The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 320: 84,000

The tree master, dressed in a blue cloth monk's clothing, was also very surprised to see everyone. After meeting with Chen Lu'an and Yun Yiqi, he looked at Hualanting and they smiled and said, "I said this morning, on the branch in front of Lingyan Pavilion. The magpies on the street kept calling chattering, and indeed there were rare visitors."

   Hui An said: "Master, isn't your Divine Realm Mastery Kungfu turned on, why didn't you expect any distinguished guests to come?"

  Master Tree slapped Hui'an on the head: "How can it be so magical? It's still in a period of time when it takes chance and a whim to respond. Master can't tell the prophet about everything."

   Chen Lv'an and Yun Yiqi did not show up on their faces, and they were shocked. Before, Master Tree had sealed his skills to travel around Xianzhou. Hualanting and others only knew how powerful they were, and they didn’t know the true level. Now Master Tree’s cultivation level is still above Chen Lv’an. Fortunately, he is a friend and not an enemy. .

   After two chats, Master Tree knew that they were going to participate in the ceremony of Guangji Temple. Now the day was approaching, so he decided to cast the spell immediately to increase the life of the cat demon.

After letting Hui'an bring the cat demon into the quiet room on the basement level of Lingyan Pavilion, Master Tree invited ten Hualanting ten people and the seriously injured Feng Huolun, Yiqi and Zimo into the underground with him, and Someone took Chen Lv'an and Yun Yiqi to the Buddhist hall to meet with the abbot of Qixia Temple.

   Hua Lan Ting and others did not know what they meant, thinking that it was Master Tree who asked them to observe the magical process of the cat’s long life.

   After sitting in a circle outside the quiet room door, Master Tree said: "I will use the ‘Buddha Qi’ purple golden bowl to perform the ‘Buddha Illumination’".

   "Listen to Hui An, you want to know about Buddhism and Tantric Buddhism, you can ask me questions, and everyone can discuss it together. The more you focus, the more concentrated your mind, and the smoother the spell-casting process. Let's get started."

The purple golden bowl beside Master    released golden light, gradually covering the quiet room and everyone.

Hua Lanting took the lead in asking: "As far as I know, there is a rule of'not being a companion to the outside world' in the Buddhist rituals. The master has a wide range of knowledge and practice. Doctrine conflicts? How does Buddhism treat outsiders and people who have no faith?"

Master Tree said: "First of all, this sentence does not mean that you cannot talk and make friends with people who believe in different things. Not being a partner with a foreigner means that there should be no pagan religion that can influence you spiritually. Get close to your companions."

   "If you say that you are going to the left when practicing Buddhism, then you shouldn't let a person walking to the right affect your beliefs. It will make you confused or even deviate from the direction you choose."

   "Here, I didn't say that other religions are inferior to Buddhism, only that they are different in nature, and ordinary people cannot follow two different ways at the same time."

   "Some people will say that their Taoism draws on the strengths of others and is a masterpiece. This may be a good attempt, but it will not be effective. I think it is better to maintain the diversity of the world."

   "Just like Sichuan cuisine, Huaiyang cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, Shandong cuisine, etc., people can choose what to eat, but if they are mixed together, it must be a dish that has no characteristics and is not delicious."

   "If you have a headache, take the medicine for the headache. It doesn't mean that you have to condemn or disrespect other medicines, or sell headache medicine to people with stomachaches."

"In addition to religions with vastly different doctrines, Buddhism and Taoism, Confucianism, and different factions in Buddhism, because I do not see major conflicts, so you can believe in Buddhism and apply the values ​​of Confucianism while practicing with Taoism. Together, there will be a lot of help."

   "It needs to be pointed out that everyone can learn from each other and merge with each other on the same point of view, but in general, different teaching methods cannot be confused."

   "In my opinion, each teaching method and path of practice is unique and complete. When your knowledge has not reached a certain height, don't be greedy for more than you can chew."

   "As for the Dharma Knife, it can be compatible. For example, a Buddha practitioner can simultaneously practice the sound and hearing, the Mahayana, and the Vajra secretly at the same time."

   Lin Xianjing then asked: "There are 84,000 methods in Buddhism. How should the believers choose the one that suits them?"

  Master Tree replied: "In Buddhism, living Buddhas, masters, and masters are doctors, believers are patients, and Dharma is medicine."

"Dharma is like those different kinds of medicinal materials and therapies, each of which works for different people and in different situations. In fact, the eighty-four thousand methods are just a symbolic imaginary expression, and there are many more methods than this. ."

"The Buddha teaches us different contents. One method does not need to be superior by other methods. Sometimes, in order to encourage disciples and prevent them from being distracted, he tends to say that a certain method is the most suitable and best, but that is just This type of training should not be understood as one is better than the other."

   "Each method has a specific audience, and it needs to be taught according to the timing and the aptitude of each person, and it should not be restricted."

"For example, the Buddha taught that when monks begging for alms, no matter what others offer, they should accept it. In this case, you may see that the monks have accepted meat. Pick and choose."

   "The greatness of the Buddha is that he will not only teach a certain type of people, and the Dharma will not become narrow and limited due to cultural differences, the passage of time, and changes in the environment.

   "Eighty-four thousand methods, choose from them that correspond to what you feel. How to find a method that suits you? My suggestion is to explore."

   "The search process is also a mature process. As long as you persevere, there will be beautiful and rich rewards. As long as you are diligent, full of desire, and maintain an open mind and critical thinking, you will definitely meet your discipline."

   "Good or bad speed is secondary."

   "All beings have different aptitudes, different abilities, and different cognitions. The medicine is the same, but the dosage can be different. The speed is also relative."

"For an analogy. A child is sick and needs to be treated with medicine. The problem is that if he feels that the medicine is bitter and refuses to drink it, then he can only coax him to eat and trick him into drinking it. Adults have to mix the soup medicine with milk, honey, Juice, it takes time to squeeze, dye, mark, etc."

   "But if this child has the courage and ability to drink the medicine directly, it will be much faster."

   "There is no precedent for enlightenment and becoming a Buddha in one day."

"So, which method to learn still depends on the person. Some people are cautious and choose a longer but safe road; some people choose a shortcut, but there are obstacles on the road. If they can’t deal with it well, they will Others will arrive later."

   Yi Liunian asked again: "On the way here, Hui'an said that many fake masters and false living Buddhas jumped out to deceive people in the end of the Dharma era. How do people distinguish and choose guides?"

Master    Tree said: "There is indeed this problem, the situation is still very serious, and the times are different."

"I remember that my guru lived a life of wandering and wandering. He spread the Dharma day by day. The living Buddhas of their generation trained and taught their disciples in tents. They ate highland barley buckwheat and drank only boiled heat. water."

"But now the young inheritors of the Living Buddha are hugged, worshipped, never beaten, never drunk by a stick, they are obedient, they are accustomed to calling people, they are overprotected, they have not They have been rejected, they don’t understand the outside world, and they don’t even want to walk in person."

   "Think about it, if a person can't even wear his own clothes, how can he be expected to save sentient beings?"

   "It is often difficult to judge the authenticity, because only the Great Achiever can judge whether another person is a Great Achiever or a temple with long-term heritage. For this, we need to test our evangelists."

"For example, use his own method to test him. He is crazy, you are even more crazy than him. He loves to scold people, so you go to insult him. If he is not angry about this, he has not changed his value orientation or behavior. Attitudes and ways of thinking, maybe not bad."

   "The other thing is to observe his motivation and motivation, to see if he is too enthusiastic about worldly affairs, to see how much they pay attention to the spiritual value of the disciples, not how much you provide."

"Furthermore, it depends on how much Dharma knowledge he has, but in fact it is a very secondary way of judging. More importantly, it is to see whether he has clean precepts. This refers not only to external precepts, but to the Three Jewels and the law of cause and effect. Respect."

   "Many people will teach Dharma for the sake of money, power and fame, and even sell it as a business. This is a very serious mistake and bad karma."

   "A good master is someone who will teach you the way to liberation. He cares about your liberation, and he has the courage to tell you what you need to hear, instead of just telling you what you want to hear."

   "Living Buddhas are human beings like their masters. They are not perfect and make mistakes."

"I myself am often confused, hoping to make the right choice, but like a feather in the wind, it is difficult to make a decision. Instead, I am pushed back and forth by various circumstances. Therefore, I don't want to be called a living Buddha. Name."

   Just ask and answer like this, almost an hour has passed.

  Finally, Master Tree flicked his finger on the purple golden bowl, and a deafening, clear and melodious sound resounded through Lingyan Pavilion, and the life increase of the cat demon was completed.

   Everyone woke up from the conversation, and they were all startled.

   All of them found that their injuries were all healed, and no matter how severe the injuries were at the scene ~ ~ including the mice, there was no more obvious injury or illness in their whole body.

   What is even more surprising is that each of them has directly jumped to a small level.

  Master Compassion!

  Master Tree didn't tell them in advance, but used the talks as an excuse and used the Buddha's light to perform Tantric restoration techniques for them.

   Everyone stood up and thanked the master.

Master    did not get up, only waved his hand, his expression was very tired, the purple golden bowl beside him and his complexion became a little bit dim.

  Master Tree didn’t say anything. In fact, it’s not a simple task to cast spells for the cat demon and to heal and improve everyone, with its outstanding cultivation and the Buddha power of the purple golden bowl. The burden and consumption are not small.

   This was a kind act of Master Tree, but it also caused them trouble.

   Qixia Temple is remote, and there are several peaks and temples between it and the Moxiu area.

   Since the tree master first used the magical powers of the gods, once the magic cultivator invaded and attacked this area, the tree master could feel it every time, so as to respond in advance.

   But after the skill was consumed today, this supernatural power failed to activate itself in time.

  No one knows at this time, a crisis is quietly approaching them.


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