The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 250: Come from the door

Akenser did not directly say the answer, but asked Hua Lanting: "Take a test of your kid first, do you know what it's like above the sky?"

Hua Lanting was startled: "I don't have the ability to fly now. How do I know? The high in the air should be an enchantment barrier or something, it should be another alien space."

Akenser was quite speechless: "Your teacher has not taught you? There is no record in the classics? Then I would like to ask another question: the sun radiates heat and shines on the sky and the earth. If it can fly extremely far, wouldn't it be extremely hot, the void of the universe? The Middle Kingdom is like a furnace. How do those enchantments closer to the sun, other worlds or immortal worlds, including stars exist?"

Hua Lanting suddenly said, "That's what you asked. There have been discussions and speculations in the door. It is said that in the misty space, the air there is extremely thin, and there is probably no air."

"In other words, there should be a vacuum environment between our continent and the sun. Although the temperature of the sun is incredibly high, but because the outer space is empty, heat cannot be transferred through conduction and convection, so it is possible there instead. It's extremely quiet and cold."

"I don't know whether the innate qi and aura can exist. The teachers think that even if they are there, they are very sparse. Let alone human beings, even gods can't be exposed to such a space and survive for too long."

"Wait, you mean, there is such an environment in the Devil Land Bridge? So you can cross over?"

Akenser nodded: "You are right."

"The Long Island Devil Land Bridge itself is a strange place. No one knows how it was formed."

"The land of the land bridge was originally complex, chaotic, and extremely unstable, full of magneto-magnetic storms, and the same was true in the high sky. In addition, after the ancient continental wars, many formations were laid down. I wanted to pass through the land. The land bridge is almost impossible, and high-level teleportation arrays can't do it."

"The two places are isolated, but the Three Sacred Mountain has always been thinking about invading Shuxuanxianzhou, and has never given up looking for a way and way to cross. Over the years, it really made them discover something by accident."

"This path is not on the ground, nor in the air, but underground."

"As you can imagine, the Three Sacred Mountains found a space close to a vacuum in the depths of the land bridge. The cause is unknown, but it does exist."

"After looking for ways, after dozens of explorations, consuming a lot of manpower and material resources, and losing a lot of masters, they finally figured out a way to pass."

"You know, in a vacuum environment, in addition to not being able to conduct heat and being extremely cold, the resistance is also very small, almost nothing. In other words, as long as you can enter, and there is a way to protect the body and activate the formation, the transmission will become Exceptionally safe and fast."

"The difficulty lies in the entrance."

"The entrance on the side of the Holy Land is in a high mountain valley. First, the terrain is too high, the clouds are close to the ground, and thunder and lightning occur from time to time; the second is that the sea is very humid and the water is condensed, which further encourages thunder and lightning. Third, there are magnets all over the mountains, and the strong magnetism causes frequent thunderstorms, so that there are no tall trees at all. They are all low alpine meadows. But because of thunder and lightning, livestock dare not enter for food."

"Thunder and lightning and magnetic storms are too violent and can be countered by non-human resources. The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the spiritual energy field in the body, the more likely it is to incur thunderstorms. The resistance and damage are extremely expensive. Therefore, the Three Sacred Mountains The high-level meditation is difficult to pass."

"Under the test, on the contrary, it is possible for people with no or low cultivation base to enter. But it is useless for ordinary people to come to Xianzhou."

"So, the Three Sacred Mountains specially developed a set of fast-advanced secret methods, which were passed to the Aken tribe after selection and assessment. Then, a large number of masters jointly cast the spells to shield and reduce the thunder and electromagnetic storms at the entrance, and then install them. The tribe’s special spacecraft is sent into the entrance. The strength of the spacecraft’s walls is neither high nor low. The high-strength sacred mountain cannot be made yet, and the strength is low. It cannot withstand the special pressure in the passage after entering."

"Furthermore, only the human bodies selected from the Aken tribe and the ape-man after the secret method are the most suitable to enter, and even low-level disciples of the holy mountain with similar cultivation levels are not allowed. It seems that the passage has a natural rejection of meditation. "

"After entering the vacuum environment through the channel, the spacecraft will automatically turn on the teleportation circle and send us to Xianzhou. The exit on Xianzhou does not have strong thunderstorm protection, so it is easy to enter."

"It takes time to train tribal fighters, and the cost of casting spells to shield thunderstorms and making teleportation ships is even more expensive, so the holy mountain can only be sent over in batches."

Hua Lan Ting was fascinated, and asked at this time: "What do you think is the purpose of the Holy Mountain sending the Aken tribe?"

Akenser said: "According to my observation, when the tribesmen arrived, they first attacked the city and supplemented themselves by absorbing the negative emotions of ordinary people. Then, when the number of manpower increased, they would set up a meditation formation near the exit to bring the Xianzhou team. Attract it, effectively kill you young disciples, and weaken Xianzhou's reserve force."

"This is just one of them. They will build a base at the exit to take in more people. These are still the second thing. What I am worried about is that through this transfer, they will gain a lot of relevant experience and data. I heard that the Sacred Mountain is Pay close attention to finding and mining resources in order to make a higher-level spaceship. If it succeeds, it will be able to send direct disciples to the east. When the high-level Meditation can also pass through the vacuum channel, it will be the time for a large-scale invasion and full-scale war."

"It's not easy to do this, and it's safe in a short time. But if Xianzhou is allowed to develop, there will be such a day sooner or later. When the holy mountain can enter and leave at will, and the tribes of the holy land can provide a large number of cannon fodder fighters, the two continents Struggle will result in disastrous life, and the outcome will be unpredictable."

Hua Lanting sighed: "So, the most urgent thing is to destroy the holy mountain's plan to use the magic circle to calculate the Xianzhou team disciples, and then find a way to block the exit or destroy the vacuum channel, so that they can cut off the intrusion. idea."

Akenser blinked: "Both things are not easy. Besides, the idea of ​​cutting off the holy mountain from the source is not enough. If they fail to do anything, they will have another strategy."

"It is best to help the holy land tribe to rise up and have the strength to resist the holy mountain. In the holy land, the holy mountain naturally has no time to move eastward. If the aboriginal tribes can overthrow the rule of the holy mountain, it will solve the problem in the long term and roots. ."

Hua Lan Ting looked at Akensor: "I understand what you mean, this is not something I can handle, and I will definitely convey it to Xianzhou. Let's start with the first thing at the moment. What suggestions can the main radicals have?"

Akenser's eyes are piercing: "Child, you can do it, I know you can. The old man's light foresight technique rarely misses."

Hua Lanting was stunned again: "Foresight? Are you still a rare foresighter in the Holy Land?"

"Yes. The Holy Land foresight technique is difficult to practice. Today, there are few congregants, and most of them are snatched by the holy mountain. The old man's line has been passed down in secret to this day, and it can be said that he is one of the few great foresight masters who have achieved great results."

"What the old man foresees is that you are the key person in this."

"However, foresight is not omnipotent. You can see the key nodes and general results. The process cannot be fully understood. Therefore, how to do it depends on your own brain and wisdom. The old man knows that your cultivation is not imprisoned, so you can let it go. Do."

"Sacred Mountain Meditation focuses on spiritual power, but the physical body still plays an important role. This time, in order to be safe, they let an elder who has exhausted his potential and is about to lose his house to me. Now I can control him and can cooperate with you. Action. In addition, the Abu Dhabi family has a special blood in my family. I will let his brother and sister help you do things."

Speaking of this, Hualan Ting clearly saw that Akenser was still indifferent, but he felt a trace of sadness in his eyes for no reason. Before he could taste it, Akenser lowered his voice and said, "Old man. There is one more thing to ask for, and you will come here with your ears."

After whispering, Hua Lanting said with a serious face: "Others, I will try my best, Hua Mou should have done this."

Akenser then patted Hua Lan Ting and smiled happily.

Hua Guang flashed, and the two returned to their bodies.

Outside the account, the lady Abu waited anxiously. Seeing Hualanting came out from the inside unharmed, and seeing that he was in good spirits, after asking a few more questions, he returned to the tent where the two brothers and sisters lived.

There was no word for a night, and when the sky turned, the Aken tribe continued to set off for the Yanzhi Pass.

In the distance behind them, Feng Qingjun's team also traced eastward under the guidance of Yue Guanghan.

In other directions, the teams were also fighting with Mingxiu and the apes while advancing eastward.

In the rear base camp, the elders and reserve players of various sects moved forward slowly as the team moved.

One morning, the players in the election were all up, and Yi Liunian, who was seriously injured, was still sleeping in the tent. Lin Xian came in and kicked him: "The year is fleeting, I have gotten up. Wang who is more injured than you is. Genji and Yu Qian both got up to practice, but you are still in Yi Liunian turned over and refused to get up.

Qu Zheng, who followed in, smiled and said, "Forget it, you can't wake up a person who pretends to be asleep."

Zhuge Yun from the back stepped forward and made up: "You are right. But this does not prevent you from letting everyone know that he is pretending to be asleep."

Yi Liunian had no choice but to sit up and mumbled: "To disturb people's dreams, you guys are too much."

"Oh, brother, I'm really a prodigal son. I obviously have hundreds of millions of Lingshi assets. As a result of your noise, I woke up and disappeared."

Seeing Yi Liunian's sleepy-eyed appearance, He Dayi who came in later asked with concern: "What's wrong, fleeting, you look like you have cried."

"No, I'm just a little allergic." Yi Liunian said.

"What are you allergic to?" Honestly He Dayi asked again.

"Life." Yi Liunian replied solemnly and dumbly.

"Don't listen to him nonsense." Lin Xian was startled to pull Yi Liunian up.

Yi Liunian broke free and sighed with emotion: "Just a freshman like a brother who really cares about me. It's okay, I have a life of cultivation, a beautiful daughter-in-law, and a brother who speaks ethics. That's enough."

Zhuge Yun leaned over, making a posture and passing the year: "Don't tell me, I remembered that there was such a person before, just like you, but his surname is Wu, who sells cooking cakes."

Yi Liunian: "Hey, Zhuge, don't bend down, be careful that the water in your mind is easy to spill out..."

The senior brothers were making a noise, and Yun Xiuchun strode over outside and said:

"Guess who I saw just now? There was someone in the door, and it looked like something important was going on, otherwise, if you have anything to do, just use the sound transmission circle to inform you."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.


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