The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 258: Feng Shui Fire Thunder

   The out-of-position fire bursts are as their name suggests, the fire inside is fierce and flames raging.

   The out-of-position hexagram image is a dotted line sandwiched between two solid lines, which is a moving image in the sky.

   Birds are not moving in the sky, so people will only take a second look. Only the wildfires in the mountains and forests full of flames and smoke billowing from a distance are like fire in the sky, and the burning air seems to be distorted, forming a scene of movement in the middle of the sky.

The fire in the array is still a common fire, covering the sky and covering the sun, and the heat waves hit people. Fortunately, they walked along the edge along the Tai Chi line. Although the fire was strong, the density was not as high as the central area. There were still gaps between the fire groups, which allowed eight people Can be avoided.

Cultivation disciples’ bones and skins are tough, and they can be used to protect the body of zhenqi spiritual power. Each school has fire avoidance techniques that can be used to resist flames and high temperatures in a short period of time, so a group of people meanders and moves forward slowly. Walked a distance.

   But this still couldn't support them to spend the time of a stick of incense. Afterwards, everyone was sweating, sweating through heavy shirts, and the baking power of the flames made their hair curled and yellow, and they had to find another way.

  Because of previous discussions, Chao Tianque immediately took out his weapon fire-tip spear, which can absorb the power of fire as energy.

   Chao Tianque opened the road ahead, raising the gun to absorb and suppress the flames from the left and right of the gap. The others followed closely, and they persisted for a lot of time.

   After the fire tip gun was full of fire energy and lost its effect, everyone still hadn't walked out of the battlefield.

Huo Huixiao said: "The name of the fire symbol is Li Gua. It means that the sun rises eastward and sets west every day, leaving the east and moving to the west. Therefore, the nature of fire is li. The fire must be attached to wood and other materials to be able to burn. The medium will be extinguished, so fire prevention depends on isolation."

   Lin Xian said in shock: "The problem is that the fire is strong, and there are too many fire groups. It is too slow to rely on our power to use spells to extinguish the fire. Moreover, the old fire is not extinguished and the new fire is reborn. I am afraid that it will not come to an end."

   Feng Qingjun suddenly interjected: "Eliminating the fire medium is just a temporary cure. From the root, all fires can only burn in the air."

   Yue Guanghan exclaimed: "Do you mean to create a vacuum environment? Mom, the concubines really can't do it."

   Chao Tianque said next to him: "The concubine can't do it, Tianque can do it. Sister Feng wakes me up with this sentence. I have something to use."

A long-term magic weapon for the town of Dongmingfeng, Feng Huolun, is called "Nine Dragons God Fire Cover". Due to his slow progress in spiritual cultivation, until recently, this treasure has only become successful, and he pointed out that Chao Tianque has also made it. An imitation.

   Chao Tianque’s Nine Dragon God Fire Cover is full of energy, so he cannot be used to absorb fire energy like a fire-tip spear, but Feng Qingjun has inspired him and can be used in reverse.

   For them, the basic version of the Nine Dragon God Fire Hood is quite powerful. But seeing Chao Tianque beat his hands with both hands, he released nine pocket-sized fire dragons in the sacred fire cover in front of them. The fireballs inside were weakened and extinguished.

   Everyone couldn't help but admire the elder brother of Hualanting, who was not well-known in the door.

   Chao Tianque continued to lead the way, and the others on both sides behind him, each used different spells or passively resisted or actively dispelled the threat of the flame, and finally survived the time of a stick of incense when the energy of the Nine Dragon God's Flame was almost exhausted.

   There is no time to rest, the fourth pass is at the shock position of Lei Gua.

The    Lei hexagram is derived from the earth hexagram.

The hexagram image of   天 is three solid lines. The earth is equally vast and layered. The difference is that the earth has fractures and boundaries, just like countries, towns and even families have boundaries, so the three broken lines represent the earth.

  The three possible changes in the ground are also ground movement, ground movement and underground movement.

   The thunder hexagram of the shock position is not a movement in the air or on the ground that is supposed to be on the surface.

   Instead, it moves underground.

  Thunder comes from the sky, but if the thunder stops in the air or on the ground, it will not have much actual effect. People are at best afraid of noise.

   In fact, thunder will hit the ground directly, and can penetrate deep into the ground, causing the earth to shake, as if something is about to rush out, it seems to be cracked.

   It’s okay for the sky to shake. The stable ground where people are based is scary if there is a shaking.

   And if it were the thunder and the fire, it would be even more terrifying.

   is that thunder is the phenomenon of underground movement.

  The same is true in the thunder formation.

   The sky thunders violently, lightning and thunder frequently occur. Although the edge area is sparse and small, there is room for evasion. Even if it is hit, it will not be seriously injured.

   On the one hand, the feeling of vibration is frightening, but in fact the surface is not dented or cracked. The most terrible thing is the bottom-up invisible shock wave, which continuously brings continuous damage to the bodies of the eight people.

   Flying magic weapons can no longer be used, and flying in a minefield is simply an act of hanging a birthday star. Everyone had to fight hard for a while with their cultivation base and physical body. When it was really unbearable, Yue Guanghan launched the big piercing and sending technique at the right time. But with his low cultivation base to drive the eight people, he can only transmit a short distance, and there is still a distance that needs to be thought out.

   At this time, Chao Tianque's role was once again highlighted. He and Hua Lan Ting jointly used Feng Huo Lun's unique secret technique-Data Light Waterfall.

Hua Lanting’s few remaining spiritual powers can also activate the data light screen, but computing is not his strong point, who is often not around Feng Huolun. Chao Tianque is stunned by spiritual consciousness, while exploring the underground fluctuations under him and in front of him. , While analyzing and calculating the data stream on the light screen, we obtained the position and strength of the shock wave in different directions, and then reported it to Lin Xianjing next to her.

Lin Xian took out the iris-shaped swallowtail shield, and according to Chao Tianque’s instructions, he smashed it down from time to time, using its soil attribute spells to trigger shock waves against the shock waves emitted by the mines. When the energy is small, it shatters directly and hits it. If the energy is large, it can be pulled away by pulling, or it can be offset by strong force.

   In this way, they advanced while calculating. When Lin Xian Jing was about to exhaustion, they walked out of the thunder array and entered the next wind array.

  巽 is the wind, which is the moving image under the sky. The hexagram image is the upper two solid lines and the lower one dotted line.

   When the wind blows, the trees sway. This is only a superficial phenomenon that the naked eye can see. In essence, it can only be felt that the invisible wind is making trouble.

  The characteristic of wind is all-pervasive.

   There are corners where the sun can’t shine, and the wind can get in everywhere. It seems to be smooth when they are all together, but things that are everywhere are called Xun.

   It’s cool to blow with the wind, and the breeze is very comfortable, but what about a hurricane?

   There was no hurricane outside the center of the wind array, but it was full of wind. The wind broke into small strands and turned into wind blades, blowing on the body like steel knives. Everyone could not stand it for a while.

   The impulsive Yi Liunian was about to use his wind spells to fight Gang Feng in front, but was stunned by Lin Xian. As a good planner, Lin Xianjing must have an overall consideration of the team's actions, and he needs Yi Liunian to save his strength to deal with the dangers that follow.

   At this time, Hua Lan Ting took out several cups.

   After many times of use, his twenty cups have been damaged a lot, and there is no time to repair them all, but there are still some that can be used.

   After the cup body was enlarged, everyone got in separately, relying on the protection of the cup body to survive a certain distance.

   The last part of the journey was made by Lin Xianjing's dovetail shield. When the dovetail shield is released, it grows up to the wind. It protects everyone with its own energy and the strength of the shield body. When it enters the water array at the slam level, the dovetail shield has become dilapidated, shrinking to the ground, and it will not be used without major repairs. NS.

  Walking here, many of the eight are exhausted, and their spiritual power is facing exhaustion.

   Those who travel a hundred miles are half and ninety. If the next few levels are so sad, they will be forced to keep their hands.

The hexagram image of    Kanshui is two dashed lines and one solid line, corresponding to the image of moving in the middle of the earth. What moves in the earth is naturally the endless stream of water.

   is reflected in the formations arranged in the hot spring area. The danger does not come from the water, but the heat emitted by the hot spring water.

   More specifically, it is hot!

   Everyone who has cooked knows that the power of cooking is more powerful than the power of simple fire. It is a comprehensive and deep erosion that superimposes high-temperature burning and hot ironing.

After    felt it on the spot, everyone shuddered, and even the idea of ​​using the trump card to escape and escape came out.

Hua Lanting calmed himself and asked: "Xian Jing, Xiao Xiao, according to the previous experience, the innate gossip array has its rules, and we must take countermeasures based on the characteristics of the hexagrams. The water is also rigid and soft, silent and irritable when calm. When roaring, from harmonious to dangerous, what is the solution?"

Lin Xian smiled bitterly: "Water is a hurdle. A hurdle is composed of a owe character and a soil character. When combined, it means lack of soil. Usually it means using soil to block. , Then the future will be bumpy."

   Huo Huixiao also said: "The difficulty here is not only the water, but the high temperature caused by the hot spring water. This is a derivative change of the water array, which makes us a little helpless."

  Hua Lanting pondered: "Everything will never change from its ancestry. We still need to rely on soil to make up for what we lack."

   Everyone's eyes wandered around, frowning and thinking.

   This time it was Yi Liunian who made his contribution. After stomping his feet impatiently, he suddenly exclaimed: "Isn't it the soil? The soil is under your feet. It's sand here. The sand is soft. We can..."

   Looking at his fallen right foot, everyone reacted and understood the meaning.

The art of earth movement is extremely advanced. It is not something that people like them who are still in the four-xiang yin and yang and the five-qi dynasty can master, but they will still be able to do it during the time of holding their breath and holding the incense, as long as they bury themselves in the sand. Avoid the high temperature here, waiting for the time limit to pass, the water formation will break without attack.

   might as well give it a try.

   Everyone hit the sand with weapons and surgical methods, and forced their way into it. It doesn't matter whether it eats the soil or the image, it matters little.

  This action really worked. After a stick of incense, the water array disappeared, and everyone would come Regardless of the embarrassment, we rushed out of the trap.

After   , there is a mountain of Genbit with two dotted lines under a solid line.

  The mountains move on the ground.

   Above the ground, the movement of trees, wind, water, etc. are small movements, and only the movements of the highest mountain on the ground are big movements.

   Will the mountain move? He often doesn't sound like a mountain.

   Of course the mountain moves, and the mountain moves as a walk.

   The mountain is moving all the time, moving at any time, but it moves so slowly that it is difficult to detect.

  If the mountain does not move, why are there shells left in the sea on the extremely high mountain?

  The vicissitudes of the sea, the white clouds and the dogs, the deep sea chasm is squeezed for a long time, and it will "walk around" and become a dangerous peak straight into the blue sky.

   This is natural change.

   The mountain array here is a maze.

   The formation is strong, and the magic spells of heaven can't tell the maze.

   There is no danger, and there is no need to spend cultivation bases, but no matter whether the eight people circle at the foot of the mountain, climb to the mountainside to circle, or climb the top of the mountain, they can’t find the exit.

   The scene of Sanzhuxiang passed, and they couldn't get out.

   It turns out that there is no time limit for places that you don’t need to rush into.

   It would take physical effort if it didn't consume the cultivation base, everyone looked at each other.

   It seems that we still have to find a way out from the original meaning of Gen Wei.

  :. :

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