The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 255: Big piercing

   Hua Lanting made another ah, his face hesitated, hesitated for a moment, and stopped talking.

   At this time, a voice rang in their minds at the right time, and it was the chameleon lizard who spoke: "Two people, excuse me, the deity is going to enter the deep sleep training, but some words have to be said."

"This girl, the deity is the spirit beast of Hualanting. That, that, when the incident happened last time, I was the one who took the initiative and blinded you girl with the illusion, making you mistakenly think, um, the jewel is secretly knotted. That. ,this……."

  The chameleon lizard hadn't finished speaking, the lady Abu's complexion changed drastically, she turned her head and asked Hua Lanting, "What does it say? Is this true!"

  Hua Lanting smiled bitterly, and said in his mouth, not daring to look directly at the lady of Abu: "The girl's mind, there is no blessing in the next...".

   Abu girl turned pale, her silver teeth clenched, her body trembling, and her eyes changed: "Sure enough, sure enough, I still have no chance, I still want, so..."

   Hua Lan Ting is beside me, I don’t know what to say.

   The Abu lady seemed to calm down quickly: "Never mind. Hualanting, the old patriarch said, so I know you still have a wish."

   "In that case, that's all. Okay. I don't see the process, I only see the result. What a holy light foresight technique, Xiang Wu said nothing. Good good."

  What more Hualan Ting has to say, the lady Abu waved her hand: "No need to say more, I understand, everything is fate, I don't blame you, it's me, being passionate."

   "Farewell to this. I will take this masterless king of Ambergris."

   "Remember, you will come to the west every day, holding my tribe's tokens, continuing my tribe's inheritance, with your power, driving out the holy mountain, and helping my tribe to regain its glory!"

   "Abu Sharjah and Abu's best friends of the Abu family will be waiting for you."

   "In addition, my Abu lady has a gift as a gift."

   Glancing at Hualanting, Lady Abu turned back and walked towards the last sacred mountain spacecraft, leaving a sentence: "Goodbye, don't give it away."

   Hua Lanting only felt that Abu's lady's words were chilly and weird. He didn't understand all of them, so he looked helplessly.

   Looking at the spacecraft into the space entrance.

  Standing for a while, Hualan Court is waiting to leave, and the sudden change occurs!

   Inside the rock wall, after a few muffled noises, there was a series of violent explosions that were shaking the earth and the mountains and the ground. The rocks fell apart and the dust rose.

   Hua Lan Ting stepped back dozens of feet to avoid, and was uncertain. An accident happened in the vacuum channel?

   After dozens of breaths, the successive explosions only calmed down, but the dust that was raised could not disperse for a while.

   Before rushing back to the mountain pass, this place has changed its appearance, no longer what it used to be.

   The smoke and dust dispersed a little, and there was a jade slip with sound transmission floating in front of him, with a huge silver bead on it.

   After taking the beads, Hua Lanting smashed the jade slips, and heard the message attached to it by the lady of Abu.

   After listening, he couldn't help closing his eyes, his expression was heavy, and his agitated mood could not be suppressed for a long time.

   "Lanting, let me call you that once."

"My younger sister grew up in the sacred grassland since I was a child, except when I was young, the sky was high and the grass was long, carefree, and the rest of the time I witnessed the bullying and squeezing of the tribe by the Three Holy Mountains. Running, coupled with the special status of the family, I don’t have a long relationship with children."

"When I first met Huajun, maybe I judged people by appearance. You were born different from a tribal man. Later, you began to look at your appearance and fell into talent. Then you have the impure idea of ​​connecting with the East and saving seeds for your family. You should be disgusted and laughed at."

   "However, the women of the tribe dare to love and hate, without hindering a sincere heart."

   "Originally hoped that the womb is secretly knotted, and when I return to Miao Gao, it will last forever, and the marriage will be achieved. Now I know that I am naive."

   "You have someone in your heart, and my heart is hopeless, and there is no regret."

   "The old patriarch told my brothers and sisters of his prediction today that the three of me might sacrifice and sacrifice for the tribe. He couldn't bear it and let my brothers and sisters decide on their own."

   "He and his elder brother left one after another, thinking that they could survive and meet with you tomorrow. But when I heard the words of the dragon lizard at first, it was wishful thinking."

   "Without a broken heart, I have no intention of stealing my life, and I follow my brother underground."

"I extinct myself in order to detonate the King of Ambergris. Although the consequences are unpredictable, it should be possible to seal the exit, block the vacuum channel, and absolutely the three sages to enter Shandong, complete the king’s wish, and give the King of Ambergris the remaining essence. The Pearl of Transformation."

   "The fragrant soul is faint, and the lady is gone. May the gentleman cherish himself and be good and healthy."

   "The next day is the strong man in the world, and he will lead the army to help the younger brothers and sisters to rejuvenate our clan. I think that the echo will live up to the death of the three of us."

What Abu's lady did not expect was that her actions did seal the east end of the vacuum channel, but it also caused an abnormal change in the vacuum channel. In the future, when Hualan Ting came, there would be another chance. This is something for now, for the time being Don't mention it.

   The loud noise alarmed Feng Qingjun and the others. Everyone rushed over. After learning the whole story, they were sighed, Feng Qingjun alone calmed down the wounded Hua Lanting.

   This is the end of the matter.

   Two days later, the Xianzhou queen team arrived, and the elders went to negotiate and deal with the final item. Mu Weizheng, Hualanting and others began to arrange the matter.

   I can't shirk the responsibilities of the door, the matter is urgent, and one more day is delayed, and the expert playing in the door will have one more day of pressure.

   The first thing to decide is when and where to transmit.

   Hua Lan Ting has not been completely relieved from the death of Abu's lady, but the matter is serious, he is still actively involved in the plan.

   With the current abilities of Yue Guanghan, the certainty of implementing fixed-point space teleportation is very high. For the sake of safety, of course, it is more feasible to return to Xianzhou.

  Hua Lan Ting put forward different opinions, probably because he saw some ancient classics of the Aken tribe from the letter Akensor gave him, including the practice booklet of the holy light foresight technique.

   related skills cannot be learned in a short period of time, but some of the views and the mechanics of the universe and the prediction technique can be used for reference.

There is a record about multi-dimensional space in the classics, saying that a four-dimensional space composed of three dimensions and time dimensions may exist in a multi-dimensional membrane space. The membrane space is divided by countless parallel membranes that resemble barriers and interact with each other. The five elements collide with the waves of thunder, magnetism, etc., and then form gravitational forces of different magnitudes.

Above the membrane space, there may be a larger volume universe, and the membrane space can theoretically reach up to eleven dimensions.

This is unimaginable by people nowadays. The classics only make vague guesses without verification. Although it is illusory, the sages of the Holy Land have developed a lot of technical applications such as the Holy Light foresight technique based on this. Of spells.

   Some of the cognitions and know-how can be mutually confirmed and complemented by the heavenly secret prediction technique, the grand prophecy technique, and the Ziwei Doushu technique, and greatly enrich the theoretical and practical content of the spatial teleportation technique.

   After everyone's overnight study, Hua Lan Ting has the basis of the concept of space folding in the shrinking technique, and finally let them greatly upgrade the space transmission technology to a level.

   Although it is still not complete enough, and I don’t know why, there are still many constraints, but at least distance is no longer a big problem.

   In private, although there is no official name, the disciples have referred to this technique as the "big piercing and sending technique" for the sake of convenience.

   It has been decided to send it locally as soon as possible, and the next question is the choice of people.

   With the high-level elixir and the support of Yiqu, the injured disciples are already well. Except for Wang Genji and Yu Qian's inability to participate, even Yi Flown has recovered for most of the time.

   Considering various factors such as the carrying capacity of the piercing technique, individual combat effectiveness, mutual cooperation coefficient, and secondary transmission capability, Mu Yizheng finally decided that the commando consists of the following personnel:

   Hua Lanting, Lin Xianjing, Yi Liunian, Zhuge Yun, Feng Qingjun, Yue Guanghan, Huo Huixiao and Chao Tianque.

  Zizaimen Gate and the place where Ziyue Xianzong and Tujia fought the battle between Mengbishenghua Mountain and Ziyue Tianqi Mountain, specifically in a place called Younan Canyon.

  The aura here is not abundant, but the landforms are diverse, complex, and volatile. They are suitable for formations and are inaccessible. There is no need to worry about the damage to the vegetation of the mountain caused by the hands and feet of the masters of the born-out realm.

   Now as long as Yue Guanghan is there, the younger generations can already initiate the big piercing technique by themselves. Now there are the real master Shouyan of the Lei Punishment Hall, Xin Qiaoxian, Master of Yaoguang Peak Formation Dao, Shigu of Kaiyangfeng Yichi, and Master of Zhaoyaofeng Linyi Cliff, and Mu Yizheng has also broken through to six in this period of time. In the realm of Dinglujia, the original driving force is more abundant.

   was about to stop. After the notification door sent back a message of simultaneous cover with the heavenly secret technique, all the people at the Vientiane Gate gathered together, and the remaining team disciples were guarded on the outside, which combined their efforts to start the transmission.

   The process was very smooth, and the eight Hualanting people landed on a spot in Younan Canyon.

   Younan Canyon has a radius of more than two hundred miles. According to intelligence, the joint battle flag of Ziyue Xianzong and Tujia is placed in the southwest corner, and the local name is "Dagunshui".

The Vientiane Gate only knows the approximate location, and they need to find the exact location After landing, they found that the air here is extremely cold and humid, indicating that there must be rivers, lakes and streams nearby, and nothing else is abnormal. As the intelligence said, the opponent did not arrange intensive defense here.

   As for how to find the specific battle flag position, there are disciples such as Lin Xianjing, Huo Huixiao, and Yue Guanghan who specialize in Tianji prediction during this trip. Hualanting's Ziwei Doushu also has this function, but it is not difficult for everyone.

   After taking a break for a while, Huo Huixiao first used the secret technique of heaven to detect the location, and quickly made a judgment about three miles to the southeast, so everyone sneaked away.

   Three miles far and near, that means it's there when it comes to it.

Wherever he went, there was a dead silence in the past. After repeatedly believing that there was no one around, everyone dug the ground three feet and did not find the target. Various signs showed that this would not be the land of the battle flag. Lin Xianjing had to run the Dayan Secret Art. Calculate again.

   said briefly, it was four times in total, including Yue Guanghan and Hua Lanting who also made predictions afterwards, and the calculated azimuth and location were different each time, but they were not where the battle flag was.

   This is weird. They thought that this trip would not be smooth sailing, but they encountered trouble in the first step.

   Lin Xian said in surprise: "All four are wrong. We are either trapped in a certain psychedelic formation, or we are interfered by a master of secrets who are better than us."

   "Is there a way to crack it?" Chao Tianque asked.

   Huo Huixiao said: "It was a bit tricky before she put it away. It's very difficult to fight. Let it go now, it's up to us."

  :. :

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