The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 339: Praying mantis catching cicada

Yue Guanghan was young and was not too talkative. He didn't have such a strong sense of existence among this group of people, but he was the owner of the "big prophecy".

After practicing the curse for a period of time, he has spent the past few months on the improvement of the big prophecy.

Compared with other heavenly secret prediction spells, Big Prophecy may lack calculation and reasoning, but it is more intuitive and visual, so Yue Guanghan immediately called Xiong Chengmao's name.

The matter is now clear, Xiong Chengmao will face the disaster of blood and light at this time tonight.

Not notify him? Can you save him? Participate in this matter?

After a few people discussed it, they decided to blend in.

First of all, they have become part of this matter.

Secret information changes all the time, and every piece of information contains explicit information and potential information. Under certain conditions, the potential information can be transformed into explicit information and become something that will actually happen.

Heaven's secret technique is not omnipotent, so when do you need divination and prediction?

There is a principle of handling that is "do not take any action" and "do not ask unexpectedly", emphasizing external response, because external response is a symptom, that is, the so-called "scheming" and "on a whim."

Having talked here tonight, Yi Liunian temporarily asked for a test. This is the external response, allowing them to "see" the upcoming scene with the help of the four sons of Heaven.

They have been contaminated with karmic cause and effect.

Secondly, the contact time is too short. It is hard to say whether Xiong Chengmao is a friend or an enemy, but at least the whereabouts of the three people they are looking for will fall on the head of the Geyuehui. Help yourself.

In the end, staying out of things is also a choice, but with their current practice skills and concentration, if they want to sit idly by, watch the fire from the side, and watch with cold eyes, everyone can't help it.

As for whether their intervention will change the direction of things that have not happened yet, this is not within their consideration.

In the line of heavenly secret mathematics, this issue is also a long-debated but unconfirmed issue. Perhaps it has to bear the consequences of leaks and changes to heavenly secrets. Perhaps, it is calculated and participated in. This is actually an organic component of the incident itself. part……

They immediately went to ask Meng Haopu upstairs for instructions. Elder Meng only said: "If you want to do it, do it. Double-faced Jiao and I will watch the enemy and plunder for you."

With this sentence, everyone immediately set out to form a branch of the Bengeyue Club.

The person is still halfway, and the predicted thing has already happened. Not far away, across a few streets, one can see the flames soaring into the sky and hear the killing.

Everyone quickened their pace and rushed out of the alley.

In the mist that hadn't dissipated, a large number of people in black gathered outside the entrance of the Geyue Hall. There were only a few scattered places in the fight. In a short period of time, the periphery had obviously been cleared at this moment. These people were on duty outside, guarding against the inside. People escaped.

With a bang, three people suddenly rose into the air from inside.

One of them is the old man beside Xiong Chengmao whom Hua Lanting has seen, and must be a powerful person to protect him personally, and the other two are strong men in sneak attacks.

The three of them are the initial cultivation bases of the Jade Lake Realm, and let them go in the air.

The three of them each took a corner, let go of the domain and collided.

A Dao domain with its own cultivation characteristics is initially formed above the reborn realm. The Dao domain is equipped with both offensive and defensive capabilities. It can resist the enemy from the outside or put it in to kill inside. The range and power are determined by the level of cultivation and the attributes of the cultivation method. , Which is equivalent to an array that can be carried around.

The three kinds of domains collided fiercely, and space distortions were seen from time to time in the air, some places quickly annihilated silently, and some places were accompanied by roars and cracks.

While Daoyu was attacking and defending, the three of them were not idle.

The guardian of Xiong Chengmao drives two flying swords to attack the enemy with his two-handed gestures and his mind.

One of his opponents was sitting in the air, empty-handed and no weapons, a pair of eyes turned, and wherever his gaze went, the vigor of the lift was comparable to that of one of the flying swords.

The other opponent rode on a monster that looked like a husky, and drove a mysterious iron heavy halberd to fight with another flying sword.

Hualanting and the others couldn’t see the difference between the three of them, but it was obvious that the old man with two swords was in the limelight. His left shoulder seemed to have been injured, and he could not turn flexibly. He fought hard with the strong one. A long sword can't be round and round, and the stubborn child will spit out red light to assist the owner, and the old man can only support it.

About to rush to the gate, three people suddenly rammed out of the gate, and the one in the middle was Xiong Chengmao.

At present, one person had a face like a heavy jujube, with a mighty demeanor. The head of the tiger in his hand was rolled with a single knife, and the light of the knife spread out several feet.

The man after the break looked very similar to him, tall and mighty, with his back flicking and retreating. In front of him was a small and exquisite dagger that did not match his body shape. It quickly rotated to form a half-human shield light. , Resisting the attack of the chasing soldiers.

Xiong Chengmao's actions were fine, but the shirt on his chest was torn apart, revealing the cracked breastplate inside, with scattered hair and blood in the corners of his mouth. It seemed that the color was still dazzling under the dark attack.

As soon as the three of them came out, many people immediately surrounded him. The red-faced old man's pace was blocked, his advancement speed slowed down, and his sword shrank, but he could no longer stop attacks from all directions.

"Go!" Lin Xian gave a startled cry, and started the "dragon battle formation".

When they came, everyone had already discussed it. The goal was to save people, not to defeat the enemy, and to flee as quickly as possible.

The dragon-shaped battle formation swayed and took shape quickly, with five claws landing on the ground and rushing forward quickly.

Twelve people jumped up, Hua Lanting opened the way with five thunders and light palms. On the left, Lin Xianxian’s Jin-backed flower-carved bow fired arrows one after another. "Ji Dao fleeting years", other people guarded on both sides.

Twelve people suddenly appeared, and the dragon-shaped battle formation roared like a heavy chariot galloping, opening a gap in the encircling circle.

Hua Lanting shouted: "It's me, come up!"

The dragon-shaped battle formation inserted, a sharp stop and tail swing, and a beautiful head swing. While the dragon tail swept over a bunch of people, it met the three bearers and became cats, and then accelerated and fled outward.

The masters among the men in black joined forces to intercept, the dragon's tail was forcibly scattered, and it seemed that it was about to fall into a heavy siege.

Seeing the reinforcements, Xiong Chengmao was energetic, tore off the broken and useless breastplate, cursed in his mouth, and raised his hands. He threw out all the dark objects and scattered them on the ground and in the air. Make a slice and call:

"Tu Gang, Tu Qiang, Xu Mi Giant Spirit Palm! Squeeze it for me!"

Two red-faced elders in the Profound Bead realm held hands in all directions and leaned forward. The two unexpectedly overlapped together, and as their figures faded, a giant cattail fan with a size of several feet was formed.

The giant Xu Mi’s spiritual palm protruded, covering a large area behind, he clenched his fist, his palm was violent, and many dark objects were also detonated. As the dragon-shaped battle formation accelerated to escape, there was a sound of earth-shattering giants. Rang out.

Spiritual power was splashing, gold and iron mingled. I don't know what that thing was. The explosive and lethality were extremely strong. Except for a few masters who were embarrassed by the earthquake, the other people in black in the range were dead.

This area was cleared all at once.

When the people in black gathered their hands to pursue them again, it was too late. Hualanting and the others rushed directly out of the town.

They have been out of the town for more than a dozen miles, until they can't see the shadow of the chasing soldiers, and everyone stops.

The two elders named Tu Gangtuqiang used the magical technique of Xu Mi Ju's Spiritual Palm Void incarnation.

Xiong Chengmao is a big-hearted person. Once he is out of danger, his face disappears. After taking an elixir, he is energetic and he clasped his fists and thanked him:

"Brother, you guys came too in time. Guimen still has great power, otherwise the two old guys won't let me get out easily, even if we rely on the Xumi bombs, the three of us won't be able to get rid of it. Follow-up pursuit."

Hua Lanting smiled and joked: "You come here less, and you still owe the information of the three of us without accountability. I just want to use this self-written and self-acted trick to get rid of the golden cicada and want to be beautiful."

Xiong Chengmao laughed and said, "I'm doing errands, don't worry. The whereabouts are already in hand at night, but I'm waiting for further news."

"That Wanan didn't die. He left before the Shadowless Sect was destroyed. Someone had seen him. It is said that he and his companions are going to another place. The Master on the River and Lin Fengzhi also went to me. I've inquired. It's just that I will continue to track the whereabouts of the three of you so I can tell you tonight."

"But it's not done now, I will get the new report later."

Hua Lanting said solemnly: "What's the matter, Mr. Xiong, who has offended this person?"

Xiong Chengmao sank his face: "Huh, I can figure it out with my little toe. My family is unfortunate, and my brother has broken the wall. Ten percent is the masterpiece of my eldest brother Xiong Chengfeng."

"There are many brothers in the family. Only me and my eldest brother are valued by my father and are candidates for future succession to the position of patriarch. My eldest brother is sinister and sees me as a thorn in his eyes. Although I can bear it, I will not be able to tolerate him in the end. It’s not the first time. It’s just that I have clean hands and feet. I haven’t been able to grasp any strong evidence.”

"What are you going to do now?" Hua Lanting asked.

"Well, first go to Chenzhou, where is the nearest my site, and then make plans. Should we be together? That Wan'an is said to go to Chenzhou too, so I can complete the transaction with you."

The Vientiane Sect disciples are not indispensable to this.

After a short break, everyone set off again.

As soon as we left everyone suddenly heard a voice that seemed to be far away from talking: "Hehe, as expected by this seat, there are really people who have pierced in. It seems that there is a celestial warlock among them. ."

"How useful is the ability to play? I will be counted as a male, and the credit for taking the lives of the bears will be done by this seat."

Hearing the sound but not seeing anyone, this person can pass the sound so clearly from a distance, such as in the ear, with outstanding skills, at least as a profound bead, and he is also proficient in the power of heavenly prediction.

They had just reacted, and Lin Xian was shocked that several people already felt a misty and mighty force struck through the air.

Secretly attacked remotely!

This is to dismantle the celestial fighters here, and then control them to attack their own people.

He is cunning, his heart is terrible, and his energy is terrible!

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