The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 254: Step by step

   Akenser read the spell, the golden light on the tribal staff was suddenly intense, mixed with black halo, emitting a dazzling light.

   The staff pointed forward, and a thick golden light shot at the shield on the high platform, and the shield burst into pieces.

   The golden light continued to rush, hitting the King of Ambergris. Everyone's ears only heard a faint low roar, exuding obvious anger.

Then the King of Ambergris seemed to turn around, and the King Ambergris, with its less distinctive features in the shape of a sperm whale, squirmed again, emitting a black-and-white light from his mouth, colliding with the golden light emitted by Akenser’s staff. Place.

   roared silently, full of radiance, two rays of light scattered.

   Everyone was shocked and backed up one after another, and everyone watched with bated breath.

   After dozens of beams of light collided, the power of Akenther's staff seemed to be weak, and the distance it sent out was getting shorter and shorter, while the black and white light of Ambergris was pressing harder.

   There was no panic on Akenser's face, but the Abu Dhabi tiger beside Hualanting with tears in his eyes, muttering: "Is it really still invincible? The old patriarch..."

   Akentha’s voice came: "Abu Dhabi, come and pick up the staff!"

   "Hua Lan Ting, remember your promise. The old man will fight to the death to win the future for my holy land tribe."

   "This is fate, the old man has no regrets and no regrets. This is a necessary sacrifice, you don't have to worry about it."

   "Abu brothers and sisters, the old man can see the general results, but can't see the process, how to choose, you are self-determined."

   "Abu Dhabi, I can't come! The staff recognizes the lord!"

   "Akenther, the chief of the contemporary Aken tribe, the soul returns to the throne. Protected by the ancestors, the glory strikes!"

   Abu Dhabi sprang out.

   Hua Lan Ting followed closely, and asked urgently, "Brother Zabi, what's the matter?"

"The energy accumulated by King Ambergris is too much. The old patriarch commanded the staff to be difficult to match. His old man drives the staff with his body, and cannot fully exert the power left by the ancestors of the past. , Become one of them to be able to fully mobilize."

   "As soon as the human has died, the spirit of the soul has the strongest vitality. At this time, the imperial scepter can issue the most powerful glorious attack to defeat the King of Ambergris."

   Hua Lanting was dumbfounded, he remembered the sadness that appeared in the other's indifferent eyes when he was talking to Akenser in his brain.

   Now that I think about it, Akenser may have seen his own destiny using the divine foresight technique. Later, after confessing the matter with Abu brothers and sisters, and handing them his token to get his promise again, he smiled slightly at that time, it was relieved that he had no worries and was determined to die.

   Hua Lan Ting wants to stop, he speeds up and has to surpass Abu Dhabi.

   Abu Dhabi has grabbed him from behind: "No need. The old patriarch has decided to die. This is a sacrifice for the revival of our clan. This is his supreme glory and liberation. Don't interrupt."

After    Hualanting, Abu Dhabi rushed out instead and approached Akenthor.

   Akenser laughed long and yelled: "Good boy."

   The end of the staff crosses Abu Dhabi's wrist, marked with a puff of blood. Akentha pointed with his hand, and after pinching, the blood was punched into the staff.

   Akenser's calm and loving gaze swept across Abu brothers and sisters and Hua Lan Ting, his staff turned around, the front end hit his forehead heavily, and his body fell to the ground.

   Hualanting wanted to cry silently.

   Abu Dhabi picked up the blood-stained staff and raised it to the sky.

The staff made a deep buzzing sound, the golden light spread out, and it turned into an eagle flying high in the air, circling three times, the eagle looked around, the eyes were sharp, the look was sullen, and there was a sorrow, with unmatched aura Volley down.

The whale-shaped Ambergris King seemed to be afraid, but after being locked, he couldn't dodge and had to raise his head to meet him.

   In the roar, the eagle's claws penetrated the Ambergris King’s back, and the white and black halos were scattered all around, and the two beasts were entangled, rolling and fighting.

   After a while, the eagle fluttered its wings, stumbled and flew sideways, and suffered injuries on his body. The golden light was dim and his majestic posture was lost, and he was retracted into the staff.

   Looking at the King of Ambergris, his breath was sluggish, crawling on the ground, his figure shrank by two circles, occasionally twitching, it was obvious that he had been hit hard. It was deceived by the chameleon lizard, and it has endured multiple attacks from the tribal staff. It must be impossible to evolve into a sacred weapon this time, and it doesn't even have the strength to escape.

   Akenser achieved his goal with death. The great formation was broken. Most of the surviving Xianzhou disciples in the formation were relieved and saved, and the King of Ambergris was also left behind.

   Abu Dhabi rubbed the staff with his hand, tears flowed, Hualanting's expression was sad.

When everyone's mind was relaxed, a gloomy voice suddenly sounded: "Boys, it's too early to be happy! Ginger is old and spicy, and this old fellow Akenser didn't expect the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole. Be behind!"

As soon as   's words fell, a lion-like phantom flashed out on the ground in front of him.

It's him!

   Others didn't recognize it, but Hua Lan Ting recognized it at once.

In the brain that day, the lion body transformed by the elder sent by the Three Sacred Mountains to seize the house was stunned by the goshawk, and Akenther was also careless. This thought of kindness has planted the disaster.

I don’t want this elder to be the bottom of the ranking on the Three Sacred Mountains. His cultivation potential has been exhausted and he is about to die, but he can survive and survive. One is because he is cunning and insidious, and the other is because of the tenacity of his vitality. In terms of position, it was not replaced by a latecomer.

   After he was seriously injured, the Soul was taken in by Akenser, pretending to be dying, but in fact he recovered in secret, and he didn't jump out to attack him until most of his head died.

   The soul can't stay outside for too long. This man has his own wishful thinking, and he smiles up to the sky: "I'm really sorry, I'm very sorry, and the elders took advantage of the bargain."

"May I tell you that Ambergris King’s young spiritual consciousness was severely damaged, but the medicinal power and psychic energy in it were not greatly depleted. It is something that I usually dare not think of and cannot do. Although the elder is weak, he has nothing to do. Opportunity seizes the house and becomes a medicine spirit."

   "The power of the tribal staff has been exhausted. I will kill you first. When I return, even the Three Sacred Mountains, I will offer it to the old man. Don't say goodbye, and see you later. Hahahaha."

   A stream of light flew out and went straight into the body of the King of Ambergris, causing ups and downs.

  Hua Lanting is in a hurry, once the King of Ambergris regains his mobility, there is no check and balance here. Isn't it a waste of all previous efforts? The chief Akanser also lost his life in vain.

   He communicated with the chameleon lizard, but the dragon lizard had just made the effort to coax the king of Ambergris into success, and there was no more energy to make another move.

  On the art of spirit and spirit, no one here can stop taking homes.

While Hua Lanting was still thinking of a solution, Abu Dhabi called the girl Abu to her side and said softly, "Sister, the old patriarch said he got the result and couldn’t see the process clearly, so let us have the right to choose according to the situation. , You can decide for yourself. I didn't fully understand what he meant at that time."

"Now it seems, brother, is going to follow his old man. For the sake of sacrifice, I dare to call the sun and the moon to change the sky. For the future of the tribe, I believe Grandpa Akenser's words. You too, then choose yourself. ."

   Abu's lady's eyes were sad and determined: "Brother, the Abu family has only warriors who regard death as home, and no cowards who can escape. Although the girl is a female body, it is no exception. Don't worry, I know how to do it."

   Abu Dhabi smiled, the staff in his hand had been pierced into his sister's wrist, and he chanted the spell.

  At this time, the King of Ambergris stopped the fluctuations, and the elder of the holy mountain took the house, and the laughter came out: "Success, boys, today's glory belongs to the old man."

   Abu Dhabi Yang said: "Not necessarily! You are too proud of it too early. The oriole catches the praying mantis, and the young eagle follows!"

   The staff also hit the forehead, and Abu Dhabi's majestic body fell.

   All this happened very quickly.

   The Abu lady raised the blood-stained tribal staff high and pointed it at the sky.

  Only Abu brothers and sisters knew that for the sake of a glimmer of unknown secrets, Akenser did not have all the power in his wand, but still wanted to retain the energy of the ancestors, either for future generations, or for inheritance. The current crisis is probably within his calculations.

   He let Abu Dhabi choose for himself, and Abu Dhabi chose the same path. He chose to follow in Akentha's footsteps, sacrifice himself, and use the fire of life to reignite the glory of the tribe.

   The staff of the tribe fell dimly, and the eagle came out again, flapping its wings, this time with all its strength, sent a blow of glory to the King of Ambergris!

After the loud noise, even the screaming sound was made this time, and the elders of the holy mountain and the spirit of the Ambergris King were all shattered, and the body of the Ambergris King shrank again, only the white and black breath was still there. Exudes from time to time.

   All this happened too fast.

   Waiting for Hualan Ting and others to react, Abu lady has been silently collecting the bodies of Akensor and Abu Dhabi.

   The dust has settled, and the crisis has been resolved.

  Most of the Xianzhou elite disciples survived, and in fear, they all withdrew from Yanzhi Mountain Pass, and Mingxiu also retreated.

Near the exit of the Continental Bridge, the mountain wind is fierce. The lady Abu and Hua Lan Ting stand side by side. Lady Abu called Hua Lan Ting before she Looking into Xianzhou, Lady Abu said : "In the tent, the old patriarch told my brother and me many things."

   "He said that he considered the opportunity for tribal rejuvenation in the east, and you are the one who carries the opportunity."

   "He said that for this, he is likely to have to pay the price of his life. Even, even more than one person, it will involve my brother and me."

   "He wants my brother and I to choose when we encounter situations."

   "His foresight was fulfilled, and he and his brother went to regain the glory of the tribe in the long run and chose to sacrifice themselves."

   "As a survivor, I will return to the Holy Land, return to the tribe, and accompany my tribe, and wait for that day to come."

   "I don't know how long it will be, or whether it will be there in a lifetime, but I know you will come, and I will too, waiting for you... and... you, understand?"

   Hua Lan Ting nodded heavily: "I promised the big radicals, and when I am strong enough, I will help you."

   The Abu lady lowered her head slightly, chuckled, and immediately closed her smile, sighed, glanced at Hua Lan Ting, and he hesitated and said: "I know, you already have a Taoist companion."

   Hua Lanting made a cry.

"she is pretty."

   "I won't, fight with her."

   "But, I will wait, wait for you, and our... blood crystal."

   The last sentence is inaudible.

  :. :

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