The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 249: How to repay virtue

The giant panda looking up could see that the pair of sharp claws were not aimed at him.

The male lion has also been aware of it, but it has consumed a lot in the hand-to-hand fight with the giant panda. It was caught blood-stained and its face was exhausted. It tried to hide but was unable to do so. It was lifted by the eagle with two claws and carried it. In midair, then let go, and fell down.

Several times like this, the lion wailed a few times, his breath was languid, and he passed out directly.

The giant panda arched his hands upwards: "The younger generation is polite, and I don't know which senior came here. Thanks to Hua."

The eagle fell, stepped on the lion, shook its huge wings, and put it away again, looking at the giant panda, and said: "You don’t have to be polite, the enemy’s enemy is a friend. Old man, the chief of the Aken tribe , Akenser is too."

Hua Lanting's transformed giant panda stayed in a daze, and then questioned, "Isn't it right that I guessed wrong, this is the predecessor who was taken away by someone?"

In Hualanting's mind, the deity Akenther turned into an eagle, replied: "The little friend is smart. Seizing the house? That's what it means. The old man just gave in for the time being. This guy is self-righteous, but he didn't actually succeed."

"Hmph, on Dao Xing, he is a little tenderer, the inexperienced elder of the holy mountain, if the three holy dears come, it will be almost the same."

Hua Lanting hesitated: "Senior's move must have profound meaning. The younger generation asked boldly, since you have this ability, why bother let the Aken tribe be used as a gunman by the Three Sacred Mountains, so as to damage the tribe and become an enemy of our Xianzhou. ?"

Akenser smiled calmly: "Good question. From what you said, I already know something about the Holy Land and the tribe. Come here, let me talk about the two of us, let me help you out. "

After a pause, Akenser's voice fell low: "My Aken tribe should have this disaster. The old man Shicai's words are a bit too big, and it is helpless to pretend to be taken away."

"The holy mountain is powerful and the tribe is declining. This is an indisputable reality. As the chief of the clan and the chief of the tribe, I am the only one who, for some reason, can hide abilities and have the ability to contend slightly. The rest of the clans are normal and head-on If it does, it can only be the egg hitting the stone."

"The gap is too big. If the holy land tribe wants to stand up, they can only stand by forbearance. Fighting to stand up is the mission and diligent dream of the chiefs of the past, but it is not something that can be done in a short time."

"When they want to take control of the tribe by seizing me, although I can kill the clan at that time with my power, but then I will be exposed, and it will bring disaster to myself and the tribe in an instant."

"In addition, the old man calculated that this change is an opportunity for my clan to change the destiny. I still want to keep this remnant to observe what the Three Sacred Mountains want to do in order to find a good opportunity to lay a piece for the children of the tribe. Way of life."

"As for the loss of the tribe you said, in order to achieve the goal, sacrifice is inevitable, as long as it is valuable. For this reason, the old man does not regret his death, and they have to pay. This is the generation of tribal warriors like Abu Dhabi. Fate must be accepted without complaint."

Hua Lanting said silently for a while, "I can understand your old man's sufferings. It is these apes and tribal warriors, including us Xianzhou monks, who are all living creatures, but because of the selfish desires of some people, they have to kill each other. How innocent. "

Akenser said calmly: "My child, you are still young and in the stage of tossing hard. When you experience more, you will know the so-called life and death, survival, poverty, rich and poor, good and bad, bad reputation, Hunger and thirst, cold and heat, all these are short-lived appearances and illusions formed by the movement of destiny and the changes of things."

"Just like my eagle body, his lion body, and your panda body, since I was a child, it's like peekaboo and eagle catching chicks when children in the world play games. They are just temporary illusions and roles. Change back to the body, and when you have played it many times and know the rules and gameplay of the game, you will know that you are sometimes an eagle and sometimes a chicken. The eagle will appear and the mother chicken will protect you. Catch and run away are not It will bring you real panic, you will be fearless, but immerse in it, to feel and experience."

"As for whether it is an eagle, a lion, or a panda, whether it is strong enough to dominate others, or whether it is enslaved and oppressed, it is the result of a combination of causes and conditions."

"For example, if you like someone, you will be touched by someone or something. It’s hard to say that it’s because of this person and this thing, but because of you, you would have been attracted to such a person. Moved by such things. These will happen sooner or later. The so-called everything is the same."

"So, you have a certain opinion on the matter of the eagle catching the chick."

"Let’s talk a little bit bigger. Ordinary people live only 36,000 days. Although they are afraid of death, most people will not resent it, because it is inevitable, since it is inevitable. , And even the discussion itself doesn’t make much sense."

Hua Lanting meditated for a moment, and said: "The so-called people are not in view of flowing water but in view of stopping water. Having said that, I will still be afraid of death if I really face death. I am determined to seek longevity by cultivating the Tao, and pursue the immortality of my consciousness and the immortality of my soul. , Hoping to enter a higher life form, but there will still be times of fear and cringe."

Akenser smiled slightly: "From the perspective of my clan, if you ask or not, you probably can't escape the cycle of life. The difference is how much you can actively control and realize."

"Amidst the rolling red dust, let’s go a step further. If you can experience multiple reincarnations soberly, when you understand the so-called life and death, it’s just a sleep. When you wake up, you will plunge into another one. In the game. In this way, you won't care too much about the fall of any tribe. At most, it is to give birth to heartfelt compassion for the pain caused by the coercion of many external desires."

"There is a saying: watch the heaven and the earth, all things in the mansion, and the six corpses. When you know that the heaven and the earth are moving and you can hide everything in your chest, you will find that your body is a temporary residence. You live in today. , Move out tomorrow. You will know that things will come as they are, and they will go as they are. There is no other way but to accept it with peace of mind. It is good to devote yourself in sincerely and play seriously every time."

Hua Lanting thought again, still not completely relieved: "Perhaps, what you said may also be the true meaning of my Taoist cultivation. However, at my age, I still can't fully recognize change in life. I have to struggle and work hard. I To choose and fight, there will inevitably be anxiety and pain."

Akenther laughed loudly: "Haha, this is very real. It's okay, boy, it's really okay."

"The old man has not lived a lifetime. Tell you a secret! The reason why the old man has such emotions and has some hidden abilities is not that I really can see through it, but that the major radicals of our clan have a kind of inheritance, similar to the Buddha The reincarnation of the family-the spirit and knowledge of the major radicals of the past can be continued and superimposed on me."

"Although the older the age, this accumulated thing will slowly dissipate. But after experiencing several reincarnations, I know that history is always similar, things always repeat, and I know that things always change between ups and downs. This is normal."

"I have many years of experience, so to a certain extent, I can maintain a normal and pleasant state to look at the transformation of everything. I don't want to get it so much, and I'm not so afraid of losing. Come again."

"And you don’t have this accumulation. It’s normal to have compassion and pain. All the places that make you feel entangled and painful are your consciousness, your wisdom and compassion. That is the yin of yin and yang, which is covered by shadows. Place is the projection of ontological consciousness, which can be called ignorance."

Hua Lanting muttered to himself: "The Buddhist Heart Sutra says: There is no ignorance, no ignorance, and even no old age or death, no old death, no suffering, no wisdom and no hindrance. No gain."

Suddenly, he asked: "Shadow? Ignorance? In a sense, it can be seen as the adverse reaction of our anxiety, anger, resentment and other emotions to accidental and uncontrollable emotions. Could it be said that the method of meditation in the Holy Land is Manipulation of people’s ignorant emotions?"

Akentha's eagle's face showed admiration: "The kid has a root of wisdom. The learning of the holy mountain, in general, they are good at using the negative energy of the ignorant."

"I have limited knowledge of Buddhism and Taoism, but I also know that your Taoism pays attention to essence, qi and spirit. Essence represents matter, qi represents energy, and gods represent consciousness. The spirit controls the qi and the qi controls the essence—your consciousness affects your energy, and The energy that drives you acts on the surrounding matter."

"Understand this point, although your cultivation level is not too high, but the influence of ordinary meditation on you is very limited."

Hua Lanting said again: "If you are relieved, there is no fear and resentment, but you still stay out of the matter without letting it go?"

Akenser said: "On the one hand, the old man has accepted several generations of reincarnation, but he did not cultivate himself, and his realm is not detached. On the other hand, the holy land was originally the home of various primitive tribes, and the holy mountain was an invasion from outside. As one of them, how can I allow my homeland and people to be trampled and trampled."

"In the old sayings, the second half of the sentence is often important. If you don’t know it, you will be taken to the ditch. We know how forgetful we are when we grow old, but we don’t know that the last sentence is: Don’t forget lovesickness. We’re old. , Ha ha, forgot everything, still miss you very much. How wonderful and beautiful..."

"And repaying grievances with virtue depends on the situation and time. What did Kong Xiansheng say? Repaying grievances with virtue, how to repay virtue?"

Hua Lanting suddenly thought of something: "Large radical, you seem to have been taken away, where does that consciousness exist?"

Akenser laughed and scolded: "Your kid will get to the bottom of it. Since I have appeared, I am not afraid that you will know. Why don't you guess?"

Hua Lanting changed his mind for a moment: "Tribal Staff?"

"Also." Akenser replied: "The tribal sacred artifact is not only a symbol of power, but also a treasure. It is guarded by the spirits of the patriarchs of the past. Only the three holy mountains can see through and surrender."

Hua Lanting said, "I have one last question. If it is inconvenient, you may not answer it."

Akensor said: "The old man knows what you want to ask, there is nothing inconvenient, and I will tell you what I know. Don't worry, the old man doesn't ask you to repay what you promised. Whatever you are willing to do in the future, you will naturally do it, such as Whatever is difficult to fear. People have certain opinions, and things have certainty."

Hua Lanting didn't say anything. When it comes to this, he knows each other.

Akenser continued: "You have to ask, but why can the Three Sacred Mountains allow my clan to pass through the two barriers of the Long Island Devil Land Bridge and come into Xianzhou, right?"

Hua Lan Ting nodded.

Akentha: "Just like a trick, it is very mysterious and incomprehensible to be in the dark. Once it is said, it is nothing more than that."


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