The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 344: Smallpox

These two sentences "Niu play the piano" and "Love the cow" can irritate Master Hou. He jumped off the high platform slammed, and separated the audience in front of him and approached: "Who are you? Where is the crop field? The single head garlic that popped up, find the fault, do you want to pinch a stand!"

This Prince Hou is not much older than Hua Lan Ting, and he heard the words in a single day and did not show weakness: "The lanugo has not faded, and the smell of **** has not dried. Who are you? You care who I am, I care who you are and who is the little one. After reading a few introductory textbooks, I ranted a lot here to mislead my children, and Qi Men Dunjia was destroyed in the hands of your conservative swindlers."

Master Hou was furious: "You are a liar! Your whole family is a liar!"

He turned to the jade face son next to him: "Brother, this group of outsiders insulted me when Yangcheng Qimen is a liar, what do you think?"

The Young Master Yumian hadn't answered yet, there was a coquettish scolding from outside: "What else? Bian them! The second sister will support you to vent your anger!"

The sound followed, and I saw a woman with yellow hair pulling another woman in plain clothes, pulling apart the crowd of people eating melons and rushing in, while still saying: "Go out of the way, let sister see if it is. Does anyone dare to make trouble here the first day?"

At this time, the surrounding people gathered around, and everyone whispered: "Look at the excitement and offend the four sons of Dangyang. Let's see how they end up."

It turned out that the jade-faced son was named Jian Jie, the eldest grandson of the pavilion master of Daguan Pavilion in Lishan on the outskirts of Dangyang City. The yellow-haired woman was named Xue Tao, the plain-shirted woman was Feng Lian, and the Hou son was named Hou Dian. All three of them were attached to Daguan. A descendant of Dunjia Zongmen, the Qimen of the Pavilion.

The four people make good friends, the relationship is irreversible, relying on the power of the sect, there is no evil, but in this area, it is also a combination of arrogant and unreasonable people. People before people dare not say clearly, most of them are named Dangyang Four Sons.

After all, Jian Jie is more mature. This Qimen Dunjia meeting was convened by Daguan Pavilion. He didn't want to make a reputation for bullying outsiders on the first day, so he stopped Xue Tao, who jumped over and yelled. Tian Chong and others said:

"Everyone, this conference aims to promote the exchange of Qimen Dunjia Taoism. Since everyone has different opinions, it is better to find a place to talk behind closed doors, just to discuss and discuss it. It is a beautiful thing to want to come."

After Shan Tianchong solicited the opinions of Hua Lanting and Lin Xianjing, he agreed to Jian Jie's proposal, and everyone followed Jian Jie into a martial arts venue in the venue.

The door was closed, and the onlookers were muttering, guessing that this was going to close the door and hit the dog. According to the old style of Lishan, it is hard to say whether these dozens of people can come out in a healthy and healthy manner.

But this time they were the wrong person. Hou Dian and Xue Tao thought this way. Jian Jie was beaten by the elders of the family not long ago, so that he could restrain himself during the conference, and put the overall situation in mind, and don't offend the guests by doing nothing.

The two sides sat down, Jianjie first comforted and suppressed the three of Hou Dian, ordered the people to have tea, exchanged names, and said to Shan Tian, ​​"The listed Daoist friends are a guest from far away, this brother Shan Dao heard that I have a lot of knowledge about Qimen Dunjia. I think you are also experts. It's better to meet each other by chance. We should have a collision and work together to improve and promote."

Hua Lan Ting said on behalf of everyone: "The guest can do whatever the host is. Since Brother Jian Dao is the landlord, I will listen to it and respect it. I don't know how to collide?"

Jian Jie said: "Let’s go with courtesy first, then military, literary attack and military defense. Let’s chat for a while and listen to your high-level opinions. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to enhance exchanges?"

Seeing that Hua Lan Ting had no objection, Jian Jie said again: "But Daoist Shi Cai Shan said that we are liars, this is a bit too much, don't blame Hou Dian and the three people for not being able to suppress their anger, please explain one or two first. "

Seeing that Shan Tianchong was about to start to refute, Hua Lanting and Lin Xian were shocked to stop him. Although Jian Jie's words were hidden in the needles, they were good at talking, and there was no need to choke them up front.

Hua Lan Ting leaned up to the sky and played haha, used Tai Chi to push his hands off, avoiding the weight and taking care of him, and making mud. That is one of the four masters of the construction.

Hua Lanting first said: "The four of you don't know anything about it. At the time of our Shuxuan Xianzhou, the term liar has developed into a neutral term, which has almost the same meaning as a professional in a certain field. "

"There is a saying that the ancient scholars must have teachers. Teachers, preachers and karma solve puzzles. To apply it, a liar is roughly equivalent to a scholar."

Jian Jie almost squirted out a sip of tea, and opened his eyes wide and said: "Xiongtai, I read a little, don't lie to me. Today you don't explain clearly that a liar is equivalent to a professional. Don't blame this young man for turning his face and not acknowledging people."

Hua Lanting said: "In our secular world, people once reported to the government that there were too many scammers and asked the government for help. So the master organized a competition between scammers and scholars so that everyone could learn to distinguish. Liars and scholars."

"The topic of the first game is the origin of heaven and earth. The liar teamed up against our Daomen Power."

"The swindlers talked about Pangu opening up the world and Nuwa making people. Taoist true people said that life is two, two begets three, and three are all things."

"It turns out that the young Mengtongs can't distinguish between liars and real people. They are even more fascinated by myths and stories. Only talented people know that ancient legends mostly deceive children."

Lin Xianjing continued: "The second scene is about the origin of life. The liar talked a lot about reincarnation and the immortality of the soul. The experts and scholars invited tried their best to prove that we humans evolved from the apes in the cave."

"It turns out that the talents are more inclined to believe in the story of the six reincarnations, and they have been asking how the liar sees what their previous life is. Only the people at the scene care about the evidence that the monkey has become a human being."

Yi Liunian followed up and said: "In the third session, a liar and a Taoist discuss health and longevity respectively. It turns out that the common people, including Juren, can't resist the liar's flicker, and it is easy to believe that mung bean with wolfberry can cure all diseases. Only Gongsheng They were unmoved and became very interested in Taoist alchemy and qi refining techniques."

Zhuge Yun said: "The next episode is about character and temperament. As a result, Gong Sheng couldn't distinguish between liars and big scholars, especially young people and women. They were quickly confused by the theory of astrology and Mogu. It’s common for both left and right. Only Jinshi agrees to the idea of ​​Confucian cultivating self-cultivation, administering the country, and cultivating awe-inspiring spirit."

Hua Lanting continued: "The last official lords personally played against the liar, the result was quite funny."

"In the beginning, the little scammers were defeated because they were just amateur scammers, but the big masters were scam scammers and easily convinced the audience that the scammers were scammers."

"But later, when the number one liar was invited, the situation changed suddenly. The liar talked freely, cited the facts, and without fear, accused the officials of the liars as the liar, and successfully convinced everyone below. ."

"There is no reason for him. This big liar has already successfully transferred several times. He has been an official, and he has also become a university inquirer after his official appointment."

Speaking of this, Hua Lan Ting concluded: "You see, the situation is very complicated. Although it is easy to distinguish between liars and scholars in some fields, it is extremely difficult to distinguish between liars and scholars in some fields, and the more important fields are, the more difficult it is to distinguish."

"What's more terrible is that scammers have become scholars in the main field of attack by diligently learning professional skills in order to use falsehoods and realities, but many scholars can't resist all kinds of temptations and turn to deceptions."

"To sum up, it is no longer possible to effectively distinguish who is a liar and who is a scholar. Therefore, liars and specialist scholars can basically be used interchangeably."

The four people, including Jian Jie and others, were dumbfounded and dumbfounded in the face of this strange talk.

Xue Tao with yellow hair sighed in confusion: "God logic! But why don't I believe it so much?"

Hua Lanting replied with a certain face: "Everyone lie to me, I lie to everyone, everyone is a liar, this world is such a reality. Passing year, get out, try to give them an example."

"Go," Yi Liuian rushed forward, "Girl, listen to me."

"Old fathers and mothers will say: "Child, bring the New Year's money, I will keep it for you."

"The old master of the private school will say: kid, you tell me the truth, I will not tell your mother."

"The head will say: Hello everyone, this seat will take up your time for a while, just a few words."

"Xueba will say: Ma Dan, I didn't do well this time."

"Master will say: After you pass this level, relax as you want, no one cares about you."

"Madam will say: Here comes, it will be fine soon."

"Man will say: Brother, I really didn't make any money for you. I sell it at the purchase price."

"Friends will say: "It's okay if people come, look at you, what other presents do you bring. Go slowly, I will invite you to dinner another day."

After Yi Liunian retired, Hua Lanting said with a serious face: "Miss Xue, in fact, your women are the biggest liar. What women want to express is usually the opposite of what they say to her. Of course you are. I won't admit it, but it also fully shows that liar is not a derogatory term."

"Come on, brothers, go to the court to testify."

Lin Xian was surprised: "Oh, whatever you want. The meaning after interpretation is-why don't you listen to me! Why?"

Yi Liunian: "I'm sleepy, I'm going to sleep. The actual meaning is-if you dare to say goodbye, my old lady will blow it up to you."

Zhuge Yun: "Well then, I won't bother you. What I said in my heart is-let go of what you are come over and coax me, coax me until I am happy!"

Hua Lanting: "That's really good, go and play, remember to have fun. In fact, gritted your teeth and shouted-why don't you die!"

Lin Xianjing: "I never want to see you again. The original meaning after translation is-now, immediately, immediately, come and hug me."

Yi Liunian: "Go find her! The subtext is-if you dare to go, if there is something, you will try it, sister will let you try and die!"

Zhuge Yun: "It's okay, I'm fine, I'm fine. This sentence can be understood as-I have something! I have something! I have something! Important things are said three times!"

Jianjie, Xue Tao, Feng Lian, and Hou Dian were all dumbfounded.

Is this a serious nonsense in the legend?

So savagely, arguing, and saying so auspicious clouds and falling in the sky, why do I feel so reasonable that I can't refute it? !

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