"Alaya Consciousness." Zhuge Yun replied on her behalf, "One Consciousness in the Eight Consciousnesses is the structural foundation of all experiences and the fundamental Tibetan Consciousness of all consciousness."

"The first five consciousnesses are the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and then the mental sixth sense consciousness. The seventh consciousness is contaminated consciousness, also called Mana consciousness. The eighth consciousness is Alaya consciousness."

"That's right." Mao Yao continued, "Alaya Consciousness is the eighth consciousness in Consciousness-only learning, and it is a very special kind of consciousness. Also called seed awareness."

"In Buddhism, Alaya Consciousness is regarded as the body of the universe, the origin of everything in the universe. Everything we see is the evolution of Alaya Consciousness."

"Alaya Consciousness is like the sea. Everything in the material world is waves on the surface of the sea. The waves are rolling in waves, and it becomes a cycle of our objective world."

"Up and down the Quartet is called the universe, from ancient times to the present is called the universe."

"Lanting once told me: The end of science is philosophy, and the end of philosophy is religious theology."

"This may not be absolutely correct, but when different things enter an unknown field, they will have a lot of commonality, which is reflected in the blurring of boundaries when the exploration and cognitive process of the universe enters an unfamiliar field.

Feng Huolun received: "We have reached the end of our research, and many things can't be carried out, and the explanation is unclear, but the many insights in Buddhism and Taoism have inspired us."

"For example, Buddhism has said that the universe is divided into the world of desire, material, and colorless, similar to the concept of parallel space. The six days of desire is sexual reproduction, the eighteen days of color is asexual reproduction, and the four days of colorless are. The creatures in the world have only consciousness but no form."

"The levels or dimensions of the three realms range from low to high. Among them, the last heaven of the colorless realm is called ‘non-imagining, non-imagining, living in the sky.’ There is no matter or desire there. It is said that there are only subtle thoughts."

"Taoism also has a similar division, but the name is different. The heavens of the Immortal Dao have a total of 36 layers. The last eight layers of heaven are outside the three realms and are not located in the five elements. The highest layer of Da Luo Tian has only Dao, and nothing else. This is similar to the Buddhism's meaning of being in heaven."

The cat demon said again: "The so-called sky is not a tangible world. The concept of a multidimensional universe is actually limited, because human cognition is limited."

"As you tell fish, shrimp and crabs, there is a land world beyond the sea, which they cannot understand and imagine. They believe that the sea is infinite. This infinite conclusion is based on limited cognition. ."

"The universe is immeasurably profound and vast, even more incredible than you think. It can be said that it exceeds the expectations and capabilities of human beings and all known life."

Yi Liunian asked puzzledly: "There must be a true and objective existence, even if we can't understand it."

The cat demon replied: "In Buddhism, truth is divided into two truths—the secular truth describes the relative truth of things, and the triumphant truth describes the absolute truth of the true and infallible reality. Human beings cannot directly see the truth itself, we cannot Get an answer to the trivial truth in the worldly truth. In other words, you cannot use relative truth to explain absolute truth."

"The only way we can try to understand the unprocessed truth is through labeling and setting up with pseudonyms. As Tao Zu said: Tao is Tao, very Tao. Name can be named, very famous. As the Buddha said: emptiness is color, and color is emptiness. The five aggregates are empty, impermanence and no self. Anything that has a form is vain."

Hua Lanting asked again: "Is it like the illusion created by the magical array in the spell?"

Feng Huo Lun: "Almost, it's just drizzle, it's a virtual scene created by a cultivator after comprehending a little fur."

The cat demon said: "For example, there is a fish tank in front of us, and there is a goldfish swimming in it. You look from the side, I look from the back, we see two fishes, they look different, and they are strange— —One of them moves, and the other immediately makes the same action at the same time."

"If the fish tank is the universe, the fish we see is an illusion, a projection, and a fake, but the fish is real. If we all look at the fish from different directions, there will be many fish, and the movements are very coordinated. Agree, but there is only one truth."

Lin Xian was shocked and thoughtful: "I remember that there was a virtuous national teacher in the Tang Dynasty. When he was explaining the Lotus Sutra, he placed a large mirror in every direction of an octagonal pavilion. The mirrors reflected each other. The real person standing in the middle, you will feel that there are a lot of people whose actions are consistent with each other and slightly different."

Feng Huolun sighed: "So the ancients are smart. Fish tanks and mirrors are just metaphors. The universe is more complicated. There is no space and time. Everything about us, past, present, and future, is in it. Nowhere is there, again. Everywhere, it seems far and not near."

Zhuge Yun said: "But we can realize and feel the reality of objects."

The cat demon said: "You can perceive and touch objects because of the strong, weak, magnetic, and gravitational forces, but it is likely that these are the same as time, and they are all illusions that we feel, including consciousness. Maybe consciousness is also produced by projection. Yes, it is the projection of Alaya Consciousness after entering your body."

"Only if the Buddha's great power can enter deep meditation, he should be able to perceive the unchanging origin of all things and all things, so as to prove the alaya consciousness."

"Alaya Consciousness is like the holographic projection of the universe, with everything. Every point contains all the information, as the Buddha said, the mustard seed contains the great thousand. Every point is like the Buddha's incarnation, everywhere, everywhere. ."

"The brain is also a projection of illusion. The understanding of the world can only reach the upper limit allowed by the brain. Buddhism and Taoism are trying their best to expand the ability of the brain. However, Buddhism believes that it can be expanded infinitely and wanders between heaven and earth, and Taoism pursues the body. Only by keeping up can we break through and enter a higher level."

The cat demon asked everyone: "You guys, do you understand?"

The people either singled their palms, or put their hands together, and said in unison: "The Immeasurable Tianzun/Amitabha, we are dull, we all want to be quiet."

Just walking and saying that after several teleports, one morning, they arrived outside the forwarding teleportation array to the last large teleportation point at the southern end of Xianzhou.

The scale of this teleportation point is not small, looking magnificent from the outside.

Everyone entered the gate after paying the expensive teleportation fee. There was a long queue outside the teleportation gate today, with a total of one or two hundred people, but most of them were young cultivators with low levels of cultivation. The Vientiane Gate disciples stood at the end of the line and waited.

While they were waiting, messy footsteps and loud joking came from behind them, which was very ear-piercing in a quiet environment.

Everyone looked back and saw that a group of more than a dozen people came in one file, all wearing Taoist robes. I don't know which Taoist they belonged to. They are old and young, and have different levels of cultivation.

Xiuweigao is dressed in a crane cloak, feet on cloud shoes, and a mixed yuan scarf on his head. Others wear Zhuangzi towel, pure Yang towel, Haoran towel, Xiaoyao towel, lotus leaf towel, etc. according to different generations and ranks. The one-word scarf is different from the simplest one.

These people are well-dressed, but behave improperly. Not only do they walk without proper shape, they make loud noises, and they scream at each other. They walk in sideways without queuing, and the disciples cross the Vientiane Gate and enter directly.

When passing by, someone ran into a few people in Hualanting, and then they sweared.

As the years grew and the cultivation level became more profound, the disciples of the Vientiane Sect have improved a lot, and even Yi Liuian did not come up with theories, and let a group of people pass by.

Under the gaze of the people in the line, the group walked to the portal, turned back and stood still, one of them walked across the fence and shouted at the front: "Listen well, there are many people today, and the transmission capacity of this place is limited. Each school is limited to five people. If you want to use it with a large number of people, you need to hand in a high-grade spirit stone per person."

Everyone was in an uproar.

The teleportation array in Xianzhou, except for some privately owned ones, was basically jointly funded and constructed by the big sects of various places. As a facility for public use, the fee is accepted by everyone, but the fee standard has long been negotiated based on the scale of construction and the distance of transmission, and the difference will not be too great.

In addition, these law formations are guarded by all parties in turn, like the word "Mu" hanging on the door today, when there are people from Mu's family who take turns to take care of and charge for them.

Since it is funded by a small number of people, it is common for the fee to fluctuate according to the usage situation, but it is very uncomfortable for the lion to speak loudly. It should be that these people see the large number of people today, and the younger disciples are easy to bully, so temporarily increase the price.

Right now, some people were dissatisfied and asked: "Who are you? What right do you have to charge extra?"

Mu's family is not a Taoist sect, and there will be no guards who are all dressed up in Taoism, so I asked this question.

The person replied: "What? We are from Taihao Viewing the South China Sea Sinking Kongdao. We have invested here. Today we are entrusted by the Mu's family. Those who don't have spirit stones will come back tomorrow."

Taihao View is the first avenue view in the southern coastal islands of Xianzhou.

Someone yelled: "What is the commission, the name is not righteous, and the people from the Mu family should come out and speak."

That Taihaoguan disciple squinted: "The Mu family chief is practicing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't bother, let you hand it over, and talk nonsense, today the teleportation array is renovated, and no one will think about it."

This aroused public outrage, everyone hurriedly condemned, and the door became very noisy.

At this time, the old man who was wearing a crane cloak among the people of Taihaoguan, who was sitting in a rocking chair at the back, drank loudly: "Shut up to me! Today, the old man Danyangzi has the final say, and he came over to fight in dissatisfaction. It’s free if you win."

Danyangzi has the cultivation base of warm and nourishing state, this loud shout suppressed everyone's voice, and the lingering sound hummed, which was suppressing people with power.

The queuing people were not as capable of repairing as they could not help but looked at each other, and the scene was silent for a while.

Seeing that the crowd was suppressed, Danyangzi smiled triumphantly while shaking the feather fan. One of his disciples, the fake Fox, stood beside him and drank: "Why are you silent? Where are the loud ones? You? , You, you, come over and shout again."

He pointed at the few people in the front row with his hand, and those few flinched back.

Hua Lan Ting and the others had already surrounded them, and after retreating from the front row, they flashed out the disciples of the Vientiane Sect.

It was this disciple who just hit Hua Lanting's shoulder. After he recognized it, he arrogantly said: "You, you are talking about, do you have any comments?"

The disciples of the Vientiane Sect walked outside. In order to avoid trouble, they usually suppressed and concealed their cultivation base with profound arts.

Seeing being pointed at, Hua Lanting turned his face to look at Mu Weihuan, who was frowning and nodding slowly beside him, took a step forward: "You ask me? My opinion is gone."

"I'm not talented here, dare to ask Senior Danyang for advice. If you win by luck, you can save everyone here!"


Hearing the words, Danyangzi snorted with a long tone in his nose, and slowly sat up from the recliner.

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