The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 286: Unpredictable

Xu Wujiu took the lead in attacking difficulties and talked freely: "Xu also reads "Yi". Although Yi is obscure and difficult to understand, it is very easy to grasp, but it is generally recognized that it has four functions: image, number, theory, and accountability."

   "In my opinion, images are appearances, phenomena. From astronomy and geography, to the world in various forms, to face and palmistry, they are all images."

   "The so-called observing astronomy is to observe time changes."

   "What is the text? The original meaning of the text is the pattern, which is the pattern. Astronomy is the pattern in the sky, and the humanities are all the patterns that people play."

   "The so-called view of humanities, to transform into the world, is for-culture."

   "And all phenomena depend on the human mind to observe and analyze."

   "Let's talk about counting."

   "Number is not arithmetic, it is dead; number is not definite, it refers to the final result, it is also dead. Counting is a process of change."

   "Since counting is a constantly changing process, it also depends on the human mind to observe and analyze."

   "then reason".

   "Ration is reasoning and reasoning, and it is the most rigorous and logical. The so-called natural and inevitable-follow the reason and follow the reason, the result should be that way."

   "The method of reasoning is called the unexplored prophet, and reason and reasoning should be deduced and deduced by the human mind."

   "I agree and approve of the above three. In the end this alone is suspicious."

   "Divination, in layman's terms, is fortune-telling. I was puzzled. I was confused about my destiny and the future. It was a good or a bad one, and I often called it straightforward and incomparable."

   "Isn't this a child's play? Isn't that superstition? The heavenly hexagrams, how can brain thinking and intelligent analysis work?"

   When Xu Wugui stopped, Lin Xianjing immediately continued and said, "Brother Xu only knows one thing, but he doesn't know the other. He has violated the taboo of scholars swallowing dates without seeking explanation."

   "It is precisely because there are too many people like you, so the Book of Changes, a classic philosophical theory of heaven, earth, humanity, and nature, has long been misunderstood as a book of divination and fortune-telling. How absurd, ridiculous, and sad."

   "Superstition? The word "superstition" is placed in front of the letter, which explains what superstition is-no matter what you believe, just believing it is just right and almost. It is called superstition if you are fascinated, overdo it, or believe too much."

   "The hexagram image is both good and bad, so many people think that the Book of Changes advocates fatalism. This is a big mistake and very wrong."

   "One of the most commonly used words in the Book of Changes is such as, if, if, and if-the good or bad of the Yi is conditional."

   "The warlocks and swindlers like to tell the truth, it is for charging, otherwise it is only reasonable and there is no result, who is willing to pay for fortune-telling?"

   "It is true that the I Ching was used for divination in ancient times, but that is conditional."

   "First, most of them are only inquiring about national events. For example, whether to start the war, whether the weather will be smooth, the country will be peaceful, and whether there will be major changes. At that time, it is not personal future and self-interest."

"Secondly, divination is usually done when there is no other way or means to make a decision. If you think carefully and do everything you can, you can do the divination when it is still difficult to choose. When you have a clear mind and a clear direction, you can’t divination. of."

"Third, the results of the divination are for reference only, and they are not required to be obeyed without any deviation. The results of the fortune-telling before King Wu's attack were not lucky. Only then has he achieved the eight-hundred-year world of Emperor Zhou."

Xu Wujiaojie asked, "It's ridiculous. Fortune-telling is not used to know the results of good or bad regrets. Before divination, I have to think about it. What's the use? Is it right? ?"

   Lin Xian shook his head in shock: "Brother Wugui, you are talented. You must know that when you do something by yourself, the motive is not pure when you ask the result, but you want the result directly. This is not natural."

   "A tree can grow as long as it can grow. I don't think about how big, how tall, and what shape it will grow in the future, otherwise it would rather not grow longer."

   "Because, when you grow up, the most likely result is to be chopped off by a few axes and made into utensils. If you are so sad, what will it grow? What strength will it grow?"

   "What is the result of asking? Asking and asking, the end is a dead word, mortals can't escape, emperors have never heard of emperors, even immortals, can't live with the sky."

"The ancients said that success or failure cannot be judged on heroes. Wu Sheng Guan Gong is the most typical case. How can Wu Caishen succeed? The beginning is a humble background, the end is defeated Maicheng, and many times in the middle fled, and also let Cao Cao away for face. "

   "People worship Master Guan because he has set up a value model in the direction of loyalty that is worth working hard for the world."

"The sixty-four hexagrams of Fuxi only tell you what kind of situation you are currently in. What should you pay attention to at this time, so if you are vigilant, you can seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Of course, after divination, Got it."

   "So, the Book of Changes is not for divination, not for predicting the result."

   "The Book of Changes and Divination are like dictionaries. They are used for searching. Then you will have one more reference, one more possible path, and one more choice that is more consistent with imagery, mathematics, and theory."

   Xu Wujiu continued to ask: "The Book of Changes has said many times: Since God is blessed, there is no disadvantage. If you have a good life and a good life, you don't need human effort. Can you have a brain? What is the use of learning and wisdom?"

   Lin Xian was surprised: "I'll hehe. Will God bless a person with everything going well?"

"Master God is not stupid at all. Who dares to say that the old man is stupid? God protects you and you can't help him. If you take care of the left, you can't take care of the right. You need rain, and others think it is too waterlogged. How can you bless him? Yuzhi is partiality and unfairness. It doesn't matter whether it is raining or windy. God doesn't care what you like."

   "Being blessed by God, there is no disadvantage. Here is what you mean, not what you come from-you work hard, and the genius may help you."

"Pray for gods and worship Buddha, that is a necessary form and sense of ritual in faith-who doesn't put flowers, flowers, and grasses at home, and arrange some decorative objects? Isn't the large thousand fans in your hand also a kind of decoration, a personal sign and Representation of image?"

   "But if you worship and confess, it will work. What is the difference with bribery? In that case, the gods and Buddhas will become corrupt officials?"

"God can't do this kind of thing. If you do it well, God will help you by the law of nature; if you don't do it well, God will take care of you sooner or later according to the law of nature. The law of nature is Tao, It's a cyclical law. That's it."

   Xu Wujiu sneered: "Both Kong Sheng and Ya Sheng have read Yi and solved Yi, how about? Good Yi is not divination! Can you hear it? It is ignorance, it is to stay away!"

   Lin Xian Jing retorted: "The words of the two sages are the ignorance and ignorance of the easy ones. What do you mean, Confucius and Mencius do not exclude fortune-telling, but persuade people not to completely believe and rely on it."

   "Confucius knows both easy and easy to use. If his old man does not know how to use it, how can he have the confidence and qualifications to evaluate negative divination?"

   "Besides, Confucius wrote a special book on Yi, he said that he should be cautious, because this thing is sometimes accurate, sometimes inaccurate. Some things are likely to happen with high probability, and some things are incidents with low probability."

   "The Book of Changes tells us that everything is conditional. Everything has yin and yang. It is both external and internal, and changes at any time. The prediction is a result, and the situation will change after the prediction."

   "Kong Sheng said, don't use this thing frequently, you can still play with it when necessary."

"If you want to divination, you need to think carefully, and only after you have a rough answer, can you make a calculation based on this. The final result is to guide you to think further. One more hexagram, one more direction. More hexagrams, people can be more If you think carefully about the problem, you will not be led by emotions, and the chance of making mistakes will be lower."

   "Many words of the saints have been misinterpreted due to the passing of time."

   "Respect ghosts and gods and stay away. It is to respect and maintain a certain distance, not to keep away, abandon, reject, and hate ghosts and gods."

"Many people have ancestral halls and temples. Don’t go and worship every day. The ancestors have not been the heads of the clan for many years, and they still talk to people every day. You are not annoying or annoying. However, there are always sacrifice days, Qingming, etc. On special days, you can go to worship."

"It's not so much for the ancestors to see, but it is actually for the living. It means to tell the children of the next generation that when I die, you will come and worship, and after you die, your children will come and worship. Wait. After generations pass away, they will all be offered here, and future generations will come to worship."

"Because, here is the place where our family’s ancestors inherited the family spirit formed by their ancestors and deeds. Each tablet represents the experience and lessons passed down from generation to generation, as well as the family tradition, family rules, and family precepts formed by the accumulation of blood and glory. ."

   Xu Wujiu continued to ask: "Even you said that fortune-telling is a matter of calculation probability. The time is inaccurate, and it may change if it is accurate. That's a ball."

   Lin Xian said in surprise: "Hmm, do you want to do it? Of course, do you do it! If you do it, it's a fart, just lie there and wait."

   "When is it counted?"

"When the information is incomplete and the conditions are limited; when indecisive or in a dilemma. Also, be sincere and calm, and ask only one specific thing at a time. In the end, only ask what should be done, not what the result will be. Only in this way can we mobilize the heavens to motivate the cause and effect, and get the closest answer."

   "Sixty-four hexagrams, strictly speaking, there is no good or bad."

   "The hexagrams are linked together, as the name suggests, to calculate the hexagrams and divinations, which means to draw pictures of yourself in different periods and situations and hang them for viewing."

"People are self-knowing. The so-called bystanders are obsessed with the authorities. UU reading is easy for people to look at others, but it is the hardest for people to look at themselves. When you count, you just hang the current self-portrait on the wall and stand back and take a good look. Look, it's like looking at others outside of the situation, it will be easier to have a clear, sober, and clear understanding of your current situation to guide future affairs."

  Xu Wujiu: "Xu admires the Lin brothers' arguing talents, and talks a lot, why don't you give a trivial test of the secrets of the heavens and divinations?"

   Lin Xian was surprised: "My Guajin is very expensive. Now that you and my friends are unknown, it is still free. But I can give you a few words for free."

   "Xu Wugui. You are blameless, which is actually a kind of ultimate pursuit of Yi. It is easy to ask for blameless, not good fortune."

   "Just imagine, what about good fortune? Not only is good fortune, but good fortune will also be bad. When you get it, you will pay and lose something. No one can always take advantage and not suffer."

"No blame and no blame. No blame is not without fault. The right answer is: as long as you do the right thing and do it right, even if you have a little fault or mistake, it will be easy for others to understand you and forgive you, and it will not cause a big disaster to come. ."

   "Non-blame is the timely pleasure after enough time to stop, and no-blame is the acceptance and not reluctance after doing my best. Yes, I did my best in the process, and I don’t reluctant to the result."

   Regarding whether destiny can be deciphered, whether it is to admit fate or make fate, Lin Xianjing and Xu Wugui are both eloquent people.

   I omitted at least three thousand words in a chapter...

  :. :

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