The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 325: Unintentional

On the small mountain peaks hundreds of feet apart on both sides, one person stands on each side.

The first person on the left, with long black hair draped in curls, had a garish nose in his face, and his eyes were not big, but his expression was gloomy, and his green robe was blown out by the mountain peaks.

On the right hand side, there is also an old man with a short stature, a garlic nose, red face and red hair, and a sharp look in his eyes. His ocher robe is embroidered with large and small straight upward mountain peaks. This person is clearly unfamiliar, but he looks familiar.

The two of them stood facing each other in the air, and their aura was rising steadily. The breath of the Profound Pearl Realm had already touched between the two of them. The air flow rubbed against each other, and there was a faint crackling sound. Stir like torn cotton wool.

These two people are just starting to face off, and they are all doing their early days of gaining momentum.

It's best if the two are in a life and death duel, so that they can't be distracted.

Leave quickly!

However, without waiting for everyone to retreat, things were not fulfilled. The old man's breath took a halt, his eyes swept over, and he sternly said: "Who is it? Who dares to disturb this seat and compete with others, what sin!"

Everyone in the Vientiane Gate is a tired teacher at this moment. It is not the time to be a hero, and there is no need to compete with strangers without any reason. Hua Lanting immediately bowed his fists and replied:

"Back to senior, I am a disciple of Shuxuanxianzhou Freedom Vientiane Sect. I am a talented person who fought against others, escaped from the formation, and fell here by accident. It is not what I wanted. I also ask Senior Haihan to understand."

Although this old man is a demon cultivator, he does not belong to the three major demon sects.

In the realm of God, there are many other demonic sects, families, and casual cultivators who are unwilling to belong to the three sects of Gang Demon, Body Demon, and Demon. But acting on the basis of my own heart rate, good and evil all depend on my own preferences and mood at the time, and he refuses to look down on others and is restricted by the rules of the door.

After listening to Hua Lanting’s words, Bao Cipai remained unmoved: “That’s your business. It’s bad luck for you to fall here. If you feel wronged, go to the person who trapped you in the battle to settle the account. It will destroy this seat and the people. If you feel like trying, just go to death!"

This Baoci card had an enmity with the old man opposite him, and the two had a similar cultivation style, and no one could do anything about it, so he said that he would try once every ten years. In the end, it was still irrelevant to the outcome several times. On the contrary, the two of them were sympathetic to each other, gradually diminishing their hatred and becoming half-enemy and half-friend. Later, they both took the ten-year agreement as a good opportunity to improve their Taoism through discussions.

After ten years of preparations, the atmosphere and rhythm of a hearty battle was interrupted. Baoci was originally a person who went wild and regarded human life as a mustache. As a powerful ability in the late stage of the Profound Pearl Realm, he did not kill some of them. The foreign monks below the border take it as a matter of course.

This is Mo Xiu's style. It doesn't matter if he ignores it and continues to fight, but as long as he feels upset, he will kill people casually.

Too lazy to speak again, the **** of the Baoci card flicked, and a wisp of wind came out. At first, it was only a thin wisp. When they were on Hualanting's heads, they had turned into a mountain of heavy pressure that made everyone breathless and unable to dodge.

This is Baoci’s magic "pointing country".

As usual, everyone can resist one or two, and now they are struggling to die.

Fear and despair filled my heart.

Their trip to God’s Domain this time was against the Profound Bead Realm. They had to kill one after all their hardships, and forced two to retreat with all their strength. This time comes the retribution. The power of blowing dust can kill everyone in the low tide.

You can't just wait and die!

Hearing a loud bang above their heads, everyone was shaken to each other, but they did not feel the pressure that they had imagined.

For the rest of his life, he was still in shock, only to realize that the rosacea and red-haired old man on the right side had blocked the "pointing state" blow for them.

Bao Cipai asked: "It's a good trick to ‘one designate the universe’. Brother Bi, what do you mean? If I kill someone, you save someone. It’s harder to save someone than to kill. Do you want to prove that you are better than me in this way!"

The old man with the surname Bi laughed and said: "Old Bao, you think too much, I really don't mean that. These people are not your turn to take action. I have been looking for them for a long time. I want to do it myself!"

Under the suspicious gazes of the people at Wanxiangmen and Bao Cipai, the old man looked at Hualanting and continued: "Your name is Hualanting, isn't it? The old man is a hundred thousand big mountain, do you understand now?"


Everyone just remembered why this person is familiar, it turns out that he is the father of Bi Ke, the young master of the Blood Refining Hall defeated by Hualanting on Mount Nuodeng in the southwest of Xianzhou!

This is really a narrow road for Yuanjia, and the leaks in the house are even rainy!

An unreasonable Profound Bead realm is no longer able to resist the enemy, and coupled with the power of a Profound Bead who has celebrated the festival, is it really going to be exhausted by the entire army this time?

After listening to Bizan's explanation, Bao Cipai said: "Also, if there is revenge, there is gratitude to repay gratitude, I will repair my true qualities for me. They will let you."

Seeing that Hua Lanting and others were fully guarded, looking like death and fighting to death, Bi Zan suddenly burst out laughing: "Hahaha, forget it, don't tease you anymore."

"Old Bao is right. Although we are wicked people, we have grudges and grievances, and grievances can't do things."

Everyone present was confused by Bi Zan again. This old man was nervous, and the wind and rain were blowing. What did he intend to do?

Bi Zan said to the people: "This really complies with the words of unintentionally inserting Liu Chengyin. You have taught the dog, according to my temperament, you don't say anything to bully the small. It stands to reason that this hatred will not be repaid overnight. "

"The problem is that after returning to the mountain, the child suffered such setbacks and changed his temper. He no longer went out to cause trouble and misconduct, no longer relied on my name to pretend to be a fox, behave badly, and know that someone outside of the world can think behind closed doors and practice hard. NS."

"The prodigal son doesn’t change his money. The old man’s problems that have not been righteous for decades have been cured for a while, and the old man is relieved. Although you are crooked and righteous, but you drink water to think about the source, how can the old man watch you be unreasonably fragile by the old Bao? Eat it raw."

So that's how it turns out, and the willows are faintly bright.

Everyone came back from desperation, and just breathed a sigh of relief, they listened to Bao’s poem and said: "The grievances are clear, brother Bi, I support you. But that was just their unintentional actions, and you broke my guidance with a designated universe. The favor has already been paid. Next, I won't interfere with this seat anymore."

"You're right, the two are even, and the previous account is over, and I will not be in charge of the rest of the matter." Bi Zan said.

Are these two people logical thinking?

Bao Ci cards will be shot again!

However, he was stopped by Bi Zan again.

"Old Bi!" Bao Cipai sank.

Bi Zan smiled and said, "I'm angry. I didn't stop you intentionally, but suddenly I had a funny idea to discuss with you."

"Look at it, it's been decades, every time we have a fight in the dark. It's so boring, we have to change things."

"I think so. Didn't these guys rush to the door? My suggestion is that you take the Xiu base and have a fight with this guy named Hua Lan Ting, and then I will come and see which ones are in each place. If you win him, whoever used the fewer tricks, who played the winner of this competition, what do you think?"

"Huh?" Bao Cipai was very interested in this proposal.

After thinking for a while, he questioned: "Brother Bi, you are cunning and cunning, when I am stupid. You just saved them, and they are naturally grateful to Dade. If you deliberately release the water and lose to you earlier, what counts? I don’t have. Invincible?"

Without waiting for Bi Zan's answer, and regardless of whether Bi Zan really thinks so, he still wants to help them secretly. Seeing that this is a chance to survive, Hua Lanting only changed his mind and interjected decisively:

"Two seniors, as a kid, I don't think so. The juniors dare to ask you to help. It is not who of you wins and who wins, but who loses to me and who loses. Is that good?"

Bao Cipai and Bi Zan couldn't believe their ears, and the scene was silent for a while, until Bao Cipai broke the silence with a wild laugh:

"I think, this is what you said, so that's it. I believe that Lao Bi cherishes the feathers. No matter who you win, this seat will let you go. Otherwise, otherwise, that’s fine, it’s okay to see your kid mad, otherwise If you do, your life will stay and your companions can go."

Bi Zan also shook his head and patted Hua Lanting's shoulder: "Oh...what should I tell the old man to say, nothing to say, good luck to you."

Hua Lanting added: "As long as the two sides have the same cultivation level, it will do."

"As you wish. I also have a condition, not to let people help with spirit beasts."

Bao Ci Pai is not a loss because of the power of Xuanzhu. After a sentence, the self-sealing control of the cultivation base is reduced to the same level as Hua Lan Ting, and even the degree of volatility after hard fighting and injury can be mimicked vividly.

The reason why Hua Lan Ting did this was because he believed that he had a chance to defeat Bao Ci Pai in this situation, so that he could survive the desperate situation with everyone.

Given his sluggish state of fighting ghost shadows and ghost spirits in succession, many powerful spells such as Xiaoxuanji Yishou cannot be used, and the effects of step by step, etc. are also very limited. The same is true for Baoci cards. Both parties are more involved. Use martial arts to fight.

Hua Lanting's intentional or unintentional hooking, entanglement of legs, offensive and defensive four-character tactics, loose and soft four strengths, etc., are all top martial arts. With the upper body method and footwork, he has launched a storm of Baoci cards. offensive.

Bao Ci's martial arts are of course not inferior, but the old demon doesn't use it much. Basically, he stands in place and allows Hualan Ting to turn around and attack wildly, sometimes resisting a few times.

Although Hua Lanting contributed to such an opportunity, he and the others had missed a little bit in a hurry, and Bao Cipai was also an old and cunning man who looked like a ghost.

His cultivation base has been lowered, and his martial skills don't seem to be better than Hua Lan Ting, but his physical strength is still at the level of the Profound Pearl Realm.

Hua Lan Ting couldn't touch him at all!

It is useless to pierce the eyes, lock the throat, and kick the yin.

Hit the main acupoints such as the vein gate, the root of the ear, the sun, etc., and others ignore it.

Even the stabbing and slamming of the gold wire was The attacks of some barely usable spells were like the scratching of boots.

I haven't said before that he didn't foul in doing so, and there is nothing wrong with it. Wouldn't it be invincible if he went on like this?

Hua Lanting was a little impatient, thinking about countermeasures while attacking.

It is useless to fight like this. Since the other party takes advantage of the rules, then I have to take advantage of the loopholes in the rules.

Hua Lan Ting still has one hand that has been tried and tested, as long as the formulas and exercise routes are well practiced, it does not need to spend a lot of ability to cultivate.

When it works, it works!

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