protect him and ordered Kung Fu. The highest, Jianghanjiang Qianhu, who was responsible for guarding Bai Xiaosheng, summoned the embroidered clothing guard to come to help quickly."

"However, as soon as Jiang Qianhu left, an assassin launched an attack. The hundred households Qian Wanli, the general banner Zheng Wu, two small banner officials, and eight embroidered clothes guards were all killed, and Bai Xiaosheng was also killed! "

The few people who were not aware of it were all in an uproar.

Hu Shi snorted slightly: "The officer has already checked the body, and Bai Xiaosheng was severely cut off his heart and died. Qian Baihu and others were all poisoned and killed."

"The convoy of special envoys was indeed attacked. There were many enemies. The official and Eqianho and other embroidered guards cooperated with the palace masters to fight back the rebels."

"Speaking of it, at the same time knowing that the special envoy's arrival time, the secret detention location and the detention are Bai Xiaosheng's, there are only the seven of you!"

"Among you, there must be insiders who leak secrets!"

"Now, all of you talk about it, where was everyone last night and this morning? What did you do?"

The seven people looked at each other, were silent for a while, and began to talk about them one by one according to the size of the official position.

Eqianhu was dispatched to help and was injured in the battle. He was the least suspect.

Among the three hundred households, Qian Wanli died. One had been leading the team to patrol the city and watch the night, and the other had been drinking and playing cards with friends all night. Many people can prove that he has never left.

Of the five general banners, Zheng Wu has lost his life, and the other two are on duty in the Yamen, and they are also witnesses.

The remaining Zhang Fugui and Wei Zhanmei coincided with the day's shift. Both said that they were sleeping at home and had never gone out.

After the seven had finished speaking one by one, Hu Shiwei did not make a statement, but looked at Tu Hai.

At this moment, Tu Hai opened his eyes, and the entourage dressed as a Taoist priest behind him leaned over and whispered a few words in his ear.

Tu Hai nodded slightly, and said slowly in his characteristic drake voice: "This subordinate of our family is a new recruit from Beizhen Fusi."

"He has a great ability. He can apply a polygraph to anyone who is not as good as him. He can judge whether the other party is lying or not through the fluctuation of heartbeat, breathing, and blood. To judge whether the statement Bai Xiaosheng confessed is true, I didn't expect it, but it came in handy here. Just now, when you were talking, the Taoist commander was already casting the spell."

After a pause, Tu Hai's eyes lighted up, and he pointed with his hand: "Zhang Fugui, your words are not true and false. You are lying! Could it be that you are the inner ghost of leaking secrets!"

Hearing this, Zhang Fugui's face changed drastically, he took a few steps back, looked at Hu's diminished expression, and cried out: "Great pavilion leader, wronged! You know that the subordinates are loyal to the court and never have a heart. You want to be my master. The subordinates were wronged!"

Hu Shiwei flicked his sleeves, stepped forward, sighed and said, "Zhang Fugui, since father-in-law Tu's master is sitting down, you are lying, I think you should recruit truthfully. I know your skills can't kill money. Twelve people waiting for thousands of miles, you must have an accomplice, tell the tail and whereabouts of the hand, the officer can attenuate your crime."

With a look of despair on his face, Zhang Fugui knelt and shouted: "Da Ge Ling, you, you, you can't do this to me! Just rely on this miscellaneous Taoist priest's words? This, this is ridiculous! It's not me, it's him, yes. Wei Zhanmei! Wei Zhanmei is a hidden weapon, he is used to using Xinghua Chunyu to kill his life!"

"Enough!" Hu Shiwei said: "The hidden weapon of General Wei is never poisoned, and, as the official checked, the style of poisoned needles is also different."

"Everyone knows the world of martial arts. Kuaixue Shiqingtang's unique skill is called Fengyuwuqingzhen. Although people who have seen this needle in the rivers and lakes have always had no living mouth, but with their toes, they also know that Qian Baihu and others will die. Under this needle."

"You, when you die, don't forget to spit your mouth, rich, you disappointed me too much."

Zhang Fugui's expression changed, his eyes were resentful, and he raised his arms before he got up.

When Hu Shiwei got close, he saw his figure swaying, as if advancing and retreating, slid sideways, and shouted: "Protect Father Tu! Extend your eyebrows, UU reading will stop him!"

Zhang Fugui just stood up, but for some reason, his feet were unstable, and he staggered, and he actually fell forward.

The black-clothed masked woman behind Father Tu dashed out, handing out a gleaming long sword in her hand, stab Zhang Fugui directly.

At the same time, Wei Zhanmei, who was next to Zhang Fugui, heard Hu Shiwei's words and responded. He did not carry a weapon when he came in, so he held his palm like a knife, a hand knife, and cut to Zhang Fugui's ribs.

Zhang Fugui lowered his middle palm, yelled, his figure faltered, and he tried his best to dodge the shocking sword of the woman. He was pierced by the long sword, struggling on the ground a few times, and died of anger.

The woman retracted the sword with joy, took out a handkerchief to wipe the blood stains, and didn't care about killing someone in a blink of an eye.

Father Tu stood up and said in a dumb voice: "Master Hu, our family has other important tasks, and we have to stay in Yingdu for a few days. Although Zhang Fugui has already punished, Master Hu also said that he is afraid that there is none. This ability makes this thing happen."

"These people of yours did not remove the suspicion. As for our family's meaning, you'd better investigate it thoroughly and give our family a perfect explanation."

"The Nanzhen Fusi can make Bai Xiaosheng turn against him. It was originally a beautiful thing and a wonderful feat. This time, Mr. Hu will inevitably use improper responsibility for this incident, so I urge you to make up for your mistakes and investigate them as soon as possible. It is to clean up the inside, and the second is to arrest and punish the culprits. Otherwise, neither of you nor I can explain it to the above."

"Farewell, our family is waiting for your good news."

Hu Shiwei's complexion was even more ugly. After sending Tu Hai away, he returned to the inner hall. First, he dismissed the people, but forbade them to leave the government office. He closed the door and didn't know what he thought, and then called Wei Zhanmei in alone.


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