The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 345: Then flicker

The four sons of Dangyang City had been limped by the four sons of the Construction Department and taken into the ditch.

Jian Jie rubbed his temples and said helplessly, "Well, you said that we are liars. This article has been exposed. Can you explain to us the innovative Qimen Escape Dao technique mentioned by Daoyou Shan? "

Shan Tian said coldly: "Want to do nothing? How can such good things happen. However, the principle of innovation can be briefly said to you, I am also thinking about the continued prosperity of the Qimen Dunjia line."

"The first is to cultivate the enterprising spirit and ability to be different."

"Regardless of whether what you know is popular or niche, you need to be better than others in a certain field and create value."

"Although some abilities have more useful and realistic effects than others, it is really hard to say which ability is the most valuable in the long run."

"The easiest way to gain a distinctive advantage is probably to combine two seemingly unrelated skills."

"For example, it is very difficult to be the strongest Taoist master, and it is also very difficult to be the best cook in the world, but it is still achievable to be a person who knows the magic arts and is skilled in cooking."

"You can try to use the Five Elements Taoism to adjust the temperature of the stir-fry, or learn the inspiration of the mixed use of Taoism attributes from the five flavors of different ingredients."

"The second article is to establish an effective way of thinking system. Including but not limited to the following."

"Simple thinking. Don't be obsessed with the surface complexity of things, find the shortest connection between basic laws and existing problems."

"Dialectical thinking. Look at things at least in two, weigh the pros and cons, make reasonable choices, leave room for it, and don't have to exhaust your energy."

"Thinking with the trend. In the general direction, follow the general trend, move with the trend, go with the time, and make sense."

"Reverse thinking. In terms of specific things, you can ask questions and think about the reasons from the opposite side of the opposite, and solve problems in a counter-conventional way."

"Horizontal thinking. Try to knead together a variety of seemingly unrelated elements, and forcibly establish connections, in order to obtain different creative ideas."

"Questioning thinking. In order to innovate, we must doubt the ideas of the predecessors. Only by asking questions can we find out the shortcomings and generate new ideas."

"Ethnic thinking. Put yourself in the other person's position, look at things from the other person's perspective, and then switch back."

"Change of track thinking. When a certain path encounters great obstacles and cannot reach the goal, timely derailment will become the key to breakthrough."

"Zhongxiang thinking. Acknowledge your own shortcomings, know how to take advantage of the power, and find ways to ask capable people to help."

"Contradictory thinking. Things are compatible and contradictory. Harmony is relative, contradictions are inevitable, and contradictions in reality must be acknowledged."

"Divergent thinking. Learn to break through conventions and stereotypes, break the restrictions and constraints of the old rules, and all creations and innovations are based on this."

"Quality thinking. Quantitative changes will cause qualitative changes. We don't ignore any small and weak points, and we must both grasp the phenomenon and the essence."

"Selective thinking. Comprehensive use of the above modes of thinking, too cautious and unable to make good judgments, and too extreme to cause blind judgments are both undesirable. This requires long and hard training."

"The third article. Well, that, the free entry is over, and if I want to listen again, the following is the paid tutoring."

Jian Jie was listening attentively, and the single day's charge came to an abrupt end, Xue Tao said in a spirited voice: "You, liar!"

"Hahaha", Hua Lanting said with a smile: "Brother Shan is well versed in the way of being an official. The court is very particular about doing things."

"Some things are just talked about. The slogans are shouted loudly, seemingly in fanfare, but in fact they won't be really done. They are just for people to hear."

"There are some things, cut it out first, and then tell it after you have done it. It is a fait accompli, and it's done. I'm sorry, what can you do with me?"

"There are still things that can only be done and can't be said. The secret jab is done first, but may never be said. When I ask, I don't know and I don't say it. You ask me who I ask. It's a trivial matter."

"There are other things, both to do and to say, and to make a big deal, for fear that others will not know."

"There are some things, just like now, say a little bit and do a little bit, do a little bit and say a little bit, and see the reaction and effect of everything, and then decide the next step."

"You can say that this is too smooth, but you don’t want to be in your position and you don’t know what you are doing. You don’t know how to be an official, doing business, and being a man. Everything depends on the situation, needs, and interests. Just do it."

"Brother Shan is already very interesting. The above are all dried goods drained of water. This is because your Qimen Dunjia and Maoshan Taoism are quite related."

"False!" Xue Tao said contemptuously.

"It's not hypocritical."

"The avenue is mellow on the whole, but inside is vastly different. There is no good or bad in the universe, there are only differences in energy, level, and realm."

"Although I have not refined the Qimen Dunjia, I also know that the Jiugong Bagua used by the Qimen Dunjia is a general summary of the predecessors' perfection of the universe as a whole. The combination and transformation of the energy of the Jiugong and Bamen fields produces the trend and trend of matter and energy. ."

"Scenes composed of three elements and six rites and nine stars, eight gates, eight gods, nine palaces, etc., are like paintings of landscapes. There are close and distant views, subject and object, different distances and levels, resulting in effects and influences. The force is also different."

"Just like the way of being an official as mentioned earlier, any person can only see a part of it. The more you can see, the more you understand that the combination of curve and straight can be more comprehensive and transparent."

"Specifically, communication is between two parties. There is no reason why we can pour beans out of the bamboo tube and take out the things we have worked so hard."

"I don't know much about Taishan School, but I think about it. Taishan School respects innovation so much and has achieved a lot of results, but it has not been too obvious in the world of cultivation. It should be their process of innovation. China has paid a heavy price, so that the top experts are sparse, and there is not enough support from the strong, so that Zongmen cannot reach the peak."

A single day rushed his hands: "The words of the Chinese Taoist friends are extremely true."

"Every new method requires exploration and experimentation. This involves changes in the acupuncture points of the human body and the way of exerting force and the route of exercise. A slight mistake will lead to confusion and cause the body to disappear."

"The formation of a new set of laws is based on a large number of human lives."

At this time, Feng Lian said: "It sounds better than singing. Of course, we won't force your exercises, but it's always okay after practice and discussion confirm it."

After Jianjie heard these words, she groaned secretly in her heart.

Feng Lian and the three hadn't traveled far. As a descendant of Daguan Pavilion, Jian Jie was taken by his grandfather who was the pavilion master to participate in activities on many occasions.

Hua Lanting and the others restrained their aura, and Jianjie's ability could not fully see everyone's true cultivation level, but they also generally felt that these Xianzhou Taoist cultivators, who were younger than him, were not ordinary people.

Moreover, the faces of everyone on the other side have always naturally brought out a nonchalant look.

From his experience, it can be seen that this is not a deliberate pretense, but the composure exuded by the strength and the confidence.

After listening to the other party's seemingly serious and non-serious talk, Jian Jie became more determined not to provoke the other party easily.

Feng Lian was directly called into the battle.

As soon as I thought of this, I heard Hou Dian jumping and shouting from behind: "The third sister is right. There are four fierce at the foot of Lishan, and the domineering hero is the majestic. The boss, Jie, give them a practical instruction class on our behalf."

Jian Jie really wanted to kick Hou Dian with a kick. What kind of younger brothers and sisters he took, shouting at the front, charging at the back, this thing in his mind is very good, but it is a pity that I forgot to bring it at home today.

Just about to bite the bullet and get up, Xue Tao on the other side darted out first: "Let sister come! Three days of no fighting, as if not taking a shower for seven days, who can bear it!"

Jian Jie breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the silly second sister was willing to stand in front. He raised his hand to call a Daguan Pavilion disciple, whispered a few words, and then the person left the venue.

The cultivation bases of Shan Tianchong and Xue Tao are not at the same level.

This is called the actual combat instruction class, or in other words, the demonstration and observation class.

Because Xue Tao couldn't even launch an attack, nor could he do any effective defense. He was performing a fancy performance in a single day.

Shan Tian Chong casually pinches the mantra, such as the thunder and great mighty curse, the Damulang curse, the Taiyi Sanshan Xiaomulang curse, the thirty-six thunder curse, the seventy-two Houdu curse, the big golden light curse , He controlled the power and threw it out continuously.

With Xue Tao's cultivation base, it shouldn't be powerless to fight back, but the problem is that her skill at holding the spell and pinching tactics is far worse than that in a single day.

Taoist mantras, some of which are Ming mantras, need to be read aloud, or they can be heard in a low voice so that others cannot hear them. Some are read silently, called heart mantras or secret mantras.

When chanting mantras, they often cooperate with pinch tactics.

The so-called pinch tactic is to match the heels, knuckles, fingers, nails, etc. of the fingers with the heavenly stems, the earthly branches, the five elements, the seven politics, the eight trigrams, and the twenty-eight constellations. According to the principle and relationship of the five elements, imitate a certain image. Make various gestures such as stretch, bend, pull, hook, and cross.

Both pinching and chanting require time.

Here, Xue Tao just gathered his hands and prepared to speak, and the single day was over on the other side, and the spell was bombarded immediately, so how to fight.

The spells are not easy to remember, or the syllables are not easy to connect, and need to have a good control of breath. Jue Fa is the same. It requires a high degree of control over the muscles and meridians.

The more the master, the shorter and smoother the time of pinching the mantra.

The real power of the strong is often a moment of thought, reaching the point where it is completed in one breath, matured to the extreme, rushed out, and arbitrarily connected. UU Reading

At higher levels, you can even become instinctive and do not need to use your brain. At the same time when your heart is moved, even before your heart is fully formed, a series of spells are formed.

Originally, Jian Jie still had the idea of ​​going off the court himself, using Daguan Pavilion's singular arts to compare with the unique style of escape. After seeing Shan Tianchong's fancy performance, he dismissed the idea and shouted: "Sister Tao, You are not Shan brother's opponent, come back."

"Who! I dare to bully me at the door of my house. There is no one at the door of Qimen Dunjia, my old lady, come!"

From outside the high exterior wall of the venue, a voice suddenly came.

A figure fell down immediately.

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