The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 306: 4 great books

   "Do you want to play the big devil?" Hua Lanting asked.

   Shao Feng looked around: "Before I came, I also did a small survey. I heard that the Chinese Taoists are both civil and military. Why not do this, let's fight against each other first, and then do it?"

   "I don't care, as you wish, please write a question."

   "Whoever writes a question will inevitably take the lead. I don't think so. Let's ask this little master to ask questions. It's fair."

There is a table and chairs at the entrance of the Piandian Hall, and there is a little monk sitting on the wooden table. There are a pile of books on the wooden table, most of which are Buddhist scriptures. There are also a few books that are actually "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Journey to the West", and " "Dream of Red Mansions", "Water Margin", "Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio" and "The Scholars".

   "The little monk who knows the guest is not doing his job properly, and he is studying idle books and history, then please ask a question." Shao Feng joked.

The little monk was very young and his face was still immature. After hearing this, he stood up hurriedly and put his palms together: "Amitabha, the donor has misunderstood. This temple emphasizes the practice of entering the world, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, firewood, rice, oil and salt are all learning, so in his free time, It allows us to read a wide range of books and miscellaneous studies."

   "The donor has a request, and the little monk dares not follow his order. Well, I have only read four of the six masterpieces of the book. The two are willing to teach the similarities and differences between the Three Kingdoms, Westward Journey, Red Mansion, and Water Margin. The little monk is grateful."

   "I can do this. Although I didn't know how to read before I started, I heard that the ears that Mr. Shu said are all cocooned. If you are like "Water Margin" or something, I can memorize it backwards."

   This is Yi Liunian gagging.

Shao Feng frowned: "It's a big tone. Well, let you warm up first. The two subordinates I have been under my service not long ago, and they used to be well-learned before entering the Dao, let them compare. This fellow Taoist."

   Two people stood up behind Shao Feng.

   Shao Feng said again: "If you can really go back and forth, I will ask Elder Wang to cancel the order to pursue and kill the Chinese Taoist friends."

   Two of Shao Feng's men came forward to sign up.

   one person said: "I am a member of the Xian nationality, whose surname is Pu, but Pu is not. Please advise."

   Another person also crossed his hands and gave a salute: "If you have a little surname, if money is not dirty, please ask the little brother to recite "Water Margin". Any paragraph can be used."

   Yi Fyun opened his mouth wide, wanted to laugh, but was suffocated. In the end, he couldn't help but hurriedly retracted, and said seriously: "I seriously suggest that when the two introduce themselves in the future, reverse the order of sequence to compare cause and effect."

  Not enough money? Park Bucheng...

   Everyone couldn't help but smile.

   Seeing that the faces of both of them are green, Yi Liunian hurriedly transferred: ""The Legend of the Margin", the back is over."

   Hua Lanting coughed dryly: "Okay, it's a passing year, don't make trouble, get back to business. I am the host, please ask Brother Shao to speak first."

   Shao Feng didn't think about it, and said leisurely: "Although the Four Books are folk books, they are full of all things in the world."

   "The Three Kingdoms is the official history of processing, and the Water Margin is the unofficial history of adaptation."

   "The Red Chamber is a grand family history, and Journey to the West is a serious demon history." Hua Lanting said.

   "The Three Kingdoms are about the government, and the Water Margin is about the bandits." Shao Feng said again.

   "The Red Chamber writes about life, and Journey to the West writes about spirits."

   "The Three Kingdoms play is scheming, and the Water Margin play is loyalty."

   "The Red Mansion is about emotions, and the Westward Journey is magical." Hualan Ting refused to give in.

   "Journey to the West: Brother Monkey, save me. Honglou: Sister, save me."

   "Water Margin: Brother save me. Three Kingdoms: Military division save me."

   "The Three Kingdoms talked about a scene of change, and the Water Margin said an impulse."

   "There was a love in the Red Chamber, and Journey to the West wrote a travel note."

   "The Three Kingdoms wrote a great era, and the Water Margin wrote a bunch of great heroes."

   "The Red Chamber wrote about a big family, and Journey to the West wrote about a group of big goblins."

   Seeing Shao Feng made a gesture, Hua Lanting said first this time:

   "The Three Kingdoms fight wit and courage, and the Red Mansion cherishes gold and mourns jade."

   "The Water Margin officials forced the people to rebel, and traveled to the west strangely." Shao Feng followed.

   "In the Red Chamber, most people are women. Water Margin, most people are men."

   "Journey to the west, most people are not people. Three Kingdoms, most people are all people."

   "Red Mansion, the girl has a thick face. The Water Margin, the court has a thick face."

   "Three Kingdoms, the military division has a thick-skinned face. Journey to the west, the gods have a thick-skinned face."

   "The Red Chamber: Unreliable relatives. Journey to the West: Unreliable gods."

   "Three Kingdoms, comrades-in-arms are unreliable. Water Margin: The boss is unreliable."

   "Journey to the West, you have to drink wine stealthily. Red Mansion, you have to drink wine with beautiful women."

   "Water Margin, the wine needs a big bowl to drink. Three Kingdoms, the wine should be boiled and drink warm."

   changed the order again, and the two continued to say:

   "Red Mansion, Jia Bujia, Bai Yu is the horse for Tang Jin."

   "Journey to the west, really untrue, Tang Seng is riding a white dragon horse."

   "Three Kingdoms, fight or not, five tigers pass Zhang Zhao Huang Ma."

   "Water Margin, it will not fall, the hero will be a eagle dog and horse in vain."

   "Journey to the west, the prodigal son will not change his money, and the master will guide him to the west to wash away."

   "The Red Chamber, as soon as you enter the Hou Gate, it is as deep as the sea, and your brother shed tears for you as a monk."

   "Three Kingdoms, Taoyuan, one worship and life and death, the three brothers are unrelenting in love and righteousness."

   "Water Margin, why do you gather together, 105 tiger men and three young women."

   "Journey to the west, with a bad background, it is difficult to become a Buddha."

   "Honglou, from a bad background, it is difficult to marry someone."

   "Water Margin, from a bad background, it is difficult to be an official."

   "Three countries, with a bad background, it is difficult to start a business."

   Shao Feng got excited, and sat on the ground in a flurry of robes.

   "The Red Mansion focuses on affection: family affection, love, official affection, and folk affection."

   "Westward Journey focuses on fun: fun, fun, wild, and demon."

   Hua Lan Ting was also sitting cross-legged on the opposite side.

   "The three countries focus on the country: governing the country, rejuvenating the country, securing the country, and mourning the country."

   "Water Margin focuses on spirit: courage, loyalty, arrogance, domineering."

   Shao Feng said: "Come again!"

   "Three Kingdoms Murders, Water Margins, Lovers in the Red Chamber, Journey to the West, Cannibalism."

   "The princes of the Three Kingdoms fight, the heroes of the Water Margin fight, the relatives of the Red Mansion fight, and the West Journey fairy fights." Hua Lanting did not show any weakness.

   "Personal Three Kingdoms Learning Strategies, reading Water Margin to learn rebellion, reading Red Mansion to learn rebellion, reading Westward Journey to learn refuge."

   "The Three Kingdoms are divided first and then merged, and the Water Margin first merges and then divided. The Red Mansions are combined and divided, and Journey to the West is inseparable."

   "Three Kingdoms, fighting with people, there is endless joy."

   "Water Margin, fighting with officials is endless fun."

   "Journey to the west, fighting with monsters, it's fun."

   "Red Mansion, fighting in the nest, endless fun."

   "Hahahaha" Shao Feng laughed loudly, "Sour and refreshing, I just want it!"

   "Then let's just talk about "Journey to the West", this devil's favorite book."

   "Five masters and apprentices, body, mood, and mind, Tang Seng represents the human body, Wukong represents the human heart, the eight precepts represent human desire, the Drift represents human nature, and the white horse is the human will."

   "Sun Dasheng was born with a natural, restless heart, willing to shuttle freely between heaven and hell, good and evil shemales, unfettered."

   "The Shurangama Sutra says that the mind has seventy-two phases, and that the human mind is fickle, just like seventy-two changes."

"The "Eighty-one Difficulties Sutra of the Yellow Emperor" says that people breathe 13,500 breaths day and night, and the golden cudgel weighs 13,500 catties, so the rod is human, powerful enough to reach the top of the sky, and as small as an embroidery needle. "

   "My magic repairs the magic, that is, I want to do whatever I want in this world, do whatever I want, I can vomit the world in a bold place, and I will be investigated when I am careful."

Hua Lanting shook his head: "A somersault can't escape the palm of the Tathagata Buddha, and is pressed under the Five Elements Mountain. The five elements, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, indicate the five poisons, greed, anger, ignorance, and suspicion, and they can only be solved. When you leave the Five Elements Mountain, you will see the Two Worlds Mountain behind you, and you can only be considered as jumping out of the Three Worlds.

"A tendon is ten thousand miles away, which is exactly the distance between Dongtu and Lingshan. What does it mean? The Buddha is not far from Lingshan, and Lingshan is only in your heart. Seeking Buddha is the process of cultivating the heart and eliminating the devil, and the curse is' Concentrate on the truth'.

   "No matter how far the Lingshan Mountain is, it is only between one thought. But one thought can become a Buddha, and one thought can become a demon. The big devil, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and the shore is turning back!"

Shao Feng disagrees: "One thought of heaven is endless. Between one thought, the world is far away. You and I have different ideas, but fighting with the emperor is endless. Come and come, let’s see the real chapter under your hand, let’s take it. Let me do it, the Buddhist lion roars!"

As soon as    came out, Shao Feng inhaled a drum in his lower abdomen, and the air-like sound wave attacked Hualanting.

   Hualanting's two hands circled and pressed: "But it is disrespectful! Touching the ground, Tantric handprint, King Kong lion head!"

   Shao Feng's lion roar is much stronger than Zhu Luoji, gathering energy into a bunch, spraying towards Hualanting.

   The lion head of Hualanting gathers qi into a string, surrounds it, and greets it.

   There was a muffled sound, and the two men's magic pill and lightning pill gas rushed up under the impact, pushing a big hole out of the roof, and the remaining bricks and shingles fell.

   is evenly divided, and no one takes advantage.

   Shao Feng raised his hand and still gave out a spiritual stone bag: "I will pay for the loss. Go, continue outside the temple!"

   After speaking, he flew up, turned a tendon, and reached the open space at the entrance of Fahua Temple.

   Hua Lanting also soared into the sky, pulled up from the hole, a displacement, and fell in front of Shao Feng.

  The audience also went out to watch the battle.

   Shao Feng exclaimed: "The second time, compare the cultivation base. Eat me, Gang Demon Sect, Pill Demon Sect, there are mountains and bad palms!"

   He put his hands in a circle in front of him one after another, put them behind him, and then shuttled out from under his armpits, pushing out his palms.

  Hua Lanting was in high spirits, and the two of them faced each other at close range. He put his left and right hands on his lower abdomen respectively, and thunder sounded like a frog roaring toad, and then flipped over.

   Two palms shot out.

   The two of them put their four hands on one place, glued them together, and urged their palms.

   This time there was no sound of landslides, ground cracks, or electric fire and thunder at the junction of the four palms, and they were all resolved by the opponent's powerful spiritual pressure.

   But in front of the two of them, there are water ripples that can be seen by the naked eye, and then they sway silently. This is formed by the air being compressed too much.

   After more than ten breaths of time, the two people separated suddenly.

   Hua Lanting stepped back and stood still, staggering twice, his arms jerking uncontrollably, not only the force of the five thunderous palms, but also the aftermath of Shao Feng's palm.

   Shao Feng didn't get any better, his hands didn't shake, he staggered back two steps before he took the stake and stood firm.

   At this time, there were more and more onlookers, no one applauded, they were all attentively watching the battle.

  Hua Lan Ting This is the first time among his peers that he will meet a talented person when he meets his opponents. Shao Feng is a few years older than him. He is also a rare generation with excellent talents and fortunes.

   Shao Fenghu roared, and wailed again, his two out-of-focus eyes became brighter, his palms were wrong, and he roared: "It's okay! Let's compete with martial arts."

   His arms flickered, and he rushed over when he touched the ground under his feet, and the hard bluestone slab showed two deep, curved and scorched marks.

   President Hualan took a breath, his chest was full of warfare.

   He stabilized his mind and didn't make any rash advances. First, he greeted the enemy with a dripping small free fist to dissolve the opponent's tide of offensive, and from time to time he pointed his sword and counterattacked with a free sword.

After blocking the next round of torrential rain, plus the fact that the legs are not traceable, whether they are entangled or With the cooperation of the four-character tactics of fast and slow and the four methods of relaxation and softness, a counterattack is formed. The trend.

   The two fought faster and faster, everyone gradually couldn't see the figure clearly, only two groups of rotating air masses were seen.

There are many ancient pine trees in the open space in front of the temple gate. The pine needles on the trees shattered and fell rustlingly, but they did not fall into the air mass rolled up by the two of them.

   The time for another small Banzhuxiang passed, and the two exchanged positions, each backing up and panting.

   At this moment, another group of people came off the court, headed by a few serious old men. Hua Lanting and Shao Feng were playing intensively and heartily, without noticing the situation outside.

   Shao Feng exhaled a long breath, rubbed his face, and exclaimed excitedly: "Have fun! Come again! Bibi spells. Forget it, let's fight with no rules, no differences, no limits, staying power and not keeping your hands!"

   Hua Lan Ting has this intention. He has used a lot of martial arts and spells in the past few years. He is about to take a look at the actual combat effects of mixed skills.

   Just when the two were about to fight, a black face and red beard among the elders shouted in a low voice: "Stop! Shao Feng, come over to the old man and accept the question!"

   This person is Kaohsiung, the elder of the Gang Demon Sect, but he does not know why he wants to stop it, and it is not Hua Lan Ting who is drinking, but his own person, the big demon Shao Feng.


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