The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 326: Innate consciousness

Elemental Stripping Dafa!

Elemental peeling is aimed at the body. As long as the human body has holes such as eyes, ears, nose and mouth, the skin pores cannot be tightly closed. Its effect in contemporary terms is hypoglycemia and hyponatremia. The coma and syncope are mild and severe. It can be fatal.

Unless the power of the magical magic is cracked out of the body with the work of Xiuwei, and Baoci card is suppressed by him at this time to be equivalent to Hualanting, how can he resist it?

My mind was dizzy, my feet were soft, and the sweat came down. The Baoci card was like a soft-footed shrimp, and it was about to fall down.

A strong person in the Profound Pearl realm immediately developed an instinctive stress response, and his dantian turned slightly, his skill was slightly improved, and the effect of the spell was immediately resolved.

It's done!

Hua Lanting stepped back and stood with his hands behind.

Bao Cipai stayed for a while, feeling uneasy, and eager to discern, but he didn't say anything.

He fouled and used a cultivation base higher than Hua Lan Ting.

He could kill people without blinking, turning his face and ruining promises and treachery. He occasionally did one or two times in his life, but in front of Junior and Bi Zan, he had no choice but to grunt and back away slowly.

Seeing that Baoci cards were deflated, Bi Zan seemed to be in a good mood and stepped forward: "Haha, it's time for the old man."

Bi Zan glanced at Hua Lanting with interest, rolled his eyes, nodded lightly, flipped his palm, and said: "It's not so fun, the old man has a suggestion."

"Here is a pill of medicine that has the effect of temporarily restoring your cultivation level. It was acquired by the old man when he was young. Now it has no effect on the Profound Bead Realm like me. If you are willing to take it, you and I can cultivate at the Warm and Nourishing Realm. World War I."

"But the ugly story comes first. This medicine has extraordinary effects, but it is fierce and overbearing. Once the time limit is over, you will suffer from the side effects. Boy, do you dare to take it?"

If the pill of unknown origin and unclear consequences is left in the ordinary, how can Hualanting take it casually.

But now facing the persecution of the two Profound Zhu's mighty powers, he couldn't refuse to let everyone escape the danger.

Waved his hand to stop Feng Qingjun and Lin Xianjing's obstructions, Hua Lanting reached out his hand to take the pill, and looked at it in his palm: "Senior, what a pity, how good this thing is to protect your life, since you don't use it. Come on, it's better to give it to me in case of a rainy day. Can I play with you as usual?"

Bi Zan pulled his face: "Come less, the old man has the final say, or eat now, or die now, there is no chance for you to take it in the future!"

"I eat, I eat." Hua Lanting raised his neck and swallowed the pill.

The medicine was swift and violent. Hua Lanting felt pain in his abdomen like a knife, and the pain inside his body was like a knife cut. His complexion changed three times, and he stepped back three steps. With his willpower, he stared and gritted his teeth. Sit down without a butt.

Fortunately, after a while, the strength of the medicine dissipated, the symptoms disappeared, and the long-lost breath-filling feeling returned, and the warmth and nourishment stage was in the period of Dengfeng!

Bi Zan lowered his cultivation to the same level, stood still, and waited for Hua Lan Ting's attack.

Hua Lanting felt the feeling of being resurrected under full blood, and the slender Dan Feng narrowed his eyes, and Huo Ran moved a thousand miles away, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of Bi Zan.

Bi Zan snorted, surprised at the speed of Hua Lanting's movement. He had not moved, and he had flashed out several feet away.

I don't know when the effect of the medicine will pass, Hua Lanting didn't dare to hesitate. Seeing Bi Zan stretched his distance, he sent five thunderous palms in a row with both hands.

Bi Zan yelled: "Good palm strength!" But his body remained motionless.

From his eyes, he can see that these palms seem to be amazing, but they are controlled, and they are all around him. As long as they don't move, they will be fine. If they move, they will bump into it.

Hua Lan Ting wanted him to stay where he was. When the thunder light enveloped Bi Zan, he took a big step forward, not hesitating the loss of spiritual power, and blasted out with all his strength.

Daoguang hit!

The way is awe-inspiring! The Buddha's light is brilliant!

Immortal spirit!

The Baoci cards from the sidelines changed color in horror.

Bi Zan, who was in it, changed his face suddenly, and he hurriedly pushed it up with a "blood sea boundless", then quickly let go, raised his cultivation base, and pointed out "a designated universe", and he flew backwards at the same time.

Between the two of them, red, blue, yellow and purple were shining brightly. Although there was no sound, the space was kneaded and squeezed by an invisible big hand like a dough. After retracting and squirming for a long time, it burst open.

Hua Lan Ting was shaken out.

Bi Zan was fine, but his eyes widened, his face was in disbelief.

Hua Lan Ting reluctantly got up, shaky.

Bao Cipai held him in the void with his hand, and volleyed through the air, stabilizing the breath of Hualanting, and said with emotion:

"Good boy. I lost to you just now, it was just a loophole you took advantage of the rules. But you were able to hit this blow, good! Good! Me and the old were not wronged."

"The posterity is terrifying!"

"Brother Bi, today we both planted and stopped fighting. Ten years later, we will meet again in the Blood Refining Hall."

He turned his head back to look at Hua Lan Ting: "Interesting. Your hand can make all of you feel a little bit. It is rare. I will take a step first. I will leave this sound transmission jade slip for you. If there is anything you need in God's Domain. Help, just ask me, goodbye."

After all, Bao Cipai left as soon as he said, and the trail disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Bi Zan came back to his senses, and praised: "My bad boy can be defeated by you, not injustice, because it is a blessing in disguise, very good."

At this time, the three demon cats found this place.

After this process, everyone's hearts were completely returned to their stomachs.

After a short rest, everyone will find their way back to Qixia Temple.

Bi Zan insisted on escorting them back, saying that he was afraid that the ghost spirit would come back to get revenge, or that he would run into other Profound Pearl Realm Demon Cultivators.

On the way, Bi Zan said to Hua Lanting and others: "Don’t blame the old man and Bao Cipai for acting freely, acting headstrongly, and killing people at will. We only act according to the first thought brought by our own preferences. This is actually us. The number of cultivation ways."

"The old man’s cultivation path is similar to that of the old Bao. Not to mention the magic cultivation elsewhere, the Huayan Divine Realm Moxiu has several branches, but the roots are traced back to the Taoist cultivation of innate consciousness. Maybe later the road went wrong. , But the theme has not changed."

"Everyone is the creator of his own destiny, but human consciousness is divided into innate and acquired. Innate consciousness determines everyone's fate, and acquired consciousness determines everyone's luck. Only when innate consciousness and acquired consciousness are fully integrated can people Really control your own destiny."

"There is a saying that the world we live in is an objective and acquired bright world, and there is also a subjective and innate dark world in the same place."

"Cultivating the cultivation of the mind is to cultivate the objective mind, in order to get rid of the subjective mind. The objective mind is innate, and it is the innate consciousness. The subjective mind is acquired afterwards, and people constantly weigh in order to survive and protect themselves. Produced by pros and cons, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages."

"Ordinary people can only perceive their own acquired consciousness, but they don't know that they have innate consciousness, and the monks want to find their own innate consciousness."

"How to find? Innate consciousness often runs very fast, basically completed in an instant. Your instinct, first impression, and intuition like a human are all produced in an instant, and they all belong to innate consciousness. Acquired consciousness is just the opposite, slow. Because it requires thinking and calculation. Therefore, the fast is the innate consciousness, and the slow is the acquired consciousness."

"Consciousness can be said to be matter. On the contrary, matter is also consciousness. All idealism, all materialism, and all consciousness are all right. The great avenues are mellow, and the mind and matter are unified. They are one thing."

"Some people may ask, why do children seem to be slow because they have less acquired consciousness and more innate consciousness? That's because children can't express it yet. Innate consciousness must be expressed through acquired consciousness in order to live in our material world. ."

"The body is a tool for the expression of consciousness. Adults are familiar with the body and the world, so it is fast. All acquired learning is to learn how to express innate consciousness. In the process of learning, acquired consciousness is established. With acquired consciousness As we become stronger, we gradually lose our innate consciousness."

"Therefore, our kind of cultivation requires less thinking, instinct and instinct, so that our acquired consciousness will dissipate as soon as possible. Only in this way will innate consciousness come out. Otherwise, the background consciousness will become more and more stronger. The weaker the innate consciousness, the harder the path to practice."

"Although the innate consciousness becomes more and more concealed and becomes subconscious, we can still find it. That is instinct, intuition and first impression, or the first thought in the heart. These things all appear instantaneously. It cannot be disguised, it has not been considered, even if it contains some acquired consciousness, the content is very small."

"Take an example: if a child smiles at you, if you are relaxed, you will also laugh instantly. This is instinct, and it is also the resonance of the energy of smiling. This is innate consciousness. But if you have something on your mind , You can’t laugh. This is because your acquired consciousness is too strong, suppressing your instincts and suppressing your innate consciousness.

"A lot of people think that they are a good person, but why are there disasters and serious illnesses? Are they good people? You need to observe the first thought you have in your heart. Is the thought that you pass away in a flash, really selfless and altruistic? Do you really think about others from the bottom of your heart, or do you have to do it? Or do you do it for your own image? Or do you do it for your own moral peace?"

"I'm not afraid of thinking, but I'm afraid of being late. Being able to perceive one's first thought is the real awareness. Therefore, Lao Bao and I will constantly train our instant observation and reaction skills in our daily lives, and do it in an instant. Make a decision on how to act..."

Although Hua Lanting and the others are very upset with Mo Xiu's innate consciousness training and cultivation method of killing people when they feel unhappy, the words of innate and acquired consciousness are indeed consistent with Taoism.

When he approached Qixia Temple, Bi Zan refused to leave. After inviting the Vientiane Sect disciples to visit Shiwan Dashan some time, he left.

Master Tree and the others were all safe and sound, and Yun Yiqi and others who went out to look for them also came back one after another.

Under the interference of Hualanting and the Ghost Shadow and Ghost Spirit were dragged down one after another. The incoming demons failed to form a comparative advantage in numbers, and they refused to fight for a long time. Retire, and it didn't take long to withdraw.

This action of the Moxiu Xuanzhu group failed.

After inquiring about the situation, Master Tree praised the disciples of the Vientiane Sect. Others also marveled at their ability, resourcefulness, and luck in being able to escape safely from the five masters of the Profound Bead realm in a few days.

The people were exhausted physically and mentally, and they were going to return to the meditation house to cultivate, but unexpectedly the situation occurred.

Except for Hua Lan Ting, all of them swayed, and their bodies looked like sifting chaff. Among them, Lin Xianjing and Yi Flowing were the most serious, with symptoms of cramps and fainting!


The powder that the ghost spirit sprinkled on everyone before leaving was poisonous!

I couldn't see it at the time, but after a short incubation period, it happened.

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