The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 266: Change and unchanged

There is a stone gate in the small cave. On the stone gate, there is a pattern of eight or sixty-four hexagrams that rotates slowly and regularly.

Hua Lanting tried to pull the door knocker with his hand, Shimen opened as soon as it touched, and the two walked in.

There is no cave inside, it is a tiny world.

The environment is full of lush trees, fragrant birds and flowers, mountain beasts and forest swallows, as well as stone tables, benches and beds and other daily necessities.

The two came here from the boring and monotonous array, and suddenly felt refreshed, as if they were in a fairyland.

There is not much space, they walked it in a short time, and they didn't find any exercises, secrets, magic weapons or the like, but the two of them didn't care.

Because they discovered that the refreshing energy is not just due to the environment, but the spiritual energy here is unprecedentedly strong, and the breath is comfortable from the inside to the outside, and the spiritual power in the body seems to be strengthened.

This is simply the perfect place for cultivators to dream of.

Only one thing is strange. There is no sky like the outside world. Not far above, there is a crystal clear and impenetrable cyan light curtain. Although there are changes in light and shade, there are no sun, moon, and stars.

Upon closer inspection, the two were stunned.

There seemed to be water ripples on the light curtain, with many translucent water droplets hanging from time to time, but did not fall off occasionally, but disappeared halfway through.

Oh my god. That turned out to be a liquid spirit!

The spiritual stones of each grade in Xianzhou are only different in size and density. Although there are quantitative divisions caused by the compression ratio, the spiritual qi in them is all gaseous, and there is not much difference in essence.

This kind of liquid form that has not been heard before, not only contains a huge amount of aura in each drop, but the quality of the aura is extremely pure, and it is a sacred product for cultivation.

Facing this scene, Hua Lan Ting was not calm, and wanted to touch it every inch of the way.

But the cyan sky is obviously not high, and there is no obstruction in the middle, but it is out of reach in any case.

The dressing, sending and moving were all used, and after several attempts, the two swallowed unwillingly, and had to give up the idea first.

That's okay, the aura on the ground is abundant enough. The Qi Ling clone no longer appeared, and the two of them were happy and quiet, and greedily practiced on the spot.

There are mountains and rivers and birds and beasts here, and their eating and drinking are no longer a problem. After confirming that there are no other outlets, Hua Lanting and Yue Guanghan meditate and adjust their breath at ease.

This stay is a long, long time.

According to the changes in the weather, it is estimated that there will be a full period of nearly two years.

The two had nothing to do, practiced day and night, and their cultivation bases advanced by leaps and bounds.

As the days are long, I always think about the outside world, and my mentality becomes impetuous.

During the period, they also searched for ways out and caller spirits many times, but there was no result. The sound transmission technique was as ineffective as in the big formation. Is it necessary to wait for a time limit, or break through to a certain realm before it can be completed?

Now, Hualanting and Yue Guanghan have reached the stage of creating the five-qi dynasty and the four-xiang yin-yang realm respectively. The two keep in mind the teachings in the door, and before breaking through to the next big realm, they prefer to accumulate the limit rather than easily improve, and wait. The last moment that can't be suppressed.

Moreover, when the two were discussing spells, Hua Lanting accidentally discovered that he could actually recite Yue Guanghan's spell to activate the piercing technique, which was regarded as an unexpected gain.

During the training interval, the two of them were reluctant to let the spiritual energy wasted here, and used their methods to create a large number of artificial spiritual stones for use after going out one day.

On this day, I was really bored in one place for a long time, always looking for something new to do, Hua Lan Ting began to ponder the heavenly way to get the liquid aura again.

Suddenly, finally, the voice of the long-lost avatar reappeared: "It's useless, the above spatial dimension is different."

Hua Lanting and Yue Guanghan had already had nothing to say between them. They often didn’t say a word for a few days. When they heard the voice of the spirit of the instrument, they just asked for someone to chat, so Hua Lanting asked: "In the same place. , How can it be invisible and intangible?"

"I heard that space is multidimensional. In addition to the three dimensions of length, width and height, there is a fourth dimension of time. Is it because there is an invisible barrier and the flow of time is different, so I can't go up? But I have also traveled through it. Inferior planes?"

Qi Ling said: "Is this, I am not very clear. Regarding the dimension of space, the ancient and modern characters are still inconclusive after exploration, and they have their own opinions. Here, the space ancestor created when he was in his prime, and he wants to have a new understanding of his elders later. But even so, this secret realm is not something I can guess without authorization."

"Zero dimension is a point, one dimension is a line, two dimension is a surface, three dimension is a volume, four dimension has a time axis, five dimension time surface, six dimension time volume, I don't know more than seven dimensions."

"A two-dimensional space is an arrangement of straight lines, a collection of countless one-dimensional spaces. A three-dimensional space is an arrangement of countless two-dimensional surfaces. By analogy, a four-dimensional space should be an arrangement of countless three-dimensional spaces with time as the dimension. More than five dimensions are unimaginable."

"There is a saying that if you are in a five-dimensional space, you can see everything that happens in one, two, three, and four dimensions, such as all your countless past, present, and future cycles, including the process from birth to death. It doesn't matter if you are a human, an animal, or another form."

"However, you don't have the right to change directly, because any two parallel four-dimensional and three-dimensional spaces are difficult to traverse, unless the speed is extremely fast or the barriers between the two can be broken."

"According to my current understanding, time may exist in four-dimensional, five-dimensional, or any other dimension. It is not within the conventional dimension, but it does not exist. It is an unreal abstract concept."

"When we look at the two dimensions of length and width, the two-dimensional world is stationary, but we are in motion. It can be inferred from this that the creatures in the four-dimensional space see us as stationary, while others are in motion."

"The lower-level planes of the same dimension can be traversed, but in the case of cross-dimension, it is unknown what each additional dimension is. Even if there is only one more dimension, it is a world that we cannot imagine and reach."

Hua Lanting was indeed puzzled, frowning and said: "Some people say that the universe is born of Yin and Yang. Space planes will have collisions, and the generated energies will affect each other, overlap, and have reversible **** spirits. I thought for a while: "Maybe what you said makes sense, but this effect and the secret of reversibility have not been Fully grasp. In my guess, since the technique of prediction can foresee the future, it must be connected with the time dimension that runs through all time-space interfaces. And this kind of interlinked method, judging from what is known, might be hidden in Yixue. "

Hua Lan Ting will not let go of any learning opportunities, and asks: "Do you always teach me about Yi?"

Qi Ling said: "You can discuss one or two, easy to learn, broad and profound, I will teach a little bit, and you will have to slowly explore the others."

"When you entered the door, there were sixty-four hexagrams on the door. Can you tell the reason?"

Hualan Ting pondered and said: "Simply put, the four images of Yin and Yang form eight trigrams. The earliest are Heavenly Stem, Dikun, Shuikan, Huoli, Leizhen, Fengxun, Shangen, and Zedui. Each one responds to a three-drawing trigram. ."

"The three-painted hexagrams have the sky above, and the earth below, and all things are born in the middle. Among them, human is the spirit of all things, and the three-painted hexagrams are the three talents of heaven and earth. One is yang, the other is yin, and the third is change."

"After that, the heavens, the earth and the people all have yin and yang, so the three-painted hexagrams became the six-painted hexagrams, and the six hexagrams were two and three, so it was called the heavy hexagram. From this, it continued to evolve into the image of sixty-four hexagrams."

"Very good." Qi Ling continued: "Each hexagram is six paintings. The ten thousand-foot high-rise buildings stand on the ground, the ground is one and two, the sky is five and six, and the people represent three and four."

"The sky has yin and yang, the earth has rigidity and softness, and people have benevolence and righteousness. Therefore, between the heaven and the earth, only human beings are inconsistent and unrighteous."

"Huh?" Hua Lanting and Yue Guanghan thought so?

"Haha, just kidding, knock on you. Your knowledge and skills are constantly improving, but if there is no benevolence and justice, it will be very scary and dangerous."

Qi Ling turned to say: "The three painted hexagrams represent the three talents of heaven, earth and man. Among them, the sky is changeable, and the celestial phenomena change all the time; the earth is not easy, and the earth does not change often, and the change is the earthquake and tsunami; the man is the transaction, also called simple or simple. Yi Jian. This is the three meanings of Yi."

"First of all, as the name suggests, simplicity is simple."

"It's like the chopsticks you eat on the stone table over there. Two chopsticks, one yin and one yang, combine to form Tai Chi. The chopsticks often move one at a time, and the two work together, and the food reaches the mouth."

"It's simple. You can clip if you can, or fork if you can't clip, or dial if you can't clip. All problems are solved. How complicated is it. I heard that other continents eat with a knife and fork and occupy both hands. It is complicated and efficient. It's still low."

"For another example, a soft hair brush, you can write thicker or thinner, you can write, and you can paint. The structure is simple, but the functions are endless."

"This is simplicity. Next, how will the world change and not be easy? To put it bluntly, it means change and unchanged."

"The Book of Changes was originally called "Bian Jing." In the way of yin and yang, there must be permanence when there is change, yang for change and yin for permanence, combined together, relative and inseparable."

"The Tao Te Ching opens with a saying: Tao is Tao, very Tao. There is an unspeakable common Tao in the world, and everything that can be said is very Tao."

"What does not change is the noumenon, substance, and principle, and what is ever-changing is the phenomenon, appearance, and illusion."

"What remains unchanged is the Great Way of the Universe, which represents the state of absolute completeness, freedom, equality, and light. Everything is changing, and the universe is always that universe. But being born as a human and a living being can only achieve relative completeness, freedom, equality, and Bright, because all creatures have desires and destructiveness."

"Change and change are inseparable. Where is the same if there is no change? There is no change when it is all the same."

"Have you changed? You said it hasn't changed now, but your blood is flowing, your body is renewing, and you can't live if you don't change."

"Is time changing? It's changing. But can your childhood change? Can your ancestry change? Can't change, the past is over. The future is unpredictable, what about the present? Is it change or the same"

"The biggest test of life is now. Because: some change, some change. Change can change, change also change. Change is change, change is change. Change is also dead, and change is also dead. "

"Things are different, but the world is still the same. The world is like chess, but at this moment, you have a meal at noon and a bed at night, and the sun rises and sets, and you can't change it."

"So, when you think of change, you must think of the same. When you think of the same, you must think of change."

"When the moon is round, we know that it is about to be lacking. When people seek Consummation, they actually can't live with themselves, but people must seek Consummation to live."

"Confucius said that the method is the best. It means that people must have ideals, can't give up, and do their best to do it, and then obey the fate."

"Good and evil are like yin and yang, but pure goodness cannot tolerate oneself, and pure evil cannot tolerate you, so it will change."

Hua Lanting was confused when he heard it, and interjected: "If you don't say that, I still understand a little bit. On the contrary, I am confused by what you said. How do you grasp it?"

Qi Ling said: "It's rare to be confused. What is confused is the surface, and what is understood is the heart."

"You have to change from a constant standpoint, so that you won't change randomly.",

"The principle is that power should not deviate from the economy, and power should not be used too much."

"Power is a contingency, and experience is a regular rule and a rule that does not change. A principled change is called a contingency, and an unprincipled change is called chaotic change. Adhering to principles does not know how to be flexible and disgusting. Annoying. The price has become reasonable, in line with the situation at the time."

"Principles can also change, but often changes indicate that the original rules are problematic and immature."

"Everything has a routine, there are exceptions, but it is not right that there are too many exceptions. It is reasonable to do this often and occasionally."

"Lao Ziyun: I don't know how to do it, I don't know how to do it, I don't know how to do it, I don't know how to do it, I just blindly change it, and I lose my roots and I'm evil."

" it's time for you to leave, goodbye bye."

Hua Lanting and Yue Guanghan were still experiencing the aftertaste, and the speech of Qi Ling's clone stopped abruptly, and the order to chase away the guests was immediately issued. No matter how they shouted, there was no answer.

The two were dumbfounded, and Hua Lanting thought about it: "His old man will not talk about it for no reason. Since he talks about change and unchanging, he must leave. The unchanging routine should be walked out from the gate seriously. "

Yue Guanghan said: "We've tried it. Like a hob, it can't be pushed away, it won't break when it hits, and it won't break even if it hits it."

The two came to Shimen again, and Yue Guanghan tried again to no avail.

Hua Lanting was in a trance for a moment, and said to himself: "Changes and unchanged, what is unchanged is the door, and what has changed is..."

He stretched out his hand, there was no knocker on this side, and he buckled the door slightly and pulled it.

The door opened at the sound.

This is simplicity?

When they came in, the door opened outwards, so they subconsciously always and unanimously believed that they had to push the door to open outwards if they wanted to go out. Who knew it would become...

The two were speechless.

Yue Guanghan was anxious and took a step forward with an exclamation. His people disappeared suddenly, and Shimen closed automatically with a bang.

Hua Lanting stayed in a daze, hurriedly opened the door again, and took a look.

Below is the Baizhang cliff, the roaring mountain breeze, the stone cave when it is no longer coming.

Moreover, the scenery outside is very different from Shuxuan Xianzhou!

where is this place?

As far as his eyes could be, he didn't see Yue Guanghan's figure, it was impossible for a big living person to disappear so completely so quickly.

Looking back, Shimen couldn't open anymore.

Qi Ling's voice appeared again: "He has another chance, he will safely return to Vientiane Freedom Gate. This way, you can go by yourself."

The cliff couldn't overwhelm Hualanting, he pulled the vine and attached the vines, slipped off the cliff and fell to the ground.

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