The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 265: 7 stars

Dou Xiao didn't use all his strength when he split his palm.

Hua Lan Ting had determined this, and took advantage of the momentum to accelerate into the formation.

Otherwise, if Dou Xiaoli intends to take his life, he dare not venture to meet him personally anyway.

Because of this, after a while, Hua Lan Ting woke up on its own.

The first thing is to release Yue Guanghan from the sky and blue smoke and jade.

Yue Guanghan asked urgently: "Brother, how are you? Does it matter?"

Hua Lanting was weak, unable to speak, and adjusted her breath for a moment before saying: "I don't know, you can't die. Let's go, the crisis is not resolved, hurry to the central secret room."

Yue Guanghan inspected Hua Lanting's injuries and found that his whole body was collapsed and his spiritual power was scattered everywhere.

He was a noob in medical practice, only knowing that it was very serious, and he had no idea how specific it was or how to treat it, so he had to feed a few pills indiscriminately, and carefully carried Hualanting on his back.

The road was not too far away, and after Hua Lanting reluctantly showed the way, he fainted again.

When he woke up, Yue Guanghan was studying the jade slip that Hua Lanting gave him.

The method was not difficult, and after Hua Lanting explained a few sentences, Yue Guanghan basically mastered it.

Dou Xiao had already forcefully broken through the entrance to search inside, but the octopole cloud light array of forward and backward was beyond his cognition, and he could not find a deep path at all.

After Yue Guanghan activated the main functions of the formation, the eight-pole maze, the psychedelic of surrender, the psychedelic of Yunguang, and the ecstasy of the word "*" were running one after another.

The two did not care about Dou She, and it was important to treat Hua Lanting's injuries.

Yue Guanghan was in a hurry and was helpless. Hua Lanting knew of his family affairs and said with a wry smile: "This time I am brave, the play is big, my life is not good."

Yue Guanghan said anxiously: "Senior brother, you will be fine, you see that the spiritual energy here is extremely strong, take your time, and you will always recover."

Hua Lanting sighed: "Let you speak, psychedelic, if the skill is not enough, without the help of the formation spirit, the two of us can't go out. I tried to communicate with the formation spirit just now, but there was no reply for a long time. But my injury, procrastination It won’t be too long, most of the meridians are broken, Lei Dan is dim and unable to perform gong, and it cannot be restored by spiritual energy alone. The dragon lizard also fell into a deep sleep and cannot help."

Yue Guanghan's face changed color, and he said with a cry: "Don't scare me, there is always a way. By the way, grab the old man Dou Xiao, and he will definitely be able to cure it."

Hua Lanting shook his head: "I didn't count carefully. I didn't count the injury and the formation spirit. Our brothers can turn on and off the formation. Other methods are only available for the formation spirit. Doushen can't be made. Brother, you."

"Senior brother, don't say that, there is no way for humans, let's find a way together."

Yue Guanghan gradually calmed down, thinking for a while and said: "I will use the big prediction technique to see if I can find a way out and dawn."

After trying several times, Yue Guanghan gave up in a desperate manner: "No, it's blurry. The environment here is special, and you won't be able to see your situation in the next few days."

Hua Lanting didn't think of a good way, and comforted: "Forget it, life and death, wealth and wealth are in the sky. I can't move, you carry me out and go around to see if you can find anything."

The two went out, but after walking away like a maze, they tried a few times and didn't dare to walk randomly.

After a day like this, Hua Lanting was in a coma for longer and longer, and Yue Guanghan, like an ant on a hot pot, hesitated.

After Hua Lanting woke up again, watching Yue Guanghan holding the jade slip, pacing back and forth from far and near, wanting to find clues in it, he suddenly said:

"Guanghan, a dead horse acts as a living horse doctor. You can't see the next few days. Why don't you try to look at it from the present, hour by hour, and maybe you can see something."

Yue Guanghan immediately sat down, put the jade slip in front of him, read the formula, and used the big prophecy.

"It seems to be clearer, but I still don't understand what the scene is. It seems that I am healing you." Yue Guanghan closed his eyes and said. He didn't see Hua Lanting's response. He opened his eyes and saw that Hua Lanting was staring at him. The jade slip before.

Looking forward, a faint gleam of light appeared on the jade slip. Yue Guanghan picked it up. The front was still the same. When it was turned over, a line of writing appeared on the back of the jade slip:

The Big Dipper Receiving Life Sutra!

Looking closely, the two couldn't help being overjoyed.

Heaven does not kill me!

This sutra writes: Seven stars take the fate, as long as the breath remains and the acupuncture point is not moved, the fate can be restored. Conservation of the source is the first priority, and life-saving treasures are urgent. If you want to light a bright light, you should use the oil method...

The natal seven-star lamp refers to the seven acupuncture points in the body that can absorb and transform the energy of heaven and earth space.

If you stand on the left side of a person and look at it, it is like the big dipper pattern with the mouth facing the front and bottom. They are:

Tanzhong acupoint is the Greed Wolf star lamp, a hole hanging in front of Tianmu acupoint is a giant star lamp, Niwan acupoint is a Lucun star lamp, Jiaji acupoint is a Wenqu star lamp, Mingmen acupoint is a Lianzhen star lamp, and Dantian is a Wuqu star lamp. , The sea cave is Tiangang star lamp.

Add oil to take over, use the spiritual light of heaven and earth as the "oil", gather the spirits as the "add", and "continue" the introspection of introspection, and "ignite" and absorb the lights in turn with the idea of ​​civil and military fire. .

The postures of exercises, mudra patterns, breathing methods, order of exercises, lighting symptoms and standards are also written at the back.

The two were overjoyed and immediately acted according to the law.

Hua Lanting was unable to perform the exercises. First, Yue Guanghan used his own spiritual power to push the exercises on the seven major acupoints for him to gather qi and activate the blood.

Three days later, Hua Lan Ting was able to rely on his weak strength to perform the exercises.

The dripping water can be found within the big formation, and their cultivation base will have no food and will not worry about their lives. After seven or forty-nine days, the two of them lost two laps, but the spirit of Hualanting became stronger and stronger. In the near future, he is already healed, recovering as before, and the cultivation base is even more gainful.

Because of a blessing in disguise, Hua Lanting secretly thought of unsophisticated kindness.

He searched for Dou Xian's trace through the formation, but found nothing. It is unknown whether this person escaped or was killed by the formation.

The fate was renewed, but the two of them still couldn't get out of the battle. They had no choice but to practice to pass the time. Fortunately, they were full of spiritual energy and the effect was doubled with half the effort.

However, it is said that at the Vientiane Gate of Freedom, Hualanting and Yue Guanghan have already been found missing, and no one can be found everywhere. After Yao Guangfeng calculated that Wulan Mountain was the last place to appear, he searched for it, but found that Yunxian Peak had already been there a few days ago. An abnormal change occurred, the entire mountain peak sank into the ground, and the three-foot digging technique was exhausted and nothing was found.

In desperation, Zhou Ji even invited the powerful deduction in the Presbyterian Church to vitality, and the hexagrams displayed were auspicious. At this point, the door had to continue to visit and wait patiently.

Besides Hua Lanting and Yue Guanghan, they stayed in the formation for a year.

With the growth of the cultivation base and the study of the battle method, there are more and more places where the two can move.

On this day, Hua Lan Ting came to the place where he cracked the ancient poems on the stone wall when he first entered Yunxian Peak.

After revisiting the old place, Hualanting felt emotional and couldn't help chanting:

The rustle westerly winds all over the courtyard,

Ruihanxiang Lengdie is hard to come.

If I were the emperor in his youth,

The newspaper and the peach blossoms bloom together!

While chanting, while writing this poem in front of the stone wall with his hands.

After writing the last word, a voice echoed around suddenly: "Hahahaha, I finally waited, it's a coincidence, a good thing, a wonderful thing."

The two were surprised.

At first, Hua Lanting thought it was an array spirit appearing, and after a little reaction, he realized that the voice was not an instrument spirit. On the contrary, it resembled the ethereal and hard accent of the instrument spirit clone that had been heard many times since the Three Profound and Five Elements Heaven.

He blurted out: "Master Qi Ling? Is this another clone? Here, is one of the seven secret realms left by a generation of ancestors?"

"Ran Ye, Ran Ye," Qi Ling said: "This clone is not talkative like the others. I suppressed the formation spirit and transferred the formation. You can continue to break through the barriers and seek good fortune. Again, the ancestors The remains will be won by those who are predestined."

After speaking, there was no more sound.

Yue Guanghan was stunned, Hua Lanting explained a few words with him, and a light curtain appeared in front of the two of them, and they wrote:

"There are three levels. For the first level, please use the following words to compose poems. The number should be thirty or forty. There is no time limit. You can play slowly."

The two watched intently. There are a total of 20 characters, namely: rain, light, flower, wind, flying, tree, moon, fragrance, flow, colorful, falling, mist, snow, fog, red, rosy, fang, thin , Dance, quiet.

"This thing, it's better for you to come, Senior Brother." Yue Guanghan retreated directly.

Hua Lanting pondered carefully, it seems that it can compose a landscape poem, with wind and rain, with clouds and moon, can fly and dance, and is still fragrant and fragrant? At first glance, it seems difficult, the question is to have thirty or forty songs?

That should be the first palindrome, but there are not so many recollections!

Anyway, there was time, the two stayed here, meditating and solving puzzles.

Rao is Hua Lan Ting, and it took the boss's work and permutation and combination for a long time to get the final answer.

What a palindrome!

Whether you read it along or backwards, you can make a five-character quatrain.

The most wonderful thing is that starting from any one of the words, whether you read it forward or backward, you can compose a poem with artistic conception!

Add up to more than forty songs!

Yue Guanghan sighed, and the poem said:

The snow flies and the trees are faint,

The red rain is light and the haze is thin.

The mist flows from the mist of the moon,

The wind is dancing and the flowers are falling.

Poetry is successful, pass the test.

The next question is a secret question. On the light curtain, it reads-After you see the pass phrase: Heaven and Earth, Vientiane, One Mind.

Yue Guanghan looked dumbfounded: "Isn't this plain language?"

Hua Lanting wrote seven words with his hand.

The light curtain remained indifferent.

Hualanting tried seven fonts in a row: oracle bone inscription, bronze inscription, small seal, official script, regular script, running script, cursive script, all of them were useless.

This is a wicked way. Hua Lanting racked his brains and wrote Zhong Dingwen, stone drum inscriptions, Wei stele, and even Qin seals, big seals, etc., which still didn't work.

I’m going to take it, thinking that I’m Hualan Ting. I’m already full of both civil and martial arts. Could it be that there are only records of the Xia Dynasty in the secular world that have no physical evidence?

Hualan Court fights as big as a fight. UU reading is dazzled and dazzled. It is more tiring than sitting for nine days of meditation.

I don't want to sleep anymore.

When I woke up, I still had no solution.

Yue Guanghan was extremely bored and began to make trouble, and said, "Brother, you can simply write the previous words on it."

No matter left or right, Hua Lanting was boring with him. However, when he finished writing the six words of "Passing the Passphrase", his mind suddenly became clear, and he said:

"Uncle exhausted. Damn, Nima, hold the grass, that's how it is!"

"What's the matter?" Yue Guanghan asked.

"After you see the passphrase: Heaven and Earth, Vientiane, one mind."

"All the characters after the last word are secret words!"

"Except for the seven characters, even the two small dots in front of the seven characters are really secret words!"


The last level is still a secret language question, but the requirements are different. You have to chant a formula based on the picture to pass the level.

The picture is that the goshawk fights the snake.

Before Hua Lanting had time to think about it, Yue Guanghan, who was next to him, had already blurted out, it was the mantra that only he could tell, the mantra for the Da Chuan Song Shou art!

The light curtain disappears, pass the level!

A stone cave appeared in front of the two of them.

I go!

No wonder Hua Lanting has an inexplicable sense of closeness and trust in Yue Guanghan, this is a problem that only Yue Guanghan can solve.

Fortunately, he brought Yue Guanghan with him on a whim.

The two looked at each other, there must be a reason.

It seems that this formula that Yue Guanghan got when he was young must have something to do with the real person of Daohan, an ancestor of a generation. It is very likely that it was passed to Yue Guanghan by the hand of the avatar who was sitting in a small cave in the mountains and rivers covered by dust.

It's a fate to meet all the way!

He should enter this place, the secret realm.

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