The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 343: Love the cow

"Why?" Yi Liunian asked.

"If someone really wants to intercept me, it's nothing more than going straight to Chenzhou City, or blocking the road or the small road. I'm not sure if Taihe Jiao has put his eyes and ears inside or outside the city. I rushed from here to the road with a false shot. It's hope. The other party judges that it is unlikely that I will take the road, and the power of the arrangement will not be the strongest."

Xiong Chengmao is really not stupid, it makes sense.

It really made him guess.

As important figures in the Xiong family, Xiong Chengmao and Xiong Chengfeng were listed on the Taihe Sect’s kill list. They missed all the way to kill Xiong Chengfeng, and because Xiong Chengmao was attacked last night, he went to Chenzhou and sent The man who was going to kill him threw himself away.

Coincidentally, his elder brother Xiong Chengfeng's assassination on him saved him.

So part of the rudders in the Taihe Church redeployed, dispatched and increased manpower, and all the “five party patrol envoys” under the rudder master “Bafu Patrol Press” were dispatched. Xiong Chengfeng has been seriously injured. When the two sides have not yet started a full-scale war, it is better to break one of his fingers.

The original group of people chased over, and the other two drove over from other places, blocking the road and the small road.

It was a relatively weak team that was patrolling on the road.

They couldn't avoid Xiong Chengmao.

This route was guarded by Li Dai and Tao Jiang in the "Ten Temples of Yama" led by Liu Shuiyin, the Western patrol.

After the encounter between the two sides, Fang Bai went up into the air to face Liu Shuiyin, and Xiong Chengmao's four powerful Xuanzhu realms also started to fight Li Dai and Tao Jiang in midair.

Meng Haopu and the double-faced Jiao still followed behind and did not show up.

Fang Bai's injury was not so good, and Tu Gang and Tu Qiang had not fully recovered from the period of weakness after using the "Xumi Giant Spirit Palm". The two groups of men and horses formed a stalemate, and Liu Shuiyin's side still had the upper hand.

On the ground, Hua Lan Ting and the others protected Xiong Chengmao. Seeing that they couldn’t see it immediately, Lin Xian said in shock: “The other party can’t help your people. Their goal is you. Let’s move on. Don’t wait here. ."

Lin Xian was right. Seeing that the three of them couldn’t make a big contribution alone, Liu Shuiyin had already notified his comrades to rush over for reinforcements. It took a long time. When the other four five-party patrols arrived, Meng Haopu was there. It is also difficult to get out.

A group of thirteen people moved forward quickly.

Without going far, a familiar voice came from a distance: "Hahaha, I didn't expect it to be you, the enemy is on a narrow road. This time the old man will be ashamed."

This is Deng Ling's voice.

He was originally a casual repairer and was hired by Xiong Chengfeng to attack and kill Xiong Chengmao, but at the same time he was snatched by the rudder of the Taihe teaching center and became a guardian of the periphery. This time he was recruited by Liu Shuiyin to help stop the bear. The adult cat once again meets the disciple of the Vientiane Sect.

Last time I lost, I didn’t want to meet again so soon. Deng Ling was hiding in the air, thinking about killing two birds with one stone. Not only could he win the bear and become a cat and claim credit, but also he could not kill Lin Xianjing in the heavenly secret technique yesterday. Their shame.

Deng Ling knew that this group of people was protected by experts. While he was secretly guarding, he didn't say much, but he launched a celestial attack quickly and wanted to make a quick decision.

He wanted to make a single blow and cut the roots, and this time the shot was extremely fierce.

Lin Xian Jing's people reacted quickly and immediately formed a battle to fight back with the fusion of heavenly secrets.

Above their heads there was a violent pulsation of energy that was invisible to the naked eye.

Deng Ling's heavy blow was blocked by them.

It wasn't that the four of them had improved their celestial mystery fusion skills in this short period of time, but because of the addition of Hua Lanting and Yue Guanghan.

Yue Guanghan's big prophecy also belongs to the category of heavenly miracle art. Hua Lanting has combined Ziwei Doushu and Ziwei Xing Dou Guan Tianjue to form a "killing wolf" heavenly miracle star tactic.

The two of them did not reveal to Shao Feng and Shan Tianchong on the road, but they also listened to the basic principles and combination methods of the celestial fusion technology. The word Jue made a fusion blow.

Overlapping is an overlap. This blow brought out the essence of the six people's different Heavenly Secret Techniques of similar nature. After overlapping, their power multiplied and resisted Deng Ling's fierce attack.

Deng Ling was stunned.

These guys brought him surprises again, but unfortunately they were surprised and unhappy, and once again let him return without success.

Another blow?

Deng Ling was very cunning and cherished his life. Under normal circumstances, he would not charge into battle. He was accustomed to hiding in the dark and putting cold guns in the distance, focusing on his own safety.

He missed a hit, thinking of being forced to retreat with a cold snort by Meng Haopu last time, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​continuing the battle, and when he returned, he was about to turn away.

Half a step late.

Just as he was about to leave, a thick and scaly tail suddenly appeared in the void, and it swept over.

That is the dragon's tail of the dragon horse double-faced dragon.

The double-faced Jiao is fickle, and its ability to be invisible in the void is not inferior to Meng Haopu. It sneaks close, and a "dragon wagging tail" is drawn to Deng Ling's body.

Deng Ling gave a strange cry and fought a few times in the air.

After the double-faced Jiao appeared, he immediately joined a few battle groups of the Profound Pearl Realm, and defeated Li Dai and Tao Jiang in one fell swoop.

Meng Haopu also took action. He didn't care about the sneak attack. He took out his own weapon with one sword and one sword. The sword called the sword from north to south. The name of the sword was tens of thousands of swords out of thin air. Shui Yin pressed the opponent from the air to the ground.

Liu Shuiyin, Li Dai, and Tao Jiang were frightened and did not dare to chase them. Xiong Chengmao and others took the opportunity to rush forward.

When others arrived from Chenzhou and Xiaolu, it was too late to catch up. Xiong Chengmao and the others entered Dangyang City in the early hours of the morning.

After entering Dangyang, Xiong Chengmao was immediately escorted to Fancheng, the headquarters of the Songyue Club, after the Xiong family masters arrived one after another.

They did not follow Hualanting.

One is that Xiong Chengmao doesn’t need them to accompany them. The other is that they are waiting here for the Songyue Society to bring the Wanan they are looking for. The third is that they heard that there will be a Qimen Dunjia Daoshu exchange meeting in Dangyang City. Decided to stay by the way to see the excitement, and then decided to stop according to the follow-up news of Xiong Chengmao.

Dangyang is a small city, but there is a big gate in the city. It is long in Qimen's Dunjia Taoism, called Daguan Pavilion, whose appeal can organize such a large-scale event.

The disciples of the Vientiane Sect were meeting at the same time, and they all wanted to see the strange Taoism on the Houtu Continent.

The second day was the first day of the conference. After a lazy sleep, Hualanting and others walked out of the resident of the Songyue Meeting.

In addition to Daguan Pavilion, Dangyang Town is most famous for its pear trees.

At this time, the pear blossoms are in full bloom.

Pear blossom, ice body and jade muscle, condensing fat, charming and colorful, is the embodiment of innocence and tenderness.

The pear blossoms shake off the coldness, leave the green leaves, and bloom first, and dominate the branches, which are also a symbol of sturdiness. The poem says:

Su Dan Xiang Qing comes from the family,

Peach and plum are not allowed to occupy the years.

Hundreds of ordinary flowers compete for beauty,

Partially pick pears to whiten your cheeks.

At this moment in the city, the pear blossoms are all over the sky, and there are pink stamens flying in the sky.

White and pink, not the taste of the east wind, the glamorous lingering fragrance suddenly enters the clothes, and the flowers are blooming. Who knows-the heart is noble? !

There was a bustling crowd on the street.

The gate of Daguan Pavilion is on the outskirts of the mountain, and the venue of the conference is in a guild hall in the city. Vientiane gate disciples walked in with the flow of people.

Inside, monks with different clothes and colors gathered in groups. The first day was the warm-up time. Some people were listening to people teaching the Fa, and some were competing in the separate venues.

Going around, they stopped under a high platform. There was a fanboy preaching on it, and there were some people around, asking questions and debates from time to time.

Just listen to the son's words: "Qimen, Liuren, and Taiyi are known as the three great secret techniques."

"There are three thousand and six hundred magical methods of the strange magic, which are divided into large and small methods, and the large and small methods are divided into upper, middle and lower third classes."

"The commonly used types are body protection, primordial gathering, sorcery, mutual fighting, exorcism and separation, debt collection, yin altar charms, dispatching troops, emergency breakthrough, turning the world, and Liujia. Yin Talisman Method, Fu Hiding Form Method, Human Foot Fighting Method, Eliminating Diseases Method, Three Wonders Curse, Five Ghost Expelling Soul Method, and Five Ghost Searching Soul Method."

The disciples of the Vientiane Sect all knew something about Qimen Dunjia, but among the crowd, if they were proficient, it would be the Taishan Sect Daozi who rushed in a single day.

Maoshan Taoism and Qimen Dunjia are not strictly speaking the same type of Taoism, but they are inextricably linked.

After listening to the people on stage for a while, Shan Tian shook his head slightly, and said in a low voice: "It's not wrong, but it's rhetorical. It follows the ancient methods and has no original ideas."

Maotai Daoshu emphasizes innovation, so although Shan Tian Chong said something big, he is also qualified to comment on Qimen Dunjia.

His voice was so low that the person on the stage didn’t hear it, but the person who looked like a jade-faced boy next to him stopped doing it and retorted, “This brother, the boy on the stage is me. My friend, he comes from an aristocratic family, and his cultivation may not be able to enter the Taoist practitioner's vision, but his family learning origins, this knowledge will never be so unbearable."

Shan Tian rushed back and said: "Qimen Dunjia Xiangyi unites, star gods are the same, gossip fixes traces, mellows the middle palace, one connects to the nine palaces, and becomes inseparable from the sect."

"The elephant is an elephant, and righteousness is righteousness. Every palace in Qimen Dunjia is intertwined with the combination of four kinds of image and righteousness of heaven, earth, man and god.

"Although the world has its own advantages, such as the Eight Diagrams of Zhouyi based on Yin and Yang, Fengshui is based on topography, Liuren and Four Pillars are based on Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, and plum blossoms and other easy numbers are based on pictograms, but there is a relationship between everything. The point of intersection of communication and harmony."

"Just pay attention to Qimen Dunjia, inherit the old and conservative without knowing that by analogy, the road to Qimen will only get narrower and narrower."

At this time, the attention of the spectators and the people on the stage has been attracted. After the fan-faced Master Lu and Shan Tianchong argued for a few words, they became a little bit frustrated. The jade-faced master under the stage looked gentle. The Lord Lu on the stage was much more angry than he, got up and drank:

"The successful method handed down from the ancestors has gone through thousands of trials. It is not easy for me to wait for my younger generations to try their best to practice the meeting. Where are you so sacred that you have been practicing for a few years? How dare you to speak so boldly and dare to make changes? !"

A single day rushing to the Taishan Sect's one-acre three-point land is also a character walking sideways, and he will not be ashamed of a disagreement, but the other party rushes over, and he is not willing to suffer a loss in words.

The current emergency student wisely said: "Yes, Niu plays the piano!"

It wasn't enough to finish, so I caught Lu Gongzi's local dialect accent and added a sentence:

"With each other, I also feel that this conversation with my dear friend is a waste of words, and love the cow!"

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