The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 338: Blood and Light Disaster

Hua Lan Ting is not sure that this is a coincidence or a trap.

But he didn't care, because he knew that he would protect him in the neighborhood.

When the people behind showed their fangs, proving that these two people were only playing tricks and calculating him, Elder Meng Haopu, who was hidden in the mid-air in the distance, did not hesitate. He swiped his arm unceremoniously and threw the dragon horse on both sides. Down.

Longma Double-faced Jiao did not appear in the human form of Ma Rulong or Long Yanjiao this time, and has always followed Meng Haopu in a reduced version of the body.

Since the double-faced Jiao gained benefits in the secret world last time, the evolution has accelerated and the cultivation base has risen, but it is still like a toy in Meng Haopu's hands, and was thrown out as a hidden weapon without any mental preparation.

The dragon's side was also touched by the dragon's side, and the physical strength was much harder than that of the chameleon lizard. With a huge inertia and impact, it hit the man half to death.

The double-faced Jiao Haw got up from the pit, shook the soil on his body, and stepped on it with a big foot, seeing that the man was dead.

It didn't dare to express dissatisfaction with Meng Haopu's behavior, and with a roar to the sky, a flood of dragon's breath spewed out, forcing the person attacking Hualanting down from the air.

As soon as the man landed, Hua Lanting smashed his body, and his friends rushed over from all directions. The ten people from Vientiane Gate, Shao Feng and Shan Tianchong, together besieged him.

This sword repairman has a cultivation base that is close to the middle stage of the birth stage. He is a fierce tiger, but it is quickly overwhelmed by the entanglement of twelve evil wolves, and there is a little dragon who is more powerful than him. Bronze bells and big eyes stunned, making him unable to achieve 60% to 70% of his success.

This person was frightened, and the more he fought, the more frightened he was. If the twelve juniors continued to fight hard, it would be no problem to destroy him. In the end, he gave up resistance and surrendered in order to survive.

The Vientiane Gate stood by and waited, and the results were quite fruitful. Mingjin collected the team and returned to his residence.

The big guy was more excited tonight and was not sleepy, so he gathered to chat together, talking, Lin Xianjing, Huo Huixiao, Shan Tianchong and Shao Feng, the four sons of Tianji, brought the topic to the prediction technique.

After listening for a while, Yi Liunian, who was sitting in the outer circle, interjected and said with emotion: "I always feel mysterious and mysterious. The future can be predicted to some extent. I don't doubt this."

"But it's terrifying to think carefully! Think about it, we are all like puppets. There is a secret and magical power driving all changes, like an invisible hand, sometimes touching it kindly. Touching your head, and sometimes slap you well, you won’t be scolded, and you won’t be able to slap you. Xie still doesn’t know who to thank."

Hua Lanting said: "That's right, that's why we are practicing Taoism, trying to understand and master the law of this power more, a little bit more."

Yi Liunian sighed, "I won't make it, so come on. However, after practicing these years, I feel a lot more sensitive."

"For example, many times when I was thinking about Wen Yin like the tide, she would appear at my door and knock, that is the kind of heart that said Cao Cao and Cao Cao had arrived."

"For another example, when rubbing numb with other brothers in the peak, I would like to have a yaoji, often I really want something to come."

"Even when I was in ambush just now, I always felt that the nun's house next to me was familiar. It seemed that I had gone in in a dream, but I had never been to the Thick Earth Continent."

"Well, it's not strange," Shao Feng said: "This is a small probability event, and ordinary people occasionally encounter it. It is usually when people's minds are very concentrated, when they are most self-conscious, dedicated, and have no distractions. And accidentally coincided with a certain rhythm in time and space, so a little bit of information about the future or the past leaked out."

"Various heaven secret laws are trying to build a systematic system to connect, dock, and interpret more secret information at any time."

"Agree", Shan Tian echoed, "And preferably the original information."

"I have seen in the notes of the elders in the family, all the phenomena in the world, including the reality of reality, the image of dreams, the image of illusions, and the situations that appear in cultivation, are all false images, because we have the difference between eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind. , It will match what you see with images, and what you hear with sound waves, so you can smell, touch, and feel."

"In the final analysis, the truth is still an illusion. No matter how holographic and real the bizarre scene is, the bottom layer is produced by material and non-material signal sources and data streams. My family's method is to try to capture more information fluctuations."

"It makes sense," Yi Liunian replied: "I have always had a question that my brain cannot fit. We now know that the rainbow seven colors and all objects have various colors because they reflect light waves of different natures. It has been whitewashed for the sake of it. Then the question arises, without the blessing of light, what does the object itself look like?"

Everyone can't answer.

Yi Liunian said in a daze, "If you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening."

"But I don't want to die."

Sima Xingchen on the side smiled and said: "The fleeting years, death here does not mean death, but when you understand the truth of Taoism, you can be at ease."

Zhuge Yun also said: "When you resonate at the same frequency with the body that is immortal, immortal, immortal, immutable, and immutable, there is no difference between life and death, and you can get immortality in the universe."

Even Yue Guanghan added a sentence: "When the morning heard the Tao, Xi Ke was born and died, suddenly born and suddenly died, Fang Shengfang died, neither life nor death."

Yi Liunian hummed twice, and asked in a cross-examination, "Isn't the spirit dead? Then what kind of body does our Taoist cultivate?"

Hua Lanting explained: "It may be like this."

"Before we truly become immortals, our spirit depends on the operation of the body, especially the brain as a carrier. It is said that the brain of ordinary people only develops about 10%. This may be the energy supplied by the body through eating and drinking. , Can only supply so much energy demand for the brain."

"Through practice, if the brain develops more, the demand for energy will increase accordingly, and the energy supply of other organs in the body will decrease, and the body will have problems."

"Assuming that there is a way to fully develop the brain, the energy required must be extremely large. Either the body lacks energy and cannot be loaded, and the function is severely unbalanced, leading to death, or the brain is still alive, but the body is no longer available."

"Therefore, Taoists believe that the body and spirit need to be cultivated simultaneously before attaining the Tao."

"The body can be strengthened with power and magic. In addition to the spirit, it needs a variety of experiences. If you have experienced a lot, experienced a lot, knowing everything, everything is connected, that feeling, it should be the feeling of attaining the Tao."

After Hua Lanting finished speaking, Sima Xingchen, who hadn't been in contact with the heavenly secret technique so much, brought the topic back to the heavenly secret: "Everyone, listening to what you said is so lively, I want to learn secretly secretly now, is it too late? What kind of method is there?"

Hua Lanting replied: "Actually, just like cultivating Taoism, since ancient times, it was believed that'the Dharma's wealth, the teacher's virtue and wisdom' is the only way.

"Fa. It is to choose the cultivation method correctly, and then after the cultivation method is selected, learn whether to obtain the Fa."

"Take the forecasting science that I have come into contact with in the secular world as an example. There are many categories. According to the accuracy and depth of each technique, it can be roughly divided into three types, namely, Taiyi Shenshu, Qimen Dunjia, and Dayi. Liuren; there are also five great numbers, namely Ziwei Doushu, Shaozi God Number, Iron Version God Number, Antarctic God Number, and North Pole God Number; as well as Four Pillars, Six Lines, Feng Shui, and Xiangxue; others are simpler than one. Palm gold, Zhuge Shenshu, etc."

"If you want quick results, it involves a correct choice. People who are strong in image thinking can choose to learn the plum blossom easy number, and those who are strong in calculation and logical reasoning can choose astrological divination. Both are strong. Ziwei Doushu is best choice."

"Legacy refers to the need to have a good partner around you to communicate during the cultivation process."

"Cai, then it is easy to understand. No wealth is not enough to raise the Tao. Only when you give it will you cherish it. If you get it for free, it is difficult to learn well."

"Land refers to environmental conditions, including the general environment of the times and the surrounding small environments such as regions, families, sects, etc."

"Teacher, you don't have to be a famous teacher, but you must be guided by a master."

"Virtue, cultivating morality is for enlightenment and gaining Dao. In the early days, those who did not cultivate morality could not obtain the secret skills of gong."

"Hui and Wu said that everyone's aptitude is different from that of Hui Gen. This is incomparable, but everyone has their own specialties."

The twelve people talked about half of the night, until the dawn of dawn was about to enlighten, when everyone was about to go back to meditate, Yi Liunian suddenly rolled his eyes and said:

"What you said is reasonable. I have a small suggestion. Let's stop talking here. It's better to start training now. Let's not say anything. You can estimate what big things will happen today. This way. It’s a good verification, and it’s not a waste of the so-called Fenglin Volcano’s four heavenly secret giants gathered here."

Yi Liunian's suggestion received response and support from others, and the four also agreed.

The four people learned different things, and at the same time, they would interfere with each other when casting spells, and there was no specific thing to deal with, so it was good to start with Lin Xianjing, and each one would count them one by one.

Lin Xian sat cross-legged in horror, closed his eyes and cast the spell, opened his eyes a moment later, with a trace of horror on his face, and said: "Blood qi! Blood and light disaster!"

"What?" everyone asked in surprise.

"It's not us, but I feel the murderous aura, the shadow of the sword, the light of fire, and the boundless blood."

"Where? Continue." Hua Lanting said.

Next was Huo Huixiao. After calculating, she said: "Here, in the town. Plan in advance to ambush and attack, attack and attack the widows with the crowd."

"Why?" Hua Lanting continued to ask.

It was Shao Feng's turn to use the Secret Art of Stealing Words. With the foundation in front, Shao Feng said: "Internal turmoil, brothers against each other, fighting for power and profit, and conspiring to get the upper hand."

"Where exactly is it?"

After a single day's calculation, he said: "Bloodlight, Red Luan Huiyang Blade, Bingding Southern Fire, Gengxin Western Gold, southwest, about five miles away."

"When?" Yi Liunian asked.

This time it was Hua Lan Ting pinching fingers to calculate with Zi Wei, and while moving, he said: "Now it is the year of Jiaxu, Ding Chouyue, Ding Siri, and Guimao. Ding Siri is the most taboo at the time of Qimen Dunjia. When the five are not met, when the water is dry, the water is dry and the fire is dry.

"When you use the Yang Ninth Bureau, the sky is the value symbol, the wound is the value, so the value of the sky is the value of the fifth house and the second house is sent to the Kun, and Xin Jiagui is the canopy of the sky prison. The sun and the moon are blind and violent."

"Xing Jiageng contributes to the white the blades meet, and the blood splashes seven steps."

"That said, things are about to happen."

"Who happened to it?" Yi Liunian asked again.

In the town, southwest, five miles away, isn't that the location of the entrance to the Geyue Hall?

Hua Lanting and Lin Xianjing were thinking this way, and Yue Guanghan, who didn't speak much tonight, shouted suddenly:

"Panda, bear becomes a cat!"

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