The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 328: Revenge

He hurried over to check, but it was not a sign of poisoning. Hua Lanting only said that his whole body was like ten thousand needles prickling, and he couldn't help rolling all over the floor in pain, his face twisted and deformed.

Yun Yiqi came over, slapped the palm of his hand to confine Hualanting, and then penetrated into his body to suppress and investigate carefully. After a while, Peak Master Yun smiled and said softly: "It's okay, congratulations, congratulations. ."

Hua Lanting felt a little better, but still asked with a bitter face and trembling: "Master, Master, why did you say this? My brother and disciple are male, and are you happy?"

Yun Yiqi nodded and said: "Talking nonsense, my heart is quite big. You are bestowed by Bizan, specifically, his pill has worked."

Hua Lanting immediately remembered that Bi Zan had said that the pill was extremely effective but ferocious and domineering, and had great side effects. He thought it would be fine if he survived it at that time. He didn't want this to break out again after a few days. He changed his color and said, "Bi Lao'er. Hurt me? Master, why did you give me joy? Where does joy come from? Why is joy?"

Yun Yiqi twisted his beard leisurely and said: "Emma, ​​your boy's luck is even admired by me as a teacher. We all have the intention to plant flowers and not bloom. You are already in a warm state at a young age, not long ago. Master Tree took advantage of it to raise it to the first level, saving many years of hard work."

"The head of Bi Zanbi seems to be sincerely grateful to you for inadvertently inserting willows and enabling his son Bi Ke to take the right path. He relied on his identity. He didn't say it clearly at the time, but it scared you. If you dare not Take it, then miss the chance."

"The effect of this pill is not only to restore power in a short time, but also to stimulate the potential to improve the cultivation base. Although it is the medicine of tiger and wolf, the power of the medicine is arrogant, and it can indeed squeeze out the subtle spiritual power that is deep in your meridians, which is usually difficult to use. After making good use of it, it’s not difficult to go further."

Hua Lanting was overjoyed. He was in the warming and cultivating state at the time of Dengfeng. If he went up to the next level, wouldn't it mean that he would have reached the pole-making period, and he was only a few steps away from breaking through and entering the important reborn state.

The reborn state, that is, the seven-star Big Dipper state of the Vientiane Gate of Freedom and Infinite Power, that is the realm that how many monks dream of unreachable!

Only then can you be called the core disciple in the door, and you can enter the stage of refining the gods and returning to the emptiness in the vacuum form. Sin’s most basic condition.

Enduring waves of violent stings, Hua Lanting felt that his eyes were starting to turn black, and asked with difficulty, "Master, yes, how can I make good use of it? Disciple, I can't support it anymore."

Yun Yiqi said slowly: "Some are not easy to handle, Bizan's medicinal pill, its properties and strength do not match my Wanxiangmen practice. If you want to make the best use of it, you have to accept it. It's hard work."

Hua Lanting's veins were already exposed at this time, and he had to fight his teeth to resist the medicine.

Yun Yiqi beckoned, let the other disciples get close, and said: "I don't know what other people do. It's a trick to help you for your teacher."

"Come on, children, ten of you go together, give me a gang fight against Hua Lan Ting!"

Hua Lanting almost couldn't catch it in one breath, but it was not surprising that Yun Yiqi had used this hand many times before, and had asked someone to beat him in this way many times. It's easy to drive.

Seeing that Lin Xianjing and others were hesitant to do anything, Yun Yiqi continued to stir up troubles: "Lanting is now being forced to squeeze the hidden spiritual power by the power of the medicine. It is difficult for him to do his own work, and he must use external force to help him straighten out and absorb it. , If you are his brothers and sisters, you can't be merciless, beating him is helping him."

"Go, revenge if you have grudges, if you have injustices, hit hard, and the time to witness your friendship has arrived!"

While speaking, Yun Yiqi let go of the imprisonment on Hua Lan Ting. Hua Lan Ting knew that Master was right. To relieve pain, absorb medicine and enhance cultivation, he must be fully active. He reluctantly shot.

Sure enough, the harder the effort, the pain of Hualanting diminished.

Hua Lan Ting was gradually exerting its strength, but these ten people still did not let go of their hands and feet.

Yun Yiqi couldn’t laugh or cry, so he had to add a little more material: "I’m telling you, Master Tree helped you to level one level, but that is an increase in spiritual power, and the purple golden bowl emits the light of Buddha, which is in line with me. Aside from spiritual power, it's always a different kind of true Qi."

"Lanting has a kind of Buddha planted by Elder Chen. Buddhism and Taoism have a sense of fusion. If you want to refine the Buddha's light and stabilize your cultivation in a new small realm, it would take a long time to fight. Today is a good opportunity to shorten the time. This is mutually beneficial."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's enthusiasm was finally mobilized, and Hua Lan Ting was attacked by a group.

A hero is hard to beat with four hands, a hungry tiger can't stand a pack of wolves, no matter how good Hua Lan Ting can be, it is not the opponent of the ten well-known brothers and sisters, and was beaten up and down.

At the beginning, it was all fists and kicks. When Hua Lan Ting used a spell to resist, everyone also revealed that the guy had issued the spell.

In the first half, they were still awake. They kept each other's hands without any strength, and greeted Hua Lan Ting's body with heavy blows, helping him to stimulate and exercise his spiritual power. When Hua Lan Ting was beaten, it became more and more comfortable. The cultivation base is good, the counterattack has become more fierce, and when everyone starts to suffer injuries, they can change to staying power and not keeping their hands.

As a result, Hua Lan Ting's body appeared swelling, and everyone was getting better and better after fighting. It was a little hysterical. The agreement to start and not face was also forgotten. Hua Lan Ting's head was beaten like a pig's head. The remaining power to parry and dodge.

Outside the court, Yun Yiqi, Feng Huolun, and Mu Xiuhuan were still giving pointers and correcting the improper use of their spells and martial skills. Finally, Yun Yiqi felt satisfied and stopped everyone. "Infighting" in the field.

Hua Lanting hides angrily to the side, looking at her miserable self-pity from the reflection of the river.

Others were sitting and panting. Everyone had skin injuries, but they were in a good mood. They all found that, as Yun Yiqi said, they could feel their own cultivation level is more solid.

Although the spirit is high, the body is exhausted. Everyone spends the night in the wilderness before rushing.

One day later in the afternoon, they returned to Nori Island and moved into Fahua Temple.

Early the next morning, the giant whale king will come to Xingshi to question the crime, and the seaweed island must give him a satisfactory explanation, otherwise it will be another **** storm.

In the evening, Yun Yiqi brought Hualan Ting and Lin Xianjing to a place on the island. Several Da Nengs from Buddhism and Moxiu agreed to hold the final talks here.

Among the attendees were the Buddhist masters of Heshang, Kaohsiung of Gang Mozong, Lin Fengzhi of Jilong and Guimozong, and Yun Yiqi, who represented Chen Lv'an at the meeting. Master Wan Quan was not present.

Five strong men went upstairs to talk secretly, and downstairs only the detained big devil Shao Feng, Hua Lanting and Lin Xianjing.

Because of the great ability to take care of him personally, Shao Feng was not banned, and he had the freedom to move and speak.

Shao Feng seemed to be in good spirits, only a slight depression between his eyebrows, and he did not take the initiative to speak when he saw the two of Hualin.

Hua Lanting stepped forward and said, "Brother Shao, is it okay?"

Shao Feng nodded slightly: "Thank you, it's okay. I won't admit what I haven't done, and the big guys didn't torture a confession."

Lin Xian said in shock: "The Giant Whale King is coming tomorrow. If you can't escape your sins, you will be sent out to top the thunder. What will you do then?"

Shao Feng leaned back, leaned against the wall, and smiled bitterly: "Oh, if you want to add a crime, there is nothing wrong with it. Shao's fleeting disadvantage is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse. I can't avoid it. , But this time I don’t see any clues. Since good and bad things are unpredictable, let's leave it to fate."

Hua Lanting said, "Is there no one to stand for you in Gang Demon Sect and your Dan Demon Sect?"

"Hmph, the devil repairs the discord, everyone knows. Only a few people in the sect, such as Master, will take care of me, but Master will be very busy even when he comes out in retreat in the near future. It is too late for others to fall into the trap, and he will definitely hide it from his old man. "

Speaking of Jianpuzhai, Hualanting changed his face and said solemnly: "Brother Shao, I have something to tell.

When Shao Feng saw that he was speaking solemnly, he got up in doubt and said: "What's the matter? Why do you have to be sad? Please tell me."

So Hua Lanting recounted the experience of their meeting with Jian Pu Zhai.

Before he finished speaking, Shao Feng said ah, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Hua Lanting: "You, what are you talking about! Master and his old man have, nonsense!"

Lin Xian took out the jade slip in surprise and handed it over. Shao Feng probed in to read the information. After a few breaths, his eyes burst into tears, and he knelt down to the south with a puff, and he knocked his head heavily. Go down and shout:

"Master, how could this be? You, since you have a good plan, why don't you just let go when you meet your disciple again? Really, it hurts me too!"

"Master, I can't save you worry about Tuer, but you have to worry about me before you leave. As a disciple, you can't repay your kindness and filial piety. Now you are framed by others, it is better to follow you!"

Hua Lanting and Lin Xian were surprised to hold Shao Feng from the left to the right, or they persuaded him. After Shao Feng was sad for a while, his mood was a little better, Hua Lanting said: "Brother Shao, for this plan, I still want to Only by breaking the game can you comfort the elder Jian in the sky, live up to his trust, and revive the secret door of the thief."

Shao Feng wiped away the tears: "Wind, forest, fire, mountain. Okay, I see, the matter is over, if this is the case, I can't rely on fate. Brother Hua, Brother Lin, can you teach me?"

Lin Xian said in surprise: "We do not hide from you. We have found some clues, which should be related to the death of Master Xingyi and your being framed. Now my Elder Chen from Vientiane Gate is collecting evidence in God's Domain. I will be here tonight or tomorrow morning. There is a saying, or it may prove your innocence."

Shao Feng said: "I have work. If things can be resolved, I will not say thank you. I will return to the sect to send the master off, and at the same time, I will explain to the sect, and then leave and stay. In short, I will be the Vientiane Gate in the future. The benefactor who steals the words of the Heavenly Mystery Gate is silent."

The three of them were talking downstairs, and the five mighties upstairs were also discussing.

Master Wanquan participated in the celebration of Guangji Temple on behalf of the Buddhist Temple Huishenyu on the Seaweed Island. UU Reading will be back tomorrow morning with two Buddhist monks from the Yaochi realm.

The magic repair is the same arrangement, each of the three sects will send a Jade Lake Realm Great Power to come over early in the morning tomorrow.

Although Shao Feng can push the giant whale king to calm its anger, no one can guarantee whether the moody giant whale king will accept it. If they are not satisfied, there are five Jade Pond realm guards here. If the giant whale king is not equal The powerful sea beasts of the series help each other, and if they want to make trouble, they have to weigh and weigh, at least there is room for maneuver.

Master Heshang asked Yun Yiqi about the whereabouts of Chen Lv'an. Yun Yiqi said that Elder Chen will return tonight at the earliest and tomorrow morning at the slowest, and will bring back the latest clues and evidence related to this incident, which should help uncover the matter. the truth.

After hearing this, the four mighty expressions and reactions of the four presenters were different, but they were all silent.

At this time, the sound of breaking through the sky came from above the small building.

This is, Elder Chen Lv'an is back.

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