The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 222: I have an opinion

At that time, some people who were nearby had already entered the water tower first, and then a group of powerful masters killed in.

The desire to survive under the panic caused more and more people to rush over after hearing the news.

Under the princess's fierce hair, there was a double-sword guard with guards and eyebrows beside her. She didn't need to defend and was no longer tolerant. The Yuxin Taixuan sword flew up and down, bringing the rain of blood, breaking a **** path, and squeezing into it.

The entrance only allowed one person to enter and exit. The two of them got in. There was a short section of stairs at their feet. Someone had set a torch. Inside, there was a cave, which was very damp.

When I got down the steps, I heard someone shouting in front of me: "Someone found out and sent back the news. There is an underground river at the bottom of the lake. It is estimated that you can go out along the water. It is a way to survive!"

Everyone who came in cheered.

The cheering sound did not go out, and there was a continuous explosion outside the entrance. Wei Zhanmei waited and looked back, only to see a person walking in from the thick smoke.

This person is not young. He is thin and dry, but he is bulged by a robe, his hands are in his sleeves, his face is greasy, black and transparent, and his expression carries the energy of the superiors. Walking down the steps, he cursed, "Dare to fight with Lao Tzu to let you know what a dead body is."

Going down to the cave, he heard everyone cheering just now, and said with joy: "Sure enough, I didn't come wrong. There is no way for people to sign the real spirit before coming."

Behind Wei Zhanmei someone whispered: "Cremate the old devil's sand and thenardite!"

Among the martial arts, in the south of the Yangtze River, there is a family called Leihuotang Shajia, famous for gunpowder and slaughter finger. The owner of the mirabilite is notoriously famous, and he is one of the top masters in the rivers and lakes.

After a short pause, Sand Glauber turned around. He didn't see any movements. From the sleeves of his robe, dozens of black ellipses flew out one after another and fell to the entrance of the secret passage, followed by a violent series of explosions.

The secret crossing was excavated manually, and reinforced with large stones up and down, left and right. After a series of explosions, the stones broke apart, and several larger rocks were shaken down, causing a collapse on the top.

After the dust and smoke dissipated, the secret crossing was sealed tightly. Without the tools at hand, it would be difficult to dig in a short time.

Everyone near the entrance of the cave was in an uproar.

This mirabilite is too cruel, now only about a hundred people can enter the cave, this cut off the escape route for everyone outside, how can the cremation old demon be so vicious.

Glauber's salt slapped his hands and stared: "Why? Who has an opinion? The old man is saving your life. If all come in, the officers and soldiers will find no one on the island, so they will naturally go to the island to pursue them. We may not escape by then. Get out. The news leaks, if the officers and soldiers find the exit of the dark river first, you and I will still be dead."

"If there is any dissatisfaction, stand up and let me see."

Everyone was awed by the reputation and fierce power of mirabilite, as well as the exquisite firearms and martial arts, but no one said anything.

The murderous intent in Wei Zhanmei's heart was darkened. This person ignored the lives of more than 2,000 people outside for his own selfishness. How could there be such a vicious-hearted person in the world. Moreover, once it is spread out, no matter how powerful the Thunder Fire Hall is, will it not be afraid that the anger will be hard to commit and be attacked by groups?

But this is not the time to walk the way for the heavens and the chivalry, and it will not be too late when you are out of danger.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Sand Glauber snorted, and strode forward first, and everyone followed him some distance away.

The cave was not very wide. Everyone walked down and saw the swift underground river, surrounded by damp and dark surroundings. Wei Zhanmei couldn't tell whether it was submerged or a space of its own when the water level rose.

Following the river, it didn't take long for the underground river to divide into three streams after a turn, flowing in different directions.

There was no one at the fork of the river. The most advanced group of people should have chosen a different path. After dozens of people here hesitated, they began to diverge based on their feelings.

Wei Zhanmei and Ji Yu couldn't know which way Ye Zeze and Ji Zhuangzhuang took, so they had no choice but to choose the main river with larger water potential to move on.

Glauber's salt also took this path. Others avoided it. There were also more than a dozen people who chose to travel with him. Among them were sisters Luo Huaqing and Luo Qiongping.

Luo Shuangzhi tried his best to protect the two daughters from entering the cave, but he could not enter. The Luo sisters recognized Wei Zhanmei on the road. There was no big hatred between them. The two sisters were grateful that Wei Zhanmei hadn't retaliated deeply in Paifeng City. At this time, they felt lonely and helpless. After nodding their heads to each other, they decided to follow. Wei Zhanmei moved together.

The group of people rushed along the rock cave under the lake for a time of a cup of tea. The terrain was short and the underground river formed a small waterfall with a gap. When they passed by the side, they suddenly opened up and became It was empty, and the dome above was also very tall.

What surprised everyone was that on the rock beside the dark river not far away, there was another white pagoda. Under the white pagoda stood a dozen people, looking up. This was the first to enter the secret path and walk away. The group of people in the river.

Wei Zhanmei and Ji Yu looked happy because they chose the right path. Among these people, Ji Zhuangzhuang and Ye Zizhen were found, and unexpectedly there was another acquaintance-Pei who had cooperated in the ancient tomb. Late actor!

Glauber's salt quickly stepped forward and talked with his acquaintances.

Wei Zhanmei and Ji Yu also met with the two women. Ji Zhuangzhuang and Ye Zezhe were very pleasantly surprised when they saw each other. After a few words, Ji Yu went to Pei Wanling to talk.

In a few words, Wei Zhanmei figured out the current situation.

These people were attracted by the white pagoda since then. It is an incredible thing that a white pagoda was built in the very hidden lake bottom river. After a few of the great masters discussed, although they were eager to escape from here, they decided to spend some time exploring it. .

After they walked around the tower, they went up to the tower base to take a closer look. What was disappointing was that the tower body looked solid, with no doors or windows.

This tower occupies an area a few times smaller than the white tower on Feilengcui Island, but it is much taller. It looks like a porcelain bottle with a long mouth and a thin neck. If it is possible to hide things, then it is the highest point of the top tower.

The height of the white pagoda and the slender part were so smooth and smooth, the masters shook their heads and sighed. No one was sure to be able to climb to the top of the pagoda, and finally all their eyes fell on the one behind them.

The name of this person is not bad, called Huang Yefei, but there is a nickname that is not very elegant. It is called "flying spider". Go up, none other than him.

Huang Yefei was not pretentious. He put the tower base upright, he used his hands and feet together, gliding like a spider lightly, and he stole a few feet on the extremely steep and soft and slippery tower surface. The third place in the world is indeed well-deserved.

At the last moment, Huang Yefei sank slightly, took a long breath, and suddenly pulled up high in the air, making a loop in midair, and his hand reached the outer eaves of the tower top.

As soon as he could not reach the distance of two feet, he tried his best to fall. Fang showed Huang Yefei's unique stunt to become famous. He saw a silver wire shook out by him and entangled the eaves. At the corner, Huang Yefei took advantage of the momentum and turned over to the spire of the tower.

When he was looking for it, mirabilite, Wei Zhanmei and others arrived.

While speaking, Huang Yefei took out a bamboo slip and a box from the hidden grid at the junction of the top of the tower and the top of the brake. After hurriedly looking at it for a moment, he raised his head and laughed a few times before leaning over and saying:

"Positions, the peaks of the sky, the willows are dark and the flowers are bright, this is what makes the world like a chess and every thing is strange. I will obey the arrangement of the gods!"

"Originally thought that the magic knife thing was a scam. I didn't expect it to happen. The people in Qingchuan probably didn't expect it. Hahaha, I didn't want to put the willow into the willow, look!"

Yiyang held the bamboo slips, he squinted his eyes and said:

"This volume is called "Small Nerves", which is the work of the successor's painstaking improvement on the basis of "Great Nerves." Ascension has yet to be verified. It’s not a matter of skill and power, longevity and longevity! Stay here, leave the gift, or let it pass by. Signature: Wanan Miaoying Taoist."

There was no sound under the tower.

Everyone was hit by the easter eggs and was overjoyed.

After the excitement, most people's minds dimmed, knowing that there are these masters standing in front, and this treasure has no chance with them.

The first few people, to be precise, including Huang Yefei, there are a total of six people, all you look at me, I look at you, and each is moved.

It is said that among the heroes who came back to Feilengcui, there are more than a dozen people who can be called the first echelon in the martial arts today, and here are six of them.

Glauber's salt first spoke: "The secret crossing is blocked by a landslide, so don't worry about chasing soldiers." The subtext is that everyone can fight with peace of mind.

Hearing this, Huang Yefei on the tower said: "A few old men below, open the skylight to speak brightly, and Huang will discuss with you."

"I'm thinking that the fist and the weapon's skill is not as good as the five of you, but one is good for treasure hunting, and the other is to say that you want to go, you may not be able to catch up. Now you can't come up, I have a baby in hand, so I don't dare to go down. ."

"What Huang means is that I don't participate in the competition. In the end, no matter who wins, I will give him things. I am not greedy, but I have to exchange it with the winner's own skill. So, is it fair?"

It seems that Huang Yefei is not very greedy and speaks openly and bachelor. The five people under the tower nod Among the five, there is Tao Ranting, the owner of Jinghong Villa. Shan, first faced the people on the side and said, "Everyone, there may be some people who don't recognize it. The old man first introduces everyone to the seniors who have been well-known for a long time."

He quoted with his hand: "This one is Sand Glauber, the Patriarch of the Sha Family of Leihuotang in Jiangnan. Standing on the left of Patriarch Sha is Li Waili, the head of the Yanzi Hui-shaped Gate of Zhongnan Mountain, and the one on the right is a lone traveler from Mobei. Xia Mu Tuo, opposite him is the mother-in-law Tu Di of Kwun Tong Village in Ningkong Mountain, Tao Ranting, who is in charge of Jinghong Villa."

"Why the big guys are here, we all know each other well. Since I was asked to meet this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, it must be a matter of my part and we must fight for it."

"But the little old man said something offensive. Everyone present, whether it is age, qualifications or kung fu ability, I am afraid that only the five of us are qualified to try their skills. Do you have any opinions on this?"

The people around nodded or were silent, seeming to recognize Tao Ranting's remarks.

Tao Ranting smiled slightly and was about to continue, Wei Zhanmei took a step forward, and the more crowds came out, saying loudly: "Master Tao, I have an opinion, can you talk about it?"

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