The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 224: Not bloody

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After the four people were drawn, Mutuo will fight against the mother-in-law Tutong, and then Taoranting will play against Li Waili.

The mirabilite ranks among the top ranks with the slaughter finger and explosive firearms. In terms of martial arts cultivation alone, he is not ahead of the top five masters, but these four people are all practical hard work.

In the second scene, Mobei's lone thief made a crescent of 70 kilograms to facilitate the shovel, and a fine-steel faucet crutch in the hands of Granny Tudi. Both of them are heavy weapons. Every collision causes them. The echoes in the cave are endless, shocking and distressing.

After fifty strokes, the elderly Tuo's mother-in-law was weak, and unfortunately was defeated by Mu Tuo, who was in her prime of life.

In the third game, Tao Ranting played against Li Waili's Zhongnanshan Goose-shaped Sword with his magical skills and the Jinghong Yueming Sword. The Yueming sword technique is graceful and dazzling, and the trajectory is always unexpected; the curved sword technique has a serene path, the sword energy spirals, and the moves are strong and soft.

The two of them are half a catty in terms of skills, but Tao Ranting’s supernatural powers are superimposed, such as spring silkworm silk, stone milling, and the use of internal force is slightly better than half a point. He just exhausted Li Waili’s energy and fought against Lily. , The old man Li Waili very bachelor withdrawing his sword and conceding defeat.

In the next game, it should be Mu Tuo against the five Wei Zhanmei.

The five sons of Zhanmei have not fully recovered. The five are young and relatively longer in terms of swordsmanship and other skills and cooperation. They are most afraid of Mutuo's aggressive and hard-to-reach style of play, but they must also rise to the challenge.

Mu Tuo stared at the five people for a long while, and shoveled on the ground for a long time. He said: "No matter, I abstained in this battle." Seeing everyone's surprise, he explained:

"Back then, I was a thief in Mobei, rampant, creating countless killing karma, Daxueshan Wen Rushenni once tried to teach me, but did not rush to kill him, leaving my life without abandoning my martial arts, since then I will not talk about changing my mind. , But only choose to start with the unscrupulous rich and powerful and bandits, gaining a reputation as a thief."

"Among you, there are Xueshan disciples, and today I have repaid this favor, but it is a cause and effect."

Wei Zhanmei and others didn't want this change, so they wouldn't push it away.

This left only the final battle with Taoranting.

After taking a break for the incense stick, Tao Ranting laughed and stood up: "Brother Mu is upright. My generation of martial artists has pursued breaking through the bottleneck of martial arts as a lifelong pursuit. This time, since I came here for the treasure, I always have to do a game before I feel at ease. Come here. Well, let the old man learn about the skills of rising stars in the arena."

The five rallied, the young eagle battled the old eagle.

Wei Zhanmei still led Simei to encircle, using the double swords of Ji Yu and Pei Wanling as the main attack. Wei Zhanmei used double knives and hidden weapons to move near and far away, or assisted in defense and replenishment, or Lengzi attacked. In a hurry, Ji Zhuangzhuang and Ye Ziqi raided behind them to contain them.

Tao Ranting stood on his heels, cautiously, steadily fighting, not seeking merit, but seeking no demerits, taking care of the front, back, left and right with a single knife, and no flaws were revealed. The two sides fought for a long time, and the autumn was evenly divided.

The young people couldn't stand their temper and were unwilling to maintain a stalemate. They took the lead in intensifying the offensive. Wei Zhanmei released the method of stabbing with swords and nails, and the four women also used their ultimate skills to put pressure on Tao Ranting.

Tao Ranting obviously also has a back hand. He changed his way of fighting like a mountain under his feet. He has a strange footwork, such as stepping on a spring, and his body shape is like a pill in a bowl, like a ball bouncing, like a fleas on a hot pan. Fuck, he got rid of the situation of being besieged by five people in one fell swoop, so that only two or three of them had to deal with the attack, and the situation was shocking but not dangerous.

The light work of the five people is equally good, and they can keep up with Tao Ranting's strange and disorderly movement, but Tao Ranting's whereabouts are not easy to predict. No matter how difficult it is to form a five-on-one encirclement, the two sides are again stuck in a state of stalemate.

The spectators kept stepping back and giving up the venue, fighting fiercely for a cup of tea, but the outcome was still undecided.

Suddenly, Tao Ranting used a quick night battle with eight hidden swords to force the crowd back, his figure retreated violently, with his sword pointed diagonally to the ground, and laughed: "Have a good time, this battle is heartily and heartily. Here, I have a suggestion. , You might as well consider it."

"From the experience of the old man, it is really difficult to separate without seeing blood and no casualties. The old man does not want to get hurt. The five of you have such skills. The teacher or the affiliation must have a strong background and win without loss. Naturally it's good, and your teacher probably can't find reasons, but if you have something good or bad, Jinghong Villa will be troublesome in the future."

"It's best if you don't hurt your harmony. It's better to do this, you decide. Even if everyone is tied, and the ownership of "Small Nerve" and Yi Sui Wan can be a win-win way."

"For example, transcribe a copy of "Small Nerves" and share it with you and me. As for Yi Sui Wan, the old man suffers a little loss. When the support is advanced, let it be given to you, how about?"

Tao Ranting's people are so old and good, they are really old and spicy, fortunately he can think of this compromise.

In fact, he was also helpless.

Among the five, Ji Yu is the Wenru Shenni of Daxueshan and the brother of Men Gaodi, and Pei Wanling is the heir of the more daunting "king over the world, peerless appearance", who can get together with these two, and the three of Wei Zhanmei The background will not be bad.

Since daring to grab the treasure, Jinghong Villa is certainly not afraid of the jealousy and jealousy of other people, but it completely offends the five top powers in one fell swoop, and Tao Ranting has to weigh it. Another reason is that the swords of the two daughters of Ji Peiwan are too excessive. In the meantime, his Yueming Treasure Sword dare not easily touch it head-on.

Considering these, this was the only way out, and it was difficult for him to be wise in a hurry while fighting.

Wei Zhanmei listened and admired it in his heart. In many cases, Jiang was still old and spicy, and he was able to break through the habitual thinking of either or the other, and it was really nice to think of such a way to benefit both sides without tearing the skin.

He himself doesn't matter, as long as he can see the improved version of "Great Nerve", after a brief discussion with the four women, Wei Zhanmei replied: "Tao Zhuang master, this method is very appropriate, the deal is."

"The owner has this sincerity, and we can't make you suffer. The Yisui Pills are kept by us, and the "Small Nerves" can be given to you first. After going out, you can make a copy of it. We can trust you. In addition, I will compensate the mirror in the future. A rare treasure in Hongshan Villa is absolutely valuable, and it can be passed on from generation to generation as a treasure of the town.

Wei Zhanmei wanted to give the Lancet Nerve Knife to Tao Ranting when he left this world.

Tao Ranting proposed to give up Yi Sui Wan only to retreat, thinking about further negotiations to obtain greater benefits, but Wei Zhanmei said so, and also gave compensation and promises, and he first suppressed his coveting heart. .

The two sides reached an agreement, and everyone was very happy.

Although Mu Tuo and others admire each other, they are all famous figures in the world. Now it is hard to repent and fight in full view, and the six people from the two sides have formed a joint force at this time, so they can only sigh and sigh.

Seeing the result, the yellow leaf on the tower fell to the ground, handed over two treasures, and agreed to his reward.

When the matter was divided, the more than twenty people here were anxious to get out. They walked along the underground river, and no one paid any attention to the injured mirabilite, leaving him alone behind.

The next section of the river was very straight, but the road became more and more difficult, and it took a lot of time for everyone to get out of the three or four miles.

As they were marching, two people suddenly appeared in front of them and staggered towards them. There was blood on their bodies, and they were obviously injured after a fierce fight.

When he got closer, Tao Ranting recognized one of them and hurriedly greeted him and said, "Brother Cao, what's the matter? You didn't go in the direction of the tributary, why are you here? You were so embarrassed, what happened before?"

The man surnamed Cao saw Tao Ranting and so many people around him. After breathing for a while, he gritted his teeth and told them what he had encountered.

It turned out that this person and another group of people chose the direction of one of the tributaries to escape. After walking for a long time, they found that this tributary had merged with the main river trunk. Because Taoranting and the others stopped to compete and wasted time, this group of people arrived at the confluence place before them.

And this place where the three streams meet is not elsewhere. It is the treasure trove of Kuaixue Shiqingtang guarded by the Yan family in Meishan, under the eighteen streams of the Nine Creeks in Manjuelong.

This place was originally very secretive, with only one entrance. The upper reaches of the underground underground river that wanted to lead to Feilengcui Island was accidentally discovered, allowing a small number of people trapped on the island to come down here.

These people have discovered a treasure trove of military pay.

Over the past hundred years, the headquarters and activity area of ​​Kuaixue Shiqingtang have undergone several changes, and the wealth accumulated over the years has been distributed in different places, and this is one of them.

The treasures were smuggled here in batches and packed in hundreds of boxes. The boxes were stacked on a hillside on the side of the underground river. The hillside was at the turn of the river and surrounded by the underground river.

I chose this place because of the topography. The river is very deep and the water is turbulent. There is no other way to reach it except for the water and the elevated pontoon bridge.

The elevated pontoon is designed very ingeniously. It is controlled by a mechanical crank and can be extended and retracted. The mechanism can be opened when needed. The pontoon can be extended. The unicycle can be used after being covered with wooden boards. The opening device is protected by a thick iron chain and must be specially made. The key can be activated.

When the treasure needs to be extracted, it is necessary to build a wooden boat with materials from the outside, and then load the treasure, drift down the underground river to the downstream, row the boat to the river section on the ground and then transport it away.

The group of men surnamed Cao saw the piles of boxes on the opposite side. They didn't know what they were. There must be something strange. Among them, a good swimmer forcibly crossed the dark river and opened the box to discover the secret.

No one at the scene is not indifferent to these unexpected treasures. Although it is impossible to take away all of them at once, they can always make a fortune. When they were discussing, they were noticed by the Yan family guarding the entrance.

After the warning, Yan Canghuang, who was in charge, immediately led the Yan family masters, including Yan Maoxiu, to break in and stop. The Cao surnamed men also had several super masters in the arena. The two sides fought violently under the verbal conflict, and the battle was extremely tragic.

There are not many people sent by the Yan family. First, the Yan family considers itself very high. Second, the entrance of the iron crown beam is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The two sides have similar numbers, and the final result is both losers.

Although everyone in the Yan family gained the upper hand with their unique punches, UU reading www. caused almost all the casualties of this side's masters. Only the man surnamed Cao and another person escaped by chance, but the Yan family also suffered heavy losses, and the remaining few people also suffered minor or severe injuries.

After listening to the man surnamed Cao, Tao Ranting and the others didn't say anything, but they were eager to move. That is a huge wealth of invaluable value, and a slice of it is better than the accumulation of hard work for many years.

In particular, Tao Ranting is the one who wants to feed the people of a large villa. If you are not in charge, you don’t know how expensive the rice is. The daily expenses of Jinghong Villa are like running water. The magic knife is good and can improve personal strength, but for those who are already at the peak of the world. As far as Tao Ranting is concerned, it is more important to strengthen the industry and the power of the villa.

Under the control of the man surnamed Cao, he wanted to move forward anyway. No matter how powerful the Yan family was, it was now at the end of the battle. Taking advantage of the fact that other people and the Qingchuan Army could not find this place in a short time, they could use these treasures as their own.

The five masters and the others were thinking about the pros and cons in their hearts, and they didn't talk about it, but rushed forward with their feet.

Wei Zhanmei frowned when he heard this. Where should he stand?

Behind everyone, he and Ji Yu and other six women whispered to discuss.

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