The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 247: 5 lines of mystery

Huo Huixiao's use of the celestial secret prediction technique is more skillful than before. As soon as the calculation is made, the results will be obtained after closing her eyes and concentrating. She opened her eyes and frowned: "Three warnings."

"First, I found three images staring at us nearby. If I don't remember it badly, it looks like the three men in black who escaped when we rescued Lin Xian and they were shocked."

"The strange thing is that I think there was a breath and its echoes around me, so they can grasp our whereabouts, but I searched carefully several times, but no matter what the source of the signal was not found among the nine of us."

"Everyone, I can trust it. There can be no internal response from the enemy. Could it be that someone has been placed on an occasional location tracking device?"

"Second, there are more than one group of people around, and there are other hostile people watching from a distance. The number is unknown and the strength is not weak."

"Thirdly, these two groups of people are definitely not Meditation Cultivators and Ape-Man, and their breath is obviously the path of Xianzhou Cultivators."

Yue Guanghan was the latest to get started, and the cultivation base among these people was the weakest. He did not dare to use too much spiritual power, and his calculation speed was not as good as Huo Huixiao's, but his big prophecy was able to see the closer events more clearly. At this time Said:

"Sister Xiaoxiao was right. The second group of people didn’t have the energy to watch, but the three of them were very close. I believe they will launch an attack soon, and they are divided into three different directions. Should be above us."

"I haven't found the source of the signal, so I can only pay more attention to it and catch it when it reappears."

Feng Qingjun said: "If this is the case, there is no time to explore why the traces will be exposed. Let's deal with these two attacks first. At that time, the three masked men who finally ambushed our team had the strength of the early stage of the Dan realm. Does your second team have any means of cooperation?"

The overall training level of the reserve team is weaker than that of the team members, but these people are outstanding among the 60 generations of disciples. , Huo Huixiao, the conductor among the crowd, said in a deep voice:

"Our mission on this trip is to rescue Hua Lan Ting. We must overcome these two levels, and we must also preserve our strength. Both groups of people are very difficult to deal with, so the principle is that it is not suitable to fight hard and not to love fighting. My strategy is to surprise, speed up. Make a quick decision, do not seek annihilation, but retreat from the enemy."

"In this way, wait a while for Senior Sister Feng Qingjun and Fai Fei, Han Yun and Wenyin, and Qiong Si and Yuan Geng to resist the attack of the three, and delay as much as possible. Senior Brother Chao should protect him. Yue Guanghan and I fight for time, and I will assist him in launching the newly developed secret attack technique of heaven, striving to inflict one or two heavy losses and drive away these three people."

"Then we move forward with all our strength. If the second group of people launch an attack, it depends on the situation. If we can win quickly, we will fight. Otherwise, Guanghan and I will collectively teleport everyone out for a certain distance. Although it is not a small consumption for both of us, we can get rid of them. It’s important to save Lanting."

Feng Qingjun asked, "Why don't we just send it away instead of fighting?"

"We must first cause damage to them and delay their ability to move, otherwise they can locate us, and Guanghan and I cannot carry out long-distance transmission. If they have been tracked and interfered, it will be distracted and not conducive to rescue." Huo Huixiao replied.

The plan is set, and everyone is on guard.

Yue Guanghan's expectation was not bad, and he only traveled a hundred meters far and near, and the three black-clothed masked masters who had followed him appeared from the rear and both sides, and attacked the reserve team.

This time, the opponent sent people to attack and kill in the secular world. It was not that he did not want to send a higher-level monk, but that people with a higher level of cultivation could hardly avoid the divine detection of the powerful men in the Four Leagues and the Vientiane Gate. With a similar level of power intervention, only the people in the early stage of the Dan realm can mix in among the hundreds of team members without causing concern.

The Returning Pill Realm is equivalent to the Five Qi Dynasty Yuan Realm of the Free Vientiane Gate. The cultivation of the nine people present has not reached this level, but with the abilities of the outstanding disciples of the Vientiane Gate, there is no problem in working together to resist in a short time.

The Fenshui Emei thorn in Feng Qingjun's hand turned, and the halo of spiritual power was as big as a wheel, and the cold light was everywhere. She was so fast, she spread out and pressed tightly, and the opponent's offensive was mostly used by Song Feifei with phoenix wings and Chaoyang sword. Hong Yan Chi Pyromance took over, and the three of them fought together.

The knife Qiongsi is fierce and powerful. As soon as he came up, a door-sized hinged door knife danced like a windmill, and the nagging knife technique almost unceasingly covered the opponent's upper body. Yuan Geng's left hand judge's pen. And the right-handed tiger head guard hand hook was able to heal his spiritual power, focusing on his lower body, and for a while suppressed the opponent back again and again.

Zhang Hanyun and Wen Yin have great physical skills, and the two lesbians make Kunhuang echo before and after the sword. Although their opponents are high in cultivation, they are not skilled. In addition, they are not afraid of their fierce counterattacks, but they are brought into shape. Unsteady and vacant footsteps, although they can pose a threat, they can't hurt them urgently.

Unconsciously, two of the opponents were gradually led to one place.

Suddenly, Dao Qiongsi, Yuan Geng, Zhang Hanyun and Wen Yinzha then withdrew and jumped out of the fighting circle.

The cooperation between the reserve players was exquisite, and as soon as the gap was opened, the secret technique launched by Huo Huixiao and Yue Guanghan, who had gathered momentum on the side, was activated.

One of the functions of Yue Guanghan's big prediction technique is to curse, to be able to count opponents, the power is not too big, and the victory is very efficient. On the day of small test, he once made Yi fleeting fall from a horse on the spot.

When Yue Guanghan entered the Vientiane Gate, his skill was low. The reason why he was accepted by the gate as an exception was that the big prophecy he brought with him was extraordinary, very magical, and possessed many abilities such as prediction, transmission, and curse, which made Yao Guangfeng proficient in the prediction of heaven. All the elders of the technique are amazed.

After getting started, the peak leader and Da Neng conducted a meticulous research on the big prophecy, and even the Dayan Heavenly Secret Art with the housekeeper was better perfected by this. Naturally, Yue Guanghan was also taken care of, and not only the cultivation base grew rapidly. , The level of the big prophecy is also improving day by day, and recently he was awarded a newly developed thaumaturgy called the Five Elements Curse.

This technique combines the curse function of the big prophecy technique with the five elements' ability to overcome it, and it has great lethality.

The theory of the five elements is derived from the Taoist yin and yang theory. The world only knows that the five elements represent the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Everything in the world is composed of these five basic elements. The attributes of yin and yang endow the five elements in opposition and mutual restriction. And the nature of mutual transformation.

The five elements represent the five basic elements and the attribute law of mutual generation and mutual restraint. This statement is not wrong, and many Taoist exercises are derived from this.

However, today, Daomen’s research on the Five Elements doctrine has long gone beyond simplification and superficial cognition of elements and attributes, and believes that it contains the five basic states and operating processes of the existence of heaven and earth.

Similar to "Jinkemu, wood produces water" and "knife can cut trees, fire burns wood to produce soil" and so on, these are just superficial phenomena to explain the five elements, but do not reveal the inner law of the five elements.

There is a saying in the classics of the Vientiane Gate: Water means run down, fire means Yan up, wood means straight, gold means Congge, and earth means Jiahu. It means that water has the attribute of downwards, fire has the attribute of upwards, wood has the attribute of stretching, gold has the attribute of restraint, and soil has the attribute of neutralization.

Therefore, strictly speaking, the five elements do not simply refer to the five substances of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, but use the five properties of these five substances to illustrate the five basic dynamics and changes in the universe-convergence, Stretching, moisturizing, irritation and neutralization.

For example, wood is grass and trees, symbolizing life, growth, and hair growth. Growth that breaks the **** naturally needs to "stretch"; while water flows to a lower place and nourishes everything, that is, "moisture down"; any fire is rising upwards , Which is "Yan Shang"; gold is extremely hard, but it can be pressed into a silk shape, and its "convergence" is strong; soil is a symbol of the earth, carrying all the soft, hard and pure miscellaneous things of time and the beauty and ugliness of good and evil. Its power stands for "neutralization".

Continuing to extend, convergence means "inward", stretching means "outward", run-down and inflammation-up signify "downward and upward", and neutralization can be understood as "transition".

Imagine the changes in the universe, which one or that is "not among the five elements"?

As the saying goes: gold, wood, water, fire and earth, inside and outside, up and down. Everything in the universe changes, never leaving the sect.

This formula is the true meaning of the journey of the five elements, and it also represents the five orders—the development process of everything from rebirth, growth, prosperity to decline and disappearance cannot be separated from these states.

As a result, the person cursed by the spell has to withstand the tearing, stretching and squeezing of upward, downward, inward, outward, and neutral and transitional forces at the same time. The discomfort is imaginable and self-evident.

Yue Guanghan's skill was still insufficient, and it was only under Huo Huixiao's blessing that his spells were reluctantly formed. The power was not the same as the elders in the peak, and the effect was difficult to last. Even so, the two sneak attackers were still inferior to death in it, blood spurted wildly in the seven orifices, and various parts of the body appeared uneven and deformed. If it were not for their cultivation base to reach a considerable temperature, they would have exploded and died.

One move was successful, and when the time limit came, the two fell on the spot and couldn't get up.

The third assailant was shocked when he saw the situation. He was quick to see the opportunity and made a decisive decision. He immediately gave up the fight between He Feng Qingjun and Song Feifei, flew over, picked up the two companions and left.

At this time, Huo Huixiao and Yue Guanghan used more than half of their spiritual power after performing the secrets. Feng Qingjun and the others did not rush to chase after they wanted to save their strength. On his shoulders, before he left, he triggered a psychic cannonball to shoot at the opponent.

Chao Tianque has been following Feng Huo Lun for a long time, and his casting ability must be higher than that of Hua Lan Ting. He was inspired by Jia Xiaochun’s psychic power cone, and he secretly built a psychic launcher, which is more powerful than Jia Xiaochun. To be much stronger, this gun hit the shoulder of the third person. Although it did not kill the opponent in one fell swoop, it greatly weakened its combat power.

The crowd forced away the opponent in this quick battle. After a while, they were besieged by another group of men in black. This time there were as many as ten opponents. Feng Qingjun recognized that he had participated in the interception and killing of the newly elected players. That team of people.

Fortunately, the two groups of people do not seem to be under the control. These people followed to pick up the bargain, and did not attack them at the same time.

Everyone explored with their spiritual knowledge and found that the individual strength of these ten people was not as strong as the three of them, but they were all vital forces, and they had a lot of people.

Huo Huixiao was about to follow the plan and order Feng Qingjun seven to fight first, causing certain damage to the opponent, and at the same time buying time for her and Yue Guanghan to arrange the teleportation formation. Yue Guanghan suddenly came over and said a few whispers to her. .

Huo Huixiao's eyes lit up, and before the opponent came round, he quickly negotiated with everyone in a low voice, temporarily changing the combat plan.

Yue Guanghan is a big little ghost and smart, he judges the situation and thinks of a way.

But seeing that he and Huo Huixiao were still there, the two worked together to prepare a teleportation formation, and Feng Qingjun seven people were divided into two teams, with the strongest sword Qiongsi and Xiu base higher and faster. Feng Qingjun rushed forward, entangled the five opponents together, and went all out to temporarily hold the opponent.

The remaining five disciples each faced an opponent.

Yuan even used the judge's pen and the handguard hook to open the bows together; Chao Tianque did not use his He sent out three spiritual bullets in succession, screaming towards the opponent in the shape of a product; Zhang Han Yunyao I left the spotted flying lizard for later use, but sacrificed both male and female swords and light spells; Wen Yin flew up, three ups and downs in the air, and attacked the enemy from the rear; Song Fei Fei took the red flames and red flames The technique was lifted to the extreme, and the thick flame rolled towards the last person.

Intentionally or not, the five attacked together without a trace, quickly enclosing the five opponents.

It seems that they are trying to repeat their old tricks, using Huo Huixiao and Yue Guanghan's five-element curse to calculate the five people surrounded.

But in fact, Yue Guanghan had other worries in his heart.

He and Huo Huixiao were very clear. Although the two of them had swallowed the spiritual power-enhancing pill just now, they could use another secret technique to destroy the other five people, but they would also be hollowed out for their cultivation. Seven-to-five wins were the majority, but they also had to pay a price, and it took a long time for him and Huo Huixiao to recover, and it would be difficult for him to play a role in the subsequent rescue of Hua Lanting. This was a bad strategy.

If you choose to follow the original plan to teleport all nine people from your side after the fight, first, in the case of seven to ten, it may not be able to effectively kill multiple opponents. If you wish, it will destroy the opponent’s ability to continue chasing. Second, you will send it all at once. The burden of the Nine on him and Huo Huixiao is equally great, and the distance of transmission is also limited.

Under the balance, in order to pursue the best result, he still has a newly mastered ability that can be used, and the cost is less than using the five-element curse.

It was too late, it was fast, and the spell-casting was ready. When Yuan Geng and the five people retired again and disappeared, Yue Guanghan, with the cooperation of Huo Huixiao, issued another spell, which blasted invisibly. The five people in one place.


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