The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 251: Stop war by war

No wonder everyone is surprised. Most of the people who came to the secular world this time are large and medium-sized sects. Although it is not easy to transmit sound across the borders from a distance, it is not too difficult. Since it is sending someone to come, it must be something important. It happened, and it was Mr. Mu Xiuhua, the director of the Construction Department.

Everyone was guessing while waiting, and it was noon, and they waited until Mu Weihuan came over to meet them.

After sitting down, Mu Xiuhua's first words surprised everyone.

Mu Weihuo said: "Ziyue Xianzong and Tujia started, the dust-covered mountain is lost, and the opponent Chen Bing and I dreamed of flowers in the east."

Yi Liunian asked in shock: "How could this happen? It's not that the door is temporarily backed down to reach a settlement. Did the two sides agree to decide the ownership of the dusty mountain based on the ranking of this competition? Now that the competition is not over, the fierce battle is going on, how can they turn their faces and use force? ?"

Mu Xiu snorted: "People are not as good as the sky, and the world is changing fast. Not long after you left, the Ziyue Immortalzong and the butcher, blatantly raided the dust-covered mountain. They sent out a lot of masters, plus people. Many people, the dust-covered mountain and the merchants mining rhenium mines and the manpower of the mountain guard were outnumbered.

"Not to mention, Ziyue Xianzong was aggressive and sent a large number of troops to sweep westward, quickly occupying the dusty mountain to the main town site in the middle of Mengbisheng Huashan. The sharpness pointed at the Vientiane Gate of my freedom and continued to create friction on the eastern edge. ”

"On the one hand, the merchants dispatched troops, complained to the Four Leagues, and asked for help at the door, the door also urgently discussed countermeasures to prepare for the war."

Lin Xian asked in shock: "What's the matter? Ziyue Xianzong and Tu Jia disregarded their faces and tore up the agreement. Then there must be an explanation and reason?"

Mu Weiyan replied: "It is the internal problem of the Ziyue Immortal Sect. Their suzerain passed away unexpectedly. It is said that the ultimate secret method of Taiyi Hunyuan Gong went into trouble, so that the body died and disappeared, but outsiders are suspecting that it was caused by internal fighting. ."

"Master Taiyuan of the Ziyue Immortal Sect immediately succeeded as the lord. This person has always been arrogant, arrogant, and tough at home and abroad. After coming to power, in order to establish prestige, divert his attention, and calm internal chaos, he did not hesitate to say nothing and betray his faith. Initiate a foreign war. I think that in all likelihood, this servant designed to kill the former Sect Master of the Ziyue Immortal Sect for the sake of superiority."

He Da hurriedly asked: "How is the situation now, what is the attitude in the door?"

Mu Huan straightened out his thoughts, and solemnly said to everyone:

"You also know that Menli has always adopted a strategy of keeping a low profile and bidding time. I would rather tolerate and give up appropriately, and strengthen my own strength by trading time for space, but this time it seems that it won't work."

"It is naturally necessary to keep a low profile and bide time, but it is definitely not a compromise without principles and bottom line."

"The Ziyue Immortal Sect is a long-term suppression and balance for us. The purpose is to restrain and suppress the development speed of the Vientiane Freedom Gate. Now the bullying has reached its head, and it is useless to blindly accept soft concessions."

"The parties in the door had different views at one time, but after arguing, a consensus has now been reached. We must have a judgment and understanding of the inevitability, long-term nature and complexity of the friction between the two sides."

"As the number one sect in the eastern part of Xianzhou, there will inevitably be a battle between Ziyue Xianzong and the newly emerging powers. This has always been the case. The second-ranked Haomiao Weiguang Mountain is the immortal and immortal suppressed by the Ziyue Xianzong, and its development has stagnated. For many years, now it’s our turn."

"This is not a joke. What people want in the end is your life, not your surrender. Because you threaten their status, this kind of bullying is unreasonable. If we lose our left cheek, we will put the right cheek up and let him hit it again, just pretending to be pitiful."

"For more than three thousand years, when we were weak, it was a period of'starvation'. No one cared and cared about our life or death. We had to struggle and save ourselves, and we passed."

"Later, we became stronger and entered the stage of'being beaten.' The surrounding small and medium-sized forces wanted to annex us or get a share of the pie. The ancestors in the mid-development period led the martial arts through this stage and solved this problem. No one dares to provoke Mengbi Shenghuashan easily anymore."

"Later, we reached a stage of being scolded. We broke the stereotypes, adopted an open attitude, and actively introduced various cultivation techniques, and began to rise in full. At that time, all kinds of jealous and dark-hearted people began to point fingers. Obviously and secretly interfere with and hinder our development. We can grow up by ignoring, self-reliant, and working hard."

"Originally, this stage should continue for some time. You know, all minds are supported by grievances. The prime minister’s belly is never innate. When faced with too many difficulties and setbacks, If we can handle it, we can handle it, and when we can't handle it, we must learn to endure it."

"But now that the enemy doesn't give us this time, we must throw away our illusions and prepare to fight!"

"We don't want to fight yet, and we don't want to fight right now, but we are not afraid to fight. Whoever wants to fight, we must resolutely accompany to the end!"

"Zhenheng Zhenren this time requires all disciples in the school to carry forward the spirit of struggle and enhance their fighting skills. This is a summary of historical experience and an objective need of the current situation. The Vientiane Gate of Vientiane has grown from small to large, from weak to strong, every step of the way Both advancement and development have gone through an extremely difficult course of struggle."

“The world’s troubles, the most undesirable ones, are called peace and peace, but in fact there are unpredictable worries.” It must be noted that at present and in the future, the development of sects will enter a period of continuous accumulation of various risks and challenges, even concentrated During the outbreak period, there will be no less major struggles. At this time, we can't be elegant, we must be fighters! "

"Faced with frontal threats of force and extreme pressure, only fighting, daring, and good at fighting can stop the war!"

"We are not fully prepared, but the enemy is also eager to jump over the wall and act hard. The current situation is inevitable and accidental, but we can't change our hands to raise our hands. We have the indomitable backbone, the fearless courage, and the ambition to sacrifice our lives. As long as you face up to the difficulties and face the challenge calmly, you will definitely be able to maintain your strategic determination in this contest and win!"

"Everyone has heard the self-introduction of the Tang monk in Journey to the West: The poor monk Tang Sanzang, who came from the Eastern Tang Dynasty, went to the West to worship the Buddha and learn the scriptures."

These three sentences are extremely classic, and they answer the three major problems in life: Who are you? Where did it come from? Where to go? The most important one is the third sentence. "

"We are cultivators, pursuing the natural and heavenly path of longevity. Since the birth of the sect, we have seen the storms of being isolated, contained, and blocked, heard different voices of questioning, provocation, and bad news, and experienced from creeping. , From standing to running."

"For the current situation, we are surprised but not panicked, we are angry but not disappointed. It is only a momentary noisy background noise, which can only reflect the sound of our footsteps in the mountains and roads."

"Thousands of hard work are still strong, let the wind from the southeast and northwest. The strength of the action makes the knowing better, and the depth of the knowledge makes the better. In the face of any risk of high winds and waves, we will not be confused, fearful, or chaotic, and we will let the development The footsteps are more steady and quicker."

"Without the present who dare to fight and are good at fighting, where can there be a future of equal dignity and independent development? Ercao's fame will be destroyed, and the rivers will not be destroyed. Your young disciples should be more courageous and inject the stream of light into the future. In the twilight!"

Mu Xiu was so eloquent, his tongue blossomed, and his impassioned words made everyone fascinated and bloody.

Yi Liunian got up and said loudly, "Lao Mu, just tell me, what do I need to do? I'll tell you the hundred kilograms. The wind will come in, the fire will go, without frowning."

Lin Xian stunned him and pulled him down: "Thank you, listen to Mr. Mu's words, you are a lower-level disciple who has been injured and has not passed the Five Qi Chao Yuan realm, what kind of savior do you pretend to be?"

Mu Weihuan smiled: "The fleeting words are right and wrong. As I said just now, in addition to fighting and daring to fight, you must fight well, so that you can stop the fight."

"It is not the time for a decisive battle. The background and strength of the two sides are not at the same level. It is not good for me to start a full-scale battle. Therefore, the door and the merchants mediate multiple ways, the so-called gaining more help, losing the right to help, the Ziyue Immortal Sect and the Tu family choose to be the foreign enemy. During the invasion, a civil war was launched, which was unpopular."

"Finally, after the game between the parties in the Four Leagues, a limited method of resolving disputes through local wars was reached."

"Specifically, it is Ziyue Xianzong and Tujia and I at the Vientiane Gate and merchants. The two sides went out and competed at a selected location to determine the victory. The winner has the ownership of the dust-covered mountain and its veins. The loser will formally apologize, withdraw from the dusty mountain, and compensate the other party for all related losses and so on."

"In order to show fairness, each of the two sides will send out two hundred disciples of the Dan realm, 100 strong men of the warm and nourishing realm, and 30 masters of the reborn realm to fight freely in a closed area. More than half of the damage is negative, or one side's battle flag is captured as negative."

"There is no limit to the techniques and methods used by the two parties, but once a war begins, the Four Leagues and the two sides will jointly send personnel to patrol and guard outside the area, and no more personnel and resources can be input."

"For us, the advantage is that we can limit the war to a certain scale, avoiding a full-scale decisive battle. If we lose, more than 300 people in the middle level are also a number that can take it and bear a certain loss. If we win, Now, you can defeat the opponent's prestige in one battle, show the power of the martial arts in Xianzhou, and play the role of deterring and demonstrating your strength."

"For the other party, on the one hand, due to the constraints of the internal forces and the various forces in Xianzhou, Ziyue Xianzong and Tujia had some scruples and had to accept such conditions. On the other hand, they were also confident to send personnel within this range. Victory can also achieve the goal of occupying mineral veins and weakening us."

Yun Xiuchun asked urgently: "Has the war started? How is the battle going?"

Mu Weizheng returned to her: "It's been a while since the fight. Let's put it this way, I personally think the situation is acceptable."

"You all know that each realm is divided into four levels: ascend to the hall, enter the room, ascend to the peak, and make the highest level. The difference in cultivation level between them is very large. After comprehensive consideration, the three realms sent by the door, Mali There are people of all levels and different cultivation directions, and they are relatively balanced."

"Ziyue Immortal Sect is the Ten Thousand Years Faction after all, and is determined to win, so most of the dispatched are high-level disciples in the three realms. Therefore, in terms of superficial strength, the opponent is much stronger than us overall."

"In these days, the two sides have fought in the enclosed mountainous area with a designated radius of hundreds of miles. There are solo fights, squad attacks, and group confrontations. Various forms of face-to-face duels, secret assassinations, and ambushes have been used. At present. The situation is that there are casualties on both sides, showing a stalemate situation evenly matched."

"This result has surprised the opponent and Although our people's cultivation base has fallen short, we have many means, exquisite cooperation, and strong combat power. They have continued for many days without showing signs of defeat."

"However, the rules do not allow, and neither side accepts a tie. At this time, the overbearing and insidiousness of the Ziyue Immortal Sect once again revealed the fox tail."

"They played little tricks. These grandsons ignored the agreed rules and secretly sent extra personnel and materials to the fighting area. After being discovered by our side and sternly pointed out, they even wiped out the evidence and played a rogue."

"Master Taiyuan, a subordinate person, pretends to be wronged. He used to be the representative of the Ziyue Immortal Sect. He was stationed for a period of time in the headquarters of the Sifang League. There are many acquaintances. Someone helped him and the mud, and the matter was obscured and obscured later. Although we strengthened our precautions afterwards, the people they sent in couldn't be kicked out."

"In this way, our side is a bit disadvantaged, and we won't be defeated soon, but winning becomes more difficult."

"The problem is that after several battles and fierce battles, the remaining personnel on both sides not only consume a lot of money, but also understand the characteristics of each other's participating monks and cultivation bases, including tactical arrangements, and are currently stuck in a stalemate of mutual confrontation and mutual containment."

"He is not benevolent, and we are unrighteous. If you put us together first, don't blame Lao Tzu for going back."

After Mu Xiuhuan finished speaking the correct words, the vulgar words came out. He looked a little hideous, and looked around everyone: "So, this manager is here to move reinforcements and ask for rescue."

"The door asks, use the other way, return to the other side, send out a surprise soldier, and steal into the war zone. It is impossible for the other party to voluntarily admit defeat or kill half of the enemy. Our goal is to kill the flag and set the world! "


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