The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 329: Odd peak

After the celebration in Guangji Temple, Chen Lv'an left the brigade without whereabouts. At this time, he rushed back overnight, fell directly, and entered the room upstairs.

After sitting down, Master Heshang asked, "I heard from Peak Master Yun that Elder Chen has new clues and evidence that he has discovered. I don't know what it is?"

Chen Lv'an didn't answer first, and raised his hand, he got used to a sack on the ground, and one person rolled out of it.

This body was messy, looked embarrassed, and was obviously restrained by Chen Lv'an. After coming out, he turned over twice and couldn't stand up. A pair of eyes glanced around in horror, and finally fell on the body of Demon Sect Lin Fengzhi.

Master Heshang stared for a few times, and said in surprise: "Elder Blood Demon Gate, Ghost Spirit!"

He didn't admit that he was wrong, that this person was the ghost spirit of the blood demon gate elder of the ghost demon sect who was forced to retreat by Hualanting.

Why is this?

It turned out that after everyone at the Vientiane Gate was poisoned by ghosts, they analyzed the group of powder based on their symptoms and it was very likely that the mandala poison she had said in the Fahua Temple. Later, she and Hualanting, Lin Xianjing went to discuss with Chen Lv'an and Yun Yiqi. Lin Xianjing made a guess at the time that the ghost spirit might be related to the death of the Xingyi monk and the whale prince heir.

Regardless of whether they are connected or not, they did not expect that Yi Liunian would accidentally use Wan Digu's tobacco to detoxify, thinking that the person who needs to untie the bell must be tied to the bell. In order to save people as soon as possible, Lin Xianjing suggested that Elder Chen Lv'an be dispatched to ask him to catch the ghost. Come back to detoxify everyone.

Although Chen Lv'an is a great power in the Jade Lake realm, he has to go deep into the Demon Cultivation realm alone to capture a profound bead expert. Not to mention the difficulty and risk. The first problem is that they do not grasp the whereabouts of the ghost spirits, and there is no way to start. .

But Lin Xianjing would not be aimless. When they left, the magic repair power Baoci card they had encountered had left a sound transmission jade slip for Hua Lanting, saying that if you need help, you can find him, and you can use it.

So Hua Lanting contacted Bao Cipai, and the other party really agreed.

The interior of God's Domain Moxiu is almost a mess of sand. Mutual hostility, tumult and fighting are commonplace. Bao Cipai is also a maverick who doesn't like to obey others. Although he has been wooed by three parties, he has not joined the Gang. Either demon, body demon, or demons, so he has no psychological burden on secretly calculating a blood demon gate elder, and he is even very interested.

Bao Cipai himself was well-respected in casual cultivating, and he had considerable influence and connections. He also had some close friends in the three major sects. It was not too difficult to find out where the ghost spirit was secretly.

But he was a little hesitant, he refused to come out in person, only willing to help provide information, that was enough.

Chen Lv'an sneaked in alone and waited for many days, and finally found a good opportunity and captured the ghost spirit.

The ghost spirit did not suffer much damage in the battle with Hua Lan Ting and others, and soon recovered after escaping. He was not wary on the site of the magic repair, and he was still slightly lured by Bao's poems. from.

Although he and Ghost Shadow are not far away from Meng and Meng and Meng are not far away from each other, and rarely get too far apart, Chen Lv'an already knows in advance that the two have the ability to exchange positions at a distance, and will not give them a chance to use it. With a large amount of cultivation base, Elder Chen succeeded with lightning speed.

Under the masters of the Yaochi realm who cultivated both Buddhism and Taoism, the ghost spirit couldn't survive Chen Lv'an's rigorous torture and told him all he knew.

As Lin Xian had expected, the ghost spirit was really the executor who undermined the Xingyi monk!

He came to the seaweed island by the order of the master of ghosts and spirits. After understanding Xingyi’s habit of going out, he followed the two masters and apprentices, and then mixed them as a small business man and approached Xingyi. The poison of Dhara, lost consciousness and produced hallucinations.

The ghost spirit changed Xingyi's coat, and then used the ghost magic sect to further influence the hallucinogenic mind of Xingyi, causing him to take the whale prince heir who went to the unmanned dilapidated hut every morning to practice exercises as an obstruction to the spread of Dharma. The demon, the two fought fiercely, killing each other in Xingyi.

When the two were fighting, the ghost spirit severely injured the guard of the giant whale prince heir and let it escape to the sea to report the letter.

The ghost spirit then killed Xingyi and throwing the corpse into the sea, and Yong Kong was also tampered with his memory, forming the impression of the big devil Shao Feng killing Xingyi and the giant whale prince one after another.

The ghost spirit did not know the name of the powder that the ghost and **** gave him, but the amount of poison was sufficient, the attack was fast, and the toxicity was so strong that later all the powers could not see the true or false, and never found that Yongkong’s memory was tampered with. sign.

The ghost has a mindful mind, and he left a little powder privately, which was later used on the disciples of the Vientiane Sect. Otherwise, if the amount is large and sufficient, the tobacco leaf will not be able to solve the poison, and the hallucinogenicity is more serious, and the lethality is more serious. .

Chen Lv'an repeatedly questioned on the road, the ghost spirit really didn't know more.

For the rest of the matter, including the specific process of Shao Feng's later being framed and other arrangements, the ghost spirit did not participate anymore.

Was this the idea of ​​the ghost sect master, the ghosts and gods, or was someone else instigated? What was the purpose? What are the benefits? Why provoke a battle between the sea beast and the human race? What does it have to do with the people of Vientiane Gate?

There are still many questions to be investigated, but at least the suspicion of the big devil Shao Feng should be washed away.

After listening to Chen Lv'an's narration, none of the four powerhouses on the seaweed island spoke immediately.

The four of you look at me, I look at you, the monk's face is unwavering, Lin Fengzhi's eyes flicker, Kaohsiung's face is uncertain, and Geelong frowns as if he is digesting the news.

Chen Lv'an is undoubtedly a master, but he is an unrelated outsider. How reliable is his words? What will be the subsequent impact?

The upstairs became extremely silent for a while.

When the needle fell, the ghost spirit, who was suddenly heard crooked underground, yelled at Lin Fengzhi: "Lady, help me!"

The elder of the Blood Demon Sect Ghost Spirit and the head of the Ghost Demon Sect Ke Qing Lin Fengzhi belong to the same clan, and it is right for the ghost spirit to ask her for help.

However, Lin Fengzhi was shocked. He glanced at Master Heshang, got up, took a half step back, and stared at the ghost spirit: "You, what Chen Lv'an said is true? You did this?"

The ghost spirit was timid, and suffered enough when Chen Luan forced him to ask him. At this time, he couldn't take care of it. He shouted: "One night husband and wife hundred days grace! Lady, you have to save me, don't let them hand me over. To the Whale King, I don’t want to die!"

Everyone was shocked as soon as the words were spoken.

Chen Lv'an and Yun Yiqi don’t know. In fact, others have heard that the ghost lady Lin Feng has a casual nature. Talking about it, I don't want her to have a leg with the half-human and half-ghost ghost spirit.

Lin Fengzhi's discoloration changed. Although she did what she did, she hated others for talking about her publicly, saying, "What nonsense are you talking about, you can't die!" The double swords in her hands lit up.

Seeing her desperately denying, Gui Lingjing was also anxiously confused. He was alive when he thought about disturbing things. The dog jumped the wall in a panic and didn't choose the way to say anything. He went out and said, "Listen to what you guys say, don't you just want to marry." Woe to the Gang Demon Sect! You bitch, you thought I couldn't see the look in the eyes just now, you and the old monk were unclear, you really thought you could hide my ghost spirit?"

Lin Fengzhi's face changed again, and the direction Ghost Spirit looked at was not someone else, but the Master Heshang next to her!

The people present were shocked again.

Before they could react, Lin Fengzhi suddenly pulled up his breath, turned his sword around for protection, and slammed the ghost with the other sword in his right hand.

Sword Qi is like a rainbow!

The immobile ghost spirit was pierced by her sword and nailed to the ground.

Kaohsiung and Geelong did not expect that Lin Fengzhi would slam the killer, their reaction was slow, and they might not be willing to stop and stop the sword.

Chen Lv'an's cultivation base and reaction were much higher, how could he let Lin Fengzhi kill the witnesses in court, and immediately stopped him.

However, his blow was blocked by Lin Fengzhi's left-handed sword.

Sword Qi is like a waterfall!

"A poetic thousand-weight waterfall" swordsmanship.

You know, Lin Fengzhi was close to the peak of the Profound Pearl Realm before, and it shouldn't have been so easy to block Chen Lu'an's attack in the early stage of the Yaochi Realm.

That's because Lin Fengzhi's uplifted breath directly crossed the Profound Pearl Realm and reached the Yaochi realm!

At the same time, Master Heshang beside Lin Fengzhi's breath also rose sharply, reaching the level of the Yaochi realm, and the crutches in his hand cooperated with Lin Fengzhi to fight against Chen Lv'an.

In just 20 days, both of these two broke through and entered the Jade Lake Realm!

I deliberately hid the cultivation base tonight, and it was revealed because of the situation.

Chen Lv'an has no doubts about the two of them, so he doesn't deliberately feel the exploration.

The three Yaochi realms shot, how could the small building stand it, the entire floor of the second floor burst into pieces, and the six strong men rose up into the night sky.

The three Hualanting people downstairs also rushed out.

If you don't confess this time, there must be a problem with Lin Fengzhi and Master Heshang. There are circumstances!

Now I can’t ask the question. The ghost spirit is dead. To deal with the questioning of the giant whale king tomorrow morning, he still has to land on the master of the river and Lin Fengzhi, and they can’t let them run away.

Chen Lv'an faced Master Heshang alone, and Yun Yiqi and Kaohsiung and Geelong joined forces with Lin Fengzhi.

Master Heshang stayed Chen Lv'an with an enemy, and when neither of them had transformed the Dharmakaya, Master Heshang, who had just entered the Yaochi realm, defended with all his strength and was not defeated for the time being.

After Lin Fengzhi was promoted, the two-handed sword of "a poetic thousand waterfalls and an eternal April sky" became more and more fierce, and the offensive was like a wave. The three of Yun Yiqi could only maintain a siege but it was difficult to counterattack.

The six people were divided into two pairs, and they were roaring and turning in the air, and the three people in the underground Hualanting were stunned.

Not long after the fight, Master Heshang couldn't stop the enchanting attack of the engraved boat and the sword, and took the lead in showing the law body. Just when Chen Luan had to do the same, and when the Yunshui Qingshan bottle was able to take down the opponent as soon as possible, they were high above their heads. The clouds suddenly fluctuated.

Chen Lv'an was the first to wake up, and then everyone looked up.

The clouds parted A person appeared in the middle, no, it was a whale that shrank!

Giant Whale King!

For some reason, the giant whale king sneaked into the seaweed island one day in advance.

The giant whale king has long been hidden in the clouds, eavesdropping on the conversations of the strong men upstairs, waiting for their fighting to stir up the clouds, can't and don't have to hide it, and the whale king appears to meet.

The cultivation base of the giant whale king was tyrannical, and everyone couldn't defeat it that day. Master Heshang and Lin Fengzhi have entered the Jade Lake realm, but everyone is not in agreement.

Whale King, what is this intention?

Tonight, a wave of unsettled waves rises again, and Qifeng rises up and down.

When everyone was suspicious, the giant whale king made a move!

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