The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 284: A Gathering of Heroes

"Who would dare to walk with the third master? Mali'er stood up and let the master pay their respects!" The black-faced man immediately froze.

   The crowd fluttered back, and one person was revealed.

   This person is a middle-aged uncle. He wears white cloth on top and bottom, and black cloth shoes on his feet. He looks very clean and refreshing. He doesn't look like a monk. He doesn't have any scars on his head, but he has a bald head.

   Ordinary people have bald heads and are somewhat abrupt and funny, but this person makes everyone not feel that way, just because his eyes are unusually shiny and gentle.

  He stood there, without unexpectedly letting out any aura, just unconsciously giving birth to a feeling of quietness and tranquility.

   Hua Lan Ting and others were slightly surprised.

   This person didn't show any signs in the pile of people just now, and he couldn't find it without special observation. But the unique temperament of this surrendered figure immediately overflowed.

   This uncle is a little good.

The middleman smiled slightly, his tone was not light or heavy, his speech was not slow or eager, his voice was soft and melodious: "My son, haven't you finished the deal yet? I'm sorry to make you feel abrupt when you make a bid, but it doesn't matter. Please forgive me for something wrong."

   "Excuse me? The third master saw that you have a bright head, but it is very likely that you will fall to the ground soon!"

   Obviously, the black three sons are not among those who are inspired by the uncle's temperament.

The third young lady next to    was just the opposite. When he saw the uncle's eyes full of light and little stars, she took a bold step forward, pulled away the third son black, and said softly:

   "Uncle, do you want these three things? Tell the Nujia if you want them? How do I know if you don't tell me, how can I help you? How do we meet if I don't help you, don't you say..."

The middle-aged man still doesn’t speak quickly and slowly: “Well, I think the logic should be like this, because we don’t know each other, so I can’t tell you in advance. The girl means you want to help me? That’s five for me. There is no objection to Bailingshi's purchase of this matter?"

  Miss San smiled with arms akimbo: "Originally, there was no opinion. Later, when people thought, uncle, you can leave after you buy it. Wouldn't we not get to know each other? So, I have a thousand spirit stones."

   Third Young Master Hei jumped out again: "No! There is no reason to vomit what San Ye ate! Erlang, come on, guy Liang, kill him for me!"

   For the third son of Hei, women are very important, and it is more important to be able to curry favor with the third young lady, but he has become accustomed to domineering and domineering, and the combination of the two is not as important as his face.

   The guards behind him immediately surrounded him.

   The flat-headed people who watched the excitement around hulled and retreated from a long distance. The whispered discussion just now turned into a loud noise.

   Now Hua Lan Ting they heard clearly what they were talking about.

   The black third son is named Ma Bufan, and he is the third child of the Ma family, one of the three major forces in Yuanyang City.

   Ma Sanjin, the contemporary patriarch of the Ma family, has three sons, the old marijuana is annoying, the second is Ma Xiaoan, and there is the Ma Sanjin, the third son of Ma Sanjin.

   The three young ladies are the daughters of the Xu family among the three major forces, Xu Kai, the head of the Xu family, the eldest son Xu Wujiu, the second son Xu Wumuo, and the youngest daughter Xu Wurong.

   These are the materials that Shang Jinshu told them yesterday, and I used them today without thinking.

Seeing that the lord, who is walking sideways in Yuanyang City, is not annoying to do things with others, the same arrogant Miss Xu Jiasan is also involved. Even the diners around Hualanting and the others are scattered one by one, leaving them alone. A table of people and a single young man.

The middle-aged uncle didn’t seem to see the guards coming up, and he was still discussing with Xu Wuhuang: “Girl, I don’t like this. Actually, I’m not interested in all three objects. I only saw the purple golden bowl inside. It’s troublesome. You and this black-faced young man will count together to see how many spirit stones can be given to you."

   As soon as I said this, I didn't feel annoying when I heard this, but Xu Wu wrong's expression was sluggish.

   Others don't know, she is like a mirror in her heart.

   Where does she like the design of a large coarse porcelain bowl, what she pays attention to is also this purple gold bowl.

   Xu Wucuo’s family learning origin is extremely proficient in Jianbao.

   She is still not clear about the goodness and value of this purple gold bowl, but based on her capture of its breath and other clues, as well as the intuition that she has cultivated over the years to distinguish spiritual weapons and magic weapons, she concludes that the purple gold bowl must be an extraordinary product.

   As far as slamming the east and avoiding the weight, it is just a common shopping skill to wear a large porcelain bowl with purple and gold bowls. Most women are born with this, and it has nothing to do with the Xu family's business training for their children.

   She just doesn't know whether this uncle has seen through his own methods or really understands the value of the Zijin bowl.

   This dazed effort, Ma Jia Jia Ding has already attacked.

   There was no movement of the middle-aged man. If there was an invisible water wave in front of him, the guards were all pushed out.

   Ma did not bother and yelled, showing a long-handled saber, holding it with both hands, and holding it up to the sky.

I don’t understand whether his sword technique is to gain momentum first, or Ma Xiaosan’s action is unscrupulous. As soon as his sword stands up, the sword energy formed by spiritual power dissipates, the sword energy rushes into the sky, and the blade swings backwards. The sword spirit is about to spread to the terrace of the restaurant where Hualan Ting and the others are sitting.

  Looking at this momentum, the terrace will inevitably be divided into two before you gather your strength to hack it down. If you don't worry about it, it will cause the building to collapse and hurt people.

  Before the Vientiane disciple took any action, the middle-aged man had already stepped forward and reached the front and bottom of the terrace first. He flipped his hand and took out a long stick, tucked it under the armpit and swiped it. The knife gas disappeared invisible.

  Hua Lanting and the others were restless, and they jumped downstairs one after another.

   The offensive was frustrated, but although he was dull, he was not a straw bag. He was different from the ordinary boy brother's wine bag and rice bag.

   The middle-aged bald uncle Yun lightly slid the stick. The two weapons did not collide, and the unpleasant saber had already taken off.

   "Good work, beautiful!" Xu Wuhuang applauded and cheered.

   Ma Bufan's black face turned red. As Yuanyang's No. 1 evil young man with two brushes, Ma Bufan did not flee from fright.

   It’s not yet time when people who know the current affairs are handsome.

He can’t do it by himself, he still has a lot of people, he can’t do it, he also has a master who secretly protects, if the master still counsels, he still has two older brothers and father Ma Sanjin, there must be a family who has spoiled him at this moment. The brothers confided in the news.

   made a gesture, and the secretly accompanying guards dressed up by two sitting footmen on the street suddenly jumped up and attacked the uncle in white cloth and black shoes from behind.

   Hua Lan Ting and the others were watching the battle from behind. The two footmen were equally domineering and sprang from both sides. The spirit power they brought up was like a sword like a sword, and ordinary people wouldn't die or hurt when they stuck.

   The white-clothed man just helped them to prevent the terrace from being destroyed. Now the porter is still hurting the innocent. Hua Lanting and Lin Xian were shocked and stunned, and they threw them out.

   Suddenly heard a shout: "Stop it for me!"

   A man from Tsing Yi walked into the field. It was the young man who had not walked on the terrace with them.

The young man’s eyes were not big, a pair of thick black sword eyebrows flew diagonally, a large folding fan in his hand, one side painted strong loose on white, and the other side painted white cranes on black. After shaking in, he said to Ma not annoying at first. Er, there is nothing for you here," and then faced the middle-aged uncle.

   "Big Brother," Xu Wu wrong called.

   This person is Xu Wugui, the youngest of the Xu family who is waiting for her to eat upstairs. He is known for his resourcefulness among the juniors in Yuanyang City, and he rarely suffers.

   I only heard Xu Wujiu say: "May I ask this friend Gao's name?"

   "Small surname Ling, Ling Yanshu".

   "It turned out to be Brother Ling. You must know that this is not an auction house, and the goods are not for the higher price. My sister has already negotiated the price with the stall owner, and Brother Ling has to cut her love."

   Ling Yanshu hasn't answered yet, Lin Xian interjected in shock: "No, the goods and spirit stones have not been delivered yet, and the transaction has not been completed. Others naturally have the right to bid. If you don't believe me, ask who the stallholder is willing to sell to?"

   As usual, Lin Xianjing may not rashly blend in in a place where he is not familiar with his life, and fight this injustice. Since he belongs to the Xu family and the Ma family, the situation is different. You can take the opportunity to stretch each other's catties.

   Xu Wugui slanted Lin Xian with a startled look: "I advise you to take care of your nostalgia, so as not to cause trouble to your upper body. I only talk to the master."

   Ling Yanshu's attitude was very firm, and he still didn't rush and said: "I am extremely fond of this purple gold bowl, and I am determined to win. If so, how many spirit stones? If I buy it from Lingmei, what do you think?"

   "I don't sell, unless you follow me" Xu Wuhuang smiled.

   Lin Xianjing said again: "I heard that Xu's family is also a businessman. First, he bought goods, and then he forced people. It's not appropriate for everyone."

   Xu Wujiu glanced at Lin Xianjing for a second time, took two steps, picked up the three things he had packed, and opened it to take a look.

The    bowl bowl is a Buddhist object, and if there is no aura contained in it, it is not an ordinary thing, but he did not see where the purple gold bowl bowl is precious.

  Thinking about it, Xu Wujiu ignored Lin Xian's surprise, and said to Ling Yanshu: "Why don't you let Bo Ying give it to Brother Ling, but Brother Ling wants to exchange the long stick in your hand, okay?"

   Xu Wujiu has a good strategy, he is advancing as retreating.

Ling Yanshu’s stick is ordinary, but he can see that it is a good spirit weapon. If the other party is willing to exchange for a bowl of which the value cannot be determined, he will not suffer. If he refuses, then there is an excuse. Want to take it away.

In addition, the Xu family manages spiritual weapons and magic weapons, and has the ability to leave unnoticeable breaths on objects. Even if Ling Yanshu agrees to exchange, there is no need to worry about not finding him in Yuanyang City. Secretly fight. In short, no matter how bad things are, if you pass the Xu family's hands, you must get the most benefit.

   In a blink of an eye, Xu Wujiao has figured out how to deal with this matter, and there are still not many comments on strong buying and selling.

   Lin Xianjing was about to stop it. Ling Yanshu had already passed the stick and agreed with action very simply. Now Lin Xianjing couldn't say anything.

   Goods passed Ling Yanshu said to Lin Xian in surprise: "Thank you for your support, but Boying is very important to me. I'm sorry for disappointing my good intentions. We will have some time later."

   Lin Xianjing ran into his opponent this time and failed to fully achieve his goal.

   After Ling Yanshu left, Xu Wujiu looked at Lin Xianjing with a smile but a smile: "My friend, it is better to do less than to do more. Do you have an opinion on my Xu family?"

   Lin Xian felt shocked that he had suffered a small loss, and immediately replied: "Haha, I have heard of Xu Shao Duozhi, admire and admire it."

   "Let’s meet up on Pingshui, I can’t talk about opinions, but one suggestion. There is a way to make a small loss and take a big advantage. Don’t you know that Bowan is not priceless? Things have to be looked at in the long run. You must be investigated. It is not the work of the wise."

   "Hehe", Xu Wujiao folded the fan together, "Xiongtai's words and people are very interesting, Xu was taught."

He changed his words: "Looking at your shot just now, you are also in your cultivation. Three days later, it coincided with the opening of the Yuanyang City "Gathering of Heroes" conference. Since Xiongtai is so willing to make a strong move, it is better to discuss and discuss together. what?"

Lin Xian was surprised that he had never heard of this event, but Xu Wujiu opened his mouth. It happened to be more in touch, and it was also an experience, so he accepted it in one mouthful: "Is it? It sounds very interesting. There is nothing to do. After three days , See or leave."

   Xu Wugui is going to teach the nosy Lin Xianjing gang in public. Lin Xianjing is going to help Shang Jinshu touch the Xu family's bottom. Once it hits a hit, it will be staged, a gathering of heroes!

  :. :

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