The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 321: Liberation has 3

   All have improved to a small level. Although there are factors that everyone has accumulated for a long time, this difficulty is extraordinary, and this favor is gone.

   Chen Lv'an and Yun Yiqi were surprised when they heard about them. They were very pleasantly surprised. They found Master Tree to express their gratitude. The master only said that this was a blessing brought by the purple golden bowl.

   It’s far from enough to say thank you verbally, so kindness can only be reported later.

Master Tree gave such a great gift. Chen Lv'an and Yun Yiqi, as the elders of the sect, can't be stingy. It happens that everyone needs a steady and improved cultivation base. They said that they will leave for Guangji Temple in three days. So during this time Nei divided his head to instruct the disciples to practice.

   Chen Lv'an focused on Hua Lan Ting, and he called Hua Lan Ting and Feng Qingjun together to give instructions.

Yun Yiqi and Feng Huolun, as Hualanting’s masters, were even more frightened when they thought of the danger he faced in the battle with Huang Yi. After the two discussed, they decided that Yun Yiqi would provide the materials and Feng Huolun would provide his strength. , To create a self-defense weapon for Hualan Court.

   The three days passed in a flash. The night before departure, the disciples of Vientiane Sect gathered together according to the instructions of Chen Lv'an, who had double cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism, and continued to listen to Master Shu's teaching about Buddhism.

   If you don’t press your body with art, you can understand by listening at the same time. There are not many opportunities to ask Living Buddhas.

Master   shu answered some doubts about studying Buddhism tonight. He didn't talk about his own experience, but used the content of a monk, Da De Zong Ling, who taught sentient beings in the Buddhist School of the Gods.

   This Master Zong Ling was once a general, and at the same time has a profound knowledge of Buddhism, and then he escaped into the empty door. There was a famous saying when he was young:

   Get on the horse and kill the enemy! Dismount to learn Buddhism!

   Master Zongling thought: Learning Buddhism is a very logical thing.

The master said that people’s motives for worshipping Buddha are diverse. Some people have heard that belief in Buddha can heal illness, and some people have heard that Buddha is very powerful and can bless oneself to get promoted and wealth. Chicken soup Buddhist language is very sentimental, and there is only because he wants to be quiet.

   But when people's needs are not met in a short period of time, or when they encounter other spiritual substitutes, many people give up.

   Master believes that the correct motivation is based on the correct logic and world outlook, values ​​and outlook on life.

   If you compare the three views of corrupt officials in the world with the three views of Buddhism, you will find that both are very rational, and the essence of the logical process is to "get away from suffering and get happiness."

   The only difference is that they are based on a different world view-Buddhism believes that there is reincarnation, while secular people believe that there is no.

   Everyone may be a "corrupt official" because people have unlimited desires.

   An ordinary person who hates corrupt officials, if one day sits in the same high position and faces the same temptation, there is a high probability that he will also become a corrupt official.

   What is interesting is that corruption is often blamed on the external system, and they think they are not problematic.

   If you "seek inward", the root is not in the system, but in your own worldview.

On the surface, some people do not believe in Buddhism or do not believe because they are afraid that freedom will be restricted. If you go deeper, they don’t believe that there is cause and effect. ".

   The Master joked when he taught the Fa that everyone is a wise man after being knocked unconscious and amnesia, because when they wake up, they will ask three major propositions in life: Who am I? Where am i? Why am I here? .

   If it is a doctor, the answer to three questions: you are a fetus; you are in the womb; because of contraception failure.

   And the answer of the master is: you are ordinary; you are in reincarnation; because of karma.

   If you don’t believe in the existence of reincarnation and decide to leave, copying the scriptures is just practicing calligraphy, meditating is just quiet, and being vegetarian is just losing weight.

  If the cause and effect of reincarnation does not exist, Master Zong Ling said that he would definitely be the first to withdraw from Buddhism and resolutely choose to "be a **** and love life".

  Master said that Buddhism is the most complicated religion. Not to mention the vastness of the theory, and the theory is unpredictable. At first contact, there is a feeling of overwhelming and nowhere to start. I can't finish reading the Buddhist scriptures, and I don't understand it after reading it.

   What’s even more tiring is that Buddhist theory is very speculative. Basically, each viewpoint will provide two or more perspectives on its own. There may be one, two, three, four, five, and they are not contradictory to each other.

   This is actually not difficult to understand. For example, if you have a dream of eating an apple, you feel that the apple is real in the dream, and when you wake up you feel that the apple does not exist at all, so it is right for an apple to be "have" or not to be "empty". It depends on which angle. .

   For another example, what is the fundamental force that drives the operation of the world? Buddhism believes it is something called "karma". Karma follows the law of cause and effect when it is operating.

   To put it simply, good is rewarded for good, and evil is rewarded for evil.

  Whatever weird phenomenon you encounter, the phrase "caused by karma" will shut your mouth up.

  Karma is a natural law. Unlike some religions, the Buddha is not the creator, nor does he think he is "omnipotent." Therefore, the sufferings of the world cannot depend on the Buddha.

   Buddhism believes that there are countless worlds in the universe, but the ordinary world can be roughly divided into the "six ways." In general, when beings die, they will be reincarnated into one of these paths according to their karma. As long as they have not practiced to a certain degree and are liberated, they will turn around in the "six paths", the so-called "reincarnation."

Master Zongling discovered that Buddhism believes that most ordinary people cannot remember their past lives because of the "mystery of the shadow", but there are still a few people who can remember their past lives because of their special karma. It seems that most people cannot remember things before the age of three, but there are still a few people who can remember.

   He studied a large number of cases and concluded that the probability of reincarnation is far greater than that of non-existence. In other words, part of the Buddhist "reincarnation theory" has a higher probability of being verified, while other parts cannot be falsified.

   One of the core theories of Buddhism is "dependent emptiness".

   To put it simply: There is nothing in the world that can exist independently without being dependent on other conditions, nor is there anything that is permanent and unchanging. Everything is born of cause, condition and combination. Therefore, the nature of everything is empty. From material to spirit, from space to time, it's all like this.

   The secular view holds that: matter is real, time and space are real. Matter exists independently and has nothing to do with human cognition.

   Buddhism and these two secular views are completely different.

   A carriage was clearly parked there, and the Buddha said it was "empty".

Continuing the analysis, it is found that the carriage is made up of horses, carriages, wheels, shafts, seats, etc. through design and processing. Only when these "causes" are all gathered together, a "horse carriage" appears in an instant. That’s why it is said to be the result of "Dependent Origination".

  Usually people will obsessively believe that "this car" exists during the life cycle of a carriage. But from the perspective of dependent emptiness, the real scene is:

  Before assembling, it was just parts one, two, three, four, five... there is no "this car".

After assembly, at the first instant, a "new car" was formed due to the aggregation of various origins; at the second instant, part of the origins changed, resulting in a "used car"; at the third instant, it became an "old car" ; Then it becomes a "scrapped car".

   "This car" does not exist.

   After the carriage is abandoned, it will be broken down into six, seven, eight, ninety... so there is no "this car".

   If you continue to split to the level of dust that is invisible to the naked eye, you will find that the car has long disappeared, leaving only the "extremely tiny" particles that are impermanent.

   Very fine particles are like beating strings, and everything is nothing but music played by strings.

The strings vibrate at different frequencies, which gives people the illusion that there are all kinds of very fine particles, and these non-real particles are like bubbles in the water. They are constantly produced and annihilated, and they are presented before our eyes. The colorful world, and all this is just a game of metamorphosis.

   Space and matter are "illusory and unreal", so is time, time is just an illusion. In Buddhist terms, time is the result of delusion, and it has no self.

  The nature of time is not as real and continuous as many people think, otherwise it is impossible for one to predict the future, and there will not be so many unexplainable supernatural events.

   Some current natural research viewpoints have gradually reached the same goal with the Buddhist cosmology.

   The general view is that whether we observe or who observes, there is an independent "objective world" outside, which is not changed by anyone's will.

   But Buddhism believes that all dharmas arise from predestined conditions, and the observer’s karma is also one of the conditions (dependent origin), that is, the world in the eyes of each sentient being can be different, and there is no so-called “objective world”.

   For example, the red seen by color blindness may be gray, and the head of a friend in the eyes of a lunatic is a watermelon. Dogs feel that **** is more fragrant than anything else.

   What people "see" is just an image formed in the heart that integrates the external fluctuations, eyes, nerves, karma, delusion and other "dependent origins".

  Only when the observer and his observation method are confirmed, the scene in his eyes will be confirmed.

   Buddhism believes that beings in samsara will inevitably suffer all kinds of sufferings, especially those of evil ways, whose pain is unimaginable. Buddhism believes that three levels of liberation can be obtained through practice.

   is the ultimate relief first.

   Because those pains and problems do not really exist, but a dream that emerges when some conditions (dependent origination) are met. The essence is "sex empty", and even the so-called "I" is not real. Then, as long as the origin of the manifestation of dreams is cut off through deep meditation and other means, the "suffering" will completely disappear and liberation will be obtained.

   In other words, the liberation of Buddhism is not to solve any problems, but to find that there is no problem at all. It is like waking up from a dream and discovering that the tiger in the dream does not exist at all, and the me in the dream does not exist. The so-called "enlightenment" is nothing more than that.

   Unlike many religions that must wait until death to "ascend to heaven" for verification, in theory, the highest state of Buddhism can be personally witnessed in life.

   is followed by intermediate liberation.

   Buddhist practitioners all hope to achieve ultimate emptiness in the present life, but after all, everyone has different roots, and most people cannot achieve it in their lifetime, so they have to retreat to the pure land of survival.

   The so-called pure land refers to a higher world in which some higher beings live in addition to the six reincarnations.

Through practice methods such as vows, prayers, chanting, meditation, etc., interacting with these higher worlds and higher beings, it is possible to go to these pure lands at the end of the day and temporarily leave the "reincarnation cesspool". It is good and longevity in these environments. Practice further in the long, advanced world, and move towards the goal of ultimate liberation. After the repair reaches a certain level, he will return to the "dunghole" to save people.

   There are many pure lands in the universe, but the most famous one is the Western Paradise, which is said to be the "Happy Camp" hosted by Amitabha and Avalokitesvara.

   The third is low-level liberation.

   If you don’t even want to go or can’t go to the Pure Land, then Buddhism has one last resort: accumulate good deeds and live a good life in reincarnation. This is the so-called good fruit of human nature.

   is not actually a real achievement. The dream does not wake up (enlightenment), but a good dream is better than a nightmare, isn’t it?

   Then, can these achievements in practice be verified?

Unfortunately, although Buddhist theory itself is not as full of loopholes as some religions, and it can be said to be more mellow, but the theory is only a theory after all. In the end, if practitioners are no different from ordinary, it can’t. To falsify Buddhism, but it is also difficult to prove the truth.

   The master studied the characteristics of various levels of Buddhism, and the answer is: it is difficult to fully verify.

   The reason is very simple. Because the main focus is on mind cultivation, the enlightened monk's emptiness state of "seeing a mountain is not a mountain" basically cannot be directly verified, and those who have reborn in the Pure Land or the Heavenly Way will not return to report after their death.

   Basically, only some accessory items of spiritual practice can be directly verified, such as the magical powers displayed by the practitioners, the Ruixiang, and so on. That's a lot.

   "The son doesn't talk strangely, and he is confused." Actually, the master does not have any special attachments to these supernatural phenomena. On the contrary, he likes the words of the Zen master: "Carrying water and cutting wood are all magical powers."

   I have seen a lot, and found that some of these phenomena are not only in Buddhism, but also in other religions. At least it is partly verified from the factual level that the spiritual achievements of Buddhism may exist.

   The theory and practice system of Buddhism is very vast and complex, and there are some differences in the viewpoints of different sects. The master believes that some Buddhist views can be verified by facts, while other views are difficult to falsify. The theory itself has no obvious logical loopholes, and even provides many unique perspectives for observing things.

   Speaking of Xing Chu, Qixia Temple’s guarding temple array suddenly sounded a harsh alarm.

   This is, enemy attack!


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