The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 285: Sit and talk

The "Gathering of Heroes" conference is an event with a long history.

The Qunying Club was first sponsored by the knife family to demonstrate the reputation of the family, and later became a grand event in Yuanyang City jointly organized by the knife, Xu, and Ma. It aimed to increase the influence of the three families and recruit talents for the family. There were also competitions secretly. The meaning of strength.

For the cultivating sects and monks in and around Yuanyang City, especially casual cultivators, this is a platform for self-exhibition. You can gain better resources and outlets for yourself by making a name for yourself at the meeting. It can also win glory for the sect, and it is also a place for mutual exchanges and goods trading.

Top masters do not often appear. The real heavyweights in the southwest and other regions also rarely participate. However, as far as Yuanyang City is within a radius of thousands of miles, the Qunying Club is the largest and most lively large-scale public gathering. , Often attracting thousands of monks to participate, and ordinary people even regarded it as a festival.

The organization and procedures of the    Heroes Club are rather loose, and they are not exactly the same every time. There is no strict competition system and ranking system.

The venue will be divided into many venues. The cultivators gather on their own. As long as someone proposes a test method and someone responds to it, the method is flexible and varied. It can be unlimited life and death struggles, or special combat techniques. Arrays, competitions of magic weapons, and even debates on Taoism, etc. Of course, the transactions of various exercises and magic techniques and cultivation resources such as rare and exotic treasures can be seen everywhere.

   Although there is no competition for ranking, the three companies have set up more or less rewards for each competition, and the few are just symbolic. If you can win a streak or persist to the end, the rewards are also very generous.

   There is no referee supervision in any competition, no unified rules, and sometimes there is no conclusion about the outcome, and the three are only responsible for the maintenance of order.

   Although it is not rigorous and regulated, the slack of this kind of rules has won the favor and support of the monks, and generally there are no people who make trouble with excuses.

   Group Heroes will be held from time to time, sometimes one year, sometimes two years, this time only after three years, it is bound to be even more lively.

   These are what Shang Jinshu later told them.

  Shang Jinshu said that he was asking them for help. There was a polite element in it, and he would not take the initiative to bring them into the game, so he didn't mention it at the time. Now that the Vientiane Sect disciples are willing to participate, he is also happy to see it happen.

   After getting the news, ten people spent another day in the city, and they were ready to practice in the merchant's premises. Lin Xianjing also began to read and analyze the information provided by the merchant.

   The day before the opening of the conference, the big guy was meditating in the hall, and Lin Xian was shocked by the sound of an alarm in the storage bag.

  Shangjinshu is a merchant of all ages, and the things that he sells are not ordinary. The sound transmission device I gave is a high-end product. In addition to daily communication, it can be triggered by breath in emergency and send back location information.

   This is Ping Rong Ce! Otherwise, there will be no contact, but an automatic warning.

   After people were sent to inform Shang Jinshu, everyone was dispatched and immediately rushed to the scene of the accident.

   When I arrived, it was a small building in a remote but facing the street. There was no sign on the door. It is important to save people. Yi Liunian kicked the door open and everyone broke in.

   There were people in there, and there were many more. Seeing them broke into the house for no reason, and didn't clarify a few words, I started to do it in two clicks.

  Ding ding dang dang violently, a lot of furniture and utensils in the hall were destroyed. The Vientiane Gate disciples took the upper hand and hit the second floor. At this time, several masters came out and stopped everyone, making the situation even more tense.

   was about to fight another battle. Shang Jinshu hurried over after he got the letter. After entering the door, he immediately called both parties to stop. Someone on the other side recognized Shang Jinshu. Soon, a woman walked out of the inner room.

   This female green dress is very good in temperament, with pink face and peach cheeks, and a pair of apricot eyes as bright as autumn water. Except for her slight fat, her appearance and figure have no obvious flaws.

   When she saw Shang Jinshu, the corners of her mouth and eyes were bent at the same time, and she said, "What wind is blowing Shang Daxiao? This wind is not small, and the roof furniture can't help it."

Shang Jinshu clasped his fists: "Hello, second girl Gongsun. This is definitely a misunderstanding. Come, let me introduce to you, this is Gongsun Xixi, the second lady of the Gongsun family, among the four major merchants in Xianzhou. Please explain first to Vientiane. The reason, lest the flood rushes into the Dragon King Temple."

The situation of    Gongsun’s house is similar to that of the merchants. They have also been operating in the southwest area for a long time, so they decided to send Gongsun Xixi to lead the team in order to reverse the situation.

   The merchant and the Gongsun family are competitors, but the relationship between the two is acceptable, and of course they know each other.

   After the Shang Jinshu came, he was very busy, knowing that Gongsun Xixi was also in Yuanyang, but before he had time to make an appointment, after hearing the news, he knew that this was the site of the Gongsun family, so he hurried over to reconcile.

   Lin Xianjing immediately explained the reason.

   Gongsun Xixi’s subordinates shouted: "Nonsense, there is no such thing, let alone such a person. You are the one who made a mistake."

Gongsun Xixi was also a shrewd and attentive character. He thought for a while and said: "This place is one of your residences and warehouses. We rented it for a long time. I remember that the owner lives in an underground warehouse. It won't be him. Check!"

  'S subordinates quickly came up to report: "The second lady has a good memory. The owner is a freelancer named Wang Jinbiao. The back door guard said that someone came to him last night and stayed in. The two went out not long ago."

Gongsun Xixi was reading the latest intelligence in his hand at this moment, and drew out a piece of information: "Yes, you said that the person is called Ping Rongce, right? This person was ordered by the Xu family just a few days ago. If the expectation is good, Wang Jinbiao should be greedy for rewards and sold people to the Xu family."

   Things are inseparable from each other.

   Normally Jane is not sociable, but there are also three close friends in Yuanyang City, and Ping Rongce is looking for these three to understand the situation. One of them was out for a wandering, he threw himself away, and the second was timid and did not see him behind closed doors. After finding this place, Wang Jinbiao was very enthusiastic and stayed with Ping Rong.

  Wang Jinbiao's nature is not bad, and he has a solid relationship with Jane, but he has a problem with gambling. Recently, he has had poor gambling luck and high debts. If he were not afraid of the Gongsun family, he would even mortgage this ancestral home.

   After discovering Ping Rongce’s disappearance, Daozong of the Wuping Formation had no evidence, but Ping Rongce happened to disappear after a disciple of the Vientiane Gate made an appointment with him. The Vientiane Gate could not escape the suspicion of Lixia.

   The Ping family guessed that one of the possible destinations of Ping Rong Ce was to go to Yuanyang City to avenge his uncle, so they notified the Xu family to which they were attached, and the Xu family issued a warrant to their forces and offered a reward for capturing Ping Rong Ce.

  Wang Jinbiao was informed of this. He was called daily by his creditors, and he was forced to betray the Ping Rong policy for the reward.

   Ping Rongce's formation training is not weak, but he neglected to guard Wang Jinbiao, and this led to the Tao. Fortunately, he triggered the device to alarm before he was restrained.

   The matter was clarified, the misunderstanding was resolved, and Lin Xianjing also apologized.

Gongsun said: "It’s okay, you don’t know each other if you don’t fight. Since you are friends of Jinshu youngsters, the yellow hunting order is not a very high level of killing. The matter is still at my Gongsun’s house. Tomorrow is the day of the elite group. Let the young master and I come forward to talk about the project together, it should be possible to guarantee this Ping Rong policy."

   Lin Xian was shocked to thank Gongsun Xixi. They were all people of the same age. After the hall was cleaned up, everyone sat together and re-acquainted with each other.

   Early the next morning, everyone went to the meeting place of the Heroes.

Shang Jinshu has a special person to receive him. Xu Wujiao also sent his men to wait for Lin Xianjing and his party at the door. First, he led them around. The venue was full of people, and the venue occupies a vast area, just strolling. After a part of it, they came to a pavilion.

Xu Wujiu was already waiting inside. As one of the hosts, he had tea. After passing his name, he laughed and said, “It’s better to meet by chance. Jin, this makes me look forward to today's discussion."

   Lin Xian said in surprise: "It's easy to talk to each other. I heard that Duke Xu is both civil and military. I think this is called sitting and discussing Daoge. I don't know how to learn from it?"

   Xu Wujiu said: "The heart is in practice, and you are in the rivers and lakes. It is inevitable to use your hands."

"However, Brother Lin must have inquired about it. The group of heroes is informal. Think of me in the southwest. The martial arts style is brilliant, and the style of writing is even more prosperous. You and I are not ordinary people. For good, wouldn’t it be nice if we didn’t start by discursing and discussing the law."

   Lin Xian struck her palm in shock: "It's very much in line with my intentions. I and my brothers are all good at this, and I want to ask one or two. Since Brother Xu is a landlord, please make a proposition."

Xu Wujiu took a sip of the thick Pu'er tea and opened and closed the folding fan in his hand: "Then it's better to be respectful than fate. "

   Xu Wujiu's fan has white feathers as bones, brocade as the face, and pine and cranes painted on the front and back. The shape is not very unique, but it is also a powerful spiritual treasure while decorating and playing.

   Lin Xian was shocked to know that he would not say first when he asked the question, and after meditation, he said: "The fan is so close that there is a big thing hidden. A good topic." Then he chanted:

   prime is a natural color, and the shape is tailored to the power.

   飒 rises like a pine, floating like a crane turning into the sky.

   No snow sold in midsummer, endless wind all year In the hands of Qiusheng, hiding the moon into his arms.

   麈麈麈麈麈麈疋不疋, the palm is different.

   What is called relative, thin white-bearded Weng.

   "Good poem!" Xu Wujiu exclaimed:

   "Song rises up and turns over, to draw the autumn and hide the moon. My fan is really named ‘A Thousand Miles Away’, and it sweeps away the heat of the world and brings back the coolness of the sky. Brother Lin’s poems are both realistic and realistic, and listen to me!

   The wind came out of the fan and asked what the wind was doing.

   The wind does not know it, so he should ask the space again.

   If emptiness is a wind cave, it is both self and matter.

   The same thing is not empty, the thing is not the wind. "

   Lin Xianjing also praised: "The wind comes from an empty hole. Brother Xu's poems are elegant, full of philosophy, and wonderful."

   The two looked at each other and smiled, sparks were seen in their eyes.

Xu Wujiao said: "It's really a good opponent! Next, let's sit down and talk about it. I am home, to show fairness, here is a tube containing some questions drawn by a master, Lin brother can check first, and then draw a question at will , You and I argue."

   "You don't need to check it." Lin Xian waved her hand in shock, took out a piece of paper, and read it out:

   "Whether destiny can be deciphered. The subtitle is that the trivial hexagram is more useful than the wisdom of the mind. The subject is the subject."

   Both of them are satisfied with this topic.

   Lin Xianjing majored in Tianji prediction, and Xu Wujiao admired wisdom and strategy, and it happened to collide.

  :. :

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