The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 305: Mandala Leaf

   Mu Suiyan led Feng Huolun and Cat Demon to the Taoist Temple of Taihaoguan on the seaweed island for help.

   Hua Lan Ting and Lin Xian Jing, together with Yi Chi, went to check at the residence of the monk Xingyi in Fahua Temple.

   And Chen Lv'an and Yun Yiqi accompany Master Known to see what Buddhism is on the island. Master Heshang explains the situation and discusses countermeasures.

   Speaking of Hualan Ting alone, under the guidance of the head of the Zhike monk class of Fahua Temple, I went to the Buddhist room where Xingyi lived temporarily.

   The Zen room is not big, and the furnishings are extremely simple. There are no long objects except one bed, one table and one futon.

   The quiet room is unobstructed, and there is no abnormality. The only thing that caught everyone’s attention was a thin piece of paper on the wooden table.

The    paper sheets are two pale yellow translucent sheets, with a yellow leaf sandwiched between them. The leaves are large, the bottom is elliptical, the top is gradually pointed, and the edges have irregular wavy lobes. There are five clear lateral veins on each side of the main vein.

   Lin Xian asked in surprise, "Excuse me, the head of the class, what kind of leaf is this?"

   first replied: "This is the leaf of the mandala tree."

   "Master Xingyi is simple by nature and has no other possessions to carry with him. He usually only likes mandala flowers and leaves, and he carries this dead leaf wherever he travels."

   Seeing things and thinking about people, the Zhike monk already knew that the Xingyi monk was missing, said a Buddhist sign, and continued: "I think this may also be related to his old man's practice."

"Master Xingyi’s Buddhism cultivation level is profound, but the martial arts cultivation level is not too high. When in the Mingxin period, which is equivalent to the Taoist self-cultivation stage, and his elderly are unwilling to fight with others, the main practice is to defend themselves. The imperial method is called'Mandalabi'.

   "What is unique about this Kung Fu?" Hua Lanting asked.

   The head of the squad of Zhike Seng said: "It's just tough, reinforced layer by layer, and cyclically. As long as the body is full of aura, it can always play a role. It is generally difficult to break through opponents of the same rank or only a few stronger ones."

   "What are the weaknesses?" Lin Xian asked in surprise.

   "I don't know that, a high cultivation base can naturally break it with force, or drain the user's internal strength."

   Yi Liunian asked again: "Mandala seems to be a Buddhist term. Is there anything special about it?"

   "Mandala is a translation of Sanskrit. It probably means a mandala in Sanskrit. It is based on the meaning of roundness or gathering, and refers to the gathering place of all sages and all merits."

"The mandala figure in Buddhism is a picture of the universe in the mind during daily practice of the secret method. It is mainly round or square, quite symmetrical, containing all kinds of forests, round and orderly, and is used to express the real and all phenomena of the universe. The realm of Zen circle that integrates inward photography."

   After leaving the Zen room, on the way back, the doctor said to everyone, "Dandala is poisonous."

   Everyone was taken aback.

   said once again: "I'm not talking about this leaf. Even if this leaf is poisonous, it will be harmless if it wilts for so long."

"Mandala is rarely seen in Shuxuanxianzhou, but there are many in the West and other places. I have only read it in ancient books, and I am not sure if it is the same kind of plant. It may just be translated into a homophonic text. There are many names such as Dhara, Mandala, and Mandala."

"It is said in the book that this mandala is commonly known as poisonous ginseng. It is the best among flowers, noble, elegant and mysterious. , Smelling too much will make people hallucinate."

"In the legend, this flower has been cursed, and there is an elf in each plant, who can help people realize their wishes. The condition of exchange is human blood, as long as you water it with your own blood, when it blooms, the elf in the flower is Will satisfy one of your wishes, representing a warm and deadly feeling."

"The whole plant of Datura is poisonous. Fruits, especially seeds, are the most toxic, followed by young leaves, and dry leaves are the least toxic. The toxin has anesthetic and psychedelic effects. In severe cases, it can cause drowsiness, convulsions, convulsions, and until death. "

   Yi fleetingly said: "Sister, don't scare me. Could it be that Monk Xingyi was poisoned?"

Yi Qu shook his head: "I just happened to remember, so I said. First, this leaf must be non-toxic, second, the two are not necessarily the same kind of tree and plant, third, it is said that there is a large mandala in the west, samaya mandala. There are four types of Dala, Dharma Mandala, and Karma Mandala. Only the black one is highly toxic. I have not seen the specific situation with my own eyes."

   Since it was just a guess, everyone did not continue the discussion, and returned to the residence, waiting for news from the other two places.

   It was Chen Lv'an and the three who came back first. They said that Master Heshang was shocked when they heard it, and he took them very seriously. Ask them to keep silent, and he will first search and investigate with all his strength.

   Around the afternoon of the application, a few people from Mu Zhengzhen came back and brought back a stack of papers, all of which were the materials that Taihaoguan had checked during this half-day. Mu Zhengzhen said that Taihaoguan's people were very efficient.

There are a total of 10,000 to 20,000 Buddhas and Magic Cubes and other small and medium sects and casual practitioners on Nori Island. They occupy the mountains and scattered everywhere in the center of the island. However, there are hundreds of thousands of civilians on the island. In addition to the aborigines, many are from China. Most of the people who moved here from Yanshenyu to avoid disasters live in the periphery and coastal areas.

  Seaweed Island is located at the critical point and is the main way to enter and exit the Chinese Language God Realm. In order to gain the initiative, the three parties of Buddhism and Moxiu have fought many times. After the tragic war, no one can swallow this place alone. This has formed the current situation of joint garrison.

In order to keep the passage here unblocked, the status quo on Nori Island is relatively calmer than that on Huayan God's Domain. Moxiu did not wantonly kill civilians here. There are small conflicts and conflicts between each other and Buddhism, but there is no large-scale conflict. The attack.

   In order to popularize Buddhism, Buddhism still has many contacts with the people. Most of the other monks are aloof and seldom come into contact with ordinary people.

Taihaoguan existed in the South China Sea for a long time. Later, it was limited to scale and strength. Due to the pressure from the Buddha's cultivation, it did not develop on the seaweed island. However, they entered early and have a good foundation, so they chose the lower route, among the common people. There are a large number of believers, and the folk gangs are more obedient to Taihaoguan.

In this case, with the transmission of the four ways of cleaning the dust, coupled with the ability of the local principal to handle affairs, in just half a day, according to the Xingyi mentor and apprentice drawing graphics provided by Mu Weizheng, a large amount of relevant information was quickly collected .

   Lin Xianjing was very satisfied, and immediately started to look through and analyze the summarized information.

After a while, he marked the two maps and drew the route. He pointed to the top one and said to everyone: "Look, this is the approximate route of the Xingyi master and apprentice after leaving the temple this morning. I don’t see too many problems. I suggest we go back and see if we can find any anomalies and other clues."

   In order to exercise the abilities of the disciples of the younger generations, Chen Lv'an and other elders stayed in the temple, and ten people from Hualanting set out to search.

  The first place Xingyi's master and apprentice visited was a morning market. It was a place where locals bought and sold fresh vegetables, fruits and vegetables, and had breakfast. The two of Xingyi probably had their morning meal here.

After leaving, the Xingyi masters and apprentices turned to the beach instead of taking a walk to view the scenery. Instead, they went to a gathering and distribution point where local fishermen went to sea. According to witnesses found by Taihaoguan, Xingyi often spread Buddhist teachings to fishermen here. .

The next place    Xingyi means is also a market. It is a place where the household people spontaneously formed the exchange and buying and selling of daily objects after the fishermen go out to sea after breakfast. Xingyi is also preaching here.

   This place is not far from the sea. The clues were broken when they arrived here. Later, the attack of the Giant Whale King formed a flood of water, and people are now busy sorting out and recovering.

   Hualanting they finally found a person and told them that he had seen two monks talking to a man who traded marine and land biological specimens, and then walked from here to the coastline inside.

   The ten people followed the direction. After climbing a small slope, they looked at it with great eyes. In the distance, on a pile of high rocks, there was a small temple with a few dilapidated houses under the rocks.

   should have found the location of the incident.

   Chen Lv'an once described that in the picture given by the Giant Whale King, there are such small temples and broken houses in the morning mist.

   Everyone rushed past, and approaching close, there seemed to be noisy voices in the barn where fishermen piled up old fishing nets and other debris.

   Lin Xian thought for a moment, and instead of taking everyone in, he walked around the rock from the side.

   The small temple on the rock is a temple of the Dragon King. There is no incense. From here, you can look down on the shed below.

   The roof is broken, and there are many people inside and out, digging through them, discussing something.

   Look at Serenity, it turned out that Buddhism and Demonic Cultivation are all included. This is one step ahead of them to find this place.

It turned out that although the people in the Quartet did not have the underlying contacts of Taihaoguan, they were familiar with the local situation after all. After returning, they sent people to look for small temples and ruins on the island. The Dragon King Temple and the Sea God built by the residents of the island. There are many temples and Matsu temples. After looking for them, the location was determined one after another.

   Yi Fou Nian said: "Oh, it's late, what should I do now?"

   Lin Xian said in shock: "Forget it, let's go back first. There are many masters below, and the place has just been submerged by the sea, and any traces and remaining breath have been destroyed. There will be no valuable clues."

   The group of people returned to Fahua Temple. Before they had time to rest and discuss the next move, a known guest monk came in and said that someone was looking for Hualan Court and was waiting in the side hall.

   Everyone looked in the past, it was a bald young man with a few people, and said to his heart that how is the seaweed island so popular nowadays to keep their heads without hair, is UU reading so prosperous?

The bald young man in a soap robe looks gentle and gentle, but his eyes look a little strange. They are not cross-eyed, but they are different from ordinary people. They are either astigmatic or color-blind. One eye is extremely indifferent, the other one. Focusing out of sync with this one, it is gentle and strange.

  The coming person clasped a fist: "But you came from the Daoist Fellow of the Hualan Tinghua at the Vientiane Gate of Freedom, the great demon of the Demon Sect Dan Demon Gate of the Southern Chinese Dialect Divine Region Gang, Shao Feng."

   This pill magic gate does not stop, the three demon son Zhu Luoji suffered a loss, and as expected, he sent people to seek revenge.

   Hua Lanting handed his hand: "You dare not be a fellow Taoist, you dare to come to help Zhu Luoji stand out."

Shao Feng said: "You have to speak up, I don't care. I am here temporarily. It is his business that Elder Wang wants to chase you down. Among his peers, there are not too many people who can easily defeat Zhu Luoji. This devil is just Seeing Lie Xinxi, I want to play a trick with the Taoist geniuses of Shuxuanxianzhou. You and I will confirm the exchange, and it will stop when you click, okay?"

   Hua Lan Ting, after seeing the power of the Profound Pearl Realm, calmed down and settled down, no longer being complacent and arrogant after winning a streak, but he was more enterprising, and he also hoped to have the opportunity to grind against the master.

   Although Shao Feng came here as an extra-juncture, he was eager to try, and he didn’t want to avoid fighting, so he immediately responded:



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