The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 257: Xiantian 8 Hexagrams

   The mist on the surface of the small hot spring lake is steaming, and the surroundings are silent, and there is no sound of insects, birds, and birds.

   The eight people guessed that there must be weirdness in this place, and they did not act rashly, but observed carefully.

   Sure enough, it didn’t seem that any vision had appeared, but under long-sightedness, everyone's heart was inexplicably palpitating, and the thought of retreating suddenly appeared, but the strangeness was unable to be said.

   Yi Liuian shivered involuntarily: "There is a problem, it's terrible."

   Lin Xian groaned in surprise: "No, you can't enter, you must first test the reality."

   Yue Guanghan volunteered: "I'm coming. Such a short distance is effortless. I will teleport myself to the island to capture the flag. If there is danger, I will return."

   Lin Xian stopped him in shock: "Don't be reckless, there is no need to take risks with your own body. In this way, you try to send a stone in and see how you react."

   "Good idea." Yue Guanghan immediately complied.

But seeing a large stone on the ground disappeared suddenly, and after a while, it did not appear on the small island, and a slight ripple appeared on the surface of the lake not far away. The whole small lake vibrated slightly, and it seemed to be awakened. , But soon fell silent again.

   The stone disappeared out of thin air.

   Yue Guanghan's face turned pale, and it took a while before he regained his strength. He sighed and said: "Xian Jing reminded me that it should be a formation. If I pass by myself, I will definitely deviate and fall into the formation."

"I want to sense the degree of danger of the formation. You know, the closer the time, the closer the distance, the clearer the prediction of my grand foresight technique. I just tried it by the way. But I can only feel the shaking of the mountains and the wind and clouds. Vague phenomena such as discoloration, lightning and thunder, water waves surging into the sky, and so on, you can't actually see what will happen."

   "Anyway, it's not something I can handle alone. This kind of situation is rare for me. The danger level here is very high."

Lin Xian frowned, "Look, the area of ​​this small hot spring lake is not big, but not small. No matter how good your body is, it can't be done overnight. Xiaoyueyue won't be able to pass it. Can't be reached at once."

   "The lake is not too deep, so you can barely wade through it. The danger is not to be said, but we don't know it. It is difficult for us to take the correct response, so we can only rush into it.

   Huo Huixiao said at this time: "We are not afraid of danger, but it is best to know in advance what kind of danger it may be. Let me see."

Everyone knows that there is a hidden eight-color vertical pupil between Huo Huixiao’s eyebrows. Due to the consumption of spiritual power, she has only seen her use it twice. This is a reliance on Huo Huixiao’s cultivation of heavenly mechanics is stronger than that of the same school. , She didn't say, no one asked.

   Huo Huixiao eats **** together, pausing and pinching between the eyebrows, the black and white vertical eyes appear, the fingers point again, and the eight-color pupils appear.

After    brilliance flashed repeatedly, Huo Huixiao slowly said:

"The first point is that the formation is undoubtedly. I haven't seen what formation it is. But the symptoms show that it must have evolved from the eight formations composed of Fuxi and Eight Diagrams. There are obvious four signs of Yin and Yang. The phenomena of heaven, earth, water, fire, thunder, wind, mountains, and zeal that are born are arranged according to dry, kun, ridge, li, quake, sunda, gen, and red."

"The second point is that it is very powerful. Although in order to pursue the effect, the scope has not been expanded, the hexagram is also single, and it has not penetrated into the 64 hexagrams, but the intensity is not small, and the influence is controlled within the lake area. Inspiration, the advantage for us is that we won’t be noticed by outsiders."

"In terms of actual power, according to my general judgment, unless you are proficient in the formation and have a high level of skill, otherwise, it will take time and effort for the strong to break through, and it is not easy to break through. Ordinary experts in the pill and warming state will fall into it. It's mortal, it's good to be able to get out."

   Speaking of this, Huo Huixiao closed his eyes and opened his eyes: "Fortunately, we have eight people. Although the cultivation level is insufficient, the effect of spells and spirit treasures will not be too great, but if we enter together, it may not be impossible to break the formation."

Lin Xian nodded in surprise: "That's good, knowing what the formation is, you can have a target. Since it is Fuxi's gossip, we are not strong enough, then take the Taiji line, along Qianyi, Dui2, Lisan, Zhensi, Xunwu, The yin and yang fish of Kanliu, Genqi, and Kunba walk on the edge of the curve, so the pressure they bear is relatively minimal. Compared with going straight into the formation, it seems to go around far, but it saves much effort."

   After another discussion, everyone is about to set off.

Yi Liunian looked up at the position of the sun, raised his foot and walked away, but was stopped by Huo Huixiao: "Wrong, don't go north, this is Fuxi's congenital gossip, and the orientation is opposite to our usual north-up and south-south. "

Lin Xianjing explained: "The positional relationship in all directions is fixed, but the position is relative. The ancient saying is that the sky is the north and the south is the place of light. The law of nature is cool. You know, in the theory of yin and yang, everything is judged by nature."

   Yi Liunian patted his head: "Ha, yes, I forgot. Otherwise, Sun Dasheng turned his head over the heavens and arrived in front of the Nantian Gate. He never went to the North Tianmen with Monkey Head."

   Zhuge Yun: "Well, the brain circuit of fleeting years is really different."

   Everyone found the position due south, and stepped into the lake from the dry position.

   After entering, the formation reacted immediately, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed, the lake surface disappeared, and the surrounding was a peaceful scenery with high sky and far, light clouds and light wind. Everyone walked for a while, and they did not encounter any danger.

   Chao Tianque asked: "It's safe and sound, why is there peace in the position?"

   Huo Huixiao replied: "The formation is unpredictable, don't worry about it, it's best to be fine, hurry up in the direction of the position."

   After another long section of the road, the scene changes suddenly, and there are both land and water, and there are many more trees swaying in the meantime, which makes people feel happy.

Lin Xian said in shock: "This is the time to exchange positions. We have just walked about a stick of incense. Generally speaking, if we can survive the length of a stick of incense on the edge of the formation in each direction, we will be able to pass. Now, you guys..."

   At this point, he suddenly couldn't say anything.

Because the surrounding scenery is still beautiful, but the sky is fast and bright, the sky light and tree shadows linger, the reflections of the mountains and rocks on the water surface, the light and dark shadows alternately flashing and rolling up and down irregularly, making it difficult to distinguish where the sky is and where is the water. It is dizzy.

   Everyone felt that the world was spinning, dizzy, unstable, and difficult to move, and the consumption of spiritual power began to increase.

   "Stop, close your eyes!" Lin Xian exclaimed in surprise.

   Everyone stopped, so that they could barely hold the stakes and stand still, but as long as they moved and opened their eyes, they would stumble like a drunk, whirring and panting.

   No one launched an attack. It was just that the images of the sky, the water, the trees, grass and rocks turned strangely, making it difficult for them to move.

   Even if I close my eyes in place, it feels like a small boat being thrown in the ocean, sometimes head up, sometimes head down, which is extremely uncomfortable.

   Yi Liunian exclaimed, "Please, think about countermeasures quickly. If this goes on, sooner or later, your spiritual power will be exhausted and you will faint to death."

   Huo Huixiao said quickly: "On the hexagram image, the eight hexagrams correspond to eight kinds of natural phenomena, and the counter position corresponds to Ze, which is a large area of ​​water."

Chao Tianque was dizzy and asked, "I know that Ze is a big water. What is the difference between the water in the position and the water in the position? How to break it? Is it fire or earth cover to deal with water? What is the specificity? Of spells available?"

This unintentional question reminded Lin Xianjing, who also anxiously said: "The hexagrams of the dry sky are three solid straight lines, because the sky is covered, and the sky is multi-layered, and it is not. Intermittently, so Fuxi uses three horizontal lines to represent the sky."

   "It is changeable, there are three possible changes in the sky, change in the sky, change in the sky and change under the sky..."

   He wanted to hold the pile and stand firmly, and he couldn't say anything anymore.

Huo Huixiao continued: "The conversion is a change in the sky. People can't know what is above the sky, but the ancients are very clever. They found that when the water was at the edge of the water, the reflection of the sky was under the waves, and the waves turned up by the water. At this moment, it is just above the reflection of the sky, which is more obvious on the open water surface of the wind and clouds, so the sky is called Ze, which is reflected in the hexagram image as the lower two solid lines and the upper dashed line."

   Yi Foonian heard a flash of inspiration here: "That's it, reflection, I understand, we have to walk upside down to break this level."

   "Fart! Stand upside down and take a look!" Lin Xian scolded.

   is naturally more dizzy when you fall backwards, you don’t have to try.

   Hua Lan Ting has not spoken. The formation here is similar to an illusion. He tried to communicate that the chameleon lizard broke the formation, but the dragon lizard fell asleep. At this time, after hearing what Yi Liunian said, Hua Lanting changed his mind and cried:

"The fleeting makes sense, but it's not a handstand. The sky is above, the ground is below, the sky is underwater, and the water is in the sky. Then we can't be on the boundary between the ground and the water, but we have to go up, in the air, yes. , That is, fly! Fly to the top, on the contrary, it is safe, in response to the hexagram that the sky is under the water and the water is above."

   There is no other way, just give it a try.

   Everyone's cultivation is still far from flying in the sky, but Huo Huixiao's flying futon has been repaired, so she took it out and flew.

   "Feasible!" Huo Huixiao shouted.

   Sure enough, once off the ground, the dizziness caused by the turning of light and shadow almost disappeared.

However, Huo Huixiao’s flying futon can only carry four people in the air for a short period of time. At this time, it is obvious that Mu Xuhuan allows Chao Tianque to join the Tianque follows the wind and fire For a long time, it took longer than Hualan Ting to learn art, and his casting skills were higher. He even learned Feng Huo Lun's kung fu and weapon magic. He built two Feng Huo Lun Lingbao himself, and he was equally able to Short flight.

   In this way, all eight people were in the air.

   Traveling in the sky, the light and shadow are still changing, but the sky and the water are clearly distinguished, and everyone is no longer dizzy.

Yi Liunian felt relaxed and smiled: "Brother is still smart. Become a big Ze, be beautiful by the water, be pleasing to the eyes, and be delighted by the heart, and the desire to fly is also fulfilled, of course, happier, the ancients gave a hexagram of Ze It makes a lot of sense to exchange the words, and it's good."

   However, their good mood did not last long.

  Because, I can't fly anymore.

   After all, they are limited to the cultivation base, and the two spirit treasures are not too high in rank, and their energy is limited. They tried their best to maintain the flight time of Xiaobanzhuxiang, and they could no longer be driven, and the eight of them were about to fall back to the ground.

Reluctantly, Hua Lanting said: "Everyone gathers together, and I take you to teleport through the void twice with an inch-and-a-thousand-mile method, hoping to get out of the range of the position conversion method, but if I lead people to transfer, the spiritual power will be consumed at least Most of it needs time to recover, and the next few levels are up to you."

   Eight people approached, holding hands and hugging each other, Hua Lan Ting launched a thousand miles with a heavy load.

After    twice in a row, they rushed out of the red line as they wished and fell into the out-of-position fire line.

  :. :

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