The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 327: Fight with poison

The amount of powder inhaled by everyone was different, so the degree of poisoning was not dependent on the severity of the poisoning, but they all had hallucinations of varying degrees. Their mentality was sometimes up and down. In addition, Yi Liunian and Lin Xianjing showed convulsions and convulsions, and fell into several brief coma. state.

The operation of Freedom Wuji cannot force toxins, and the pill that Yiwan gave when he was awake did not relieve it at all. Even the in-depth exploration of Chen Lv'an and Yun Yiqi couldn't tell why.

Yiqu asked everyone how they felt when they experienced hallucinations. They all answered that they didn’t feel any pain. Instead, they could immerse themselves in their fantasies about what they liked. Some were just extremely comfortable and refreshing. After waking up, he will have endless aftertastes, just want to enter a psychedelic state again.

Fortunately, everyone has no signs of life-threatening. It should be that the inhaled amount is not large.

Everyone is helpless.

Chen Lv'an and Yun Yiqi tried to cut the scriptures and cleanse the marrow of the crowd with power-level zhenqi, only the interval between episodes became longer, but the symptoms still did not alleviate at all.

Master Lingyan Geshu came to see him when he heard the news, but he was also helpless.

The virulence seems to fade slowly over time, but there is no antidote to the symptoms. Whether or when it can heal itself, or what other hazards will be, is unknown.

In this way, the next night, when Yi Qu and Lin Xianjing were both sober, the two called Shang Hua Lan Ting to find Chen Lv'an and Yun Yiqi together, and they discussed the matter together.

When the three of them returned to the Buddhist room after the discussion, when they opened the door, the room was filled with smoke, choking and smoky.

Yi Liunian and Lin Xianjing, who were in severe isolation, lived in this room, and they were personally taken care of. Yi Liunian was in a psychedelic state when Yi Qu and Lin Xianjing left.

The three of them thought they were walking through the water, and after a closer look, Yi Liunian was sitting on the bed spraying clouds and fog. It turned out that he was bored after waking up. He picked up the hookah left by Wan Daigu who was surprised by Lin Xian in the corner and smoked. Just having fun.

Hua Lanting asked: "The fleeting years, what are you doing, this thing is addictive and harmful, don't touch it."

Yi Liunian took a deep breath and said, "Ah, so cool, don't you know how to fight poison with poison? I feel much better after taking a few mouthfuls and feeling comfortable all over my body."

As soon as he saw it, he frowned and said, "Really better? Let him breathe for a while. The tobacco has the effect of paralyzing the nerves, so it can be relieved."

"According to power in a hurry, but remember that you must not be addicted. Smoking is a kind of low-level fun and pleasure. Indulging in it is a taboo for monks."

Yi Liunian said pitifully, "I know, I am not poisoned or sick. I do it occasionally and occasionally."

"In the secular world, the helper has warned me strictly that I must stay away from pornography, gambling and drugs, and I really need to be a little hobby of entertainment, and I can smoke and drink appropriately, even if I burn my hair."

Yiqu smiled and said, "Your gang leader's three views are quite upright, and there is indeed reason and basis for it."

"There is a master Shuimuran in Kaiyang Peak. I have listened to his lectures. He has researched and his own opinions on addiction."

"He believes that there is a substance in the human brain that is specifically responsible for transmitting pleasure. When people are excited by external stimuli, this substance will increase sharply, like a knowing smile, a kind hug, and a word of praise. Will cause this substance to rise."

"When the stimulus from the outside is strong enough, our body and spirit will enter a state of intoxicating, dreamlike, and wild senses."

"People can experience a shallow level of comfort from telling jokes, eating food, listening to compliments, even watching the excitement, and even thrilling; the next level is the enjoyment brought by drinking tea, smoking, games, etc. , The deep level is the pornography, gambling, and drugs you just mentioned."

"In contrast, based on superficial pleasure, smoking addiction can increase the secretion of nerve pleasure transmission substances by half, sexual love can cause a surge of more than double, and drug addiction can reach several times or even more than ten times. Drug addiction is very difficult to get rid of."

"I suspect that the poison we are in is a hallucinogenic addictive toxin. It may be extracted from the variant species of mandala leaf that we discovered in Fahua Temple and collected by Master Xingyi. Otherwise, Why can't even Buddha Guangpu Zhao have any choice about it."

"According to Master Shuimuran, the various means of bringing pleasure and the substance itself are not the essence. The real reason for the enjoyment and addiction lies in one word: emptiness.

"At the moment when a person is most refreshed, the brain is'empty'. The moment when the brain is truly empty is the moment when the world is refreshing. This is the so-called "color is emptiness."

"It may seem easy to vacate the word, but it is actually very difficult to do it."

"When you deliberately want to empty, you are already unable to empty, and the commanded compulsion will only cause all kinds of distracting thoughts to fill your mind."

"Only a few people with real cultivation skills, such as the powers of Taoism and Buddhism, can achieve emptiness through meditation, meditation, and other different methods. Therefore, it is a big mistake to say arbitrarily that people of the world and monks cannot experience the joys of the world. Wrong, they can let themselves empty anytime, anywhere, and experience the extremely wonderful feeling, and it is not short-lived, it can be delayed for a long time."

"In the "Tao De Jing", it is said that the emptiness is the ultimate, keeping quiet, and in the "Heart Sutra", the form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from color, form is emptiness, emptiness is form. Words, as long as they reach a state of emptiness, one can perceive the essence of everything, see the development logic of things and various truths, and the pleasure of the body is just a by-product."

"It's a pity that most ordinary people in the world can only indulge in the aforementioned three types of methods, low, middle and high, in order to obtain short-term physical pleasure and addictive experience."

"What's more frightening is that people will be desensitized to pleasure, and the threshold of pleasure will continue to rise. If you want to get pleasure all the time, you must continuously strengthen the degree of stimulation. Once it stops, people will fall into extreme depression. emptiness."

"Oh, I see," Yi Liunian said with a smile: "The shredded tobacco left by Wan Lao is not much, so I will stop smoking when I finish smoking."

Yiquan said earnestly: "The best state for a monk is to be able to discipline himself before he can become a truly free man. If a person's desires can be infinitely satisfied, he is not far from ruin. Our practice is the highest value. It means that the heart is no longer involved in foreign objects."

Yi Liunian was humbly taught: "Yes, people always turn a blind eye to those things that are truly valuable, because they are too inconspicuous, too simple, and the process of searching, identifying, and persisting is very painful."

Yiwan clapped his hands and said: "Hey, everything that makes you feel good will definitely make you painful. On the contrary, everything that makes you feel painful will definitely make you achieve and gain in the end."

"People who really see through the world are practicing with suffering. The more painful things you feel at the moment, such as cultivation, reading, exercise, etc., can make you progress, but these require a person to have strong progress. Heart, restraint, self-discipline."

"Good medicine is bitter, loyal and unreasonable, and the poor family gives birth to a precious child. Life is first bitter before sweetness, first sweetness then bitterness. This is the law of balance in the world. Cultivation is very bitter, hard work is very painful, and the truth is uncomfortable, but it is precisely what it is. Only those things that make you feel painful can make you otherworldly."

"Buddhism has a fast practice method called ascetic monks. These monks must endure what ordinary people think of the most painful things, such as fasting, cutting off water, sleeping on nail beds, walking on charcoal, and enduring extreme heat and cold to exercise their endurance."

"Pain is the fastest way for a person to become enlightened. Only when the pain keeps touching a person's soul can he have an epiphany."

Lin Xianjing also continued: "Well, traditional culture is simply two words-self-denial, that is, appropriate control of their desires. When most people choose to be anesthetized by low-level pleasures, only a small number of people Choose diligence."

"Not bad", he nodded: "In the future, there will be fewer and fewer people who can have independent thinking ability and can establish cognitive coordinates and thinking systems. It is precisely these very few people who can stand on the human food chain. At the top level, leading and controlling everything."

The three of them were enthusiastically talking about what you said, and Hua Lanting, who was silent on the side, interrupted them suddenly: "Stop, stop, wait."

"Farewell to filial piety, brothers, friends, brothers and nephews, have you noticed, it's been more than half an hour, and the fleeting chord hasn't happened again?"

The three of them were startled, and they thought about it. The two who had fallen into a drowsy sleep every half an hour in the last day are now in good spirits, and they are very healthy.

Is it? This hookah is indeed the nemesis of poison?

Yi fleeting is overjoyed. I was cautious and observed for another hour. After examining the bodies of the two of them, it was confirmed that they were all back to normal.

This was really an unexpected joy, and Yi Flownian's act of passing the time with a crooked beating, was able to solve the strange poison in one fell swoop.

With the consent of Chen Lv'an and Yun Yiqi, everyone who had been poisoned was called to the Buddhist monastery after being exhausted, and the last remaining packet of tobacco was lit. After the coughing of Yunshan Mist in a room, everyone really healed without medicine!

Yiwan left a few shredded tobacco for inspection and analysis after returning to the mountain.

After the day turned, the day of celebration and rituals was approaching, so everyone said goodbye to Master and rushed to Guangji Temple.

There is nothing and nothing on this journey. After participating in the celebration, because the 20-day appointment with the Giant Whale King was not far away, everyone continued to turn to Nori Island.

There was one missing person on the return journey, and Elder Chen Lv'an didn't know what to do. Yun Yiqi led everyone to a horse and whip, galloping in the teleportation formation that had always been there.

Halfway, while wading across a shallow river beach, I suddenly heard a sniff, and the spirit beast horse under the seat of Hualanting raised his neck and hissed. Hualanting himself convulsed and his face was pale. , Plunged into the river.

Suddenly, what's the situation?

He was also poisoned?

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