The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 246: Nonsense

The Abu lady did not have as many Abu Dhabi thoughts, nodded and said:

"It turns out that the characters are explained in this way at the source. However, the old patriarch once said when teaching me to read that language is the prison of the soul-the most advanced things can only be understood and cannot be said."

Hua Lanting replied: "That's because your understanding is wrong. The old patriarch did not make a mistake. At the highest level, the language and writing are often unclear. It relies on thoughts and feelings-enlightenment is enlightenment. If you don’t understand, you won’t be able to pierce that layer of window paper."

"But in the initial stage, the power of language and writing is huge, and it is a ladder leading to the unspeakable stage. Language is indeed the prison of the soul, which means that the barren language restricts the performance of the interesting soul."

"When you see the bamboo forest, the water pool, and the moonlight, you can't just say: Wow, this is too beautiful. You have to say: The bamboo shadow sweeps the steps and the dust does not move, and the moon crosses the bottom of the pool without a trace."

The Abu lady disagreed: "Arty, contrived."

Hua Lanting smiled and said: “Don’t make trouble, it’s the ability to speak clearly and plainly and gracefully. Of course, in daily life, simple language can sometimes be enough to turn things around, but that is the simplicity and direct attack under the premise of richness. I give Tell two short stories."

"One time, a friend of mine took his wife through Liuxiang. The distance between the two was a little bigger. A beautifully dressed and enchanting woman greeted him to enter: sir, come in and play. Of course my friend can't take care of it. She waited for his wife to follow. So the woman turned to say: Little handsome guy, come in and play again."

"It's this re-character made out of nothing, which successfully avenged his negligence through his wife's hand."

"Once again, it was my friend who saw two passers-by beating a thief severely on the road. My friend was softhearted and stepped forward and said: Don't beat it. It's not good to abuse lynching. It's better to send him off."

"When the thief heard it, he turned his head and said: Leave me alone, run! As a result, the two passers-by instantly rushed to knock my friend to the ground, and the thief sprang up and ran away. It's gone."

Women’s brain circuits are different from men’s. The lady Abu said after hearing the story: "You men, you don’t think about Liuxiang Flower Street, you just want to fight and kill. You see, today is Valentine’s Day in our holy land. Say, you Do you have a relationship?"

Hua Lanting's face stiffened, "I don't know, I won't say either."

The lady Abu asked him: "No? Not bad, right? Then how do you celebrate the Qixi Festival in Xianzhou every year?"

Hua Lanting said, "Uh, this is not the way to say it. If there are no dead people on the Ching Ming Festival in your house, would you have to kill two more to celebrate the festival?"

The lady Abu said angrily: "Hua Lanting, I have tolerated you for several days!"

Hua Lanting asked weakly: What do you want? "

Lady Abu's voice suddenly weakened: "I...I want to endure another hundred and eighty years."

Hua Lanting felt a little embarrassed and had to pretend to be stupid. Gu left and right said to him: "Where are we going now?"

Abu's lady is straightforward, can't circle, and reluctantly said: "Well, do you like people or not?"

"I like it." Hua Lan Ting replied simply without hesitation.

It was the girl Abu’s turn to be surprised. She blushed and thought for a while and said: "You don't need to be afraid, I will protect you. To be honest, did you say that for fear of hurting me?"

Hua Lanting: "No, no, I'm captured now, and I don't have the power to bind a chicken. I, I said that because I was afraid that you would hurt me."

Then Hua Lan Ting was kicked out.

Abu girl said quietly: "The men in our holy land tribe are male chauvinists, and women have no status. But I heard that the situation in Xianzhou is much better, and women can also cultivate and be respected."

Hua Lanting got up and patted the dirt on her body, and said with a smile: "That's that."

"I remember that the old man of my friend once saw his daughter's hand on a splint and asked what was wrong. Her daughter said sadly: Dad, my daughter has suffered domestic violence and her hand has broken. Call the shots."

"The father-in-law is so distressed. He said angrily to his son-in-law: Boy, which hand did you use to beat my daughter like this? I'm going to abolish your hand! My friend covered it with aggrieved expression. With a face that was still red and swollen, he said: How dare my son-in-law dare to use my hands, I hit with my face..."

"On another occasion, his daughter-in-law gave him stewed meat for the first time, and the result was stewed. He comforted her by saying that it was the first time. He had no experience in hand and he won't be able to do it next time. But the second time he stewed the meat. No, he didn't say a word. After the third time it was still simmered, he was very angry and threw the pot viciously. His wife was terrified."

"So fierce? Is it good for your wife?" Abu Yuxiu asked.

Hua Lanting said: "You have finished listening. This person said to his daughter-in-law righteously: The first time you confuse, you have no experience, that is your problem, this is the third time, you should have experience too, but It's still muddled. Wife, this is definitely not your problem, it must be the problem of this pot. Let's change the pot!"

The lady Abu grinned her lips when she heard it: "This is a dumping of the pot, and the pot means that you don't carry the black pot. You just use nonsense to entertain me."

Hua Lan Ting said seriously: "The idiom is good, but do you know what nonsense is?"

The lady Abu was really questioned, and asked humbly, "Which eight ways?"

"There are two versions of the Eight Ways of nonsense. One version comes from Buddhism and the other comes from Taoism. There are many different levels of Taoism practice in Taoism. It is usually divided into eight stages, called the Eight Paths."

"The first way is to enter the Dao. Enter the Daomen, apprentice the teacher and begin to practice, the meaning of entering the hall."

"The second way is to learn Tao. After entering Tao, you must first learn the basic theories and universal methods of Taoism."

"The third way is to visit Dao. After you understand the basic knowledge of Dao law, you need to conduct more in-depth research, and you must visit for advice. Please teach and give advice from all the great virtues."

"The fourth path is cultivating the Tao. At this time, the basic knowledge is also mastered, and the methods of practice are also known. Then you have to start practicing cultivation. The so-called master leads the door and the cultivation is up to the individual."

"The fifth way is to gain the Tao. Through painstaking and continuous practice and enlightenment, the Taoism can be continuously improved until the Tao is enlightened."

"The sixth way is preaching. It's not enough to have advanced and advanced practice. At the same time as personal practice, you must also popularize the Taoism and save all living beings, and accept disciples for preaching."

"The seventh path is for Dao. When these are completed, it means that you have reborn and ended the process of cultivating the Dao."

"The eighth way is enlightenment, which refers to finally breaking through the shackles of heaven and earth, ascending into heaven, and becoming a free and easy god."

"This is the Eight Ways. In the traditional martial arts field in the secular world, it is boiled down to three stages."

"The first thing is to see yourself, determine the limits of your physical stamina through martial arts practice, and see where you can go in self-study."

"Secondly, see the world. Through exchanges and discussions with various heroes and heroes, we can confirm which step other masters can achieve. This is a **** stage-either to be killed or maimed by others, or to be beaten to death by others. Real martial arts It’s not acting, only killing."

"The last thing is to see all beings. After achievement, it means to pass on. At this stage, we must emphasize martial arts, be reasonable, pay attention to supporting the backward, start a school and teach arts, and serve the family for the country and the people."

Hua Lan Ting spoke very well, and even attracted Abu Dhabi from behind. He couldn't help but ask, "What are the Eight Paths of Buddhism? Why is it called nonsense?"

Hua Lanting replied: "Hu should refer to the Hu people. The Han people in the Central Plains call the ethnic minorities outside the region the Hu people. Because the culture and customs of the Hu people are different, they are different from the respected Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. Said that they do not act in accordance with the rules and regulations, so they call their words nonsense, and use nonsense to metaphor their untrustworthiness."

"The Eight Paths of Buddhism, the Eightfold Path, also known as the Eight Holy Paths, are the eight methods and ways of Buddhist practice. I don't have a deep understanding, so I can only give a general idea."

"The first is right view. You must have a correct understanding and insights into the teachings of Buddhism. You must see the rationality of Buddhism in a correct way and not fallacy. It means that there is no omission in people's cultivation, and the four truths are clearly distinguished."

"The second is right thinking. You must have mindful thinking about the Buddhist teachings and stay away from all kinds of distracting thoughts."

"The third is right speech. Don't say anything that doesn't conform to Buddhism, be honest and don't lie, don't make lies or bad words."

"Fourth is righteous karma, adhere to spiritual practice, keep oneself clean, and refrain from stealing, licentious, killing and other evil deeds."

"The fifth is righteous life. You must obey the Buddhist precepts in daily life, and you cannot break the precepts."

"The sixth is righteous diligence, diligent in practising Nirvana, perseverance throughout life, getting rid of worries and vices, being unbiased, concentrating on one mind, without intermittent, it is diligence."

"The seventh is righteous thoughts. Keep in mind the true meaning and truth of Buddhism, practice precepts, concentration, wisdom, and righteous path, perceive yourself, and advance to Nirvana."

"The eighth is right concentration, with one mind and one mind, focusing on meditation, capturing all the chaos, being quiet in body and mind, and deciding without doubt."

Although Abu’s lady can hear Yunshan’s mist, it does not prevent her from seeing small stars in her eyes: "I really don’t understand But there is a saying in Buddhism that seems to be called Tianhua Chaotic. It's you, and you are all told to say flowers. It’s my son, it’s broken. Although incomprehensible, this girl likes your serious nonsense."

Hua Lanting could only give her a roll of eyes, and the lady Abu said again: "I haven't heard enough anyway, so I can't give you to the old patriarch. I want to take you back and ask frequently. That's it."

Hua Lanting looked at Abu Dhabi and said in a low voice, "Don’t, I want to meet the chief Akanser for a while. Talking with your brothers and sisters these past two days, I always think this old patriarch has problems. He used to be so kind to you, but now he has become stubborn and stubborn.

Although Abu Dhabi felt abnormal before, he didn't think about it deeply. Hearing what Hua Lan Ting said, he couldn't help but meditate.

Hualanting is here to deal with Abu brothers and sisters, and a rescue team composed of nine people including Feng Qingjun and others is speeding all the way far away.

Since they set out, they have not encountered ape-man and meditation.

While rushing, Yue Guanghan suddenly asked everyone: "Have you noticed anything unusual? Why do I always feel like a thorn on my back?"

Everyone shook their heads, only Huo Huixiao nodded and said: "Yes, I also feel as if someone is staring at us, but I can't find the source of this discomfort."

Among the nine people, only Huo Huixiao and Yue Guanghan were practising heavenly secrets. Their premonitions were more acute than others. Seeing that they both had the same statement, Feng Qingjun was alert and stopped immediately:

"Since you all said that, there should be something weird in it. It should not be ignored. This is related to our itinerary and direction. Can you please ask both of you to cast the spell here and make a detailed calculation?"


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