The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 223: Convince people by virtue

Tao Ranting: "Oh? This young hero, what do you have to say?"

Wei Zhan's eyebrows are concise and concise: "There is no master and treasure, and those who see it have a share. I am not talented, and I want to give it a try."

Tao Ranting looked up and down Wei Zhang's eyebrows: "Dare to ask the young man what is his surname? There is no eye, you are young, and the old man admires your courage, but do you think about the consequences?"

"Extend your eyebrows in Xiawei."

"The seniors are highly skilled. No matter how arrogant the kid is, he dare not fight one-on-one. It just so happens that I have a few companions here, but I don't know whether they can form a team and count as one party."

Wei Zhanmei didn't have the heart to capture treasures. After hearing Huang Yefei said that the method of mind is called "Small Nerve", which is an improved version of "Big Nerve", he aroused his interest.

He has practiced "Great Nerve", and most knows the beauty and flaws in it. He has heard that there are ways to improve the shortcomings, and he can't help but become curious.

After confirming the eyes with Ji Yu and others, he took the initiative to participate.

Tao Ranting asked, "Which young talents are there? Please show up."

First, Ji Yu, then Ji Zhuangzhuang with her hair loosened, then Ye Zizhi, Pei Wanling, and Luo Huaqing and Luo Qiongping finally stood up.

Tao Ranting laughed blankly: "It's so wonderful, I didn't expect it to be six heroines, interesting. Okay, let's ask the old man, what do you think?"

Sand Glauber's salt was unhappy: "It's just a nonsense. Even if you win, how will you divide the treasure?"

Wei Zhan's eyebrows hardened and went back: "How to tell your shit, don't bother."

The mirabilite was about to attack, and Tao Ranting persuaded him to continue to solicit opinions from others.

The mother-in-law Tulai, who has chicken skin, crane hair and a slightly camel back, looked at a man and six women with interest, and smiled: "No opinion, I look at these seven people, a few of them already have the image of Yinghua introverted. I am at your age, but I don’t have such a level of cultivation. It’s rare and rare, and it’s terrifying. But let’s say yes first. We really want to start. Everyone is inevitable. Old lady, I won’t take care of her."

The old swordsman Li Waili, who has always been smiling, said: "Haha, I also agree, the old man likes to be lively, more people are more interesting. Besides, even if we don’t want to, whoever gets the treasure, we still have to go to the seven dolls. It’s better to let them join."

Mutuo, a lonely thief in northern Saibei, who is burly like a tower and wears a golden headband on his head, is not good at words, and only nods his head: "I don't care."

Tao Ranting said: "Since there are three people who agree, the old man will go along with the flow and agree with it."

"Wait a minute." Sand Glauber said again: "It can be, but since these young talents dare to make their heads, the natural arts are extraordinary. Seven to one, isn't it a bit too much?"

The others secretly despised that Glauber's salt had lost the demeanor of a master, but they did not speak.

Wei Zhanmei motioned with his eyes to the weakest Luo's sisters to step back: "We are five, so it's okay."

Tao Ranting looked around: "Does anyone still want to play?"

The rest was speechless. Among the remaining people, some are their entourages, some are older who think they are not the opponents of the top five masters, and some are young alone who dare not mix with them.

Tao Ranting went on to say: "Well, there is not much time. The old man suggested to simplify the process, use martial arts to determine the victory, six sides one to one, take turns out of the game, the loser is out, the winner can rest a game, the loser is believed. , Don’t fight anymore. Do you want to stop at the end, or you can decide on your own, what do you think?"

All parties agree.

Tao Ranting turned his head and said, "Wei Zhanmei, the five of us are also known to each other without knowing our roots. The five of you are younger generations. It's better to show our faces first, so that everyone can see if there are two brushes, brothers Huang Yefei. We also need to see if you have any unique skills worthy of his exchange."

Wei Zhanmei said: "The Tao Zhuangzhu said this is not bad, and he is reasonable, but disrespectful. Then, we must first challenge Leihuotang's mirabilite."

Glauber's sleeves closed, and he said abruptly: "So courageous. Okay, as you wish, I will teach you those juniors who don't know the heights of the sky."

Wei Zhan's brows were disdainful, and he said with a serious face: "It is easy to say that we are juniors, but at any rate we know that martial arts are admired and have martial virtues. Otherwise, even if you martial arts are the best in the world, you will not convince people with morality, and you will be despised by people in the world. "

"Patriarch Sha just caused a landslide with a firearm at the entrance of the secret road, blocking thousands of fellows from outside the cave, disregarding his life and death, his heart is vicious, and you are worthy of teaching me!"

The mirabilite was exposed by Wei Zhan's eyebrows in public, and he was speechless. He became angry and turned into anger. He flicked the thumbs of the hands gathered in his sleeves.

Wei Zhan's eyebrows made a mistake with both knives, and Dark Yun intentionally or unintentionally hooked up the Tang Si Jin, blocking the sudden attack of the finger wind, and his body retreated three steps in a row.

Tao Ranting and the others all nodded secretly. They only took three steps back under the anger of the old Demon Sand Glauber's slaughter.

Sand Glauber's salt is not forgiving. Ji Yu and Pei Wanling next to Wei Zhanmei are just about to step forward. Several of his thunderbolts have been thrown out and attacked the two girls.

The two women knew the power of the bomb, and they exploded when they touched it. They didn't dare to be slow, and they chopped with a long sword. They were all swords in their hands, and the thunder bombs were divided into two without exploding.

While glauber's heart was surprised, his men were not slow, and all the following thunder bombs flew towards Wei Zhan's eyebrows.

Wei Zhan's eyebrows sent out apricot blossom spring rain nails to greet him, and he exploded a thunder bomb in the air, and the flames were filled with smoke.

Tao Ranting and others nodded in their hearts again, and their expressions began to grow solemnly. These young people deserve to be faced squarely. Although they relied on the benefits of swords and hidden weapons to block the thunder and fire bombs, in this way, mirabilite makes it difficult for ordinary people to resist the advantage of firearms. Was greatly weakened, at least the two sides do have the strength to fight.

At this time, Ji Yu and Pei Wanling had already reached the front of Sand Glauber's salt, entangled his hands one by one with a sword.

But with a few tricks, Tao Ranting and others were surprised for the third time.

They were so knowledgeable and quickly recognized the two rare and superior swordsmanship, the Daxueshan Excalibur and Drizzle Riding Donkey Sword. They both took a breath of air. No wonder the children dared to challenge them. Among them, they were famous. Family children.

Sand Glauber's salt was also surprised. He poked a little bit with both hands, using his deep internal power to imply the skills of Tushen, contending head-on with the two swords and two great swordsmanship, and the two swords in hand-to-hand combat were not weak.

But he was entangled with two swords, but he had no time to fire a firearm. Ji Zhuangzhuang and Ye Zezhe were both killers, and they were good at grasping the battle opportunities. The two women had already circled behind the mirabilite, each with short blades. Seeking a sneak attack, and Wei Zhanmei in front of the attack with a hidden weapon.

Suffering from enemies on all sides, mirabilite feels a lot of effort and pressure, so difficult for the five juniors!

Putting away the petty heart, the sand glauber screamed at his feet, and his whole body was energized. The power of Tu Shen's fingers was greatly increased. The fingers were flicked on the blades of the two swords. The two women were not as capable as they were. With the sword collapsed flying away.

Glauber's salt shot on the body, and a dozen thunderbolt and thunder blasts slammed their eyebrows toward the front guard, and he had to cope with the pressure.

Glauber's salt immediately turned around, and the five fingers of both hands showed a faint dark blue color. This was a manifestation of the ultimate performance of the slaughter finger skills. There was one hand in each hand, and he held Ji Zhuangzhuang and Ye Zeqi each sharp. Qinggang's short blade didn't hurt. He wanted to twist the two women before breaking the siege.

The short blade couldn't be drawn out, and the two women wanted to fight back with the short blade of the other hand, but they were struck by the internal force transmitted from the mirabilite blade, and it was difficult to gather their strength.

Wei Zhanmei was stepping back to avoid the edge of the thunderbolt, and sending out spikes to resist. Seeing that the situation was not good, the knife in his right hand flew out with a thin chain shaking his hand, and ran towards the back of the mirabilite.

Wei Zhanmei's internal strength has been greatly improved these days, and mirabilite hadn't paid attention to it. He heard the wind in his ears and judged that he could not resist. Then he gave up the double-edged blade in his hand and turned around to open the white knife with the wind.

With the time in exchange for this attack, Ji Yu and Pei Wanling were able to fly up and show off their skills, stab from mid-air, encircled with two swords, and nailed to the left and right shoulder sockets of mirabilite like the sun.

The coming is fierce, the sword is tricky, and it is a sword, and mirabilite does not dare to neglect, ten fingers are linked, rigid and soft, fighting with the changing sword moves.

The Ji Zhuangzhuang and Ye Ziqi behind them got a chance. They didn't wait for a breath. They stabbed the mirabilite's bottom plate with four blades.

He has a profound cultivation base, and the short blades of the two women cut the skin of their calves, but failed to penetrate in, and were shocked to get out of their hands.

The two of them reacted swiftly after long training, immediately abandoned the knife, grabbed and locked with both hands, although the leg acupoints of the mirabilite were buckled and could not be sealed, but under the interference, the mental strength of the mirabilite to deal with the previous attack was weak. Come down.

Ji Yu and Pei Wanling immediately sensed the ebb and flow, and both swords made their ultimate moves to oppress their opponents.

With two squeaks, the sleeves of mirabilite were cut off and turned into fragments like butterflies, and if he didn't respond in time, his fingers would be unsafe.

Wei Zhanmei was waiting for this opportunity.

At this time, mirabilite's legs were restrained, and his hands were restrained, but the frame and blood of the whole body were not dispersed, and it could not be said that he was defeated, but was forced to be on the defensive.

However, Wei Zhanmei had just hid his eyebrows. He had only used seven points of internal strength to fight against each other. At this time, he rushed forward and made a simple move of the black tiger to dig his heart, punching it in the heart of mirabilite, and at the same time Fuck your yin leg and kick the glauber's yin underneath.

This is the advantage of "Great Nerve" and other fast-moving high-level mental methods, and the results are extremely fast.

Glauber's salt saw this trick without fancy, but the inner strength contained was almost equivalent to a full blow of his own, which made the souls stunned.

Instead of fighting alone, he is naturally not afraid of this punch. Under the collision, no one can do anything about it. But at this time, he was restrained from the upper and lower sides, and the counterattack was insufficient. With a heart-wrenching punch, he would definitely be seriously injured, and then he would be put on a yin leg, and he was gone for half his life.

Short of weighing the pros and cons, mirabilite instinctively bent its knees below, and blocked a menacing punch with both hands above it.

Misjudgment, all the game loses.

In fact, although Wei Zhan's eyebrows have increased, but with such a punch, he has only one blow.

As long as the mirabilite suffers some internal injuries and waits for Wei to stretch his eyebrows to exhaustion, at least he can hold the tie. None of the five people's internal strength is as durable as It is still unknown who will die.

But this time a misjudgment was made and the outcome was decisive.

Glauber's salt received Wei Zhan's eyebrow's punch and leg as he wished, and his whole body was full, and his blood stagnated.

Then, first, Ji Zhuangzhuang and Ye Zhe took the opportunity to seal the acupuncture points on his legs, making the lower part of his legs floating and unstable, and then Ji Yu and Pei Wanling’s swords showed their power. The cold light flashed, and the blood burst out. , Glauber's two thumbs were cut off.

The main skill of Tu Shen pointed out was the thumb. This time, the mirabilite was useless.

Glauber's salt screamed.

Wei Zhanmei hated his viciousness, and he would kill his soul with a single blow.

"Forgive me, didn't you mean to persuade people with virtue!" Sand Glauber's face paled, and she hurriedly begged for mercy with fright.

Wei Zhan's eyebrows paused, and after another thought, he kicked a pebble under his feet, and his right hand knife quickly wrote the word "Germany" on it:

"Well said, your grandmother's scumbag, then I will give you a man who will persuade you with virtue, with a face full of blood and blood!"

Then the round was round, and a stone slapped Sand Glauber's old face severely.

Glauber's salt was hit hard by this, and there was little left in his finger skills and firearms ability. The Sha family must have fallen a lot since then. The pitted Jianghu sect will surely fall into trouble. If Leihuotang is finished, there is no need to kill him now, save his life. He saw the family's defeat with his own eyes, it would be even more relieved.

The first battle was won.

This result was completely unexpected by the audience, and the scene was completely silent for a while.

Fortunately, the rule is that you can rest after a fight. After the fierce battle, at this time, the five members of Wei Zhanmei are actually ten to seven or eight, and there is no continuous fighting strength at all.

After being silent for a while, Tao Ranting and the four re-evaluated the strength of the five young people, secretly weighing how they would respond when they encountered it, and then started the next round of competition.


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